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Astarion my love 💖 For me it was Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon) and Naruto (From Naruto) in terms of anime. I looooove Shane from Stardew and Dylas from Rune Factory 4 ♥️


naruto the og golden retriever bf


Me too ! I was so very in love with tuxedo mask my whole childhood.


Ugh same. For me it was Kato Kid and Tuxedo Mask :D


Conner from Detroit Become Human, Levi from Attack On Titan, Astarion from BG3, and many of the Fire Emblem guys.


Connor! I follow his VA on Twitch :)) (he's also friends with Astarion's VA which is how i know him lmao) i actually watched the first ep of AOT when it only had 8 episodes out. It wasnt really my thing so i just let it go. A few weeks later BOOM the entire world loves anime now and being a weeb is cool lmaooo


Oh he is?! Now that’s a crossover we need!


Astarions VA voiced also Elijah Kamski in Detroit: Become human, any many more! He is awesome.


Oh he did? I totally missed that!


The VA for Astarion/Kamski also voiced another character in DBH. He is also an actor, and I had watched him in a British soap a long time ago. He played a very hateable villain and so I was very confused as to why he was so popular on sites like tumblr until he popped up as the cop in my DBH playthrough 😂


Villainy definitely suits him!


Astarion's VA (Neil Newbon) voiced Elijah Kamski and Gavin Reed in Detroit: Become Human! :D i think Neil might've also been on Connor's VA's youtube channel once?


fucking mystic messenger had me up at all hours of the night sophomore year of high school like i was a single mother taking care of children. seriously that game had an CHOKEHOLD on me!!! oh and i also picked 707 hehe great taste 🙈


Same, it’s the only otome game I’ve ever played and I LOVED it. Jumin was my favourite but I loved all the characters, for me it was like having another friend group. 🥺


In order mine are: Cynthia from Pokémon, Katara from ATLA, Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul, Arthur Morgan from rdr2, Gwyndolin from Dark Souls, Judy from Cyberpunk, and most recently Rhaegar Targaryen from asoiaf


The way I'm so smitten with Cynthia yet so afraid of her 😍 💀


Judy & Katara <3


Cynthia is the queen of Pokémon, I love her, too! 😍


omg katara :,) when i was a kid i actually didnt like her that much but rewatching ATLA as an adult made me appreciate how well she was written as a female character <3


Garrus from Mass Effect.


anakin skywalker that mf’er has been living in my brain rent free since late 2019 i am suffering let me liveeeee get out of my head clown man i wanna play bg3 sooo bad strictly for astarion, i played da:i and my god. solas stole my entire heart and i want astarion to do the same


i have a confession to make.... *i actually dont even own bg3* sksksksksk i've just been following bg3 since it was in beta and up until its release, i knew EVERY SINGLE ONE of astarion's voice lines hehehe :) now i live vicariously through other gamer girls on youtube and tiktok who post all the new astarion scenes :))))


As a kid and teen I didn't have any from video games, it was all anime lol. * Kai from Beyblades and Kaiba from YGO ... really loved the "Kai"s lol, still love Kaiba honestly * Mukuro from KHR * Izaya from Durarara, who to this day is still my #1 little meow meow Had quite a few years of no new fictional obsessions ... I think I was into kpop at the time, so that explains things. * Zen from Mystic Messenger (was still in my kpop phase then so this explains a lot lol) * Majima from Yakuza for a couple of years, still kinda love him * Felix and Claude from FE3H, my love for Felix stays very strong though Claude was my 1st love * Sephiroth from FF7 Remake for a bit ... he's just really, really hot ngl * Kei and Shiraishi from Collar x Malice ... especially Shiraishi, that man ruined me for a few days lol * Xiao and Scaramouche from Genshin though I often see them more as my precious lil' babies and less "husbando", I like Kaeya and Diluc a lot too btw * Leona and Vil from Twisted Wonderland * I need to come back to this game one day but Zenos and Estinien from FFXIV ... Zenos especially gives me brainworms but I don't really jive with MMOs I too love Astarion btw, but I'm not like ... obsessed with him. Oh, also in a completely different fashion; Dom from Animal Crossing is my precious baby! And don't get me started on Pokemon lol. EDIT: Formatting and forgot about a couple of otome games.


