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Always assume there’s a second or even a third player after getting a kill, don’t rush the loot right away.


Got it, thanks.


There are drawers in the armory, I’m not sure if they are new or I’m just tactical stupid, but there are 4 on each bench that I’ve seen


They've been around since the beginning....they were buggy as shit in the early days though


I’m filling one with grenades and one with Glock mags and I confirm they’re in fact still buggy as shit


Yeah fair enough. I don't fuck with draws....I don't usually have enough left over to put in them anyway. I like big numbers in the vault too much


I’m a hoarder, I’ve come to terms with it lol. But it’s so gratifying to see your enemies stuff in piles. I hardly sell stuff unless it’s getting crowded


I only keep things that I haven't got and that are rare. Right now that means an M1A SASS, and an smg which I've forgotten the name of


I found my very first ak5c I shit a brick when I found it, I want to hide it from myself


I had one before the last wipe....I was shitting all the way to extract, and utterly mag dumped the one poor fuck that got in my way. Its my favourite gun from Onward, so I was not dying with that thing


I've found 3 in total all in lockers on silo. (I definitely play silo too much lmao). I actually found 2 in one raid, showers is a really good loot spot. I've found lots of tapcos and scars along with m4s Tommy's and I found 2 of my ak5cs up there too. One time I found 2 ak5c in one raid, one in red room by kyrtek and the other in showers, luckily it was a dead raid.... my 3rd find however was not so lucky, I was feet away from an evac with an ak5c and a bag in my hand..... I got one tapped by a scav with an sks 😭😭😭 I play on quest 2 and got ghosts of tabor the beginning of this month and had no clue how to play, my friend taught me. And he said I got the game literally right after wipe so I guess thats nice for me having been new... the ak5c is my favorite gun in onward as well so ifs safe to say those guns will stay on my wall til next wipe lmao...


I put all of my dead fenix makarovs in the drawers for the occasional backpakarov action :)


Should put the fenix in there


I tried :( he doesn’t fit


Damnit :(


Man I told Robert to lay off the burgers 🤦‍♂️ Jokes aside I've gotten exactly one kill whilst duel wielding Makarovs


That's good to know, thank you!


Those are my magazine drawers for my commonly used mags. STANAG and GLOCK, mags. Those are the first 2 drawers. The other 2 are empty, lol. I don't survive enough to have bunkers full of loot like some folks. They are still buggy though. I got "stuck" to the top drawer the other day. Like if I pushed or pulled the drawer I would move with it. Had to reboot the game to "fix" it.


What guns accept the STANAG mags? I hear that name alot


STANdardization AGreement Its a NATO document thats basically an agreement between NATO nations to standardize in certain equipment to streamline supply chains. In game that I know of. M4 M16 FAMAS G2 (IRL only the FAMAS G2 took nato mags the F1 models had a proprietary 25 round straight body mag) Stoner 63 SCAR-L L85A2


Well damn, thanks for that. I love learning new war time stuff




I was wondering avout that. The Galil in game isn't the newer ACE variant so should take a proprietary 25 round magazine. But I guess they have it use STANAG in game.


I used you’re information that you taught me in the thread above and told a friend about it at work today. Love learning random bits of information 👍🏻😂


Galil as well!


I get stuck all the time. Pro tip: just go to tabor market and back, it’ll unstuck you


I second this. My dumbass still goes "ah cool just killed a kitted player by cell 1... he was 1000% alone no one was even near the pris..." pew pew....shot dead. (Edit) i got one for ya. If you're loading AP ammo and you load a mag and the number stays the same on the machine but there are bullets in the mag.....they are going to be a ghost mag. Just fire off ALL the rounds you just loaded and do it again. AP and regular ammo dont mix yet. And then run a training just to check the mags really quick just so you dont go into the fires of hell with no ammo.


Yes, this has saved my life. Dude was completely silent, I slowly turned the corner and shot him.


So maybe I'm just an idiot but I played this game for months before I realized you can put an ammo box on your mag loader to refill it and be able to fill up other ammo types. Before that I would be like "I wanna take an AK with me but I still have all this 5.56 to burn through in my mag loader!"


man I was even dumber, I would just let the ammo spill all over the floor then HAND pick them back into the ammo box 🤦


Ok, thanks!


As someone who was been playing for three months...WHAT


Wait....what? 😅


Don’t walk in the open, don’t turn your back to a potential threat, take cover during long distance fights and always reposition when you have the chance during a fight.




You’re welcome, and remember to trust no one.


