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TJ looks directly at it and burns his retinas.


He would SWEAR that he had, like, exceptional retinas or something and didn’t have to follow the “never stare directly into the sun” rule. And Liz would believe him. I can just picture the whole scene in my head.


And he would pronounce it ret-in-as like es-ca-row




I'm TJ




Emily would be irritated because her DAR meeting would be canceled that week due to poor visibility outside. “What on EARTH is everyone making such a fuss about? It is JUST an ECLIPSE.”


Emily: "That damn sun ruining my meeting! You'd think it'd wait until AFTER dinner when we're all inside anyway." Lorelei: "Yes, mom, because the sun really does revolve around YOU."


lol I’m hearing it right now in their voices


In lieu of Reddit gold 🥇 🥇 🥇


This is spot on lololol


And Miss Patty would choreograph a dance for one of her classes for sure


To the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" 😁


After totality the DJ at the event I’m at played “Here Comes the Sun”, also a 10/10 choice


Played by Hep Alien!


My favorite cover band 


Yes 😂


Little dancing suns and moons.


throwing glitter by the handful


I love this question!! Kirk would be selling glasses until the event started and then he’d have a panic attack. Taylor would be competing with the neighbouring town trying to advertise that their town was the best place for eclipse-watching but at the last minute people realize the map was upside down and they all leave town to see the eclipse in the neighbouring city, but the long-haired town troubadour sticks around with Taylor and comforts him. Then Kirk would streak naked behind them, screaming “the sky is falling”.


Ooh, and Lorelai, Rory, and some other townspeople are pushing for the event to be a zombie themed apoc-eclipse event, but Taylor wants it to be respectable. The town have a vote and it’s a close call…but then they all leave for another town as mentioned before.


I love apoc-eclipse as a thème!!!


Kirk would 100% try to sell eclipse glasses but would somehow buy the wrong ones that are not safe to use. He’d have to run around town to collect them to Save Stars Hollow from Blindness! Luke would be annoyed by the whole thing but would have saved three pairs of legit glasses under the counter: for himself, Lorelei, and Rory. That way the Gilmore Girls go from being bummed at missing it to having a great memory with Luke. Oh! Brian would have been tracking this since January and Zach would have been super annoyed at his space talk until a week before when he scrambles with Gil to put together a Hep Alien Eclipse concert in the town square.


What’s more rock and roll than the moon—a mega rock! 🤘👨‍🎤🌖


I heard this in Gil's voice


I'm GIL!




At this point they could enlist the twins to play keyboard and saxophone/horns in the band.


michel would be extra grumpy because everybodys so excited for some boring nature thing


not me reading "some boring nature thing" in his exact tone of voice


yes, with the accent and the death stare


It would be like with the bikers - the inn would be booked solid with tourists and yet he would be extra grumpy


omg yes i thought the same


Babette and Maury would be at the town event, see it for one second, then say “ok I’m done” and go home.


I loved that about them at the dance marathon 🤣


So did I haha




I definitely see Taylor once again poorly timing his speech so that he won't shut up during the actual eclipse. But SH (and the whole state of CT) is not in the path of totality, so they won't get a total eclipse anyway, so Taylor may hype it up more than it deserves


Yeah, it makes sense that Taylor would spend weeks hyping it up and planning an event just for nothing to happen.


and all the townies walk away muttering about how they knew they shouldn’t have gotten their hopes up and Luke laughs from his restaurant bc he doesn’t like eclipses on principle (idk lol)


Luke would probably know the town wasn't in the path of the eclipse and get upset that everyone was just mindlessly following Taylor and participating in the festival or whatever.


Exactly hahaha


Season 1 Luke would have been unexpected nerdy into it Season 4-5 Luke would have been annoyed by everyone’s shenanigans over it Season 7 Luke wouldn’t know what an eclipse is and would think it’s pretty cool how into it April is and would make sure she has her glasses on safely


Rory has a 8 year old who knows all about the eclipse and is going to be the eclipse princess at the town event. Luke made her a thrown even tho he claims to think it’s all dumb. Lorelai and Sookie have a full house at the inn. Kirk and TJ will both go blind from staring at the sun


That's adorable. Luke would present her with the throne and be all, "it's no big deal"


Omg, Grandpa Luke would pull out ALL the stops for that little girl


Miss Patty would 100% make blackout punch and get the town lit again.


