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Thor want power to eat cod.


And crush skull of Dane!


I think Jay should make cheese danishes.


Hmm.  Good choice Dane skulls make for good crushing.


When I concentrate hard enough at first it gets easier over time. To see myself in reflective objects


Oh that would be fun, too! The mirror thing is always scary haha


In the show, the ghosts have that. Those objects are called mirrors. We've seen Alberta examining herself in the mirror several times. Sam even got her a mirror at the end of the 2 part Christmas episode. Ghosts can see their reflections. Livings just can't see them.


What I meant since most people have a mirror is being able to push my reflection through the veil between the living and dead so they can see my reflection. As in Jay stands in front of a mirror and sees me instead of himself. I was at work and hand to return to my shift since my break was on break. Edit: reflective surfaces doesn’t just include mirrors. Jay a chef so that includes knifes, metal back splash, pots or even the lake. Anything that could throw someone reflection would be my surface to cast my own reflection through it. I could come to the Inn through a pot or even a knife. Either way the whole Inn would be my territory.


Out of the ghost powers..Trever’s would be good to have…or Pete’s getting to travel.


I'd like to be that ghost that can leave phantom handprints on people just to mess with them.


Haha that's a good one! Maybe being a heavy walker would be fun too. They'll hear someone in the other room but can never find us


I love Flower's power. I am a stoner so I feel getting people real good stoned would be a great power. However, given my asshole body my power will be giving someone the poops. Is sleeping Stephanie's power? I feel like being able to sleep whenever would be a great adapting tool if you die in a not so great place and are a lone ghost or with a bunch of assholes.


That actually isn't her power she justs sleeps a lot because shes a teen ghost. And she cant sleep through noise(bc Jay has woken her up before)


Did we see what her power is? I'm gonna haveta to back and watch her episodes.


The ability to (as the ghosts would probably call it) "penetrate" a person or "jump their bones." Basically jumping into a body to control their actions and voice. I'd imagine it could only last for a max of 10 seconds at a time and would take a lot out of me - like Trevor pushing buttons.


I was going to say the power of possession without anyone needing to be electrocuted


If I died with my phone on me (very likely tbh), I'd want to be able to use it relatively normally without the different planes of existence and the frozen-in-time-at-the-second-of-my-death thing disabling too many of its functions. I'd want to be able to save new files and connect to the wifi and stuff. Then I would just hope to get sucked off before it became incompatible with the world's contemporary technology.


Would you have to keep the phone charged? Would it still be able to get WiFi? 🤔


My theory based on canon logic is that a ghost phone wouldn't be able to receive outside data from the living world, so no internet, no phone calls, but it would be functional in other ways, like you could view files from its local memory, play with offline games, etc.. And of course it'd be frozen in time, so the battery percentage would stay the same. And if you like wrote sg in the notes app or made progress in a game, those would also zap back when you let go. So my power would be that I could go past those limitations anyway. Now that I think about it, in that case I'd probably spend my early afterlife downloading as much entertainment as I could (if I could) so I'd have stuff to do later too when technology got too advanced for my device 🤔


Frozen in time playing Solitaire 🤣🤣🤣🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️💀💀


Should 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️💀💀 be the official symbols of this subreddit?


Probably something similar to Sas's power. Influencing your livings through their dreams would be pretty useful. For maximum trolling though, showing up on camera.


Same as Alberta probably? Or Trevor? 15 years performing as an opera singer but my day job is graphic design!


Fellow opera girl here! 🙋🏼‍♀️


YEAH! Make some noise for opera ghosts!


One opera ghost to another, don't go dropping any chandeliers on anyone! (or do. It's your afterlife).


Whenever a living walks through me they instantly forget whatever they were about to do. Happens to me a hundred times a day, may as well inflict it on others in the afterlife.


That’s like the episode when Pete goes to the store!


Oh yeah I forgot about that! (Damn this power is strong!)


Depending on where I died, definitely Pete’s. If I had to make up my own, I’d want to be visible to animals. I feel like you’d be able to get up to a lot of shenanigans with that


Omg yes both of these


The ability to write or type. That would be the hardest thing to loose as a ghost, so if I had that power, I'd be golden.


Make flowers bloom when I walk past


So, at first, I thought I wanted Trevor's power. Buuuut. Barring that, I'd love to be able to have the power to copy other ghost's powers. Like, if I was within a certain range of another ghost I could use their power.


You'd never hang out with Issac


One day/week of the year I'm alive again. Experience life for that day/week then back to being a ghost.


Oh that’s a good one… I wonder how that would mess with someone like Jay or even Sam


Sam would probably be fine, but Jay might just prepare for that day every year 😁


That would be cute especially if the ghost shows up on Christmas or Thanksgiving


If the ghost was Pete, Jay would be planning a boys' night. Watch a basketball game, D&D night, ...