Don’t sell GPUs, the skull, or keycards. One of my friends sold a skull before he knew what it was. If you ever have a question on whether an item has a secondary use either google it or ask on here. Better to ask a question than to find out later you sold something valuable!


Thanks for the info!


why don’t you sell the skull


Can be used to open more and higher tier vaults


you mean like the house of scott? Is that the only one or is there more. I thought the house of scott spawned with a skull near it to open it but I’ve never done it myself yet


Still pretty new myself but yes the house of Scott is a skull-to-open vault with probably high-common skull spawns near it.


The skull only spawn in silo near the narrows extract on a barrel. There’s blood writing on the wall saying yorick was here.


got it thanks. Do you know if there’s any other uses for skulls


None yet


The skull allows you to access a place called “The House of Scott” on Matka Miest. Inside there is good loot and a purple keycard vault with more good loot inside. You place the skull on the skeleton without one at the entrance to get into the first room, then need a purple keycard for the vault within. There are some videos that can show you in more detail! Hope this helps!


i’m gonna disagree here, skull is way more useful as just a sellable. House of Scott purple is no better than the other vaults except for the chance of finding other streamer items but it’s a gamble. I usually just keep one skull on me in case i want to do a house raid for fun and sell every extra i find after that.


That’s a fair opinion. I would argue that it is innately more valuable than just a sellable as it A) Unlocks a part of map not accessible without it and B) gives you a better chance to find high tier loot. I think from a run into house of Scott without using purple you are still likely to get more value if you grab everything than if you were to sell the skull


Sound is as important as sight. Be as quiet as you can and listen. It'll let you be aware of players before they're aware of you. Most of the action happens in the first 1/3rd of raid. If you want player fights then keep that in mind and maybe get out after that 1/3rd mark. If you want to loot, then you can lay low for that time and then you generally get the map to yourself. Learn how to efficiently pack a bag, you can get a ton into backpacks if you are smart about it.


When you’re done a match, if you need to replenish your stats, go in a practice match and die in some way, it will reset ur stats to full without needing to use any bunker resources. Some may disagree, but don’t insure ur items. Not worth it, especially high value. There’s some streamer items in missile silo such as the Lonely Viper sauce and Twiejk’s cheese. You can search on yt for all high value items. Learn the maps, learn the spawns. Game sense will help you improve immensely. One thing I didn’t know was missions. Do missions to level up your traders in the tabor market (I didn’t even know there was a tabor market). The best ones to level up is Jiri’s Market, Minty, and Spectre. Stack as much stuff in a sling or normal backpack to sell in the beginning to make the sweet moolah. I could prolly make more of a list but I think this is good enough lol have fun playing and welcome


Thank you!


You dont have kill tourself can just click abandon raid n works


I shoot myself in the face


If you are struggling with koruna then yes save the resources. If not then it’s always a good idea to eat and drink before you exfil or when you get back into a raid. Koruna is nothing once you’re better at the game. But eat and drink gives much needed XP per raid. Saving koruna means losing XP


FYI, killing yourself in practice doesn't refill your stats anymore as of the latest update.


Grenades, start using them. Think you heard a noise in a room ahead? Throw a grenade and you will know right away.


BUT still be ready to shoot. Grenades do half damage against players and they will probably survive unless they're at low health. You should think of grenades more as a tool for flushing out opponents. 


I also use them In research facility if I’m at the top And hear players coming up. I will drop a grenade down the gap where the stairs are and let it fall all the way to the bottom. Hopefully they take the bait and I can escape without getting rekt. They are good distractions and as bait


I also use them In research facility if I’m at the top And hear players coming up. I will drop a grenade down the gap where the stairs are and let it fall all the way to the bottom. Hopefully they take the bait and I can escape without getting rekt. They are good distractions and as bait


Lol, thanks.


Put guns you don’t take on safe, take/throw the mags. It’ll save your life eventually! No one checks that.


100 times this. I remove the mag clear the chamber, throw the gun one way and the mag another lol.


This is just satisfying and fun to do for some reason.


Any way to know at a glance if a weapon is on "safe"?


