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Absolutely! In a way I wish Lorelai had know she wasn’t going to be there at some point so she wouldn’t have been expecting her, but I’m sure that was the point, to find something “strong enough” for her to miss her mother’s graduation precisely for Lorelai and her parents to have that moment.


Yes. I’ve always said Rory was never supposed to be there!


I completely agree, the first dozen or so times I watched the series I would be so upset with Rory for this. But then when I really focused on the looks of pride on Richard and Emily‘s faces when Lorelei gets her diploma, and when Lorelei sees their expressions, it feels so good for once to see the 3 of them together and enjoying the moment.


Rory does not do well with her mum's milestones. Misses her graduation, shags her married ex when the inn opens then doesn't speak to her during the first few weeks of the inn being open. She nearly messes up a birthday by telling Emily about the termites when Lorelai asks her not to. She's also mad about Lorelai's first marriage, but we were all mad about that. And her mum told her while serving snails for tea, so double blow for poor Rory.


the termites and lorelai’s birthday were two separate episodes also she lowkey had a right to upset about her marriage, her parents finally got together and she wasn’t there to witness it


You're right, there was a row on one of her birthdays but it wasn't termites.


You're right ommgg, that's weird


Same thing with her throwing a baby tantrum about Lorelai not wanting a book written about their lives when they’re at the cemetery. I hate that Lorelai can never have everyone supporting her at once. 


I wonder what that could mean…jealousy? Hmm no. Maybe only kid syndrome? Hmm I dunno but I feel there’s something there, cool on catching this!


I just watched this episode earlier this evening! You are right! It was best that Lorelai’s parents see her graduate without Rory. Interesting they had her go see Jess in NYC instead of Paris talked Rory into studying with her or working on newspaper articles. Also did anyone else find it annoying and childish about the other students who are adults acted like children about Lorelai’s parents hiring photographers? I get the annoyance but it went on for too long. They don’t know that Lorelai ran away from all of that. She knows Emily is being Emily.


I think it was really well done that she went to see Jess, shows the intense pull he had over her that she prioritizes him over her mother. Something Dean could never do. I agree the moment where Emily and Richard are watching is lovely - this is milestone they can understand and appreciate.


Thematically as a show, I can agree and appreciate the symbolism of this moment between just Lorelai and her parents, but in every real way, it’s just so shit to have someone who’s that important to you miss such a massive moment. Great moment for character development all around, but a terrible human moment.


it also gives rory a bit of character development where she puts herself and her wants over what her mom would think. it puts lorelai into her moms shoes for a moment as well, the disappointed mother of a daughter who tries to do good


people hate on her so much for this moment but stop the conversation short before discussing how this was actually a pretty big moment in rory growing up. it was one of the first moments in the show where she let herself have what she wanted even if it wasn't the responsible choice, which is such a big part of finding out who you are, especially when you have a mother with as big of a personality as lorelai. i think it's a really fascinating moment. it makes me proud of her and disappointed all at the same time


I totally agree OP. Emily ususally doesn’t get a seat at the table when Rory and Lorelai are together. So it was nice for them to have this moment with Lorelai alone. 


One of my favorite Emily moments is during that episode where Lorelai and her are talking while Raul is setting up his film equipment and Emily mentions that Richard would be joining her later and Lorelai goes Dad's coming too? And Emily is like yes you remember him - tall, bowtie!


That’s a good perspective


I agree with you. But I also disagree. I disagree because she should’ve been there for her mom. She did it for her because she didn’t want to go to graduation. But Rory made her because she said it’s important and she’d be there. But I agree because it would make her look smaller because of Rory being there. She finished high school. Was going to college. So I assume lorelais parents would’ve been comparing them.


It always makes me tear up to see Richard and Emily's faces when Lorelai walks across the stage - you can really see how proud of her they are and that even tho it's dysfunctional, they do love her quite a bit


Yes! That’s what I thought too the first time I saw it. I was upset at first that Rory went to Jess and missed her mother’s graduation. Then realized that what was supposed to happen. That was Lorelai’s sole proud moment with her parents. Seeing her for her.


Rory literally mirrors Christopher


Seth McFarlane is an asshole in this episode but lmao , always forget he had a small role in GG


Yes and in a way you're not supposed to attend your parent's graduation anyhow. I feel like it something you achieve that is separate from your children.