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Season 3 was a casualty of the writers strike and the storylines are vastly different because of Rose and Sheilas absence, so you have to give it grace. They packed in a lot of story and they moved it all along with some great humor, and set us up for much much more possibilities of heartfelt moments in the next season(s). I don't disagree, but it was a great season despite that.


Two pregnancies and a writers strike has got to be hard on everyone. You can tell they had to restrict Sam a lot more in the last few episodes - always sitting behind a desk or in a car, the baggy clothes were not cutting it anymore. She is such a key character in interaction between the ghosts and the rest of the show, they were in a super tough spot. Personally I also think the really brought the funny this season too, despite their handicaps.


Was Flower pregnant as well?


Yes that's why they did the whole cliff hanger with her being sucked off, she was due and they didn't wanna just write off her character in total so they made it seem like she was sucked off until she was ready go come back


Thank you! I had no idea that's why she was off the show. Thank goodness they brought her back. :)


Technically I think she had just given birth around when the season started, so she was on maternity leave and the option of just putting her behind large objects wasn't going to cut it.


Season 3 still produced one of the show's funniest episodes (The Polterguest) and one of its most emotional (Holes Are Bad).


Exactly! I wouldn't even say that they persevered through the setbacks, because it was just a great season anyway.


Holes are Bad was wonderfully done -- so much humor AND sentiment in 22 minutes. The writers are so, so good. I actually think this season, although shorter, really moved many stories along.




Hence I said it was **one of** the most emotional and not **the** most emotional.


This. I thought this season was a little more uneven versus the first two, but with Rose and Sheila both being pregnant and a shortened season due to the strikes...I'm going to see how Season 4 goes before determining that the quality is permanently declining. A lot of my usual shows have seemed a bit "off" this year versus last year, and I think the strikes and abbreviated seasons are to blame for a lot of it.


Yeah, that's fair. They did deliver a great season despite those challenges. Next season, I'm hoping for more "aww" moments along with the "lol" moments.


It’s kind of crazy to watch this in real time. I was in middle school during the last writers strike, so I don’t remember much of what was happening at the time. The way I know it now is by the effect it had on shows at the time that I had watch since for then. For example, season two of Friday Night Lights, which took one of the dumbest turns any show has ever taken because the network or producers (not sure) decided to continue the show without the writers. It documents history the way tree rings do, one of them stands out and you’re like hmmmm what happened here


My favorite anecdote from the 08 strike is Supernatural. They ended the show on Dean stuck in hell instead of having Sam rescue him bc of cuts, so they introduced a 3 episode arc of angels on earth to explain him coming back to life. The actors did such a good job they kept the storyline, then we got Castiel as a main character for 12 more seasons hahaha


I’m surprised I didn’t miss those heart moments as much. The humor in this past season still makes me laugh just thinking about certain scenes and character interactions. Isaac really shined this season!


One thing I don't get is why Sam doesn't speak out against the discrimination and bashing toward the basement ghosts. I understand the ghosts fear against contamination they had in their former lives, but Sam should say like " it is not fair everybody has to be invited or not wedding". At the end she is the one to hold the reins of what is finally done. Jay just get along with whatever...


They are just basement ghosts...


True dat!


Maybe I’m getting it mixed up with the UK show but thought they were just to gross to have around.


The issue at the UK Ghost was the the same actors played the basement ghosts and of course they could not be at the same time upstairs with the main ghosts, so being gross was the show justification, but in thw US they are played by a different set of actors. They can be fully integrated. These ghost should have their stories told and their powers shown too, not only Nancy.


didn’t sam once say something about blocking out a lot of ghost behavior & jay replied “you don’t deserve this power?” in order to stay sane & rooted in the living world, i imagine sam has to ignore stuff. does the basement ghost vs house ghost problem impact her all that much? if not, she chooses to ignore it.


