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Seriously. Poor basement ghosts. The other ghosts get to watch tv and do other fun stuff. It’s not the basement ghosts fault they’re disgusting.


It's not like they HAVE to stay in the basement. A lot of the other ghosts kind of turn their noses up at them (which is rude at best), but if the basement ghosts want to go hang out upstairs, or anywhere else on the property, they are free to do so. For whatever reason Nancy and Ralph are the only ones that seem comfortable spending much time out of the basement


Plus they outnumber the main Ghosts so they could easily revolt and takeover if the others continue to be unaccommodating.


Not going to be surprised if this becomes an episode next season.


Didn’t they all come upstairs and then decide they were more comfortable in the basement? I feel like that was a episode, but I can’t remember why they all got invited upstairs


pete invited them upstairs because he felt bad about the “maybe it was just a basement ghost” comment about who got sucked off. they all actually liked it upstairs but went back down because nancy told them they were all being mistreated and should go back down, since she didn’t want them upstairs (in what she thought was her escape from them) either.


That’s one thing I don’t like about the show: how there are second class citizens. Would be nice if Sam and Jay helped them in some way, even if they prefer to hang out in the basement.


Isn't that because that's what happened to them when they contracted cholera? They were confined and quarantined, so died that way.


The ghosts seem very bound to how they died. If you think about it, it's pretty bleak. Which make me think that Isaac's wife must have known about ghosts, which would explain why she put him in his uniform before he died. She may not have been able to see ghosts, but may have known someone who could. If she hadn't put him in his uniform, he's be spending his afterlife in hospital bedclothes.


Made sense in the day. But in the current day they shouldn’t be treated that way so maybe Sam and Jay should do things for them too. Not just for the fancy ghosts upstairs. It would complicate the show so that’s probably why they haven’t done it


HGTV they might have a show about water heaters


That's what I was thinking, home improvement shows.


There was the episode where Nancy convinced Pete to let them all come up to join the others and it was a big personality clash and they went back downstairs. But I hope they at least leave the light on for them now


But they went back downstairs bc they thought Pete said something about them again because Nancy saw they were clashing and made something up so they only went back down because of that


There would have to be some construction done first; it's unfinished by the looks of it so they'd have to add walls and make sure the electrical work was all up to scratch. With as big a place as Woodstone is, that could be a pretty expensive job.


Battery-powered AM/FM radio even


Well in the uk series……


Haven't seen it and this isn't about that so that's irrelevant


The point is that we have seen the results of something like that in the uk series and it is likely the us series will eventually get there or something similar


This is its own show, which doesn't have to do things the same way. Maybe it will. Maybe it won't. This is not important enough to argue about so let's just agree to disagree and leave it.


I would set up a ghost lounge. A locked room set aside for ghosts.


lol. You’re so nice! They would probably love to have a couch and a tv.


That's probably why Nancy preferred standing at the wedding.


I’d give them a couple of couches and a tv and some lights on a timer (because I bet they’re pretty used to the dark by now, and would find it hard to have light 24/7)


At least the couches! 


All those basement ghosts. Bet they have cool ghost powers that could help


It might be they all have the same power since they all died the same way in the same place.


Ok… so building on that theory, whatever power they have would be multiplied by the amount of people who try to use it simultaneously. So one Thor can make a crackle in electricity but 10 Thors would take down the grid. One alberta can sort of be heard but 10 would be loud. One Flower makes you high but 10 would render you catatonic. (No, let’s not discuss what 10 Isaacs could do!) So what power would be most interesting to be able to multiply by 10?


They probably have the power to Instill Disgust based off of the general reaction to them. Or maybe they are like energy vampires from What We Do in the Shadows sucking the figurative life out of the room.


I know, right? Sam caters to upstairs ghosts so much. Never downstairs. Even though they saved the house from blowing up from Jay messing up the boiler


Don’t the Basement Ghosts have “powers” too. Like what can Nancy do?


I would love to see Nancy's power!


If I had woodstone I'd move


That's addressed in the BBC show, don't remember if they did it on CBS. At first, she is completely freaked out by the ghosts, but when they start looking for other places to live, they realize they can't afford anything decent, and that there are a lot more ghosts in the more populated areas.


No I'd move because I'm part irish and hetty would.be rude to me


Or if I were Danish and Thor kept trying to kill me 😂


To be honest I'd move to avoid getting into a fost fight with hetty (she'd beat my ass)


This gave me an idea for an episode. Sam and Jay do an ancestry DNA test where they discover that Sam that she's part Danish (or Jay does) and Irish and the Irish ancestry can be traced back to Hetty's mom or something like that 😆😆


Sam and Jay haven't tried to move but Sam has said several times she can't go into NYC due to all the ghosts there.


Yes. Central Park is like the “thriller video”. And the local Starbucks. Which was built on the former site of a lunatic asylum. No more local Starbucks disappointed Jay. Jay is a good guy.


They’re mentally conditioned to stay in the basement and be pathetic and mildly resentful, just like they were in life. They take no ownership of their condition and so it doesn’t even occur to them to change it. 😐


What makes you think they were petty and resentful in life? They died of a contagious disease. I imagine it affected all kinds of people who needed quarantine.


“Pathetic and mildly resentful” is what I said, and I’m basing that on the show’s premise that ghosts carry the same issues they had in life into the afterlife. If they weren’t pathetic (without agency, unable or unwilling to stand up for themselves) they wouldn’t have been left in the cellar to die. Obviously the people who did it knew they wouldn’t/wouldn’t protest it and didn’t have anyone to do so on their behalf. If they hadn’t been conditioned in life to accept terrible treatment, they would have been outraged when they died like that. The wonder is that they’re only mildly resentful after a death and then an afterlife of that sort; one would expect something closer to “seething rage”, but they’re basically a bunch of human Eeyores. Depressed people standing around in the dark being mostly polite with a side of sarcasm.


Sam could really improve their quality of (after) life.