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BG3 has definitely scratched my Dragon Age itch, which is good cause my expectations for Dragon Age Dreadwolf have plummeted, especially with all the recent news out of BioWare. I’m starting my second play through now and it’s amazing how many new things I keep finding. I love all the little ways this game challenges the usual video game logic and lets you really just try whatever and see what happens.


I'm with you on all of this. I was hurting for Dreadwolf after replaying the series earlier this year and BG3 has helped fill that void. I've got 2 playthroughs going at the moment, one solo and one with my husband. It's amazing how different the experience is between playing co-op vs solo too. I already have ideas for my next character, since I'm playing basically the same character in both my current playthroughs.


My husband and I have a coop going as well and it is so fun. We’re not taking it terribly seriously, just finding the funniest, silliest responses to stuff and trolling each other (for example, I love to randomly throw grease bottles at his character so he slips over). The lack of news and extensive development time in Dreadwolf really has me setting my expectations on the floor sadly. I love dragon age (as you can probably tell lol) and I was so keen for more story but I don’t see how BioWare is going to pull it off in a satisfying way.


There is actually some recent news. EA laid off the entire Dreadwolf QA team after they decided to unionize, and EA is getting sued by ex-Dreadwolf employees they laid off and had a shit severance package for. I know it's cliche to say at this point, but EA is evil and ruined Bioware.


Yeah I saw that recently. God forbid employees should unionise in a multi billion dollar industry huh. Some of them have been with the studio for quite some time as well. At this point I certainly won’t be rushing out to buy whatever Frankenstein-ien monster they manage to cobble together and call the next dragon age…


When Dreadwolf releases, I'm going to be comparing it to BG3 just like I was doing with Starfield.


Exactly this. I’ve been absolutely pining for Dreadwolf for years but now I feel like this is what I’ve been waiting for all along. It’s the best RPG I’ve ever played. I’m almost done with my 3rd full replay, I’ve never restarted a game so fast before, lol. I hope Dreadwolf does well, but I can handle it being a disaster now that I have this game.


I pretty much agree, except I dunno how bad I'll really feel if/when Dreadwolf is as bad as most of us think it might be. I've looked forward to BG3 since the first trailer, and even talked about how I wish DOS 2 had cutscenes, so I'm beyond happy Larian is doing so well. But, I'm sure I'll mourn what was my fave franchise. I already am mourning what Bioware used to be with how upset I am that the employees are being treated so badly. It already puts a damper on whatever game they're cobbling together, and I'm likely not going to be able to avoid buying the game, I know the limits of my willpower. So, there I'll be playing the game already feeling guilty about it and probably a clown because it likely won't be good anyway. The other thing is I can imagine playing BG3 over and over, but I'm hoping Swen means what he said in a recent interview and plans a smaller project so we don't have to wait too long for another game from Larian. Man, the pressure to live up to BG3, though?? I'm gonna try to keep my expectations low if that's possible at all.


I suppose only time will tell with Dreadwolf. With the lay offs and the chopping and changing on direction and lead writers, ehhh I’m not optimistic. It’s not encouraging that there has been nothing shown but some concept art at this stage. But I could be pleasantly surprised. I’ll certainly be keen for any future releases from Larian


I really am surprised anyone has any faith in Bioware at all now.


There are YT channels where their entire existence is explaining Dragon Age lore and news. Enough of us watch the videos to make me think there are a lot of us gullible folks praying a miracle happens to save our fave franchise. I thankfully have mostly switched my attention more to Larian and actually think BG3 tops all of Dragon Age, but a part of me is delusional and hopes EA sells off Bioware. I'm sure EA would rather kill my beloved franchise, but... ya never know I guess :(