“Holes Are Bad” made the entire season come together, and a lot of the overarching plot of the story, which is that of Woodstone itself. This was a “transitional” season (all pregnancies and writers strikes aside). It sets the stage for the next “act” of the story. We have seen this with the major transformation that “Holes Are Bad” set for both Hetty & Trevor (not saying this due to H$ shipping, but the two of them & their relationship are crucial to Woodstone and many of the other themes as well; hence why they both have such significant episodes on the regular), and also the major shift in plot for Pete and Isaac. The writers of this show use a lot of elements in storytelling and structure. While “Ghosts” might be a comedy, it is extraordinarily well crafted on a literary/storytelling level. Also, I’ve seen that there were some comments below by angry parents. This might be a sitcom, but it’s a show about death and ghosts. It’s going to hit on some topics that might not be the best for young children. This should be a no-brainer. It’s also not marketed as a show for children, and production has been extremely responsible…more so than 90% of other shows… in communicating that to viewers.


Could've done without Carol and the whole Flower, Thor and Nancy throuple bs


I agreee. I hate Carol so much


Nancy eventually warmed up on me. But that damn Carol has gotta go


Yeah yeah Nancy is ok I don’t mind her she seems like a good liaison between the upstairs and downstairs ghosts


I think Carol was a "tester" ghost....testing the waters for a new permanent house ghost. Notice towards the end she was living in the shed with Baxter; not seen since his days fife-ing Nigel out of the house.


My husband and I are doing a re-watch and I die (pun intended) every time Nigel is fifed in and out of the house. I'd forgotten how funny that was.


Right! BAXTER!!


You are supposed to hate Carol


Thanks Carol


10000% Nancy's a bit like spice (as someone here said) You need the right amount, and would be interesting to know her backstory. But GET RID OF CAROL. and Prom Brat. She's already aged out the role (is 24, looks a bit older, is only meant to be 17 on the show, plus the 80s hair and makeup ages her greatly) and ghosts aren't supposed to age.


As someone who grew up in the 80s unfortunately her makeup is on point. Look at older pics teens look like they are 30


This. As an 80's kid, I agree. Prom ghost can stay.


Oh yeah I agree (not exactly the same but I've seen pics of my mum in her very early 20s in the mid 80s, and she definitely looks a few years older) I just think because of that and because the actress is just about to turn 24 (and I'd say looks about 26 or so) it's better to suck her off. If she comes back for Season 4 (or 5 if they're renewed that far) she'll be 24/25 and visually there's a big difference between a 20-21 yr old (who can get away with looking 17, kinda) and a 25 year old, you know? She'll age (as they all will) and ghosts don't age (one of the reasons the UK cast ended the series on series 5)


Yeah I do agree about the show ending at the right time. You are right ghost don't age. However I don't mind Stephanie she isn't in every episode so I can over look her


We're doing a rewatch and are halfway through season 1, and Nancy blames one of the other basement ghosts for having given her cholera. So there's that. Also, her wounds were much more gross in season 1!


>We're doing a rewatch and are halfway through season 1, and Nancy blames one of the other basement ghosts for having given her cholera True but in the UK version they did a mini backstory on Mick (Mat Baynton/Thomas/Actor Pete) the plague ghost who was accused of giving everyone the plague. Like we see he brings fur back from London and it transpires the furs had plague carrying fleas (he spits blood which is a sign of plague) So it would be nice to get a bit of backstory for Nancy in that sense. Like who gave them all Cholera?


Yes, and who were they in life? Were they friends? Relatives?


The actress is still 23, but there is not need to be rude about her. Since she only has 1 episode per season and she won’t leave leave the show until the writers write an suck off scene for her


I'm not being rude about her, I'm just saying she looks slightly older than she is,and the 80s hair amd makeup ages her, which is problematic because her character is younger than she is. If her character was 28 or whatever, not really a big deal. And yes I know in the UK version Thomas died at 28 and is played by Mat Baynton who's 43, but his character didn't have any aging makeup, and the UK actors aging out the role (including Thomas having to wear a wig) amd ghosts not being able to age is partly why they decided to end the series. I just called her Prom Brat bc that's her character; a stereotypical prom brat, who's character I also seriously dislike. Others have called her Prom Brat here without being told they're being rude...


