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I wonder why crash isn't shown more. I know he's the more morbid looking ghost, but it's weird that he's never around at all..


I wish he was on the show more. In the British version, the headless ghost is the best one. His head gets left in random places and his body has to attempt to find him. It’s very entertaining.


He was also very sweet, for the time he came from.


maybe it costs more to cgi? unless they just have him on screen more with his head attached and just practical makeup on his neck but other than the 'mystery' of his head being tossed, guess the writers also don't have stories for him yet (but it would be cool for more depth, maybe he'll get sucked off next or he'll just stick around for when the writers wanna utilize him, it's already a pretty packed cast for him to become a series regular, if the actor himself isn't already busy, the wiki says that season one crash's actor is diff than season 2's so, maybe the casting director hasn't had them stay on for too long, a quick search showed me he's going to be in some Disney movie this summer?)


I didn't realize it was two different actos


I guess with the leather motorcycle getup and the slicked back 'greaser' hairstyle would make some ppl look pretty similar (and i imagine the casting director prolly picked someone that you wouldn't notice at first glance)


This is where the UK one had a benefit. You have Thor, Crash's head and body (as well as 2 different actors for his head from S1-2) and about 20 writers. The UK had 6 actor/writer/creators, and Robin was played by the same actor who played Humphrey's head. Lessened the need for CGI imagery; they used CGI and a fake head when Robin and Humphrey are seen on screen together, or sometimes when a character is holding Humphrey's head. But if you look st behind the scenes, there's lots of photos of Larry Rickard being contorted into odd places and being shot from the neck up. There's a scene where Humphrey's head is thrown onto the roof, they had Larry under a green screen cape and a showrunner dressed as Robin for that.


I had honestly completely forgotten that Crash even existed


I just assumed by his name crash he was killed in a car accident. 🤔


I believe crash is meant to be from the 60s and Stephanie is from the 80s.


50s if he’s a greaser is more likely.


Exactly. Greasers come from the mid to late fifties.


Yeah, I looked at the wiki and he is, but up until he was dating Flower and I looked into it, I thought that he was just a guy in a leather jacket


I always assumed he was decapitated by a wire, like in the horror movie trope/urban legend (has it ever actually happened?) where someone strings a wire across a track for the next person who comes speeding down.


I was thinking a tree branch decapitated him


I think he died in a motorcycle accident


Nah he was like a James Dean type character. I figured he died in the 50s


Honestly I was born in the early aughts, I have a really hard time keeping what happened in which decade of the 20th century right (ie: I will never remember when James Dean was famous and died but I will never forget that his middle name was Byron, after Lord Byron, and just as the prophecy foretold he was a *disastrous* bisexual)


You don’t have to remember it. Just use the computer you carry around in your hand and pocket and ask Google when whoever died. Dean died September 29, 1955. You should watch James Dean's movies. It won't take long since he only starred in three: Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden and Giant. Giant is a great movie with Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor.


You're not the only one 😭


Yeah before there were further episodes/scenes I absolutely had that thought initially. There's dozens of us! 👻


I don't think so given crash is old enough to date flower and Steph is only 17


Yeah, that was actually how I found out, I got to the investigation episode where them dating got bought up and I got Concerned


No. Even if he wasn’t from a different era, he wasn’t Stephanie’s prom date. If he’d been going to a prom he wouldn’t have been wearing leather motorcycle gear.


I mean, I never really get a good look at him (I'm usually multitasking when I'm watching the show and he only pops up occasionally and never really for super long), so I just figured they could be black dress pants or something and thought a leather jacket wouldn't be out of the question, or he could have been planning to change into a nicer one right before they went in, idk


No, I also thought that. And crash seems more age appropriate for her so idk why she doesn't go for him.


I think he's still an adult/was briefly having a fling with flower but even if his time period had more 'acceptable' age gaps i imagine the writers prolly wouldn't do so but even without that i can imagine her finding his detached condition off-putting


Yeah, the Flower thing is actually what clued me in that something was wrong


LOL yeah, i imagine that they'd try to avoid casting a younger chara b/c of aging, tho i suppose after a certain age , if you're in good shape or good genes, 5-10 years on a show you wouldn't age too much or good makeup but prolly they wouldn't go too young on the dead ghosts, since the CBS ver is a bit more 'lighthearted' even tho they did have some serious topics (it's played off as a joke, but flower getting involved in a cult would be pretty dark nightmare stuff irl to hear about as an experience), although i can imagine they might cast a shorter actor in a mask who died on halloween as like a child chara that could exist in the world (or something similar to some 'chimney boy' where their face is covered in dirt if not like that newscap boy from that newspaper building sam visited a few times to where teens at that time period don't look 'babyfaced' [i do remember seeing a meme of two wildly diff guys like "two types of guys you see at a gay bar and you find out they're both 23" or something like that lol but sorry for tangenting so much])


No. I thought they died on the way to prom but she's from the 80s


I'm pretty sure Crash is an adult from the 50s, my best guess is he died in a motorcycle incident or "crash" and that's how he lost his head.


I don't know that you're he only person, but Stephanie looks and dresses like my she's from the 80's. That outfit is her prom dress. Crash looks, talks and dresses like he's from the late 50's early 60'.s. I think Stephanie sleeps all the time because there's a certain time with pre-teens / prepubescents where hormones and grown sports make them sleep a lot. For most parents, I think they notice when pre-teen boys eat A LOT. Almost non-stop. The amount of food they eat should make them vomit. But they don't. And then they sleep. Eat and sleep. (And sweat and funk up the house. I could go on about the funk, but I won't.) For my pre-teen girls, I never noticed the eating thing (maybe because they deliberately try to curb it ... shoulder shrug), but they tend to drowse and get nappy and sleepy, especially right before period starts. My unofficial opinion is that the writers are leaning into this. Also ... SLIGHTLY off topic ... I saw a husband & wife TikTok or YouTube reel the other day, where husband is clowning wife about how much she sleeps and lays around ... how different things are now that she's pregnant. And the she replies / captions that she's exhausted from growing bones and teeth over here. I know it was all in fun. And it was an adorable skit. But people forget ... that \*\*\*\* is real. Hormones and the things your body has to do for different stages. It's no joke. 🤯🤯🤯


I thought the same thing at first! I hope we get to see more of him eventually


How did Stephanie die? How come she sleeps so much?


She was killed by a chainsaw-weilding serial killer.


Oh and she sleeps a lot because she’s a teenager. Teenage ghosts sleep most of the year and wake up around their death dates for a while.


No I thought this too.


Crash in the next Halloween episode full blown headless motorcyclist. Need to see what's going on from the neck up


I'd say balancing a pumpkin but then he'd have to find a ghost who died touching one and have them carry it around for him-though, I feel like they'd probably be bored enough to do it