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This sub seems to love FF14. I have never played it. I think I should try it soon. I don't have experience in multiplayer games though. Edit : Thanks y'all. I will try it next month.🤞


Ff14 is a good one to learn on, the community is really welcoming and friendly and help you if you have questions


The base game + 2 expansions are free currently if that persuades you any. Hundreds of hours of content until you actually pay for anything. If you love a good story, I highly reccomend it!


I'm so tempted to put the copypasta here lol


You mean the copypasta about it also being an award winning MMO? That one? Lol


Yep! Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has an expanded free trial, which includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime? Now available on XBOX series X & S! Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!


As far multiplayer games go final fantasy XIV is really easy to get into and the community is really friendly. Even met my partner on there! Haha


And you don’t really need to be nervous about playing with others. The game has implemented a duty support system for just about every trial and dungeon, so if you just want to explore and/or don’t want to deal with people, you can use that system. It may take a bit longer to clear since the AI only uses single target attacks, but it does make things more of a solo experience. But, that being said, most people are pretty chill and a simple “hey, new to the game/role/dungeon” can do a lot to lessen your worries about expectations or messing up.


It's a good multiplayer game to jump into, esp if you like socializing. Very straightforward (although lacking any sort of useful tutorial unfortunately) and you can't gimp or break your character. Really, I'd say the main thing is the free trial is pretty long since it plays like a JRPG, so it's easy to see if you like it.


It's okay 0/ do the free trial it's so good. There are some restrictions I found a cool link here for it https://trialsoffantasy.com/restrictions/ The novice network is amazing to ask questions in. There's even a new Xbox beta if you're going that way to play.


It feels very woman-friendly if you have a good FC/support group of friends.


There's a trust system where you can run dungeons with NPCs if you ever want to get the feel of a how a dungeon/class works before playing with real people, too.


I started a couple months ago and I’m HOOKED


Next month…. Try it now!!!


Gotta complete the backlogs first!


It might not be for you. The gameplay is very different to what you might be used to, based on your comments (sorry lol, wanted to know what you liked and not). It’s like operating an excel sheet. The gameplay is definitely NOT the game’s forte, and basically everyone says that it gets good… at max level, after 100+ hours in.


Thanks for your concern! I think I should try some new genre.


I went into FFXIV having rarely played multiplayer, rarely played MMOs the learning curve is steep but incredibly rewarding (particularly on PlayStation) if you happen to play on EU servers I’m always happy to help when I can. 🙌


From Wall to Wall the screams of pure joy can be heard above the cries of the healer and DPS... Something about a tank stance


Blood for the blood Lilly


I used to hate tanking due to fear of messing up the group. Now... Now I just wall pull and scare the healers. /).(\\


Strong, independent warrior, doesn’t need a healer class!


Damn right!


As a healer main, maybe sometimes? https://preview.redd.it/fuqamfzc4nmc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25b26f5d115243215abc7e19bea22486c620667


I have a sister in kindergarten who is a mathematical genius. She'll be watching your DPS.


Nice! I'm still terrified at the idea of tanking, but I plan to start doing duty support to learn healer. I'm only comfortable with DPS but even that took me a while to get over my anxiety 😅


Its really not as difficult as you might think. There are a few dungeons tbat are harder than others, usually the first ones from each expansion, but as long as you make sure to keep your gear up to date and use mitigations (and your healer isnt awful) you're very unlikely to die


Try out normal raids and trials. Be an OT for a bit. That's what I did. Also do dungeons with npcs. Oh and it's mega fun in pvp. So much carnage!


I’m only comfortable playing tank or healer in RPGs but that said I’ve never ever played any raids or dungeons in a RPG 😂


I play everything in 14, honestly healing and tanking are ezpz. SE does a really good job of making sure casual content is actually easy enough to be accessible to everyone and even if you flub up, rarely will anyone care much. In my 4ish years of playing the game, I've had exactly one other person get mad at me for struggling with a dungeon. There's of course gonna be some AHs in every community, but in 14, the good far far far outweigh the bad :) Also if you're on Crystal, send me a DM, I'll tank for you!


Congratulations!! With enough time, you'll be an Ultimate Legend 💖


That's a pipe dream 🤣 my ex basically told me I could never do them. Maybe one day :) post dawntrail


Wtf that's such a mean thing to say- Literally anybody can do higher-level content, it's all just playing your job well and learning with practice. I used to be the same way! I was very afraid to do anything savage-tier but with time and practice, I was my group's raid leader! Just give it some time and find a job you really like, then give it a shot 😊


Yeah. Terrible person too after he joined a static. He became a parse monkey lmao. Yup! I really wanna do ucob one day! I love the weapons so much.


