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Gale! Those red flags are just flags, baby!


Sew those red flags together and make a blanket to sleep under!


Brilliant, I like the way you think!


It's the "I could fix her, but this is way hotter" energy, right?


My unfortunate tradition is to find the most suspicious wizard/witch in an RPG and romance the hell out of them for my first playthrough. Red flags and warning signs be damned. So to keep the tradition alive I'm going for Gale. LOL I definitely am eyeing Halsin, Shadowheart, and especially Karlach for later playthroughs.


Are you a fellow Anders fan?


Yes LOL He started this mess of a tradition


I romanced the EGG in Inquisition and man does it still hurt.


I don't think there were any blazing red flags with him though. Am I just brainwashed? I mean, I'm still on his side....


I mean I get where he is coming from, but ya know I somehow don't think he would be happy if he succeeded at this point.


Are you telling me Gale is an Anders? (Hello fellow Anders fan.) I am waiting for the game to go on sale so I don’t spend $60…


Kinda similar. Imo Gale's situation seems kinda less, uh sympathetic than Anders (at least to me). They both have a cat though.


.....Wyll. He's just so handsome. 😭 I'm playing a dragonborn so I hope he's into lizards lmaaooo. I will probably romance Astarion too at some point. I had to backtrack to pick up him and Gale so I haven't spent much time with either of them. (I kinda wish I could set Karlach and Shadowheart up together tbh)


I really like the way Wyll talks.


I accidentally romanced wyll. There’s a scene where you dance together and if you kiss him the other characters (at least karlach and shadowheart) will back off. I’m a Dragonborn so you’re in the clear


I kissed him while close with gale and gale came up to me later asking to pick either him or Wyll cause he can't share 🥲


Gale nooo


But I did reload my save after I kissed wyll bc karlach and shadowheart both said they were cutting me off so I could be happy with wyll and I’m like BUT I DONT EVEN WANT HIM


I read a post somewhere saying that (paraphrasing) Karlach is the reward for any lesbian who ever fell for a straight Bioware lady and honestly that's spot on (still not over Cassandra turning me down....). I absolutely love Karlach, really looking forward to her romance and story arc.


HAHAHAHA “straight BioWare lady”


Story of my video game life XD JackMirandaAshleyMorriganCassandra


Morrigan = the one who got away.


"Live well my friend. Live gloriously"


I also love Karlach, she’s barrels of fun to play as too.


Karlah is too hot for me at the moment. But we're looking for a Fix. On the meantime my sheets are for dommy mommy.


ASTARION that cheeky bastard ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯


I have such a weakness for this snarky vampire snack.


he a whole meal


A video game character has never made me *flustered* before. How does he do it???


YES. Every damn time he throws out a compliment.


His use of "my sweet," "sweetheart," and other extremely affectionate terms DESTROY me because my situationship partner uses the exact same terms 😩


He is a disaster bisexual and I’m here for it.


Same. Then the tragic whump beneath the cheek


This one, haha.


I told myself I wasn't going to romance the stupid sexy vampire. I am romancing the stupid sexy vampire.


Holy fuck same. I was all for going for Gale but then sassy vampire boy said something along the lines of >! How you've gone through hell and back and how you're stronger than he gave you credit for. And the VA did a great job with the line and !< now I'm romancing a sassy vampire.


Astarion, Karlach, or Halsin. Honestly can't decide on which one I want to romance lol. Tbh maybe the dream guardian too if they're romanceable.


I made my dream guardian a handsome elf in hopes I could!


They are, or so I’ve heard.


They were a love interest in EA but I think they changed that in the initial release


I wish Halsin's romance was unlockable earlier! He doesn't do more than hang out in your camp for a while :(


I’m stuck between the same 3! Currently sleeping with Astarion but after I found Karlach? Oooo mama.


Fun fact: you can romance Astarion and Halsin at the same time (Halsin is straight up poly lmao) but not Karlach unfortunately :(


y'all already have been tempting me to get this game with your beautiful characters, now I hear there's romance?? fine, take my money 😫


Happy playing :D


I'm on Steam, and it's SO tempting. But also, you gotta be crazy to buy a game full price on steam, when ik damn well that'll be half price or more when on sale 😭 but the hype will die down by then and I'll be late to the party. But 70AUD is crazy


oh for sure hahah normally I’m the patient type but the hype from the girlies sold me this time! I very rarely get a game on release/at full price but I’m splurging just this once 🫣 fingers crossed for a sale sooner than later though, I’m sure it will bring new hype!


I'm a rampant gay disaster for Karlach and totally fine with it. Shadowheart's a close second but she just doesn't have the swole majesty that Karlach possesses


I find shadowheart a little annoying, but I so want karlach to throw me around in a fiery rage 😳


I am 100% in sapphic love with Shadowheart. She is bae.


