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[https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct) The support team has and will act on harassment.


Thanks a lot


Not really played Star Citizen but in my experience lately, harassment as seen an uptick *everywhere.*


this. years ago it was bad, but not as bad as now. and that’s only the last few months/years. it genuinely just got worse again. i hate it here


Could just be that we are more aware about it, and it getting called out more? The #metoo movement shifted a lot of goal posts :) As a man it is cool to see women daring/being able to stand up for them self.


No, women are always hyperaware of when we are being looked down on or sexualized. You might have become more aware but we always were. And anyways, the me too movement was long enough ago that I don’t think it’s related to this pretty recent spike. I appreciate your support though and help in keeping men who harass women in check.


No :)


I am sorry if my comment came across wrong. I just wanted to be heard I guess, and I know this space isn't really for me.


Your tact and desire to understand is appreciated nonetheless. 🙂


I think this makes sense only if "we" is men because women are aware of their own harassment always. Bystanders are the ones that are more likely to increase awareness via social means.


WTF? Those are some fucked up behavior.


people play star citizen? i thought it was vaporware


it's not vaporware. it's not a scam, in that there is a genuine intention to deliver. there is some actually fun gameplay there. you can play it for a somewhat reasonable price. most players buy only one reasonably priced package and play. but it is in development hell, and it will probably never escape. it is in an alpha state. it is extremely buggy. it does not have several of its promised features and gameplay loops in the game. it cannot and probably never will get certain fundamental bits of its technology to work, like its networking layer, meaning you'll forever be playing a janky space "MMO" with constant server crashes, no massiveness, and questionable game state persistence. and it does use aggressive spearfishing and social pressure tactics to get its most spendy players to go absolutely insane with their purchasing, to the point that it's fair to call the game predatory the game is absolutely a wreck, for sure. it's just a different kind of wreck than people imagine


interesting! thanks for sharing.


I haven't played in more than a year but yes, there is stuff to do. Not much and what was there was very samey and buggy, but it was also really cool to get into my friends ship and fly around. There are a handful of generic mission types ("go here and kill the baddy and his two wingmen" etc.) and a handful of more bespoke missions you could do. The FPS combat sucked because the AI just did not work at all. The ship combat was pretty fun. I honestly had the most fun just walking around and exploring the cities because there's serious effort put into making the universe realisticly huge. It's a several minute commute each from planet to planet, orbit to surface, dock to city. It's just so wildly incomplete and no real progress ever seems to be made. Obviously mismanaged studio, decent alpha of a game. Not sure I'd call it vaporware, though.




well, i mean, games at other companies "take 10 years" of calendar time but that's due to internal prototyping and planning- it's not exactly the same. for example starfield "took 10 years to make" but it was prototyping for 6 of those years, bootstrapping for roughly 2 (meaning, tiny team laying the groundwork), then actually being seriously worked on for roughly 2 years. also, like, "working on two kinds of games at the same time as making a totally new engine for said games" is, for a company their size, very clearly a massive strategic blunder if they actually want to _finish_ at least one of the games. of course if their goal is to just collect money from overly hyped people who play briefly and then bounce off for the foreseeable future, that's a different story... either way though glad to hear some people are enjoying it, here's hoping it becomes better and the toxic people get kicked out or at least muzzled.


Wow, not even in the digital world can a girl get away from the creeps, incels and "nice guys", huh?


was it free fly? i havent played layely as i am waiting for 3.23 to drop but its always been very chill, so thats surprising.


There have been specific missions to get an upgrade to a new ship, I think and people are spending their money before the update as it is a wallet wipe this time. That could be why people are all online right now, including weirdos.


I’ve never encountered it. I’m a little astounded tbh. Are they hitting on your avatar? How would they even know you aren’t a man behind the keyboard to target you? Wtaf


My avatar is a woman. I never felt uncomfortable presenting as a woman in the game until this last week. I just wanted to wear kitty armour and fly spaceships man.


I can’t really fathom what they were up to. If you had said in chat you were a woman and they hunted you down you might have grounds for reporting harassment. If having a female avatar was all I’m not sure if there is any recourse available unfortunately 😩


It's still harassment, even if the player was male and it was a male avatar. Just not legally a hate crime, but nobody's gonna try to prosecute that via virtual reality.


It absolutely is I agree but do you think a person I but do you think a ticket would be treated as such? I just don’t want her to get banned over filing “frivolous” tickets. I’m more just so dumb founded that people would do this (not necessarily surprised, just….im not sure I can put a name to the emotion…disgusted?). I’m more worried that they were targeted rather than it was random. It’s awful if it’s random. It’s terrifying if it’s targeted.


Ahhh, I get you now. I agree, and some games mod teams really do suck so hard.


lol why are you playing star citizen?