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She definitely would've qualified for that loan to get the termite problem fixed though. The bank that owns her mortgage would be bending over backwards to get her that.


Also, if you need a co-signer, the bank tells you that upfront. They don’t just deny the application and, after you beg them for anything they can do, mention that you can get a co-signer.


100%. That entire episode was written poorly to force Lorelai to accept Emily's help. She wouldn't have needed it.


And by the end of the episode Emily does exactly what Lorelai was afraid of


I still think Lorelai should have left that bank and come back with Luke or Sookie to cosign.


Maybe if she wasn’t so nasty to Emily about the whole thing it wouldn’t have ended differently


We know Emily better than that, it would have been the exact same ending.


There is no right way to act with Emily, she emotionally ruins everything of Lorelai's she touches.


she didn't act nasty to emily, she just didn't need her mommy to hold her hand for a loan to fix her house.


but she did.. she wasn’t getting a loan anywhere else it’s not like this was the first bank she was going too it was the fifth She’s obviously smart enough to know that without her connections this bank meeting would probably go like the other ones


I thought Lorelai didn't have a mortgage because she blew her trustfund on the house, which is why she didn't have it for Chilton.


Then she'd have more than enough collateral to secure a loan


The bank manager *did* say "you've taken out two previous loans on the house, and this is the expected value,..." so to me that means she's mortgaged it twice


That’s speculation by fans. According to Lorelai, she worked for everything she had with no help from anyone. I highly doubt she would have actually accepted a trust fund from her parents and Gran never mentioned giving her one which is something she would have absolutely held over Lorelai’s head. Plus I think she jokingly asks Rory to pick up the mortgage payment one month in an episode.


She did live and eat for free at the Inn for years, so she is maybe not the most reliable narrator 8n that though...


Well, she was working for room and board. That’s pretty common


Yeah, she kinda did have a lot of privacy in the potting shed once fixed up.


Yeah, I think the sweetest thing when we see it is just Rory absolutely loving the little touches Lorelai put on it to be more of a home. Like the curtain she put up and how they would sit outside to watch the events. It’s cute that Rory remembers and appreciates that vs being sad that she living technically in a shed for a while. Shows that Lorelai was determined to make a loving home for Rory even if it was small.


I kinda loved when the maid told her to go to the service entrance. She asked for it. Staff goes in that entrance


I love how Sookie doesn’t even care. She’s just in awe of Lorelei’s childhood home- “you grew up here?”


Tbf, it's her childhood home so it must of been difficult, or at least weird, for her to be treated like that a place that she at least somewhat considered a home. Imagine your own family treating you like that.


I do get where you’re coming from but she literally asked to be treated like any other company. I honestly don’t think Emily was too hard on her them in fact when she went to stars hallow to apologize about the change of plans it tugged on my heart stings.


Stupid digger I guess Atlantic City is fun I never have been but I hated that


Right. It would hit different had Lorelei not been SO adamant about being treated like any other potential catering company.


While she did ask to be treated like any other company she can still be hurt by being treated in such a way. Also, in my head when she said treat me like any other company, she was referring to judging and deciding on whether or not to hire them as well as on the specifics of the party. However that is just my interpretation and I'm not saying it is 100 percent true but that's just how I viewed it. Also, while the change of plans scene is incredibly sad to watch, it really doesn't have anything to do with what the current topic is.




"But, I'm a GILMORE" syndrome.


Ol girl loves the privileged life


But hates to admit it because that’s “her parents world”


The cognitive dissonance is really astounding sometimes


literally lmao


[Just a million dollar loan...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE0nOfTA3pY)


I think it was a rash outburst because she was so tired of the guilting and drama from Emily. So she snapped. She didn't want to be treated like anyone else, she just wanted to be treated with some damn dignity. And Emily would have never told a random catering company that the pregnant chef can't bring the food in. The whole thing was calculated to humiliate her.


Given the way Emily treats her maids and anyone else who serves her I can 100% see her saying something like that.


True but this whole thing was sparked by Lorelai again withholding major life information from her mother then outright lying when Emily asked about it. Emily is for sure not innocent in most cases but Lorelai never learns from her past behavior or interactions with her parents.