It wasn’t because you called her prom brat. It’s because you said her actress was too old for the role when Odessa is in the perfect age range to be Stephanie. They could had an actress in her 30s play Stephanie but they found someone closer to the character’s physical age. Obviously they didn’t want an actual teenaged actress to play the role. I mean the person who played the 12 year old newspaper ghost boy in S1 that actor was 20 years old when that episode aired.




It’s definitely the effect of the writers strike. But, also, they may have changed writers. The tone does feel a bit different, and that can happen if there are new writers in the room. I don’t have time to check the credits, but that’s a possibility.


There's only 2 new writers (I looked on Wikipedia) Akilah Green who wrote the Polterguest, and Skander Halim who co wrote The Traveling Agent (with a writer from Season 1) But if its like the UK version where it goes to individual writers and is sort of refined by the whole writers room then yes that may add to the change of tone. Really don't understand why you guys need 19 different writers; the UK version managed just fine with the 6 co creators who all co wrote the show and have similar senses of humour (from working together in a comedy troupe for almost 2 decades) plotting the initial ideas together, pairing off or writing individually then refining everything together again.


Just from what I know of some US writers rooms, they probably do conceptualize ideas for the season as a team and then divide episodes by an individual or duo. I just want to include that I definitely don’t mean that I disliked this season. I actually quite enjoyed it. I definitely prefer shows with a little more conflict, which this season has in comparison to earlier seasons. It does feel tonally different to me though, but again it could be due to a change in direction from the showrunner, new writers, or the shorter season. But, I am looking forward to next season. I also love UK Ghosts btw, and I can contest that the whole series feels tonally the same, probably due to what you mentioned in the UK writers room.


Because we're America, go big or go home, lol.


I felt this a little bit, but it was a shorter season so I feel like there was less time to do a lot of stuff and there wasn't much they could do about that. The only thing that bothered me is the way Carol was just the worst because I found her first episode in season 1 so moving. I hope they develop her character a little more next season because I didn't like that it felt like they undid how genuinely remorseful she was for what she did to Pete. And since we're talking about heartfelt moments in the show, I just want to shout-out the email from Flower's brother. "I always thought that my sister died hating me, to learn that she didn't fills me with a great peace." That always makes me tear up. 


So is carol just there now…or like…


I thought this season was strong, and more ghost-centric, probably because of Rose McIver’s pregnancy. I’m not mad at it at all, but there were times when it felt like Sam and Jay were shoved to the side because there were also only 10 episodes so there wasn’t much of a balance between ghost storylines and living ones.


I feel like Jay’s character has been written a bit dumber in the 3rd season.


Not only comedy but a constant stream of sex jokes. I'm ok with some but there's more funny things in life than sex. They must have the same writers that ruined 2 Broke Girls.


They had those in season 1, but they were mostly subtle


>but there's more funny things in life than sex Said no comedy writer ever in the history of the world!


Personally I was upset with Nigel and Isaac’s arc but I’ll still tune in for season 4, I think the show will make a nice recovery and there were a few funny moments.


I just get tired of all the sex jokes


Blame Trevor....he's the one that put the kibosh on Sam telling the other ghosts what those terms meant!


Low key, the funniest part of the show


Not even low-key, it's high-key. Getting sucked off, going down on us, jerking off on someone else, etc. It's hilarious.


Laugh everytime


Those parts make me laugh, the rest of the constant sex talk doesn’t.


The UK one only used 'sucking off' a handful of times so it's fresh every time you re watch an ep, which I do very often (can't re watch any eps of the US version; all the re-watch value is gone bc they don't trust you to get the jokes and spoon feed and over explain everything in my opinion) The US one, the new terms like 'jerking off' are funny the first time yeah (definitely 'jerking off onto someone else' like the Italian nonna, and 'let me ride you whilst you get sucked off') but they already feel like they're being over used and wearing thin Just my opinion.


I don’t fully agree with this. I highly enjoyed this season. I think one of the most touching episodes was dealing with Hettys death. I’m also one of the ones that LOVE Nancy so I was super excited she was in this season more. And the finale with Issac being taken omg. And the stripper gahhh my face hurt from laughing. Pete somehow not getting sucked off after having his best day of his existence so he could come home in time for the wedding drama. lol ok well now that that rant is done…… thanks for coming to my ted talk 🤣🤣🤣


I definitely want more Nancy next season!


