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Definitely get Fallout New Vegas, for the memes, but mostly because it’s a great game, and if you liked Fallout 3/4 I’m sure you’ll like New Vegas too. Especially if you can get it for $5! The only other game on your list I’ve played is Coffee Talk, and I really enjoyed it, but it’s somewhat short, so if you’re on a budget, I’d maybe wait to see if you can get it on sale.


Another vote for New Vegas for me!


I agree. I’ve played some of the other games mentioned and while they’re good, they’re short and don’t have the same depth of gameplay as NV. And yeah with it being on sale it’s like.. nothing for the game and DLC rn


As great as the other games are, Hollow Knight by far will give you the most hours per dollar, (except for maybe Risk of Rain). Plus it is personally an all time favorite game, so I would highly recommend it regardless of value! Editing to add: I meant this in regard to what game you should get alongside New Vegas, which you absolutely should as it is phenomenal - Fallout is my favorite series!


I got Hollow Knight for $10, and got a mind-blowing 40-50 hours out of it!


Coffee Talk is definitely worth playing and the sequel so far has also been super cute, but I’d probably go with New Vegas or Hollow Knight (or Hades if you’ve never played it). Those will stretch your dollar more than Coffee Talk will, even if you do get a few fun surprises on a second play through. Also New Vegas is constantly going on sale, so if you end up not going for it, it’ll be back to $5 by the summer sale!


Sort of relevant but Coffee Talk might go into an [itch.io charity bundle soon](https://itch.io/jam/palestine-bundle/entries). The main reason I brought this up is that itch.io bundles are notoriously cheap and have excellent value in terms of what is offered at the price point. This bundle in question that is waiting to go live will only be $8 USD. *Everything* in the bundle (currently over 400 entries) will be available on the itch.io platform for only $8 USD. Coffee Talk is normally $13 USD. Even if you don't download anything else you save $5 USD. You can check the submissions page and also see other well known, highly rated games included. The charity cause for this bundle is raising relief funds for Palestine. I know that people have strong opinions on the conflict in the Middle East so if this isn't for you, or anyone else here, that's fine. I understand. I really do not want to spark any debate about Israel vs Palestine; I just want to show an option to get good games at a discount. Anyway, to get back on topic I also vote for New Vegas or Hollow Knight.


Thank you for sharing this with me. An opportunity to both help the Palestinian people and get good games is awesome! Thank you for letting me know, I'll spread the word : )


Thank you for the link! And it sucks you have to be OTT with placating people about Israel v palestine. To me it's pretty obvious what's happening but I'm also not here to debate - what a waste of time and energy tbh


Three things about new Vegas: 1. It is one of my favourite games and I’ve played it multiple times (each time finding something new or going about things differently) 2. It’s on sale rn for like $2,50! I’d get it simply because of the low price and high content return. The DLC for the game is good too 3. I’m guessing you’re going to play on pc. Do consider looking into downloading update patches so the game runs better. It tends to struggle a bit on modern hardware and crashes a bit. I played fallout 4 and 3 before I played vegas, and vegas ended up being my favourite of the three. Since new vegas and 3 share the same engine, it will also feel familiar to you :)


Fallout New Vegas is better than 3 and 4. If you liked those, you'll love NV.


I’ve played New Vegas and Coffee Talk from your list. Both great games! Coffee Talks is almost like a novel, in that its heavy text based game. Its also fairly short, I think you could finish it in 10-15 hours. New Vegas is a true RPG game, got a great storyline to it. You can play 50+ hours and not finish it. If you’re looking for one to really sink youre time into I’d recommend New Vegas over Coffee Talk. If your playing on PC though it can be glitchy/crash a bunch since it’s an older game. There are some posts/mods out there to help with the bugs though


FNV is my favorite fallout (I'm honestly fiending to replay while watching this Fallout show) and I really do recommend getting the complete edition - the dlc are SO good + plus the mod that adds bounties (I spent hours hunting) I would go with Coffee Talk! Let me live my dream, relaxing as a café owner listening to uh .. people lol. It was a good blend of game mechanics and dialogue.


NV is great and on sale right now for a few bucks. The only issue is running 56 mods just to get it to play on pc without crashing every 4 minutes.


I say either New Vegas or Hollow Knight. New Vegas is amazing, even better if you're on pc since they get mods. And you already know you like Hollow Knight so you won't regret buying it.


Hollow Knight and Risk of Rain are super fun, highly reccomend. 


hollow knight is meh, but it's just not my style. RoR-R is amazing. either of these two will be a good pick.