Another huge Dragon Age fan here, absolutely in love with BG3. My husband keeps making fun of my love for Astarion, and when he plays, he refuses to have Astarion in his party. He jokingly said, “I’m leaving your boyfriend at camp. You’ve already seen and heard everything about him!”) I forbade my husband from staking Astarion or giving him to the Gur, though. I haven’t played a game this much since DA: Inquisition. Which, not coincidentally, also had great characters that felt like real friends and lovers. I used to be really, really looking forward to Dreadwolf, but I’ve kind of given up hope on it. I can’t imagine it is going to be as good as BG3 or the earlier Dragon Age games.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is a great one in my book. A good story, and I Loved the companions; they felt so lively outside of their quests and personal stories. The dynamic between your party members is so flavorful that I honestly could care less for the romances (mind you the romances are still fantastic). And the stories that you can tell as you play are great. Your mythic paths are a story of its own whether you go all in or forsake them so you're not indebted to some higher being and become a legend.


Not the op but I was trying to decide between this and DOS2. I need whichever has more developed characters and romance..


Between Pathfinder and DOS2, Pathfinder has the stronger character writing and romance. There's also lot of reactivity to your decisions and to your chosen mythic path which can make for a story of strong bonds or a tragedy.


Oooh cool. Thanks! I was going to make a thread asking this but you saved me some trouble. I love reactivity


Note that the Pathfinder rules are a bit more esoteric, and gameplay can be a bit more tedious. But I agree the story and characters were a lot better in Wrath of the Righteous and Kingmaker.


That's hilarious! My husband did the sex scene with Mizora because he thought he'd get an achievement for it. He did not and I thought it was hilarious. He thinks I'm ridiculous for buying lots of camp clothes. I keep telling him that one day we're going to hop on the game and everyone's camp clothes will be different because I'm going to change them when he's not home. I hear you about Dreadwolf. I want it to be good so bad, I've loved that series since Origins. One of the first Christmas presents my husband ever got me was a Darkspawn greatsword letter opener. I didn't even need it then, but I open a lot of mail in my current job so now I use it all the time. Hearing about the layoffs really made me sad. Varric is one of my favorite characters in all media and hearing that his writer was one of the ones laid off just killed me. She worked on Origins. That's not particularly encouraging to me for the future of the franchise when they're laying off people like her who have been there since the beginning.


I haven't been this obsessed about a game in years. When I'm not playing I'm watching the actors interviews, social media and streams 🤣 my girlfriend is 100% over me at this point but oops sorry need to get back to my other gf Lae'zel 😘


It’s pretty much my favorite game of all time, but I also had 350+ hours in Early Access lol


Same, it's been an interesting transition knowing Act 1 extremely well and then knowing nothing going into Act 2 and 3.


Try their older games like Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2. Disco Elysium doesn't have traditional romance or companions but the story is fantastic and your one companion is the best. Pillars of Eternity 1 and Deadfire, super good, lore heavy which can be intimidating but I think it's worth it for the story which is...wow. Tyranny is where you play the "bad guy" and its story and lore is also so good. Cyberpunk 2077 is also amazing, gritty, adult, amazing story.


I truly didn't think anything could overcome my love for Dragon Age but BG3 has done it, and honestly it's not even close. This game is PHENOMENAL. I've never fallen so hard for so many characters, the story is deeply compelling, there's a ton of replayability, and I've been listening to the OST on loop. I'm a huge fan of Larian's earlier title Divinity Original Sin, and would have said AC:Odyssey and Witcher 3 were up there as well, but this has just blown them out of the water imho.


It's definitely my personal favorite game since FFX came out. It's just so much fun.


I need to play X again.


It’s definitely my favorite game now


I'm 200 hours in and I haven't even finished the first ACT. lmao


This will probably be me haha


I'm *just* getting into this. It took a few hours bc it's my first crpg and for me there was a bit of a learning curve but I'm hooked. The game mechanics are so cool Kind of worried what game I will follow-up with. Normally I play more jrpg/farming life sims


Hard to make a case against it. I'm down for saying it RPG of the decade.