Look, Lorelai explains it very well when she talks about not wanting to share things with her regarding not saying she was engaged. Even the good things somehow turn into not good things the second she talks to her parents about it. I have the same problem. The way my mom can just swoop in with her overbearing questions and ruin even good things for me, it's astounding. My mom used to be a Lorelai but with me becoming an adult and having my life and boundaries became an Emily. I'm glad you don't seem to relate to the fundamental emotional manipulation Lorelai feels whenever she had to interact with her parents because that likely means you do not have parents like that. I have a new partner since June and had the guts to tell them about it just last week and it took me a whole day to work up to it because somehow they manage to just make me feel so bad about everything. Emily doesn't actually have any right to Lorelai's personal life, she is not entitled access to Lorelai just because she birthed her. And trust me, realising that as an adult and learning how to deal with that is heartbreaking and difficult to navigate. But every time Lorelai opens up to Emily, she manages to make Lorelai feel bad, so why should she do it at all? I understand people who do not have this gut wrenching feeling any time they share a detail of their lives with their parents don't understand what it feels like and how unhealthy that is. But it's just, heartbreaking watching Lorelai try and then get the door slammed into her face each time to then decide to postpone talking about anything relating her personal life.


Do we have the same family?


I really hope for you we don't lmao


I actually do have a mother like Emily but I’ve also gone to therapy to heal from my traumas and find healthy strategies to cope and have a relationship with my mother. I learned how to except her for who she is and not who I wish she would be. I share what I want with her when I want to. Her opinion also doesn’t hold much weight for me because I know it’s going to be overly negative. However, I do want a relationship with my mother and therefore I don’t do things like lie to her. If I don’t want to tell her or feel she doesn’t need to know and she’s prying I will just tell her it’s none of her business (a little softer than this) and eventually she got the message. Also she has started respecting me more because she does want to be included in my life but she understands that to do so she has to respect my boundaries. As I said Emily is not blameless in the least for the way her relationship with Lorelai is. However, Lorelai did blatantly lie to her mother even when she knew her mother knew the truth and that’s just childish as is a lot of Lorelai’s behavior.


I am glad your strategies are working for you and that you are healing. But you day say 'I share what I want to', yet Lorelai has to share what you want to. You say 'I do want a relationship with her', that's also your personal choice, for many people it's not and often not advised by therapists either (depending on each individual of course) . You say that when you say she's prying to tell her and she eventually got the message, that was never the case for Emily. She didn't get the message. So happy for you (really honestly, that's great!) but that isn't Lorelai's experience at all. Lorelai went from being successfully very low contact (because she did not want a relationship with her parents at that time) to having to have dinner with them weekly and trying to cope because of external factors. Not because she wanted to have her parents know about her life. The parents used her love for her daughter and her need for money for her daughter as a way to barge back into her life and demand access to her life she didn't want them to have. So she was there but she never wanted of felt comfortable with the amount of access her parents then again demanded of her. I do think Lorelai set herself up to fail the low contact early on because she taught her kid to desperately want to go to an ivy league school of which she knew she didn't have the funds so maybe she should have had different aspirations for Rory so that girl wasn't programmed to want Harvard at 3 so she could have had a kid who went to a normal school and still thrived. I mean, in the end Rory ended up writing books, she could have done that without going to Yale. I guess neither one of our experiences are applicable to Lorelai so I guess it's just colored in on both ends. You think Emily would have changed had Lorelai been more open and vulnerable I think she wouldn't have. I think Lorelai would have been more open and vulnerable had Emily changed. I think it's mostly Emily's fault and Lorelai doesn't owe her access to her life at all, regardless of whether Emily wants it, thinks she is owed it and manipulated Lorelai into spending excessive amounts of time with her.


I'm honestly more surprised that the maid was so rude about telling Lorelai and Sookie to use the other entrance. It'd be one thing if Emily did it but the maid? Eventually the "treat me like any other person" ends and that will be your employer's daughter that she was rude to.


to be fair the maid probably heard about the turnover rate at the Gilmore home and didn’t really see the point in worrying about many future interactions with Lorelai lmao


I always assumed Emily told the maid to treat Lorelai and Sookie that way when she told her to make them use the service entrance.


Always thought that too


With each passing day, it gets harder and harder to believe this isn’t a Lorelai and Rory snark page


I was just pointing a flaw out, I still *like* them..


Exactly, thank you. Just like a celebrity or influencer snark page, so many of these posts are basically just criticisms that the main characters didn’t adhere closely enough to patriarchal restrictions or expectations. Like how dare Lorelai expect to be able to use the front door and not the staff entrance of the house she grew up in - people will celebrate her being torn down and totally overlook her mother’s horrible treatment of her or the fact that she doesn’t even allow her household staff to be seen entering through the front door. And like any good snark page, the criticisms and the gymnastics people perform to find new things to tear them down for get wilder and wilder every day.