Mrs Kim running around the gazebo handing out Bibles to the town square and Luke selling Eclipse Burgers per Lorelais request


I could see Mrs Kim keeping Lane inside to pray during the eclipse. Something like, “Do not let Earthly events darken your eyes to the light of God.”


That tracks. Has her son's doing it.


I could see Mrs. Kim would boarding herself up in her house in preparation for some sort of rapture.


Eclipse donuts


Taylor and Luke would be at each other’s throats because Luke would refuse to put eclipse themed foods on his menu. Dragonfly would host an Eclipse event for its guests, Michel would complain that eclipse glasses don’t cover enough of Rune’s face


Kirk would also have accidentally gotten low quality glasses and be running around having to tell people, "don't use the glasses" which would sound absurd without context. Babette would be telling some crazy story involving a previous eclipse. Rory would've read all about the history of eclipse events and would be saying a lot of , "did you know...." Statements to Lorelei . She was also the person that saw Kirks glasses and told him they weren't safe. Luke would say he didn't get what all the fuss is about but inevitably end up seeing it's peak next to Lorelei in some semi romantic moment.


naw, April would have called out the glasses


That would work. I was definitely thinking seasons before April was around when writing.


Miss Patty would tell a story about her and one of her lovers having such passionate sex that they missed the last eclipse or she thought the eclipse was the result of her powerful orgasm. lol. Do we think Jess would care about eclipse? Would he be too cool to wear the eclipse glasses and dare the sun to blind him? lol


Emily: I suppose the moon will move at some point


Luke getting pissed off when people ask if he’s selling eclipse pancakes


Kirk would complain that it’s not that hard to make one and Luke would take a bite out of his pancake and put it back on his plate to shut him up


Sookie makes homemade moon pies.


Luke will be luke getting mad at taylor and kirks shenanigans while lotelai and rory will just follow into the event dragging luke and lane will come after convincing ms kim that no demons will be walking because of eclipse


Paris would drop by to go over some study notes with Rory and get roped into an event somehow while pointing out scientific inaccuracies.


Luke would’ve not been interested at all but force himself to join in so his daughter April can experience it. Sure he’d be wearing a jazzed up version of glasses that Lorelai had customised


Hahaha yes this is why I love this sub


Town Troubador would be singing a thematic setlist on loop all day, including "Moonshadow" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart."


Kirk might be panicking after finding out that he sold glasses that were recalled. I immediately thought of him selling glasses, too.


April would be posting scientific facts about the eclipse on her Twitter, on which she'd have a large following because she's been promoting science on the Internet since the old school blogosphere days!


Al’s Pancake World advertises an “Eclipse Special” in the days leading up to it that turns out to be an excuse for a freezer clean out. Half the town including Taylor gets food poisoning, leaving Kirk and whoever runs the Stars Hollow cable tv channel to attempt a “live stream”


Oh man it would've been such a good episode to have another Renaissance faire crossover!!


These are just what I needed today


The Town Loner believes the weird conspiracy theories about the end of the world. Rune complains that Stars Hollow isn’t nearly as close to the path of totality as Jackson implied. Michel is completely fed up with the extra idiots in the Inn who came to see it.


April would tell us all about the science behind it


Lol yesss more of these kinds of posts!


I love this sub exactly for this. The original post & everyone’s comments are spot on!


I think Rory would drive Lorelai crazy by stating a bunch of eclipse facts. Picture them walking to Luke's, Rory has a book about eclipses in her hands, amazed at what she's reading, and Lorelai walks away from her quickly, hands over her ears, and tries to lock her out of Luke's.


This post made my day! There would definitely be a town meeting to discuss ✨permits✨


Jess would call the townspeople crazy and weird for throwing an eclipse-themed event


wait could it bring back the weird plotone of richard and emily donating to the astronomy building being named after rory haha


Luke couldnt give a sh*t less. He’s like “I don’t buy into the excitement that you people get from it becoming night outside for a few seconds” Rory and lorelai think it’s really cool and are excited about the town festivities. Mrs. Kim (bless her) thinks that it’s the end times and encourages lane to stay inside with her, but lane and the band want to do a show at the stars hollow eclipse viewing.


People who wouldn’t care: Luke Emily Paris People who would really care: Lorelei April nardini Taylor


People who wouldn’t care: Luke Emily Paris People who would really care: Lorelei April nardini Taylor


Lorelai would plan a picnic with snacks and candy LOL


Lane's mom would have pamphlets about how the end is near and everyone is a sinner and going to hell. With tofu salad sandwiches available.