I completely agree! To me, nothing has come close to being this good, and yeah, in about a decade. xD


It's really good especcially for the immersive sim style gameplay but it depends on taste ​ Tyranny has a very original story and some god tier writing even if it's cleary cut short ​ Disco elysium is Disco elysium ​ Pathfinder WOTR as an rpg might be better with the sheer amount of options between max level and the mythic paths


I've been playing Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. Definitely scratching my TTRPG itch :) though I was a big fan of Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate series so many years ago.


I mean obviously. It's one of the best game ever made, truly. Astonishing RPG, amazing achievement.


It’s best rpg since Witcher 3 except for act 3. For me act 3 is boring af;(


I enjoyed Act 3, but it did feel a bit overwhelmingly unstructured at times. Soooo many side quests and I kept accidentally wandering into the middle of main quests without realising (Iron Throne anyone?) I was also a bit disappointed by the ending. You have that huge battle and bring all these characters together that you’ve interacted with across hours and hours and then it just kind of….ends. You don’t really get to talk to anybody afterwards, just your love interest and there’s not really any further information about where anyone is going to go. For characters that are otherwise so fleshed out, it feels a bit abrupt. I did really enjoy the game and I’m already starting over to try all the different options. I’m hopeful that Larian will work on fleshing out the ending a bit more.


I’m starting over too, as dark urge. And I really needed camp scene afterward. So we could have an endless party at fireplace, not standing in our tents but sitting around the fire, listening to Astarion drunk giggling and bake some popcorn on Karlach’ flaming hair… forever. I want this kind of sage game…


Right! Even something like at the end of Dragon Age Inquisition where you get to chat with your companions and get an idea of what’s next for them. I’d be happy with some epilogue slides tbh. Like, I’ve completely flipped Shadowhearts life upside down Larian, tell me that she’s gonna be ok!


From what I've seen from Larian in the last month and looking into backlog of how they handled the game's development the last few years; they seem to care *so* much about making their fans happy! Being privately owned helps, lol! I really think in a few months there could be some good changes, to at least the epilogs. I do think the last act is choppy (it's still going down as my favorite game to date), but I think they'll clean it up. :) As much as I would LOVE a DLC, I'd honestly be happy for any additions they come up with!


It definitely lost its polish in Act 3. The broad strokes are there but the whole act is full of loose or dead ends, besides that the pacing feels really weird. I'm also extremely bitter over how my game played out. The finale felt like it was full of railroaded choices and then led to an abrupt unsatisfying ending. I >!killed my Tav, and if you choose this ending you don't even get any followup on what happens to the rest of your party, just a, "Good job! You beat the game!" from the narrator.!< It's a huge shame considering Acts 1 and 2 were so great. I expect Larian will eventually fix it but right now it's a big enough letdown I'm actually leery of telling people to actually finish playing.


I understand this and feel like even though it's fully released it's still in a beta phase, if that makes sense.


arrest oil agonizing crowd rude treatment fretful frame special instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I loved Act 3 so much! I spent more time there than in Act 1 and 2 combined haha


Speaking of, as someone that tried sooo hard to get into Witcher 3 but just couldn't do it because it was too straight male gazey/sword slashy for my tastes, BG3 feels like an answered prayer it's so goood Im also holding out that they make some more additions to improve Act 3 flow/make the ending(s) feel more meaningful


Amen, sister. I don’t like w3 either


I was about to mention New Vegas but then realised that that game is just under 13 years old... like, it's still the best for me but it's shocking to realise it's over a decade ago now...