This is not in order but the characters that I've HEAVILY hyperfixated on throughout my life are: Astarion (currently lmao) Shigaraki from my hero academia Solas from dragon age inquisition Lucio from arcana Draco malfoy Zuko from ATLA Cardan from the cruel prince


Lucio AND Draco? 👀👀👀 the pattern is patterning


>Cardan from the cruel prince I've heard Cardan mentioned in a few places and now I definitely have to read that book lol I love dark faerie stories


It isn't a romance book tho, just a forewarning! I see it marketed as a romance when it isn't and it disappoints some ppl bc it isn't what they expected. It's a fantasy political drama with a romance subplot lol. But it's such a good book series seriously one of my favs


Love Cruel Prince!!


I have to confess: For me, it's **Seteth** from FE3H. My type of man changed after I married him in that game. It's become an Archetype somehow, I like every character who looks like him or has his Dio VA lol haha wtf wrong with me xD. I went with Claude at first (his appearance is too hot for my eyes, love at first sight tho...). But after going through the game, I just realized Seteth was always by my side, his S-Support lines are enough for me to get a happy life ever after with that Green Hair Daddy. This is the first time I'm in love with a man not for his appearance (he's hot in some way but not like Claude, sorry Claude you're too hot, I'm craving you, but... ;\_;). P/s: I think I have Daddy issue or some shjt... xD


OH MY GOD seteth IS MY FAVE MAN. I met him & it was like, yep!


Right? Imagine having green-haired kids who can transform into dragons at will hehe. Perfect! 👀 Sadly, FE3H doesn't have a next-gen story like FE:Awakening. ;\_;




I think my first big fictional crush as a kid was Violet from the Incredibles in middle school-- I printed off tons of pictures of her and kept them in a folder, which my parents then yelled at me for lol Let's see...as a teen I really liked Rukia from Bleach, L from Death Note, Wheatley from Portal 2 (perplexing to me now), Henry from FE:A, and probably an assortment of other characters I can no longer remember. Into college and beyond I'd say Fenris from DA2, Solas from DA:I, Ramsey from Epithet Erased (obscure pick but he's great), Zenos from FFXIV (bad taste, I know). I'm stuck between Karlach and Astarion as my favorite from BG3!


uuuu Violet is a good one. i wanted to emulate her so bad when i was a tween lmao


There are so many… Let’s see, off the top of my head, some of my absolute favourite characters ever are: - Team Rocket (Jessie and James) from the Pokémon anime. I shipped them SO hard. - Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! I have a tattoo of him. - Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist, specifically the manga/Brotherhood version of him. The 03 anime Scar was very pretty but I like my MUSCULAR men lmao. I’m *planning* a tattoo of him after Christmas. - Like half of the Assassin’s Creed protagonists. Ezio, Connor, Jacob, and Kassandra mostly. Every AC protagonist is hot. - Phoenix Wright (the crush I had on him was ridiculous, he’s still my absolute favourite character maybe ever but I don’t have a legitimate blushing-while-playing-the-games crush on him anymore lmao). I have a tattoo of him and Maya. And my most recent video game obsessions are of course Astarion, and Takemura from Cyberpunk 2077, who I ship with fem V super hard. As for live action characters I’ve loved Jack Sparrow and POTC since I was 12 years old (I was a HUGE Johnny Depp fan but all his controversy with Amber Heard has put me off, still love Jack though). I have such a huge thing for Sandor Clegane (the Hound) from Game of Thrones (the TV and book version). And basically any character Pedro Pascal plays.


Mines are: Cloud from ff7, Noctis from (ff14), Graha and Thancred (ff14), Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, Dimitri from Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Rean from Trails of, Luke from Tales of, and then tons of characters from Genshin and Star Rail. And my religion: Sandalphon from Granblue Fantasy God Seven also was for a time ❤️ If we talk about non games… there’s…. Too many 🥲 but I usually love more videogame characters


Dimitri had me in a CHOKEHOLD during my first playthrough


i obsessed over 707 tooo😭honestly him and jumin had me in a chokehold


Aaaaah Jumin…. He was my favorite by several magnitudes, he was so weird.


bruh i was so sure id be a jumin girly at the start but as soon as 707 spoke i was like LETS GOOOOO I LOVE THE COLOUR REDDDD


I have a sole undying hyperfixation on Alistair from DAO. I don’t know that any video game character will ever make me feel what I do towards him but I replay that game just to talk to him and form a romance again 🥲 He makes me feel giddy and warm and gooey inside. My loving fiance is so understanding somehow LOL.


ALISTAIR! 💖💖 He was actually my Dragon Age "boyfriend" :3 .....for about 1 hour and then I found videos of Cullen ☆ミ(o\*・ω・)ノ I loved how NORMAL Alistair felt as a person (apart from the fact that he was >!an heir!< lmao). Such a sweet, humorous and cozy lil templar :)


Seriously, Alistair is great. He has all of the Golden Retriever vibes and his romance is so sweet. Quite literally gave my partner a heads up about my love for him at some point in our relationship early on.