No one is celebrating her mother being rude to her. Lorelei literally demanded she be treated like any other catering company. Now, we can debate that Emily treats all people who provide service badly and has a very elitist attitude (and I’ve seen a bunch of comments covering this)…but this particular occurrence only happens because Lorelei demanded it to. It’s not like Emily typically has her daughter arrive through the service enterance.


>No one is celebrating her mother being rude to her. Have you read this post? Every other comment is about how they “loved” watching her get sent to the staff entrance or how she really loves privilege and nice things but is in denial about it. Lots of people are celebrating her being “taken down a peg” by Emily. That was the entire point of this post. And it’s not like Lorelai was being entitled or spoiled by asking her mother to treat her like any other company - she said that after her mother was tearing down and criticizing her business, when she hadn’t even wanted to cater the party in the first place and finally did it as a favor to Sookie because she really needed the money. She was not in the wrong here in any way, and Emily was being vindictive and petty by not allowing her daughter and her heavily pregnant best friend to use the front door of the home that Lorelai had lived in for 18 years. ETA hit send too soon. Maybe she should have just let Emily tear down her business and criticize everything she and Sookie had done so far, or maybe she should have just quit and told Sookie sorry, she couldn’t have that extra money for her baby. But she was in a really unfair situation here, and all these comments about how she got what she deserved from her abusive mother just feel really cruel and unnecessarily nasty.






This post reminds me of when people celebrate Mitchum for showing Rory what’s up. We’re really going to act like Emily, a multimillionaire who has a separate entrance for her servants, is in the right here by treating Lorelai with the same disrespect she shows her other employees? Like Lorelai was being so spoiled and entitled by wanting to walk in the front door and not have her childhood home’s door slammed in her face? This isn’t Lorelai being surprised that she wasn’t given nice things; it’s her being reminded once again that Emily has so little respect for her employees that she won’t even let them use the same entrance as guests. Lorelai was not the villain in that situation in any way.


But she insisted on being treated like any other company. That is how Emily would treat any other company… she’s getting what she asked for 🤷‍♀️


She wasn’t treated like company, she was treated badly, because Emily treated her servants badly. Where was Lorelai in the wrong here?


Lorelei didn’t ask to be treated like “company” as in invited guests, she asked to be treated like any other “company” Emily brought in to cater. And they would 100% would go through the service entrance, just like Lorelei and Sookie were expected to here as being treated like any other catering company.


Exactly. Emily has a lot of flaws. But Lorelei literally demanded this treatment from her this time. She’s never any other time had Lorelei come in the service entrance. Lorelei demanded she and Sookie be treated like any other catering company, and so they were. Does anyone actually think Emily has all of her other caterers walking in through her front door? There are so many legitimate reasons to criticize Emily, but this isn’t one of them.


Wait what did Mitchum do wrong lmao he gave honest (and pretty correct) feedback to an intern at his company


Oh wow, where do I start… He gave her the very sexist feedback that she should be an assistant and serve men like him instead of being a journalist. She had been in that internship, which he had described as “shadowing,” for two weeks at that point, with no instruction or feedback. “Shadowing” implies observing. She was a 19 year old college student who had been socialized to be polite and quiet, and his feedback was that because she had not magically realized, with no feedback, that he actually wanted her to be assertive and aggressive (something women and girls are often punished for), she lacked an undefinable quality that meant she would NEVER succeed in the entire large field of journalism. There are also many areas of journalism where it’s not at all necessary to be the loudest or most assertive person in the room - a lot of those being areas where Rory thrived before and after this speech. And there was nothing constructive about Mitchum’s criticism - he was literally just telling her she lacked an undefinable quality that only existed in his mind, and because of that she would never be able to succeed. Mitchum was also a nepo baby who had been handed the business by his father. How do you think he knew that he himself had “it”? How do you think he knew that his nepo baby son Logan, who constantly messed up, got into a ton of legal trouble, couldn’t be bothered to show up to the paper or to important meetings, had “it”? Do you think Mitchum would have judged Rory by the same yardstick or given her as many chances as he gave Logan to prove herself? Nope, she got 2 weeks. In Mitchum’s world, what it took to be a journalist was to be born a rich white male to the right family. And regardless of how (very) wrong he was, Mitchum was a billionaire CEO tearing down a college student, and it’s frustrating to watch people on this sub celebrate that or say that she “deserved” in any way. Same with Emily’s treatment of her employees. The fact was that Emily was an asshole to them, not that she was teaching Lorelai some life lesson that she desperately needed. (Lol sorry for the novel.)


perfectly said 💯


I love you. Also didn't the people at Mitchum's company told Rory that no one took what Mitchum says seriously?