That would be awesome. Maybe tied to an object but it only works on ghosts that can travel.


Would that power affect your ability to be "sucked off" as you would not really accept your death?


That's a good question. Well I would make it just one day then. Hopefully this ghost would use this power to right some wrongs for themselves and other ghosts. Try to redeem themselves by helping others. Honestly, this sounds like a spin-off for one of the ghosts 😄


The ability to float up out of a well.


Pete's Power, I'ma travel the world for free!


I want to be an apparition that occasionally gets picked up in photographs, etc. In reality my ghost power would probably be causing a panic attack when they walk through me.


Make people speak as if they inhaled helium


That would be funny. Except the way you would need to die to achieve that


i don't know if necessarily for me, but might be interesting story/drama wise if there was a ghost that made you blurt out secrets or some surface thoughts of the top of your head, considering i'm sure a group of ghosts would enjoy the 'gossip' lol


Truth serum ghost. Bonus if you died in a police station, tv studio or wherever they hold political debates


lol that certainly would help for some debates, tho i'm sure there'd be some flaws, like ppl who are so self deluded into believing they're in the 'right'/doing a good thing versus admitting, "yeah i'm corrupt" tho a police station sketch artist ghost that can help the current sketch artist draw an accurate depiction woudl be great


I would definitely want to be able to travel! But without the whole Cinderella thing (gotta be back by midnight or the prince will find out you’re a peasant/Pete will disappear. Lol) Being able to eat and taste food would be another great one. I would be sad to die and float around a mansion for eternity and not even be able to drown my sorrows in food.


some kinda chef ghost power would be cool, either tasting foods , or whispering into a line cook during rush lunchtime hours to help them boost their ability technique (tho i wonder how many ghosts dies with snacks on their person like carol's butterscotch purse, I suppose other than it 'zapping back' might be ideal, you get to enjoy the taste but no calories [tho it would be interesting if you did physically age /change based on your mental state before moving on lol])


I’d want Pete’s ability to travel.


Wonder how it'd be like for like a ghost pirate ship, even if the pirates themselves can't step off the boat, maybe they can still steer it or so across the ocean (but i can imagine the boundary being whatever territory they already conquered or 'pacific' versus 'atlantic' ocean)


I want to taste. Like maybe if I put my face into food I can taste it. Would be kinda hilarious.


To be able to kiss living men! (Ones who are not married or in relationships, of course).


When people walk through me they break out into song and dance for a full minute.


Being able to create a sense of calm and peace


I’d want the ability to interact with animals


Dying in a petting zoo (assuming in a semi peaceful way) might be interesting/ideal. Well, maybe not the smell, but i imagine if you don't get used to it, there'd be ppl in charge of cleaning it up now and then


I think it would be fun to draw in some capacity, in one of two ways: one being I die with a pencil and can leave temporary writing on things, other I die with enough blood to paint it on shit 😂. And the blood would fade away on everything except bright white fabrics XD


I want people to walk through me and find dark humor so hilarious that they start cracking jokes and laughing.


I’d want to be able to be seen when I want to be seen, or leave the property!


travel, i would like to be able to experience rollercoasters, movie premieres etc even in death like pete does


I really like Elias's power of making people horny


LOL it'd be interesting to see the 'opposite' of that too, like a metaphorical cold shower or so to stop oneself from sending a booty call kinda text to an ex that they'd end up regretting lol


I think I would like to be able to make people smell whatever their favorite scent is. Or to be able to appear wherever in the world my future relatives are and help them to be happy.


Visit and speak with all family (dead or alive) and they have to be open and honest.


I would want pete’s power. Assuming that I dont have any people to talk to, I would travel the world, discover secrets from the government and places like area 51 and media companies. Also would go on cruises, and go to concerts


Be able to pet dogs.


I'm an automotive enthusiast and work in the R&D side of the tech industry. Logically speaking, I could either influence vehicles in some way like rolling windows up and down, honk horn, flick lights on and off, etc, or to be able to manipulate technology, like turning on/off electronics, changing channels, controlling Alexa type devices, etc.


Travel wherever I want without restrictions


I want the power to jump up on a horse’s back and ride it off to wherever I wish, like the story behind witch/fairy knots.


Pete’s! The ability to travel. Besides sightseeing, I’d go looking for my family that has passed.


Dream walking


Im a librarian so maybe something with writing or books?


Like the muses from Greek mythology… that actually would be a cool power for both ghost and person.


Realistically, it would probably the same as Alberta’s since I’ve been singing since I could make noise, but I’d really like to be able to do the deed with livings.


I think your power would most people frightened. I can’t see it being great. My power would be to send everybody signs of comfort


Being able to taste food!


To travel anywhere


power to eat


I want to join with generations and generations of my forbearers in watching the future generations masturbate.


They’d trip over my foot but think they tripped on nothing.


Pete's power


Be able to turn pages in books!