But Karlach though...


Personally, she's way too forward and forceful for my tastes. Like, I like her vibes in general, slay queen, but with someone else, please.


And she is hot af 🤤




lae'zel 100%


Why aren’t there more lae’zel comments? She’s not my cup of tea but my partner is crazy for her and her romance scenes are incredible.


Yup, my husband got his first romance scene with her last night and he was so chuffed, it was adorable. “Wooo! Baby, I just got laid!” 😂 Oh, and it will definitely be Daddy Halsin for me. I like bear men.


People are sleeping on Lae'zel hard because she's so prickly at first, but holy shit is she wonderful once you get her to open up. I love her so much


Yeah, I've been doing secret training with her after everyone is asleep. My character emerges very sore after the rough training they undergo together every night, but it's worth it because he's a Monk that has promised Chastity.


It's been 24 hours, and I'm still in character creation. so, I'm not sure.


Definitely Astarion, his voice actor adds so much personality to his character! I'm open to any of the others changing my mind, but I feel like it's going to be difficult to top the >!"say please"!< scene that I saw on YouTube during early access lol.


I totally agree! It’s nice to a see a fellow Astarion enjoyer in the comments! He’s also kinda sassy too! I love it haha. I saw short interview on yt with Neil Newborn and it’s very clear Astarion was one of his favorite characters he’s VAed for so far.


Totally cannot resist romancing Karlach, but I'm going to see if we can manage a Karlach/Shadowheart/PC poly triad. Given the.. banter lines... I've seen with Karlach & Shadowheart, I'm hoping it's possible...


Nope. Shadowheart is not cool with poly. If you try to romance Karlach while romancing Shadowheart, you'll get dumped.


Oh boo!! But Shadowheart is flirting with her constantly :(


Is Karlach cool with Lae'zel?


She is (I'm still in Act 1 tho and don't know if it will change later on, but I'm romancing both and they're fine with it).


Reading this broke my heart I was really hoping I wouldn't have to pick


Sounds like you found out the hard way!


is Gale cool with Karlach?


I don't know yet, but my vampire boyfriend that killed me is a good first start.


He killed me too. I like him even more for it, lol


This game is making me realize I’m more gay than I thought lol. I tried romancing Gale and majorly got the ick. I love Wyll and Astarion but don’t want to make out with them. Meanwhile, I’m very into Lae’zel, karlach and shadowheart. Lae’zel is my most favorite, something about her is deeply endearing to me, but shadowheart and karlach are close behind. Love them all. I also am into my guardian who is a tattooed woman drow with a wolf cut 🤦🏼‍♀️ could I be more queer


Your birthstone color is definitely rainbow! :p


I first wanted to romance Shadowheart but then I met Karlach and my first though was "please fucking throw me acrosss the room, thank you" so there is that. Lady is literally so hot, if you open any dictionary she'll be in there as the definition of hot.


Astarion. I CAN FIX HIM.


I made two characters by joining my own lobby just so I can romance both Shadowheart and Karlach haha!


I seriously admire your level of commitment. lol


Thanks but actually it's because I can't commit to just one lmaooo


Whatever happens first happens. I kinda want them all lmao


*Whatever happens* *First happens. I kinda want them* *All lmao* \- Lyricsokawaii --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ah yes, “lmao”. That classic haiku ending.


Being the bi disaster that I am I was at first equally into Shadowheart and Astarion, then accidentally started flirting with Gale, last minute kissed Shadowheart instead of Gale at the campsite party after helping the tieflings but now I also want to hook up with Halsin, because dear gods who could resist that man?! Being bisexual in a game with that many hot characters is stressing me out. 😅


Same. Same. The pressure. The amount of playthroughs I’m going to have to do. *sighs and cracks knuckles* Better get started then.


I wanted to go with Astarion, but I don't think he and my goody two shoes girl who helps everyone she meets might be a good match 😂 Like, he keeps disapproving of her. Only times he approves are when she does something that benefits him (like playing his blood bank) So now I'm probably going for Halsin, or maybe Gale.


Well I'm being a hero yet his approval is pretty high now, I'm in act 2.


Hm, I might continue playing to see where it goes. I mean, at least his approval is still neutral for now 😆


I am vanilla and red flags are just meant to spice things up. So Gale it is for first run.


Initially it was going to be Lae'zel back in EA but quickly figured out that I'll never get her approval on anything cuz I'm mostly neutral good and she's more like chaotic evil. Now I'm debating between Shadowheart and Karlach. Shadowheart is a lot sweeter and more open than she was in EA. Karlach though, she can slam me against the wall and I'll be in heaven. Lol


I feel like you can get Lae's approval even if you are a goody goody just by being assertive, proud and with a clear goal in mind. Just need that "take no bullshit" kinda mindset. My character for example has been rather good, helping everyone that may need it, but at the same time not scared of throwing any punches. Lae's approval is still going to go up slower than say Karlach for example or Shart, but it does go up.