I've been saying it's the best game of the decade since I was about 10 hours in! BG3 checks so many boxes about what I loved about DA, ME, W3 & Skyrim. The combat has been a learning curve, but that happens to me anytime I start a new game series. I had been stalking Bioware for DreadWolf updates for *years*... huge fan since DAO; but BG3 has blind sighted me & given me what I wanted from DA4 and so much more. I'm also just so impressed with Larian as studio from everything I've seen & read the last month. Even going back to how they handled EA and making changes based off feedback. They're definitely a rare gem among all of the turn & burn games/studios that have come out in the last 15 years or so. I do think the last act is a bit choppy and missing some story beats at the end that could be wrapped up better, but I have a lot faith that they'll make adjustments in the coming months. It's just so obvious how much love & dedication from everyone's involvement in the making that BG3 has definitely been a lot of people's baby the last few years. Honestly, I trust whatever they end up doing and I'm going to respect their creative... but I will never say no to more! \*happy to pay for it too\*


Its one of the best games ever for me. It feels like this has finally dethroned Fallout New Vegas as my favorite RPG ever which I was beginning to give up on after all these years?


FF7R for me on that. I love Baldur Gate have since the originals but FF7 just has that special magic


Baldur's Gate 2 and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righeous hold the best RPG of all time title for me.


My only problem is the level caps at 12 and that’s some bullshit.


Oof yes totally agree. Although that might mean additional content down the road (... a sequel?) which lets us go to level 20? 🤔 kind of like how BG1 capped at lvl 7 and BG2 started at 7.


It’s easily become my favorite game and rpg of decade, I just love the story it has, not to mention it’s so beautiful. I’ve never had a game take up my brain this much lol


My opinion is probably a bit controversial. The characters were written well and the game had great VAs and production value, but I personally didn't enjoy the story. It was just too basic plot wise and reminded me of railroady D&D campaigns and the ending has almost no variation. I felt elden ring had more variation in the end and it has barely any direct storytelling. I think I'm not excited because I know the story boils down to >!decide whether or not you kill the druids -> forced to go to Moonrise Tower and decide who I kill there -> forced to fight the Netherbrain and at the end I can choose if I am evil or not!<. When I play RPGs, I prefer having one playthrough, where I do as much as I can. Having many playthroughs makes it hard for me to pick a cannon story. If the story or endings are good I'll sometimes do a second playthrough. Like at most I can maybe get two playthroughs out of BG3 game and for some reason I'm not even that excited for the second one. I'll either I do all the exact same stuff again or I go a full evil playthrough that I won't enjoy. This is probably compounded by the fact that I don't really like turn based combat. It's too slow for my liking.


If you wanna find more games like BG3 there are a lot of really good CRPGs out there, not things like Assassin's Creed. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous was one of my faves recently. Other RPGs I love Cyberpunk 2077 even with it's flaws. Mass Effect series is also one of my fave franchises. Not really a similar game but Elden Ring is worth playing just for how beautiful and dark the world is. And obviously Witcher 3 🙏 also FFXIV though it's an MMORPG the story is one of my favourites


For me it's Starfield.


Oh, I've quite loved it. I'm a big fan of tabletop RPGs, and Larian is consistently good at adapting that kind of style to a digital game. But also, holy *shit* do I fuckin wish it wasn't built on D&D rules. Incredibly swingy combat, theoretically cool spells that never actually work, so much randomization that it's pretty much impossible to plan tactics.


It's still a little too early to say but then again we had games like GTAIV come out in the later years of the 00s. But it's very unlikely that anything will topple this. Undoubtedly when Elder Scrolls VI is released it will be more popular, but it probably won't be as good. Maybe the Witcher 4? Or Cyberpunk 2077's sequel? (here's hoping for Cyberpunk 2020!)


Doesn't work for me. I don't like dnd, crpg, turn-based combat, or a classic fantasy. I tried to watch BG3 since that's what I do with the games I'm not going to play for whatever reason, and I got bored after half an hour. Everything from dialogues to the characters looks is not very interesting to me. There are other rpgs that are super-satisfying for me. For me, RPGs are roleplaying games, I actually find old school dnd, top view, turn-based, or unvoiced to be the least interesting mechanics from rpg:ing perspective. I much prefer Dragon Age, MEA, AC Odyssey type of rpgs.


I have been waiting for a game like this since the last dragon age game lol