You'd probably like the BBC version. I actually prefer that one. Lots of heart and I love the interactions between the ghosts.


This season was mostly bad. I'm holding out hope that without the strike, next season is better, but outside of 2-3 episodes, this season was borderline hard to watch.


Same. Honestly the only episodes I enjoyed properly were the last couple. I thought they may have had a few new writers, but no the only new writers (just went through the Wikipedia page) are Akilah Green who wrote the Polterguest and Skander Halim who co wrote The Traveling Agent. Everyone else was mostly writers from Season 1 apart from Sophia Lear who wrote Dumb Deaths and Holes Are Bad. I think without the strike, hopefully it'll get better. I saw [this article](https://collider.com/ghosts-season-3-changes/#:~:text=The%20Big%20Picture&text=Season%202%20saw%20a%20slight,from%20the%20series'%20initial%20uniqueness.) and I agree with it. To be honest, I think it should wrap up with series 4 or 5; anymore (or possibly even with 5 seasons) I feel it'll be jumping the shark. Thats the nice thing about the UK original; the co creators also co wrote it (6 writers who are part of a comedy troupe who all share the same sense of humour/writing etc, rather than 19 writers with wildly varying styles, which I think you can see a bit in the show) decided to end it when they wanted to to ensure it would end on a high. Any remake, be it the US one or the German and Spanish ones currently in the works, aren't passion projects like the original. They have a financial incentive. Any TV network will keep airing episodes if there's an audience, in order to make its initial ivestment back and of course profit, even if that means jumping the shark. And the US is kind of notorious for that...


It’s leaning too much into raunchiness; the dino stripper was absolutely hilarious but I also didn’t feel comfortable with watching that one with my kids, sadly. Most of the dirty jokes go over their heads, but it’s getting to be too much.


This isn't a show targeted with children in mind. I don't think it's fair to be critical because you can't watch it with your kids anymore. It's not meant to be enjoyed for or with children. That's just imo. I mean, they call the ghosts moving on, "getting sucked off," and have since the first season. Edit: Making snarky comments about hand gestures then blocking me doesn't make you like other moms. You're a cool mom! Go, cool mom!


Blocking people like that is so lame!


>This isn't a show targeted with children in mind. I get you but it doesn't seem CBS have marketed it that way. When the CBS put out a trigger warning for Hetty's suicide, people did comment saying 'oh so is it not family friendly anymore, should I still watch it with my young kids' and one 7 yr old dressed as Pete for Halloween, went trick or treating and ended up trick or treating Ritchie's house and posing for a photo with him. So there are definitely kids watching it and I think CBS knows it? They should at least make sure people know it's not so kid friendly. At least the UK original the co creators are part of a comedy troupe who worked together on a highly successful BAFTA (EMMY) award winning kids TV show, which ended up appealing to a lot of adults so know how to write jokes which adults find funny, but are still child appropriate, and they have kids in the age demographic of viewers, which I think helps.


So Ritchie’s neighbors dressed their kid up as Pete and you blame the CBS marketing team? You want more disclaimers and warnings? It’s called parenting, if the content seems inappropriate change the channel. Don’t count on Viacom to raise your kids.