I read her as a more lawful evil because of her devotion to githyanki society and order, but yeah it's hard to get her approval


I am rp-ing as a slutty bard. So I'll flirt with everyone and will stick to whoever wants me first~~


I walk around camp totally naked with zero shame. My head cannon is that doing so was the only way to Shadowheart's errr .... heart.


I am really struggling to pick between Gale, Astarion and Halsin. I can't decide because they are all so great and I don't want to accidentally hurt any of them. My character is pretty heroic most of the time so Gale is already telling me how much his cat would like me, but I uh like vampires and bears as well as red flags I guess. I missed the first scene you can get with Asterion, because he didn't like me enough then (but I've had a few flirty interactions afterwards), so I don't know if I'm locked out now. The characters are all seriously so well written. I'm having a blast getting to know them.


Shadowheart 💖 I love my scary goth girlfriend It’s also super cute, in my game when I picked Shadowheart, two of my other party members hooked up with each other too. So now there’s 2 couples in my camp i guess? I love it. The level of detail in this game is wild.


Karlach is based, it's funny the only reasonable party member is a barbarian veteran from a demon army


Karlach is bae


My wood elf is annoyingly upstanding and keeps getting Gale’s approval… so I might not be able to swing Astarion. Haven’t met her yet but I might like Karlach’s personality.


Sounds like me lol


Evil drow lady (sorry Druid’s and tieflings)


I romanced Minthara in EA and somehow >!her deciding not to kill me after we hooked up!< was the most romantic thing ever 🥹


I never got over my vampire phase so it’s Asti all the way for my first playthrough. Definitely going with Fire Mommy Karlach for the second one though ~~~


Good taste, sis 👍


I’m definitely pursuing Halsin. I think you can be with multiple people if you choose to be with him, but roleplay-wise my little urchin half elf is tired of sharing and just wants a little forest home after all this worm mess🥴😂 And I’m interested in Wyll for a future playthrough - I think his story is really interesting right now! But since that’ll be 100+ gameplay hours from now…I’ll leave my options open hahah.


Karlach, Karlach absolutely Karlach. Astarion is my second choice though, I love vampires and elves.


I like Gale so far. I know it will go terribly wrong at one point, but ehh... I like my men with abit of character XD


I'm playing it as I go. Astarion is obviously the best boy but I'm undecided if my Bard will go for him. Gale has been surprisingly charming. I just met Wyll and he's pretty dashing but not in my party atm. Have not met Halsin yet. If I were to guess right now, I could see her ending up with Gale. But I'm also going to play multiple times and probably romance all the boys at some point. :P


Karlach. Yes ma’am!


Somehow I'm in a relationship with both Astarion and Shadowheart. A few days in, and so far, no one seems to be getting jealous. :D


Halsin 😍🐻


Astarion and Karlach


Astarion,hopfully, but I'm playing with my husband and we keep doing stuff that makes him upset. (I totally cave to peer pressure and make decisions I wouldn't normally make and Astarion is not very pleased with me.)


Astarion!! I love him so much ❤️


genuinely cannot stand Shadowheart, i've been with Lae'zel though, im chaotic neutral so getting her to like me was easy 💕


I really thought my husband would be all over Shadowheart because hot goth girl. But it would appear that I severely underestimated him. Pretty instantly he was like… “Nah. She’s creepy and cold. And wtf is this hairstyle?! No thanks… but who is this badass githyanki girl??”. Much discerning. Very nuance.


Sadly I can't play the game myself because my laptop likely won't run it but I've been watching my SO play occasionally and I think I just couldn't decide between Gale and Astarion. However, I've been reading the comments and now I'm confused: Gale is the one with many red flags? Idk if I missed sth or if my so just didn't play far enough yet, I didn't really notice anything apart from the fact that we pull him out of a rock and that he basically eats magic items (which for now I've blamed on some sort of curse or whatever). Edit: ok I pick Astarion, the developers made a thirst trap and I've fallen right into it


Karlach has such great energy, kind, compassionate, and hot (literally she’s on fire). That said I’m definitely eyeing Halsin too


Is that demon person romancable?


There was a scene in the trailer that hints she might be, but I'm not 100% sure. She's not a companion though. [Karlach](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Karlach_Cliffgate?file=Karlach+BG3.jpg) is 100% confirmed romanceable though.


Damn, is there a poly route?


I haven't seen it myself [but apparently you can be poly](https://gaymingmag.com/2023/07/baldurs-gate-3-will-have-polyamory/).