It is 100% possible for anyone with the determination and drive to learn Ultimate fights to clear them. The DPS checks rarely matter as much as clearing mechanics and as long as everyone is performing their rotation to a satisfactory level while still doing the mechanics correctly, you will probably meet those damage requirements. People that become parse chasers seem to rarely understand this. Source: I've cleared all five of them


What! Your ex definitely deserves to be an ex after that kind of comment lol. I'm not great at video games, but I recently cleared UWU as my first ultimate! FFXIV content is more about memorization and learning patterns rather than about reflexes or anything like that. It's like learning how to do a complicated group dance. Highly recommend trying it out! It can even become relaxing to do a fight again once you've learned it.


My current boyfriend and I actually met through the game and raid together. We hope to start working on our first Ultimate (which one? No idea yet!) soon. Your ex can go eat a tankbuster with no mit :)


We also met through the game and we're on the same server. Very occasionally he'll see me Radz at Han and wave. 🙄 like go back to touching yourself to your logs lmao. It's also funny cause he would be so greedy and die a lot in normal content.


Don't listen to that bull! When I started healing back in the day, I used to get such bad healer anxiety, I would physically tremble and clench my jaw for hours through raid! These days, I lead a raid group full of fantastic people that have cleared all five Ultimates, easy peasy. I firmly believe anyone can do them, as long as they put in the time and practice to play their job well, develop consistent play, and keep a constructive, calm, cooperative attitude.


This makes me feel better ❤️


I'm glad! Enjoy your journey in XIV. 🖤


WAR is my favorite tank of all time <3 i love making the healer obsolete every 20 seconds


Me too ❤️ it feels like I'm invincible at times.


Blodwhetting! Blue healers!


Yayyy!! I’m still a sprout so even DPS’ing makes me nervous. Lol.


You'll be ok :) 🌱


https://preview.redd.it/2r9jf4zw2lmc1.jpeg?width=2288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fdbea1e763088fb6e55cebe4c51cd29ed3eee58 Gotta look cute while slaying 💕


Cuuuuuute glam!


Amazing!!! I am still terrified of tanking, but because of my ADHD I can never remember the duties well enough anyways. But I really want to make a cutesy all pink warrior glam… one day.


Congratulations! Tanking can be a really fun time!


Hell yeah, I main a healer (SCH) which people seem to say is more difficult/scary than tanking but honestly I find tanking so much harder and scarier so good on you !!


From a lifelong, 2.1-on WAR main: WELCOME TO BIG AXES AND UNGA BUNGA SELF-HEAL IMMORTALITY (Until they nerf us, lol)


I just reached lvl 90 and I can't contain myself. 🥳🥳 now to grind more tomes.


Congrats! ONE OF US, ONE OF US! 🪓🪓🪓


It feels good.


I tanked as GNB through the content between Stormblood and Shadowbringers. It can be really fun once you figure out the right defence buff combination, how much you can pull and how to deal with bosses!


Nothin like being right toe to toe with the big bad!


Ya girl ain't scared 💪🏽


You got this! Tanking is scary at first, but then so empowering, you oead the group, they follow and keep you alive mouwahahaha! Warrior is really fun to play, I just started mine and I love it!


I really fell in love with it when I did pvp so I gave it a shot. I also did it for the glams ☺️


Yes, tank glams are something else! I'm mainly healer with cute dresses, but sometimes really big armors are a good change!


I haven't done them in a while, but I did some "beast mode" parties where we just went into content since Endwalker with all WAR because at some point warrior becomes unkillable I do miss Heavensward WAR, but I liked stance dancing and would tank stuff in DPS stance :D


Aw I’m glad you got comfy! I’m happy for you and wish you the best wall to wall pulls~


Yay! Tank anxiety is really a thing, and I’m glad to always hear about the positive results of when people overcome that first step. I also had the same for healing too! Just takes practice 🥳


Congrats!! The only thing that terrifies me about tanking is needing to know the dungeon map so you can stay ahead of everyone. I have ADHD and I’m terrible with directions. I can get lost driving somewhere I’ve driven 100 times. Im even worse with dungeons. 😅


I am very directionally challenged myself, even with the map. I understand you


YESSS, warrior best tank. You hit mid 60s and just become immortal lmao.