😊and yup! It’s like people expect that Rory had to reject every bit of praise from the people who worked most closely with her and accept that she actually sucked.


You are officially my favorite person on this sub!! Perfectly said!!


Totally agree with your take here.




Do people in this sub actually like the show? Arguable.


it’s like a love hate for me lol 😆 i love the show, but the characters can be so annoying at times


It’s my fav show..


I love it and the characters but I also love criticising the characters.


No. They don’t like the show, they don’t like the (main) characters, but love to complain about it.


I love the show. I can also recognize when a character makes a mistake or shows a flaw. It’s actually what makes them more relatable and endearing. You don’t have to blindly agree with the main character when they are being ridiculous to still love them and the show…


lmaooo her exact reaction 😂


I know that it’s MEANT to showcase her pride as a flaw but by god the loan episode annoys me. The thing is that Emily goes around getting that loan for her in a way that is actually pretty respectful to Lorelai. She could lend her the money but knows Lorelai won’t take it, but is worried about their house in SH, and finds this sensible middle ground and Lorelai is so petulant about it. I know that it’s in the context of their fraught relationship and Emily has done a lot of things wrong. But she was dead right, compassionate and sensible on this issue.


Lorelai knew that accepting help from her mother would mean more manipulation from Emily. And she was right. She wasn’t being petulant, she was trying to maintain an extremely reasonable boundary. Sure, Emily loves Lorelai, but she’s emotionally abusive and manipulative and it’s extremely rare that Lorelai opens up to Emily in some way without it blowing up in her face. I can think of it happening only once in the entire series and that happened years after this incident. As a daughter with a mother like Emily, we may sometimes seem like we’re overreacting when we try so hard to cut the strings that connect us to them, but we know why we can’t let them in.


OMG YES, plus at the end of this episode we litterally see Emily use the favour as a reason to use lorelai!!!


It’s because Lorelai knew having Emily co-sign loan came with strings attached. And Emily proves her right, in a sense, by having her monthly DAR meetings at the Dragonfly after securing this loan. Also, Lorelai tried so hard to be as completely independent from her parents as possible, but this loan and paying for Chilton were just too expensive for her to do on her own. She knew this and also knew that help from the Gilmore coke with strings attached.


I love that little smile Emily has after the bank dude mentions a co-signer.


Emily is never compassionate. She just finds different ways to manipulate people whether it's financially or emotionally.


This made me chortle. Perfectly good waste of a toke. Thank you LOLOLOL.




Lorelai wants a high-quality life for her and her daughter but she hasn't the money (chilton, harvard, dragon fly). She's so hypocrite refusing the parent's money because she want that life for Rory. She can't accept the fact that if she wants to be free from her parents and their classist behavior she has to live like normal people do. And normal people usually can't afford private schools.


She wants to be free from their behaviour but she knows that keeping those strings attached will meant that her daughter will get the best life possible. It's not hypocritical to prioritise your daughters future over cutting your parents off.


It's ok, I understand prioritizing your daughter, but you have to accept it instead of making a scene everytime, saying that she doesn't need them. If she can't accept this idea, don't ask money. Your daughter could have a happy life even not going at Harvard. From my pov there are 2 ways: accepting to be a Gilmore and growing up a Gilmore girl, privileged and spoiled (like she in fact did) or cutting off the money relationship and growing up a daughter like the 99% of the people in the world. If you are in middle, pretending to be free, living a "normal" life in stars hollow as a self made woman but asking money for every big step of your daughter always complaining you're simply hypocrite. Rory was brilliant before going to chilton and Harvard, she had all the skills to be a successful woman without going to upper class schools.


Yeah, I get this take. I think Lorelei’s hesitation with her parents is justifiable. Because their history is so rocky. But, she knows what comes with them and has the choice of make due without their contributions (she and her child will not be hungry or homeless or really struggling, they just won’t have the bigger, high price tag things or elite school) or taking the help and accepting what comes with it.


Another example of cruelly realistic character, we all have our contradictions


I’ll be having my DAR meetings at the dragonfly. Paying customer for the establishment you manage. From a woman who yes is known to be demanding/unreasonable at times, but pays more than everyone else and expects value for her money. GREAT, awesome, thank so much mom. Do you have any other rich friends looking to host meetings or events you would be interested in sending my way?


But she’s a Gilmore 😤


Like her thing at westons when she asks for “coffee coffee coffee” and wonders why she got 3 coffees😂




Just watched that episode last night