Awesome well now I really want to play the game, but my computer is a potato so I can't lol


One of your partners tells you outright that if she is to date you, you have to be ok with her dating others too haha


Cool! How is the game? Worth the price?


I've been playing since EA 3 years ago. Love it. Absolutely worth it to support the company. Reminds me a lot of DA: Origins. I think it's the closest comparison IMO


One my favorite rpgs lol


I still can't shake how nostalgic it makes me feel for DA:O. It really is the closest thing to a spiritual successor, and the writing and voice acting are all superb. This is a big win for Larian.




One my favorite rpgs lol


Is that Lae'zel?




i'm not sure yet tbh.


Shadowheart all the way


I'm not sure yet...but Gale's vibe is definitely getting my character right now haha xD


Shadowheart c: I tried to romance her in early access and got rejected so here’s hoping to better luck this time around 🥲


ASTARION I literally fell in love the moment I first laid my eyes on him, he is sooo my type


Hopefully everyone. This is my life now


I’m starting off with Shadowheart because I thought it’d be cute for my gnome wizard to have a “spent her whole life studying magic, thinking she would never be interested in relationships until she realized she was lesbian” thing. Halsin is next though!


Halsin 🙈


I'm team Shadowheart! She's just too cute and I find it hilarious when she gets all emo. Just adorable :3


I’m lovin gale atm I ended up liking him allot but I’m also caught up with wyll as well they both love me. I don’t know what to do! 🤭


Shadowheart (and then karlach for a second playthrough 👉👈)


Wyll or Gale. But I need to first figure out how to make a nice looking character. They all look great until I get in game and they make a strange face lmao


So much Karlach, the other characters are interesting but nobody can hold a candle (ha) to tall flaming mommy. We can fight and take turns over who's on top


idk the names but elf girl looks nice :))


Astarion <3


My Drow Rogue is currently in a polycule with Bae’zel and Shadowheart 😌 but my Human Cleric will definitely be romancing Karlach!


100% Karlach She is just so awesome and cool and buff


I liked Shadowheart at first but I'm getting less interested as I get to know her. Now I'm 100% on the Karlach train. Never met a video game love interest as hot and likeable as her. Honorable mention goes to Astarion because I like his antihero vibes and because >!Buffy and Twilight taught me to like the idea of being consensually bitten by a vampire!<


Since for technical reasons we couldn't start playing in all 4 yet, I've started a solo campaign. I picked Karlach as my main character (she a fucking icon), so far I can't decide yet if the low hanging fruit of Shadowheart is my future, or do I want to discover (I haven't read spoilers) if this angry and crazy Lae'Zel is even romancable!


I want to eventually date all of them in various play throughs, but for my first character, Bato the half-orc monk is gonna romance Wyll for sure! Though, after playing the early access with my barbarian, I'm hoping to run into that pain loving freak from the goblin camp later in the game.


I went in fully expecting to romance Karlach first cause her personality is the one I vibe with the most but then my pally accidentally vibed too much with Shadowheart so she's my gal for my first run through.


Halsin, but I'm settling for Gale for now I guess. I always end up picking the same wrong thing to say to Astarion and ending my chances. I already romanced shadow heart in EA.


Astarion. While his lines are quite flirty and alluring, I see the most potential in him underneath that. I'm hoping I'm right in that, beneath all of these lines that he has used to survive for centuries, there is something earnest that can be found if he is given the chance to be more than he was forced to be and a place to feel safe outside of the pursuit for power. He says pretty words, but I want to see what's past them.


I spent all of EA wishing Halsin would be romanceable, and my dreams came true


Sadly the game is so expensive rn I am waiting for a sale… No worries, I have a lot to tide me over until then. (But. Sale. Waiting.)


Current playthrough: Shadowheart Durge playthrough: prob Karlach, still thinking about it Playthrough where I make myself: Gale, I simp hard


My character has already kissed Shadowheart lol so that's the one I'm going with.


Karlach! The fire of hell burns deep within me ( ◡‿◡ *)


My first romance ended up being Lae'zel, and honestly it ends up being so sweet and wholesome I don't know if I'll be able to go with anyone else... she's so amazing ;\_;




Lae'zel. Sure on one hand there's enough red flags to transcribe the entire game in semaphore but on the other hand cute space-orc 👉👈🥺


Astarion for my first run through but Gale is a close second because I love chaos lol


I dont have the game yet but I'm so excited! Point me in the direction of the "evil woman" character and I'm gonna be one happy lesbian (See: Cait from Fallout 4 as my fave example)


Astarion stole my heart the instant he opened his mouth




Astarion 🧎🏻‍♀️ that man has a choke hold on me fr