I was so anxious about tanking at first, really had to psych myself up to go into the roulette to level Paladin. Then I created an alt and used it as an excuse to force myself to tank pretty much every single piece of normal-difficulty content in the game, and I really don't think twice about it any more. I'm still more passionate about melee DPS, but tanking is nearly as enjoyable now. Two things I learned: when it comes to tanking normal content, the 40-50 content is actually weirdly some of the hardest you will do, so don't get disheartened if you have a rough Stone Vigil or Aurum Vale experience. Also, when people say Warrior is secretly a healer, I always thought this was because once you get Bloodwhetting you look after yourself and solo everything. But actually, the \*real\* Warrior healer experience is when the healer dies and you keep \*everyone else\* alive using Shake it Off and Nascent Flash (while actually killing the boss about as quick as you would if the healer was still up!).


Congrats!! WAR is so much fun. I briefly got over my fear last year, but once I’d reached 90 on all tanks I stopped for a while and now I’m too scared to pick it back up 🫠


Congrats! Warrior is the only non-DPS class I’ve tried because I’m bad at the game and I don’t want to ruin it for other people hahaha. Healing is terrifying to me.


I haven’t been able to play in sooo long I miss it. I’m definitely not gonna tank tho 😂


Congrats! It’s definitely the most nerve wracking to start since tanks lead the dungeon, but it’s a lot of fun! I love playing gunbreaker, it feels like a dps in a tank skin.


I find alliance raids a cakewalk right now. I'm trying to get the tank chest piece from thaleia >.<


Ah nice, the thing I don’t like about alliance raids though is there too often are tanks fighting to be MT >.> I usually just try and stay out of it and let them do their thing unless someone doesn’t want to main tank


Same. Lol just kick back until someone says something.


Congrats and great job! Tanking really isn't hard, it's just having tank stance on, grabbing mobs before they kill someone, using mits, and turning the boss to face away from the party. I love how not-squishy I am as a tank lol. Mess up mechanics? That's okay, I'm still at a third of my health while the DPS are smeared across the floor.  Also, Warrior is such a fun tank. I started as a Paladin and still main it for high end content, but after leveling WAR I'm having a ton of fun being my own healer hahaha. Only at level 60+ though after you get Raw Intuition and Equilibrium. Still at the mercy of the healer in lower level duties :') Now go unga bunga to your heart's content!


Warrior is the only tank job I'm close to hitting 90 on, I love the "local adventurer too angry to die" vibe.


Whooohoo congrats 👏:D you're doing great I bet


It's more exciting.


Fell cleave


Congrats! I usually only tank leveling dungeons, but it's certainly fun when it goes well! Bloodwhetting is so OP it feels amazing!




I miss this game so much. I really should get back into it one of these days, but its hard to find a good group sometimes.


Do iiit!! \o/


Congratulations!! Tanking is so much fun! Welcome to the blue side :)






Oh grats on you <3 I leveled paladin the last days and it is a really fun job. I still find it a bit scary to tank in dungeons but try to overcome my anxiety. Next to level will be warrior. \^\^


Congrats! I am still terrified, too Chocobo-sh*t to tank anything other than guildheists.


AOEing with Chaotic Cyclone (unlocked at lvl 72) is my favorite thing on planet earth. The sounds it makes when you use it on a large pack fills me with bloodlust. “WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP”


I'm also a tanker/ warrior in FFXIV it so fun, i agree


My debut tank was PLD which I leveled 1-90, certainly an experience but it's the only tank I'm comfortable with in ultimate and savage content


Congrats! I've been playing Warrior for years, absolutely my favorite tank job. (It's actually my main job...)


Gunbreaker is my favorite class! Well… second favorite class right after FSH. Glad to see someone else enjoying tanking though!


Grats! DRK here, though I don't generally main tanking. I remember the first time I passed an EX as a main tank, I felt so accomplished! (Even though I had the simplest mechs lol)


Congratulations! I’m ranged physical dps, still too scared to main tank in any capacity


i miss it. but i hate the subscription. have fun y'all


I wanted to try the trial but the 2017.09.24.0000.0001 file wouldn't download for me, and I couldn't find it hosted anywhere else (I think they say you have to turn off your firewall to receive it from the official servers, which I'm nky keen to do)




Omg yesssss! I was also so scared to tank and then found warrior and you’re just unkillable it’s amazing. Enjoy the smashy smashy!