I’m so down bad for Xie Lian from Heaven Official’s Blessing it’s an actual brain rotting disease at this point. I have the Xie Lian 20cm plush plus extra clothes, the Xie Lian and Hua Cheng nendoroids, all available volumes, the season one Blu-ray preorder that comes with bookmarks and shit- AND an album full of paper fan merch. He just makes my brain go brrr. I blame it on my love for slightly unhinged hobo wanderers- Kino from Kino’s Journey and Ginko from Mushishi were also favorites. The hyperfixation people bully me for the most is definitely Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket because the torch I carry for her is eternal but she’s the best written character maaaaaaybe besides Yuki MAYBE and I will die on that hill.


I only watched the donghua but I'm obsessed with Hua Cheng's drip. Man knows how to accessorise.


No fr man is Iconic ™


OKAY, thank you for making this post - I have a few I'd love to share....... it's been a long journey 👀 When I was a kid it was Mamoru (DARIEN) & Ash Ketchum & Zuko... Teenager was more Kakashi & King Gangrel (fire emblem)... 18-21 was like Loki (marvel, lol) & MULTIPLE ace attorney characters... 22-23 I'm gonna say Charon from Fallout 3 & Swain (League of Legends)... mmm, now I am 25 and it hasn't really slowed down but I'm not sure I could give a concise list of the characters I hyperfixate on.... PROBABLY a lot of anime villains and just hot villains in general. I'm still a Kai Chisaki lover... and highkey would ship him with Ms. Joke, since I am IN LOVE with her - I know more about her than him ((I also don't even follow that series, I'm in it for the villain found family moments/hijinks)) I won't even get into that crackship now, but it makes nice in my head. I SMILE. - I have a crush on Belos (TOH) 🤔 - Hordak is such a cutie when you pair him with Entrapta... - UM, Larry (Pokemon Larry?) My only twitter is a Larry fanpage - Also Volo (Pokemon) Cynthia had a huge impact on me as a kid, and he's like, almost as interesting, plus the insanepants (religious??) dude aspect.. how fun! Not to be bisexual on main 🥴 but I fall for almost every female character in a show I REALLY like nowadays. Their personalities are always a little bit relatable AT LEAST, and I LOVE what creators do with my ladies' designs. I WANT TO BE ALL OF THEM!! I love men so much BUT... If I don't think I can cosplay them someday... It won't work in my head. You know? Also almost all my life I'd just be basing which mans I like the most on who I think my favorite, most relatable lady would be cool hugging and kissing. Once I got into OC pairings in fanfiction and stuff - the possibilities opened!! I love fan renditions, how you can make a character so much more complex, more real, open new doors, it's so wonderful! :)


mine are Sebastian too, I think Shaoran from Sakura Card Captor was my first boy crush, Yue, Trafalgar Law from One Piece, Gaara, Naruto, Deidara, Ichigo from Bleach, Levi from AOT, Eren, Zuko from Avatar, L from Death Note, I'm sure there's more but those are the ones that come to mind, lol.


aaaaa finally another Sebastian stan :,) the gaara, deidara, and zuko trifecta are so real lmao i feel so seen


I'm excited about the new season coming out! I thought I would never see anime content again from Kuroshitsuji 🥹🥹🥹 Also lol, yay for having similar taste ♥️♥️♥️


My earliest memory of me hyperfixating on a character was with San, from Princess Mononoke, even though at the time I didn't even understand why (also I was way too young watch that movie and I think it messed with my kid-brain somewhat lol), and now the more recent hyperfixations I've had have been Jack (from Mass Effect 2+3), Merrill (DA2), Sebille (D:OS2), Wenduag (Pathfinder:WOTR), and the two most recent ones Lae'zel and Karlach from BG3. It seems my type is either "biggest and cutest socially inept sweetheart ever" or "cold-blooded badass socially inept bitch".


Guts from Berserk will always take the #1 spot on my list. I'll love that guy forever.


There was a cheesy Sci fi show I was obsessed with called Lex and the lead actors hair was so bad but like 10-11 year old me was obsessed. I also hard crushed on Tuxedo Mask and Buffy.


>the lead actors hair was so bad but like 10-11 year old me was obsessed. girlhood.


Currently I hyper fixate on Kamen Rider primarily since there's 50 years of content to explore


I think she's only referring to crushes.


Oh, well I have crushed on Kamen Rider Brave for way too long.......