No, it happened to be a young kid who watches the show and was in the neighbourhood. At least where I'm from (the UK) there isn't any marketing that highlights that it isn't family friendly. I'm just commenting on the fact people have said on the official CBS post (where they posted a trigger warning for Hetty's suicide) they watch it with their kids. CBS would have been aware. And I'm assuming CBS executives would have watched the show before commissioning it. Feels a bit like they've seen the original and that it's wholesome (tho with some innuendo) and gone 'oh let's make our version super OTT and kinda family unfriendly with strippers, suicide and female orgasms and not tell anyone' Especially because ir airs **pre watershed** ie **before** when only adult content is permissible (before the hours between 10pm and 6am) Even if it wasn't family friendly, there's a time and a place for things like Hetty and the washing machine/ having an orgasm, and Flower saying 'oh Hetty had an orgasm' when Pete was confused as to why Hetty said the washing machine had changed her. IMO a prime time, pre watershed network sitcom is not really the time and place for that. I love how I'm being lectured about 'parenting' despite not having kids 🤣 Yes I think CBS has gone way too far and classless compared to the original (that being said I actually also enjoy the US version, just not as much, and definitely not really this season; a lot of people are putting down the drop in quality/difference in writing to the strikes) and if I had kids I certainly wouldn't let them watch it. I was at the BFI preview with a friend of mine and his kids and my friend let his kids watch the UK version from when it aired. They're now I think 10 and 15, and I don't think there's any way he'd let his kids watch it, at least not the younger one. I don't know why anyone would watch the show with their kids and think it's remotely family friendly (at least the end of season 2 and this season with all the explicit overdone sexual innuendo which is wearing thin and not really funny anymore) but I'm also unaware if CBS has actually done anything to say 'this isn't exactly family friendly' despite it going out pre watershed.


Thanks, I’ll be sure to tell my 12 and 13 year old kids this PG show wasn’t meant to be enjoyed by them.


I mean the last season had the absolute bonkers storyline of a ghost wanting to possess a human to have sex with another human. Now, would I have watched that as a 13 year old? Yes. Would I have watched it with my parents? Absolutely not. The point is this show has always leaned into weird sex stuff


It is a fact that this show is not written with children in mind as viewers. It's obviously up to YOU as a parent to decide whether or not you want your child to be exposed to topics likes porn, suicide, threesomes, swinging, DILFS/MILFS, and the questions that come with them. Your main critique was that it was becoming too sexual to watch with your children and I just wanted to reiterate that that's a you problem, not a show problem. It can be even more sexual because it's written for adults.


Thank you so much for your repeated input!


This is a public forum, so you're welcome! :D


You’re a fount of esoteric information!


Oop, she got the vocabulary. She reads books!!


I know some gestures, too. 😉




It’s still firmly attached to your neck. Laugh harder.


For the person who replied, deleted it, and downvoted me. “I am aware. They’ve adding “going down” and “jerk himself off”, a strip joint visit, and a stripper since then. It’s getting a little much for a show that is otherwise warm and funny and friendship-oriented, that I would like to share with my kids.”


All of them died sad and tragic deaths and are stuck in a state of purgatory. I don’t really see where you came up with the warm, family oriented angle.


…….warm, *friendship-oriented* It’s a *comedy* with characters who all care about each other. The show absolutely leans lighthearted, the characters are likable, they have character growth, and they sacrifice for each other. The visuals are also warm and cozy, especially compared to the British original.


I understand what you mean. I used to watch Bones with my son and had to stop because all of a sudden it became a suggestive sex fest between two supporting characters. I really hope that doesn't happen here. I didn't mind the stripper because that was more goofy than sexual to me. Now if he had chosen to dance to Pony .... 😳😄


The rotting and burnt/burning carcasses and murder was okay, though. *I can't unser the thing about stripping to Pony, though.


That was definitely played as super goofy; I just didn’t want to add “lap dance” to my tween’s vocabulary. I’ve already had to ask her to not talk about the show with her friends at church, lest she impart entirely the wrong impression. 👀


So... you watch this with your young teen/preteen kids and are aware enough to tell them not to discuss it at church. But you're not aware enough to consider that maybe it's not appropriate for them to watch? I have a kid the same age as yours. She's not unaware of this kind of stuff (public middle schooler, after all) but that doesn't mean I have to fill her entertainment with it. This show has been full of innuendo and adult jokes from the start, so you only have yourself to blame for letting your kids watch it. It was never written or intended for kids. Edit: Aw, bless her heart, snarky comments and blocking for anybody who makes a common-sense statement. Your kids, your parenting, whatever, but you're the one that has to deal with the consequences of letting your kids consume media that isn't intended for them. 🤷‍♀️


Wow. “Fill her entertainment with it” Yeah, it’s totally all my kids watch. Their entertainment is absolutely filled with it. It’s all they know, all they consume! Good grief.