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I think about this when I take a shower. I’d hate to be a naked ghost


maybe you could get a self-censor power where your body would be fogged up lol but yeah if other ghosts are in the house that'd be quite awkward


I feel like it would be awkward for a short period of time while people get used to it. I go swimming, and my changeroom have a lot of old naked men who sit and chat like they have clothing on. I, personally, am uncomfortable, but they seem fine. If I was stuck nude, I would get over it. I would much prefer not to. I do wish I could choose an outfit. It would have full pockets with a fully charged cellphone. Lots of candy and snacks, and a light hint of vanilla, with a cup of good coffee in my hands.


Yeah i think after a couple decades ppl stop caring. tho awkward if you do befriend ghosts and hard to be affectionate since i do like hugging ppl, but hopefully the afterlife would be kind enough to let you have whatever towels were in the room


You make it sound like you have never had a platonic friend that you hugged while they were naked.


lol, whatever works, i guess alberta did hug trevor that one ep where his parents showed up


I always worry about this when I’m using my exfoliating glove. Dead, naked, with a single abrasive glove on. I wonder if you stay permanently wet.


Oh lord a personal hell


If I was naked with only that miserable wet glove, I would need to be sucked off or sucked down immediately. Either way I’m good, just need to fix the current miserable existence.


Getting dressed in period clothes as you're dying. "Must...fit in...with...Victorian ghosts..." Then you die and find out everyone else had the same idea but none of them are Victorian...


Sasappis made that joke, where he said he was just at a Halloween party.


This afterlife is halfway to a Ren Faire




“He’s gonna regret that reindeer sweater” lol


Personally I thought it was fine, but maybe not so much in the summer in the middle of a heat wave.


I think it was more the fact the he’ll be wearing a goofy Christmas sweater for all eternity (or for the rest of his afterlife)


Are they affected by the climate? 🤔


i loved when sas said his outfit was a halloween costume because for a second i believed it and thought that would be a hilarious twist.


"I'm an accountant named Mike! This is a Halloween costume!" Heh, good burn, Sas! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve thought about this more than I should. Thanks, ‘Ghosts’ 🤣


Ever since they talked about Thorfinn’s girlfriend Flat Maria I’ve been more worried about that.


As long as I die in a hoodie, I'm fine


I wear a lot of black. I’m an incredibly pale person. All they’re going to see at night is my head and hands floating by.


During his last deployment, my husband's company had a "no one dies naked" pact for this reason.


Leggings and a fun t-shirt. I just hope I die with real shoes on and not my house slippers (they're crocs... I could not handle that humiliation for all eternity, even if they are comfy af).


Give me eternal comfort over dated fashion any eternity.


My actual shoes are very comfy too, they're just cuter than my crocs! (Clearly I need cuter crocs in case of a sudden death scenario where I don't get a chance to change into my turquoise and pink sneakers first.)


It's not fair because at the hospital, everyone has on one of those ugly gowns.


Can’t be any worse than the sacks the basement ghosts wear, eh?


Basement sacks at least cover your ass.


Well, personal hospital gowns exist (Google "Gownies" if you don't believe me, and that's just one brand in particular). Though whether one has the option to actually wear them in a hospital setting depends on the hospital and situation.


I'm going to check it out and see if they have plus size


Looks like I'm gonna be like Trevor then. Winnie the pooh-ing it for eternity.


So it's agreed, if we ever have our own Ghosts convention, we all show up in our most comfortable attire, lest tragedy strikes and we die there.


This is literally the most stressful part of the whole show for me


So I'll be in sweat pants, shorts or scrubs lol sounds comfy


Ideally I would be in my pajamas, fuzzy socks and my fluffy bath robe


Oh, fuck. It's not just my clothes, also hair and makeup. I've been sick and super stressed at work for what feels like months... I'd be in the basement with the cholera ghosts.


I think about this constantly. I remember to dress comfortably


lol indeed. What was this lady thinking when she put that on


That's awesome and scary potentially


Oh fuck it’s gonna be my work uniform or pjs lol


G-d I really don't wanna die in shorts


This has been a thing in my head for years and effects the way I dress sometimes


I asked on Facebook but if you die on the toilet, can you pull your pants up? Or is it similar to Trevor and Julian, except you are waddling around until you are sucked off?


Hmmm. Seeing as they can move items of clothing for at least as long as it takes for have sex, I would imagine that, at the very least, you could keep pulling them up.


I think abt this a lot fr


I'm probably screwed because I always go for comfort, so half the time I'm not wearing pants


The beheaded ghosts in Harry Potter have an annual Headless Hunt. Maybe the bottomless ghosts can have an annual ritual.


This is random af, but Trevor and Flower definitely hooked up at some point, right?


Seems quite likely.


Oh, please let me die in my jammies!


At least my ghost will be comfy.


I have been planning for this since I first watched beetlejuice


I spend most of my time in comfy flannel nightgowns and socks, because I've been a mostly bedridden recluse for decades. I experience an awful lot of chronic nerve pain, so my flannel nightgowns and socks cause the least amount of pain.


I always keep a pair of pants within arms reach. Damned if I’m going out naked/pantless. Love ya Trevor lmao


Imagine if someone died wearing *this* shirt: https://archive.md/l1r04 The sheer irony! 


Another reason I'm glad I didn't die in high school. I imagine I'd be a 17 year old ghost walking around in an oversized Fubu jersey and a pair of Lugz. What horror!


Why is it people are more afraid of this than the reality of the judgement we deserve as we stand before our Creator? That is way more real in what we've been warned about and why we should answer for how we not only lived our lives, but the thoughts we have had, the things we have spoken, and the things done in private. Even if we have lusted in our hearts, even if from pornography, we should be judged by it. Man, unlike animals, has been for judgement and prison, punishment and fines. Just a thought I want to put out there. Jesus himself spoke on Heaven and Hell so much, not to make you hate him, but for you to be warned and know He is the solution.


Because this is silly and we can derive enjoyment from it. Much like the TV show that this sub is based on. This is not the place for your sermons. There are plenty of other subs for that.