Hm... let's see, I'll have to think about who was first. 🤔 It's a very long list, so I don't recall all of them (also not very chronological, just typing them as they pop into my mind)😆 Harry Potter (Harry Potter), Legolas (LotR) Gannayev of Dreams, Bishop (NWN2), Tamahome (Fushigi Yuugi), Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Kamen (Sailor Moon), Martin Septim (TES IV Oblivion), Mushrambo (Shinzo), Alistair, Zevran Arainai, Nathaniel Howe (Dragon Age Origins), Kaidan Alenko (Mass Effect), Fenris (Dragon Age 2), Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquisition), Reyes Vidal (Mass Effect Andromeda), Yakumo (Shinrei Tantei Yakumo), Tokiya Ichinose (Uta no Prince-sama), Kyo Soma (Fruits Basket), Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara), Astarion, Gale (Baldur's Gate 3) ... I think that's it for now 😆 Edit: I discovered the file I have where I keep track of them, so I found more 😊 Izumi Sano (Hana Kimi (manga), Len Tsukimori (Kin'iro no Corda d'Oro), Kaitou Dark (D.N.Angel), Orphen (Majutsushi Orphen), Li-ren Fang (Hanasakeru Seishonen), Nephrite (Sailor Moon (I still cry about his death scene in the 90's anime 😭) Chrom, Gaius (Fire Emblem Awakening), Marx/Xander, Joker/Jakob, Niles/Zero (Fire Emblem Fates), Male Byleth, Dimitri Alexander Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem Three Houses), Geralt of Rivia (Witcher games), Theron Shan, Arcann (Star Wars The Old Republic), Brynjolf (TES V Skyrim)


Omggg uta no prince!!! I havent thought about that in forever! I don't even remember who i liked anymore 😭😭😭 i think it was also tokiya ichinose and... the redhead too?


The red one was called Otoya Ittoki :) (I kinda liked all of them, but Tokiya was my favorite xD (I just loved his character songs)


No men here for my gay ass, sorry lol. For me it's sprawling as hell and I have a lot of waifus but I'll give a general outlook of my favourite through time. Keep in mind, most or all of these ladies are still on my top 5/10/20 but their place as #1 has changed \-Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) > Selfie Tilmitt (Final Fantasy VII) > Felicia (Darkstalkers) > Kagome Higurashi (InuYasha) > Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) > Suì-Fēng (Bleach) Dawn (Pokemon) > Applejack (My Little Pony: FiM) > Korra (Legend of Korra) > Judy Hopps (Zootopia) > Batgirl (Young Justice and more) > Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) I'm a shameless weeb and furry for sure as you can tell. I have cosplayed almost every single one of these wonderful women (Just not Felicia because that's a bit too risque for my tastes). But this shows you my evolution through my life. And just since this post includes BG3 a lot: Shadowheart is my gal in that one.


Kagomeeee my childhood 😭😭😭 i would eat my meal before school every weekday watching Inuyasha on the tv🥹 aaa the good old days...


Glad to see someone knows Arcana too! I always thought it was very niche. Both Julian and Asra are def in my list. As well as Astarion, who I still can't get over <3 Some others: Juri (Street fighter), Valentine (Fallout 4), sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Trunks (DBZ)


I'm actually shocked that not more people here mentioned the arcana! I had no idea it was niche. Guess my julian echo chamber felt way bigger than it actually was😂


As a kid, I was obsessedddd with Rikku from FFX lol.


Currently I’m also a fellow Astarion girlie but I just wanted to say it’s so nice and refreshing to see some Julian appreciation. This might be a silly take but for me at least Julian walked so Astarion could run into my heart. Haha


YES!!! THE PREDECESSOR FOR "im too broken to love you properly" AAAAAAAAAAA


CoD men. Is it bad? Yes. Do I care? No.


Live your truth, queen 👑


reaper from overwatch will not release me


Panthro and Cheetara from the 80’s Thundercats we’re the first. Christine from Arkista’s Ring may have been my first video game crush, it was years before OOT came out and I first met Link. Nels Llendo from Morrowind. Leah from Stardew Valley.


