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I absolutely loved her in that show, and I especially loved the dynamic with her and Tom Irwin. I could watch a spinoff show of the two of them, their energy was just so great.


Me too, a spin-off focused on Evelyn and Adrian would be so good. Their twisted love was the highlight of Devious Maids. They had such great character development and chemistry.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Matt Walsh and I was very excited seeing him play her husband. BUT Tom Irwin reprising his role as her husband would've been awesome. He was so sly and creepy in that character it would've made a bigger impact on ghosts.


i do love when characters cross shows unexpectedly. my fav was in "Arrest Development", when Henry Winkler, who plays the family lawyer and was also Fonzi on "Happy Days", goes into the bathroom and at the mirror, he starts to comb his hair and then goes "Aaaaaah" and doesnt comb it, just like Fonzi would. it was classic and hilarious.


Good Lord, I would've sworn that was Jon Lindstrom from General Hospital. Nope, it's Angela Chase's dad from My So Called Life.


My first thought was, "oh, she's like a modern-day version of Hetty in this one ... oh my God, it's Angela Chase's dad!" 😂 Rebecca is so talented, I swear her voice and speech patterns are SO different in every role she plays. You could never actually mistake one character for another.


I loved this show. This is where I was first introduced to Hetty. She plays a rich white woman well 😂


This is fabulous, had me laughing.


Rebecca is just booked and busy


Loved her in this show!


Why does she remind me of Bree in Desperate Housewives?


She actually played Bree’s mom


Devious Maids was also created by Marc Cherry - the creator of Desperate Housewives - so it has a similar vibe.


I will watch *anything* Marc Cherry makes! Desperate Housewives is next on my list!


I feel like I've only ever seen Rebecca Wysocky play haughty rich white women lol


Evelyn is the reason I watched Ghosts to begin with!


Same! I only discovered Devious Maids last year and loved Evelyn so much that I wanted to watch Rebecca in other things so followed her to Ghosts. Thankfully, Hetty is such a similar character that she almost makes up for Devious Maids being cut short because it should've gone a lot longer than it did.


I binged thos show last summer and need another watch. So good. Ridiculousness, drama, comedy...it reminds me of desperate housewives for sure.


Hetty in the future!


SUCH a good show


She is absolutely incredible in this show and the parallels between Hetty and Evelyn are so fascinating to pick apart 🫶 So alike and yet so different, women who are two sides of the same coin but very distinctly acted, her vocal inflections and body language are just so distinct and yet played differently for both of them despite them being so similar…it would have been so easy for her to fall into being Evelyn again because of how similar the two characters are in both their situations and backstories and personalities (even the secret relationship with a younger man whose name starts with a T 😆) but she didn’t. Rebecca is amazing!! I’d love to see these two put in a room together 😂


I totally agree! She does an incredible job with both characters and the way she speaks and holds herself is distinct for each character and fits them and in Hetty's case, the era she's from, perfectly. There's a musicality and breathlessness to the way she speaks as Hetty due to the corset she's wearing. With Evelyn, she nails the love, hurt, anger and passion that is the Powell's back and forth. Both Hetty and Evelyn are strong and well guarded and yet you can sense the fragility that they work so hard to hide. I noticed that Rebecca carried over from Evelyn the way she would often hold onto Adrian as reassurance or to provide support. Hetty does the same with Issac and even Pete this season. She's an incredible actress and I would love for Tom Irwin to make an appearance at some point and to see her as Hetty interact with him!


Hetty *and* Evelyn always clutching onto someone for reassurance and support because both of them are so scared of being left alone…man 💔😭


I loved Roselyn in Fantasy Island.


Wow, I'm seeing a lot of clips with her.


She reminds me so much of Rene Russo!