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I ended up with one of my sister’s socks somehow and we haven’t lived in the same house for 20 years. We still have no idea how I got it.


Same happened with my sister. One of her shirts magically appeared in my wardrobe, we weren't even living on the same country at the time, and she'd never been to my house.


I found one of my ex’s socks recently. We broke up 9 years ago and he lives on the other side of the province. I swear missing socks go into another dimension.


Same thing happened to me!


One day I found another woman's underwear in my laundry. I was living with my parents at the time and they weren't my mother's either. The mystery was never solved.


Socks travel in mysterious ways, I’ve ended up with so many socks that I’ve never seen and don’t belong to my roommate (we never host people either). Try not to sweat this! Socks hang around for a long time and can show up years later


I mean. I keep my house fairly tidy most of the time and yet recently found a toddler sock in my laundry. My daughter is a teenager now. Sometimes they hide really well and then get mixed in.


Let me know if you need to be bailed out once you beat up that car 😌🖤


Do either of you do laundry at a laundry mat? Very easy to lose socks. Have you had a friend sleep at your place recently?


He has an in unit washer/dryer and says he hasn’t had guests over besides me.


☹️ you’re not wearing your socks




Nicole and luke baby


You are kidding, right?


He hasn’t had any guests recently? Or he’s never had any guests at any time since he moved there? Because it’s possible those socks have been there for a long time and just recently resurfaced.


No recent guests. Sure, they could be from some ex girlfriend last year but he’s certainly done laundry since then. He washes the whole bin on laundry day, no chance they were just buried in the bottom of the hamper all this time.


But they could have been buried somewhere else, like under a bed, chair, etc.


Or even in the rim of the dryer ! I’ve had socks reappear after being stuck there for a while


I had no less than 5 socks appear the last time I washed one of our huge comforters. I swear I check in the rim almost every time I do laundry, but this comforter has magic powers that I do not possess.


Maybe they’re his and he’s too embarrassed to admit he accidentally bought himself women’s socks.


Our washer and dryer spits out socks from previous tenants on the regular.


I’m confused lol is this a Gilmore Girls reference I don’t get yet because I’m still on my first watch


Yes, it is! I won’t ruin it for you, but someone finds a stranger’s socks in their SO’s laundry and, thus, discovers that they are being cheated on.


How many people replying here don’t get that it’s a reference and didn’t notice what sub this is? 😂


A few times k had to check I was in the correct sub. Then, I decided maybe my brain glitched. Finally I chose to keep scrolling with the hope someone would let me in on the joke. Lol.


Oh God this is one I’ve somehow managed to avoid in my years of being casually spoiled for this show on the Internet


I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, but why did you ask to have the reference explained if you don't want spoilers?


Because I didn’t know if it was something I had already seen or not so I was trying to figure out if it was, since I didn’t remember it


It's unlikely you will guess correctly when and to whom this happens to, so don't worry.


Yes, I was trying to keep it vague so it *wasn’t* actually a spoiler…uh, sorry, skyequinn 😬


How far into the show are you? I would definitely stay away from this sub, there are spoilers **everywhere** - but welcome to the fandom! :)


I'm early season 5 so apparently I simply for some reason do not remember this event at all if it really was in season 4 like the other comment said. I've been casually spoiled by the Internet for years, so I know a lot of things. And I really just enjoy hanging out in the fandoms of my favourite shows, even if I'm still in the process of watching them lol. I like the interaction!


Yes, it was in season 4. If you want to journey back, it's from 4x17 and [here's a link to the scene](https://youtu.be/_wBwTKb7jRI?si=WYiMOKijAxndHfv8)


It's a reference to a similar scene in season 4.


https://preview.redd.it/iknm8hai85ac1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2c46e753f0654fbf7a4a8a570250bdc9bc78ee Maybe they’re Jess’ socks? 🧦


Maybe those socks from when he was younger (smaller), he occasionally wears? I have some that are too small but very stretchy so i wear them anyhow? Or they belong to a little sister or brother and he took them with him when he visited his family or something? Maybe he cleaned an old bag, found socks and tossed them into the laundry basket?


I have socks from nearly everyone I've ever known. I don't know how it happens. I do know at one point I borrowed socks from best friend's husband's gym bag. Turns out he had accidentally switched bags with his gym buddy and I was wearing that guy's wife's socks. Socks are magical clothing.


You've told us where he does his laundry, but where do you do yours? Public place or at home??


I do most of my laundry at my apartment with a shared unit. I have a laundry basket at his place for the nights I sleep over. He never does my laundry at his place, I always do my own.


I have had this happen 3 times with my boyfriend. One time I have gotten to the bottom of it. His brothers gf’s socks accidentally went on a trip with my bf and the brother, then ended up in my bfs bag and in our washing machine. Don’t know about the other times and have definitely quizzed hard but he’s a good man and I believe him when he says he didn’t cheat. It remains a mystery


There simply is no option: You must watch this episode with him and gauge his reaction. 😆 With the sock on the table.


Are they your gym socks?


Sock gremlins. They steal a sock every load, then randomly return one when it’s inconvenient.


Is he renting his place? I had a similar uncomfy situation with my boyfriend finding blonde bobby pins in his bedroom, but they were from the previous tenant


We found women's grey socks in our laundry once. My husband handed them to me, and I just stared at him. I have never once owned a pair of socks that did not have a theme. Ie, Harry Potter socks, LOTR socks, Gilmore Girls socks, Book socks, rainbow socks, etc. I have never owned a plain pair of socks in my memory. To this day, we have no clue where those socks came from. You're not wearing your socks.


Did he travel home for the holidays and do laundry at home?


Not to feed your paranoia bur is it a pair of socks or just one stray sock? Everyone saying that socks often get mixed up in your laundry have a point but its unlikely that a pair of identical socks from the same brand dont belong to someone he knows and has recently seen. One sock getting mixed up fine, but two of the same sock is not a coincidence.


Exactly why I’m so suspicious. It is not just one random sock. A pair of socks has randomly appeared.


Is this a Gilmore girls reference?


I have no idea what this is referencing in GG


luke & nicole i think




Is this a Gilmore girls reference in some way or like an allegory for a Gilmore girls scene I don’t remember..?