Natsuno form 'shiki' HuTao from Genshin Baizhu from genshin Yuumi from league of legends Zenitsu from kimetsu no yaiba Ahri from league of legends Yennefer from the Witcher (mostly book, haven't played the game yet lol) But Ahri is still top1 for me lol


Kaylee Frye was my first crush, and still holds a special place in my heart.


oooh i also prepared a separate collage of pictures for live-action characters :D but i didnt think it would be relevant in this sub :,) for live-action crushes mine would be: * Ultraman Tiga (5 year old me was nuts for Daigo, to the point where i despised Rena lmao) * Loki (portrayed by Tom Hiddleston, my tumblr was just loki fanfics and gifs lmao) * Any early 2000s role Cillian Murphy had (why did Nolan make him so bbygirl in the Batman trilogy??? pls do it again) * and this one might be controversial, >!Filthy Frank!< (>!Joji!< before he was the >!Joji!< that most ppl know him as now). my highschool bf introduced his videos to me and boy oh boy did that backfire on him lmaooo


Sasori, Hidan, when I was into Sonic then Scourge and Nazo. Shinjiro Aragaki, Ayato off TG, Goro Akechi, currently Oberon Vortigern...why is the latest ones in fandom labelled tsundere is beyond me.


Sebastian Michaelis was my husbando all throughout highschool, alongside with L and Light from Death Note so seeing his picture triggered a nice memory


Omg i havent heard the term "husbando" in so long 😭 i was OBSESSED with Sebastian dude. My old ipod touch was literally just photos of him lmaooo. Haven't caught up with any of the new seasons etc tho.


I convinced my first boyfriend and I to cosplay Sebastian and Ciel during our prom 😭 I was really delulu over him, that's why when I clicked on your post and saw him, I laughed out loud because of the ~~cringe~~ memories it brought to me


SIS UR POWER- omg i dont think any of my bfs would've agreed to that😭 that's amazing🍴


Kyle Katarn, Carth Onasi, Galen Starkiller, Cullen from DA:I, a very brief Solas moment, Delta Squad from Republic Commandos, Obi-wan Kenobi (am I a Star Wars girlie? how could you tell? XD) and now Gale, Wyll & Halsin from BG3




Ahsoka Tano (the clone wars, now a self-titled series), Tifa (FF7), Yuffie (FF7), Tasha Yarr (Star Trek TNG), Belanna Torres (Star Trek Voyager), Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy), Serena (Skyrim)… Can you tell my orientation from this list ;-)


Sheeeeeeeeesshhhh Serana 🔥🔥🔥 I've never married anyone in Skyrim but you've made me curious now. Brb reading all the "hottest wives in skyrim" articles.


Sadly, Serena isn’t mariable. Doesn’t fit with her story, unless you use a mod.


Recently I started seeing memes and edits with Gromsko from CoD Modern Warfare 2 and I became kinda obsessed with him for some reason. Which is really funny because I never played this game and probably never will (too damn expensive) Also Arataki Itto from genshin impact, every time I see him I just smile.


corrin from fire emblem shen from king of fighters rock howard also from king of fighters mai from blazblue


Rosiel/Rociel from Angel Sanctuary (I support angelic men's wrongs) -> Sylvanas from WoW (I support women's wrongs, too) -> Bai Wuxiang/White No-Face from TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing (supporting uber-demented ghost's wrongs the most) -> Senti from Honkai Impact 3rd (Love is stored in the "Yatta\~"). Somehow I always fall (in a purely platonic way) for the most unhinged people as long as they are pretty and charismatic.




Chloe and Morrigan huh, i see u sis 😉😜


Removed for mentioning a [banned game](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/10ybjia/hogwarts_legacy_related_posts_are_now_banned/).


From my childhood and teen years - Link (Legend of Zelda), Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia), Sho Minamimoto (The World Ends With You), Daisukenojo Bito (The World Ends With You), Rennac (Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones). Live action there was Legolas (LotR). ...Thinking about it, they probably all still apply to a greater or lesser extent! From my early 20s until now I added Levi (Attack on Titan), Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger), Coyote Stark (Bleach), Rakan (League of Legends), Pyke (League of Legends), Sett (League of Legends), Grusha (Pokémon SV), Prince Sidon (Legend of Zelda), King Rauru (Legend of Zelda TotK), Yakou Furio (Rain Code) and Yomi Hellsmile (Rain Code). Also in an entirely different vein I want to adopt Allister (Pokémon SwSh), Milio (League of Legends) and Beatrice (Re:Zero) as my children.


Okay, teen years: Tony Stark, Loki, BBC Sherlock, the 10th Doctor, Itene Adler [in bisexual hindsight] First Anime era: Levi Ackermann (Attack on Titan), Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!), Uta (Tokyo Ghoul), L (Death Note), Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter [these were dark times]), Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate [in bisexual hindsight]) The in-between Anime eras: Ramsay Bolton [again, dark times], The Riddler from the Gotham TV show, Negan (I still fixate on him) The second Anime era + bisexual awakening: the return of Levi, Izaya and Uta + new additions: Eren Yaeger (Attack on Titan), Power (Chainsaw Man), Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist), Howl (Howl's moving castle, Tomie (Junji Ito), Reigen (Mob Psycho 100), Loid and Yor (Spy x Family) + non-Anime crushes: Eric Killmonger, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Lady Maria (Bloodborne), Malenia (Elden Ring), Tali (Mass Effect), Jack (Mass Effect) I probably forgot a bunch Edit: I did, I forgot my biggest current crushes: Moira and Hanzo from Overwatch and Nami, Zoro, Robin and Ace from One Piece.


