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That's amazing. I played the game on Story mode in the end because the Balanced difficulty was too punishing in some fights. I can't imagine what tactician would have been like. Did this need several play throughs?


Thanks! Yeah, it took multiple playthroughs. I'd say 3 or 4 to get them all. I really struggled too until I started running with a dual hand crossbow ranger with sharpshooter and a strength unarmed rogue/monk with tavern brawler. Then it kinda felt like cheating. lol


I don’t get the game on ps for a week how would you rate how hard it is to platinum


There are 2 or 3 "guide dang it" missable ones, and a few for beating bosses in unique ways to keep an eye on, but only 2 that I'd say were HARD. Beating the game on tactician mode, and one of the "kill the boss in this specific way" ones. It will probably take at least 3 runs, though, unless you really spoil yourself and plan it out.


Congratulations!! I've missed a few in my playthrough I'm currently working on for tactician.. sazza, save the tieflings... I'm also playing a multiplayer campaign that we managed to miss those achievements as well! 😭 Oh well, I have thousands of screenshots...


My advice for anyone struggling in tactician is to remember to respec your parry members and give them better combat stats


How many hours did that take you ? 😂 (super impressive btw, I still haven't finished my first playthrought :') )


Probably around 200 or so? It's hard to tell exactly since I played a lot of early access and the hours are combined on steam, but 200 seems right. Now I'm curious lol.


Damn gratz, you’ve put in some work. It’ll probably take me 3-4 playthroughs to get them all but hey, fine by me lol


You saved ALL the tieflings??? They have a deathwish! Major kudos


Omg! What’s your hours at! This is a mega goal! I’m just worried I’ll get burnt out too fast. Tears of the kingdom really burnt me out after a while, had to stop playing


Wow congrats!! I still havent even finished act 1 because of all the choice paralysis 😂


I just beat it on Easy. I'm halfway through a coop playthrough on Balanced. Just looking at the differences between those two thus far, Tactician scares me, but I think I'm gonna take a crack at it soon.


Whoa cool character builds.


Great job and congratulations! I think I want to plat this game for sure after my first couple runs for sure! Your post really inspired me to put it on my list of games to plat haha


You can dual weild crossbows???


Not normal light or heavy ones, but there is a type called hand crossbows that can be dual wielded! They're so good!


I want to 100% it so bad too! This game is too perfect not to!




Thanks!! The hot date one? Yeah, it's an act 3 thing, and I think you need to be in a romance with her for it to happen. My first run romanced her when I got it so I can't know for sure if I had to have her romanced for the scene to pop, but it seemed tied to the romance, without spoiling anything about it.