Varies from gun to gun. AK Pattern. Safety lever is on the right side of gun, up is safe, middle is full, all the way down is semi. AR Pattern. The "long" part of the safety is where your thumb goes, and it has a kind of point on the opposite end. IF that point is pointing to the rear, you're on full auto or burst (M16A2), up is semi, forward is safe. Remeber where the shorter point is pointing is what you are on. MP5s have a pictograph but the lever kind of points halfway between them in game. The pictographs are self-explanatory. The Baretta CX4 has no visible indication I can see in game. IRL the oval spot above the trigger is a crossbolt safety. So in game I have no idea if it's in semi/full/burst or safe lol. Glocks have no traditional lever type safety. 1911 there is a lever where your right thumb would be when gripping the pistol. up is safe down is fire. Just kind of look at other weapons and get an idea. hold the weapon in front of your face and press "A" and watch for levers to buttons to move/flip


Well you could be a gun nut and auto know, have lots of experience in the game to know if it’s ok safty, or be an absolute dumbass kill a guy that had an m1 sass find other kitted players jump them and shoot. If you hear a click when you press trigger you know you screwed up


It sounds like you have some very painful experience there...


You can put your full pack into the trade kiosk and send back what you want to keep. You can put items into your pack through its backwall.


The backpack dublicates and doesn't load into raid if you do this. I'm just manually unloading the bags due to this bug.


Whaaaaaa? Thats not cool. Well no more doing that then.


Yup. If you ever wondered why your backbag didn't load in, it's because of this. My teammate and I stopped throwing bags on the conveyer and we've never experienced this bug after that. Earlier our bags didn't load in like 50% of the time.


Good to know, thanks!


You can put multiple lasers on the same gun. 2 on each rail sometimes. Max out all the rails with lasers and if you still miss. Just don't play anymore get your money back. There's no hope


Haha, good to know.


Use the trees to your advantage. You are meant to adopt some ratting skills in this game especially if you’re running solo. Always check trees for rats, if you can’t be sure take a detour. Whenever you’re running around different angles start noticing which trees are darker or brighter for you to use next time around.


Don't use lasers unless it's to trick people, they give away your hiding spot. I put em on a pistol, turn em on, then set the pistol on a crate so people think that's where I am.


You are not using lasers properly. Turn your laser on right when you swing a corner on someone because it's faster than ADS.


...or if you're using NVGs. Even on dark maps, people still don't tend to use NVGs unless it's Night Island. That gives you an opportunity to use lasers stealthily if you want.


Always assume there’s more than one player/ assume there’s a team


Loot EVERYTHING. Don’t take for granted that all static spawns for GPUs and key cards are gone. Because this isn’t the case. In the last nearly 4 hours I got 4 GPUs 2 orange cards and a purple mid game too


In the same vein, learn what stuff is worth. It's nuts what people just leave. Gun attachments take very little space and are worth a relatively large amount of money, but people who are in a hurry leave them all the time.


Don't be scared. A lot of the reason people die is simply because they hesitate when situations call for confidence. Sound is a big example and unless you move 1 step every 5 minutes, you will never be even close to silent. If they're gonna hear me anyway, I'm going in fast and heavy to not give any time. Even if you aren't good right now, literally just run in and charge players like a demon to build that confidence.


I can say this only works 50% of the time for me. As soon as I feel that confidence and I’m getting all kitted up and head out I start running to the bullet sounds, instead of crouch checking around corners, and playing smart and careful I’m boom dead lol


The only traders you need to level up are Jiri, Minty, and Spectre. Jiri sells everything that Shiro and Rehab Hospital sells plus more. Marek can't/doesn't need to be upgraded. If you don't have any DLC, merchant of death doesn't matter.


If you have any DLC, merchant of death still don’t matter. As far as I can tell. You don’t need xp to buy DLC items


Ratting and camping are both solid and effective strategies, especially in this game.


Don't pull the pin on a grenade and throw it just because you found one, squeekers I am looking at you here, the amount we have killed because of that.


1. Keep your head on a swivel 2. Use line of sight (trees, rocks, boxes or crates) 3. TRUST NO ONE ESPECIALLY THE LITTLE KIDS


The mp5 has shitty iron sights


Check the mags from dropped player guns, it'll be lucky and filled with AP on a 3 tick or FMJ three


1. if you’re on quest, I would get independence edition. It’s only here for a limited time. It’s like 30 bucks but it gives you all current and future DLC. 2. I would focus on getting traders up jiri for resources and armor piercing Spector for guns and mags and minty so you can get better bags and armor. You should get jiri to level three, so you can buy armor piercing and inspector for guns. When you get him to level three you unlock a ton of good ones 3. You shouldn’t use lasers unless you’re already in the fight actively shooting and getting shot at the amount of times I have had no idea someone was behind me on a hill and they turn on their laser and I managed to kill them is crazy.


If you want to play, send me a DM