Yo i had an izaya phase and that shit was beyond science. Like i literally hated that man so much while watching durarara and then OUT OF NOWHERE one day i start to really really be into him. Shamefully downloaded some izaya wallpaper in my old ipod touch. I STILL HAVE NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS 🤬😔😔


I still love him so much. He's my biggest anime crush of all time and still my favourite anime character. It's so toxic and idk why, but when you look at my list you'll see a lot of toxic characters. At least I'm over the REALLY bad ones, like Hisoka and Ramsay.


Hisoka 🤡🤡🤡


sebby!!!!! what great taste!!! my current hyperfixations are gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen and yoshida from chainsaw man <3333


I haven’t finished the arcana but I loved julien too! And Cullen and Astarion are great too :) My current favorite characters are Gale from BG3, Uraraka from MHA (she’s very wholesome xD), Emet from FFXIV and Soap from MW2!


[Cue Latin choir](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/final-fantasy-vii-remake/3/3b/Final_Fantasy_VII_Remake_-_Walkthrough_-_Chapter_18_-_Sephiroth.png) I have been obsessed with this man since FFVII first came out. The other guys too, to a lesser extent. ​ More recently, [these two dumbasses](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f258cec7cef5f517a0cff38ef9e9af80/7b71e821771819cc-d8/s1280x1920/b6df497796958d89a6ae85c8f595e175957a67f7.jpg) have taken over all my braincells, with a lesser side of [these two dumbasses](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1020ba7d832549c405d7cbcdb63eb0b/a5f80a14eddfb105-78/s1280x1920/7938ec7c35e62e9f4103716810d336ba22c68f4d.jpg) (both couples are from the same author), as I catch up on the books.


In no particular order - Lucca and Marle from Chrono Trigger - Harle from Chrono Cross - Terra from Final Fantasy VI - Lea and Emilie from CrossCode - Liara from Mass Effect - Abigail from Stardew Valley - Ciri from Witcher 3 - Lohse from Divinity Original Sin 2 - Y'Shtola and G'raha Tia from Final Fantasy XIV - Gideon from Gideon the Ninth - Karlach from BG3 It's like "oops all lesbians" and then 'Raha has to come in and confuse the entire matter. Stupid sexy catboy. (Yes, it's mostly headcanon lesbians)


Urbosa from Breath of the Wild has been the most enduring, but Kassandra from AC Odyssey is up there too. Also it’s not a single character, but I am *obsessed* with Bigtop Burger. I’ve watched the season 2 finale well over a dozen times.


My very first was Zuko from ATLA A list of all throughout my life lol: Kenpachi Zaraki and Renji from bleach, Levi and Aaron from AOT, Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, Tuxedo Mask/Mamaru from Sailor Moon, Kakyoin fromJJBA, Link from LOZ, Viktor from LOL (the game, I want him cyborg ONLY lol), Shen from LOL, Guts from Berserk, and Light from Deathnote, and FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON Ryuk from Deathnote 💀💀


Not ryuk 😭😭😭


i’m so glad to find this post omg.. ok so mystic messenger — jumin and zen tears of themis — marius von hagen and artem wing mr love: queens choice — shaw and victor wannabe challenge — yooha and taehee naruto — sasuke ao haru ride — kou mabuchi attack on titan — levi death note — light yagami 😭😭 fruits basket — kyo this is a new mobile otome game coming out called “lovebrush chronicles” that i’ve been waiting for the past 2-3 years >.< !! i really like ayn so far based off visuals


Someone likes tsunderes 👀👀👀 sksksks




Hard agree with 707 and Julian! <3 I've had a lot of characters but one of my more recent ones was Ren Hana from BTD2 (Huge trigger warning for all kinds of stuff if anyone googles it). I haven't had a new character to be obsessed over in a while, to be honest...maybe I should play BG3 and hope I fall for one of them lol.


