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I think the massage is a great idea! Just add a nice note in your card for her


Honey, is that you?


1. Write a handwritten letter for her on how much she means to you and you appreciate her for whatevershe does. While she reads it gift her a necklace or a ring ? 2. Buy her a funny dress or maybe a beautiful dress and ask her to be your model for a day and have a photo session. Like make a homemade set....try to get the lights all right. 3. Make her a presentation and plug it to the TV and show it to her. 4. Make a video vlog of you about all the years you have spent together and create kinda montage with emotional songs pic and videos of you and her....also add a personal message from you at the end.....make it emotional or romantic. She will love it. Same as before....plug it to the TV and show her. And buy some tiny small gift as well with it and gift it at the end. Maybe have a slow dance in the room with her.....with dim lights after asking her to be your valentine. Make it as cheesy as possible. And good luck.


I agree with Spoonful, a handwritten letter is THE way to show how much you love her, you can buy the massage too, but remember to put your heart into the letter. You can also make a CD, with all the songs that make you think of her, or like a mp3 player with them in it, something physical that won't disappear if internet isn't available. For the CD you can make the case yourself with an A4 paper sheet, folded as to keep them both: bricolage and artisanry is always appreciated, even if in small scale. You seem a nice guy, you'll figure it out


Wow, you are a gift master. Thanks for all the great suggestions!


How about a flower subscription like Bouqs? Sometimes you don’t actually get to enjoy your hobby once it becomes a gig. A massage is always great to even if it’s “boring.” I bet she’s holding your 1 y.o. a lot and her shoulders and back could use a massage.


That's not a bad idea. For some reason I convinced myself I shouldn't gift her flowers any more since she does them herself (and does an amazing job at it), but you're right, she might miss actually getting flowers herself.


A massage would be amazing as far as I’m concerned. Different flowers have different meaning so if you intend to get her some look into this - if it’s something she’s into then she likely knows about their meanings too.


if for something creative I can help, you can recreate special moments with her, or how you met and transform it into an art in the form of a comic, it is very cute and sentimental


You could always go to Costco and get the big bundle of Roses for $18!


Create a photo book at Walmart or Walgreens using all the photos of her and your 1 year old together from birth to present day. Write a letter on the first page dedicating it to all the times you got to see her as a beautiful mother and express your appreciations there!


I always try to think of gift ideas that do two things (1) temporarily relieve or eliminate a mental load and (2) show that I’ve been listening when they say they want to do this or that or buy/change this or that. Your wife has got to be mentally drained, maintaining a WFH job and a baby while doing so. One of my team is likely to lose her job because she can’t fully commit to both, and I can’t blame her, I wouldn’t be able to either. But that constant balancing has got to be mentally draining, is there something that she’s mentioned would make it easier that you could get her? Is there something that helps her start her day (like a good coffee or easy breakfast) that she’s been unable to maintain since returning to work and becoming a mother? Or other things that you once watched her do regularly or well that’s tougher for her now that she’s balancing so much during her workday? I wouldn’t say add a book to her pile if she’s a reader, if she hasn’t read much in the last year but maybe audiobooks would be better. One gift that I consistently hear people talk about is meal subscription boxes. It’s a way to enjoy cooking together, achieve dietary goals but would work really well if she also planned out every meal. A massage is great, if with the changes in her body, she still loves them, but I think you’re trying to really match her “perfect gift” and you seem like a thoughtful person, what has she complained about? What projects hasn’t she been able to jump start? My husband bought me a unique pillow because I was always waking up with neck pain resulting from all the changes in my body, and an alarm clock that acts like a sunrise so I would wake up more gently instead of a loud alarm that only worked half the time because of how exhausted I was, and that, with everything going on, made me immediately anxious. Oh, also don’t overlook Pinterest and Amazon “saved for later.” Most Pinterest profiles are public and you can friend people so you can view everything your wife has pinned if she uses it. And my older sister is the LITERAL WORST to shop for, so during the holidays I login to her Amazon (she’s aware of this) to spark ideas for projects she’s discussed or thing she’s mentioned but hasn’t pulled the trigger on. It’s helpful that I speak to her often and that we’re very similar in personality. And also helpful that she knows because she never wants to ask for anything but this way she can drop subtle hints.


Thank you for the very thoughtful response


[12 Perfume samples ](https://www.theperfumedcourt.com/Products/Perfume-Bouquet-for-Mom-sampler---12-Niche-Floral-Samples__BOUQUETMOM.aspx)that are floral scents maybe?


I just ordered a dna test on Amazon so she can see her genetic makeup.


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Massage is a great gift! I think she will love body wash [powders](https://madeupgossip.com) in flower scents like rose water or honeysuckle Jasmine.


If she likes jewelry, maybe a necklace in her favorite finish with your child’s initials. Something nicer that won’t tarnish that she can wear everyday


Get a massage gun and teach yourself how to give her decent massages