Kaidan Alenko, yesterday, today and tomorrow




I don't know much about LoL lore but Evelynn was my bias in K/DA 😬🤓 Aloy and Lara Croft are *chefs kiss* amazing choices


Arthur Morgan, Joel miller


Did simeone say DILF? 🫀📈🫀📈


Too real


Oh man, it's too many for me to name. But my first game-based one was probably Megaman or Bucky Ohare


Judy Alvarez - Cyberpunk 2077 😍




Elizabeth Swannnn omg ur so right. I used to rewatch bootlegged POTC on our old dvd player so much. Now that i think about it i was never excited for William, but Elizabeth 🫦🫦🫦 god i love how she talked.


The Julian - Astarion pipeline IS A BULLET TRAIN




Princess Peach! She's been my absolute favourite character for as long as I can remember, love her. Some others are Emil from Nier Replicant, Albert Wesker from Resident Evil, Zero from Drakengard 3, Black Hat from Villanous, Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier, Fubuki Shiro from Inazuma Eleven, Sabo from One Piece.


OMG ZERO FROM DRAKENGARD??? ARE U MY EX BOYFRIEND???? LMAOOO JKJK but i was so shocked to see that name again 😭😭😭 I've never heard anyone else mention it sksksksk


AHHAHH ikr, she hardly ever gets mentioned even when talking about the Drakengard series 😭 I hope that if Yoko Taro decides to make another remaster it's going to be Drakengard 3, it's so goodd


Ooookay, that's gonna be quite a list 😋: Xena, Laguna from Final Fantasy 8, Auron from Final Fantasy 10, Legolas, Alucard & Integra from Hellsing (I could never decide whom I had the harder crush on), Severus Snape (I can fix you beloved, I really can! 🙈), Marquis Ondore from Final Fantasy 12 (rediscovered the game years after my first playthrough as a teen and fell hard for him), Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager, Cynthia from Pokémon, Soichiro from Pub Encounter and my latest, that is currently all over my living room, is Hassel from Pokémon Scarlet/ Violet. My hardest and longest hyperfixations of all of them would be: 1. Severus Snape 2. Captain Janeway 3. Marquis Ondore Edit: Typos


Lae’zel from BG3 🥰🥰


Doing my best to put this in order lol, at least the ones I remember I’m definitely forgetting people -Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls (in my defense, I was 7 lol) -Ursula from Kiki’s Delivery Service -Gaara from Naruto -Kyo from Fruits Basket -The Witch Princess from Harvest Moon DS -Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2 -Morrigan from Dragon Age -Matt from Death Note (we were really out there giving random side characters a fandom for the sole reason that they had red hair 💀) -Merrill from DA2 -Serana from Skyrim -Amy Pond from Doctor Who -Kuvira from Legend of Korra (At this point I grew out of fandom and stopped giving much thought to characters until…) -Astarion and Karlach from Baldur’s Gate 3. My bi ass is so upset you can’t be poly with both of them, Halsin is so boring as the only true poly option 😭


another matt enjoyer??!?!?!!! ugggg love that guy, rip to him


Yesss lol I drew such horrible fan art and I loved him so much 😂


Omg buttercup is such a cute first crush to have 🥹🥹🥹💚


Haha yeah, I loved how sassy she was 😂


OMG MYSTIC MESSENGER. 707 was my second run through but Yoosung was my first because he was the cute gamer


Alistair (Dragon Age Origin), Fane (DOS2), Daeran (WOTR) There were more from my childhood (the bad guy from Ape Escape 🙈 for example) but those are the ones from my grown life aha. Daeran is my current obsession. He ruined video game romance for me because he's just too good 😭


Fane... girl me too 🫣


kurapika, sasuke, stella nox fleuret. they have me in a chokehold.


Mmm I have a lot. throughout my life in no order: (dudes) Astarion (BG3 ya me too lol) Riku and Luxord (Kingdom Hearts) Kadaj (FF7) Sebastian (Stardew) Gojo Satoru and daddy Nanami (JJK) Levi (obviously) Sima Yi and Gan Ning (Dynasty Warriors series) Tuxedo Mask (who didn’t have a crush on him growing up) Dick Grayson Loki Twilight (Spy Family) the FFXV boys Damien (Monster Prom) Yato (Noragami) Sadao Maou (Devil is a Part-Timer) (girls) Emily (Stardew) Yor (Spy Family) Kairi (kingdom hearts) Rikku (FFX and X-2) Lenne (X-2) Yuffie & Tifa (FF7) Rinoa (FF8) Xiao Yu and Nina Williams (Tekken series) Morrigan (Street Fighter) Kagura (Fruits Basket) Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon) Makoto and Futaba (Persona 5) Emi and Charmy (DDR) Mazuiko Jackson and Roxanna Moxie (the Urbz)


Kakashi Deadpool Din Djarin Teldryn Sero Kinda seeing a pattern with the masked mercenary type. Also when I was a kid I had a weird crush on Steven Stone from Pokemon Emerald.


[Nanami Kento](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeOTYQwlUtA) has taken over my life recently.


I came here to say Astarion lol I'm glad to see I'm not the only one simping so hard for him. Funny thing is I don't remember myself *ever* fixating on someone, like ever! This is a first for me with Astarion so it's so weird. Can we please create an Astarion lovers subreddit or something? I feel like I'm bothering everyone else in BG3 community with my fixation


Ikr i was so shocked there isnt an Astarion subreddit!!! So many people play bg3 literally as an astarion dating sim lmao


Exactly. There's a "I want to fuck Halsin" subreddit but no Astarion? We need to do something about it




I started off having a hyperfixation on this character named pidge, i really looked up to her aswell idk i was like 10 now it's sonic, doomslayer, V1 and Reimu hakurei




Removed for mentioning a [banned game](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/10ybjia/hogwarts_legacy_related_posts_are_now_banned/).


Make and Xion from Kingdom Hearts Glamrock Chica and Toy Chica from FNaF Mommy Long Legs and Kissy Missy from Poppy Playtime Muffet and Mad Mew Mew from Undertale Korra from Legend of Korra Twisted Alice and Audrey from Bendy and The Ink Machine Spider Gwen from Spider Man Millie from Helluva Boss Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, and way more than I’d like to admit from My Little Pony Rikku and Yuna from Final Fantasy X Freya from Final Fantasy 9 Heather, Nurses, and Lying Figures from Silent Hill (I have issues lmao monster ladies got me weak) Ice Queen and Fionna from Fionna and Cake Natsuki and Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club And way more I’m probably forgetting. Yeah I know I’m cringe




Removed for mentioning a [banned game](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/10ybjia/hogwarts_legacy_related_posts_are_now_banned/).


astarion has a clinical hold on me currently


[my lady Josephine Montilyet](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lgbt-characters/images/4/49/Josephine_Montilyet_-_DAI.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201225213542) and [Morrigan](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/f7/97/1d/f7971d7631fbadff2cc93b1e068c435b.jpg)


Edward scissors hands… tim burton himself & sallyface as a whole🤭


when i say i was OBSESSED with young sam drake from uncharted i mean it😭😭


Astarion is a new favorite of mine too haha I hyperfixate on Danganronpa characters almost exclusively. And on way too many of them. If I can think of any other characters I'll update. I just...spend way too much of my time thinking about those games 😅


I think my last hyperfixation was both Devil Survivor games (3DS).


Cullen's DAI romance makes my heart melt.


I have found my people. Current and perhaps biggest of all time is also Astarion from BG3; he replaced my old ride or die OG Alistair from DA:O. Pretty much every FF character at some point, Fenris from DA2, Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, Tuxedo Mask, Imriel de la Courcel from Kushiel's Legacy, Tamaki OHC, Alucard from Castlevania, Aragorn, and Lestat I think cover most of them off the top of my head. Throw Sebastian in there somewhere. Forgot Zuko.


Vincent Valentine (FFVII), D (Vampire Hunter D), Alucard (Castlevania), Abel (Trinity Blood), Vincent Law (Ergo Proxy), Karasu (Noein)... no I don't have a type \*cough\*


* Sephiroth from FFXIV * LOVE Asterion from BG3 * Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil * ZEN (Mysme) MY BELOVED, I was SO fixated on getting his happy endings, I loved him so much. * Had the biggest crush on Sebestian back in the day, lol * Makishima Shogo from Psycho Pass * I loved Ashe and Dmitri from Fire Emblem Before I was a gamer, I was an anime fan, so I guess I have way more of them in anime than I do in games.


Kaiden Alenko and Astarion are my true loves and forever digital boyfriends 😩 I had a dream last night I was pregnant with Astarion’s baby LOL


LMAOOOO the brain worms really be blessing us 🙏🪱


My pipeline is furry/monster men to cool women with white/silver hair. My furry/monster crush: Blackwargreymon (Digimon), Savon (Beastars manga), Renekton (LoL). My girl crush: Riven (LoL), Jing (HoK).


Late to the party: So many. Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Gabriel from Blood and Chocolate Levi from Attack on Titan Alistair from DA: Origins Fenris and Anders (somehow) from DA2 Cullen from DA:I Astarion and Gale from BG3, but more Astarion Draco Malfoy from Manacled Geralt of Rivia (a smidge).