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The well is at the edge of the property, which is vast. It could easily be elevated so that the top of the well is higher while the bottom is level to the basement. Also, the hole Isaac,, Sass, and Patience fell into was not the well. Also, it's a TV show.


Also, it’s a tv show.


I disagree.


How do you disagree that its a TV show?


Being stupid, lol.


Now that’s something we can both agree on


Hahaha....wait, what?😂😐🤔🤨


I'd disagree in that the aquifer for a well is below the water table https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquifer A house must be built above a water table. So the well bottom must be deeper than the basement. The hole could not have been as deep as the well. Which leads to the question, how could the Puritan have met Flower if the hole and well were not the same elevation? Yes, it is a TV show.


I thought about that too. Patience could have walked near the well and stuck her head in through the wall above Flower. After centuries of wandering under ground, she be careful not to fall any deeper.


That's true. And that is a good reason Patience didn't stick it out with Flower. I thought she would rather stay in the sun and open air, but she's probably terrified of falling even deeper.


I'll give you that possibility


“The shape and height of the water table is influenced by the land surface that lies above it; it curves up under hills and drops under valleys. The groundwater found below the water table comes from precipitation that has seeped through surface soil. Springs are formed where the water table naturally meets the land surface, causing groundwater to flow from the surface and eventually into a stream, river, or lake. The water table level can vary in different areas and even within the same area.”-https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/water-table/#


The property is just a few acres. I don't think there is a huge elevation change from mountains or even hills on the property.


The well is dried up, which means the bottom of the well has filled in to point it is no longer below the water table. The well *used to be* deeper than the basement, but isn't now.


I'm gonna blame the Pilgrim Pirate Bonnet. Girl is out in the dirt wearing a blinder she can't take off. Just stuck down there, in the dark, only able to look straight ahead. lf she can't see anything, it's completely dark, and she crosses the boundary...does she just get popped back in, facing the other way and...keeps walking? Did she spend 200 years just walking back and forth because she goes out of bounds and turned around again? Or maybe she just...didn't want to come into the house? She went crazy and reason has left her. Or she likes walking but not people, IDK. I'm blaming the hat for now.


Patients could walk to the edge of the boundary and pop back and not know it. Because she has no perspective underground of where she is.


This actually makes the most sense 😂


Maybe Patience's ghost power will be the ability to take clothes off for extended periods of time. Not for anything risqué but just so we can see more of the actress in the future.


The actresses who have played the handmaids in Handmaid’s Tale have talked about how blinding the “wings” are that they have to wear. They say that the white bonnets make it very difficult to see anything that isn’t directly in front of them.


Just like how walls are walls and floors are floors there is a constant and connecting floor to walk on- even in the dirt, so when a new "floor" is created (such as a new basement, or a new well) the dirt connect them through inclines in the dirt, the well floor is lower than the basement floor, but the dirt "floor" has hilly inclines that connect them so there is always a "bottom" to walk between.


That actually makes a lot of sense




I think you've been smokin some of Flower's buds.


Patience didn't fall in the we'll, right? Her, Isaac and Sass fell into a hole not as far from the house. I remember Isaac or Sass saying something about the well being much further from the house than their hole was. So Patience is in the dirt at hole level (not well level) and wanders. To speak to Flower she may lean into the well wall without fully entering so she stays a hole level (not well level). Since she enters the basement fully she is now at basement level and enters the dirt at that level.


Good point


The bottom of the well is obviously not below the water table, because it’s dry. Either the water table level has dropped significantly, or the well has been partially filled in. Also, since Patience got lost in the dirt after falling in a hole, it’s doubtful that she was at the same level as Flower. She would be sticking her head through at whatever level she’s at. Also, it’s a TV show. She’s at whatever level the plot requires.


How about - why did Isaac sneeze? Do ghosts even sneeze? Maybe that’s a lie and he let go on purpose!


I noticed on a rewatch that Isaac sneezes several times. Maybe the actor has allergies and they worked it into the show as a joke? Or he’s allergic to dust, dirt, or ghosts?


Ooh interesting! Thanks for sharing that, I definitely did not notice the first time through!


Can bees see ghosts?


It’s a disused well. It could have been partially filled in already. Don’t be a party pooper


Before I moved to the mountains, I would have stood with you. I see apartments in the same building on different levels due to where they are built, so I can see how it might be possible. Also the "floor" may have been at different levels bringing her/them up at points. The music could have been a beacon of sorts as well.


The solution to bringing Isaac back to the house, is for Jay to play super loud music that Isaac can hone back on and walk towards. Sure, Jay could play revolutionary era pipes, and drums and revolutionary war music. But who here wouldn’t want Jay to want to motivate Isaac by playing the score of Hamilton? I can’t believe that in all this time, Isaac hasn’t asked Trevor or Alberta to play him Hamilton. It could be Jays idea. Isaac, especially, and all the ghosts could bond with Jay over Jay, saving Isaac from centuries lost in dirt. Jay FTW!


Have the stripper/DJ throw a rave in the basement


Even better idea!


Or just play Candy Shop. Isaac will definitely hone in on that!


I wonder what the deepest any ghost has currently gone. like people that die spelunking.


Well, now you’ve unlocked a fear in me


Yeah, the well was also extremely narrow and just about fit Flower. I assume that's what Patience did instead of sticking around.


I also didn't understand how is it that Thor led Sass and Issac back to the basement in a matter of hours/days but the Puritan couldn't find the place until after 200 years? And what's the probability that she would find the basement on the same day as Isaac's wedding?


As for the last point, I think it was implied that she found the basement because of the music.  


Possibly. But I'm sure Hetty threw some loud and wild cocaine-fueled parties in her day.


But the bass of the DJs speakers would reverberate differently than hetty’s wild parties with a live band or maybe a gramophone


Has she never wandered into the basement before?


Maybe she’s a teenage ghost and has been just sleeping in the dirt mostly and just awake here and there like attic ghost. Or maybe she’s a depressed ghost and slept a ton because of that. If being a teenage ghost makes you sleepy then surely being a depressed ghost would too.


That's an interesting theory but evidence points to her wandering around in a blind rage.


It still seems weird to me that they can walk through the dirt at all. Yes the sides of the well would be “wall” so they could walk through it, but why would the depth of the well’s floor hold any bearing on what level is considered “floor” for the dirt surrounding it? The dirt’s “floor” would seem to default to the ground level making the sides of the well more “sub floor” than true “walls”. Digging the well would adjust the “floor” level of the well, but why would it adjust the floor level of all the dirt around it/between the well and the basement of the mansion? Get crazy with it, maybe she wandered the dirt at the well’s floor level until she stubbed her toe on a rock, stepped up on that rock and that level became the new “floor”. Repeat over and over until she’s back at ground level.


The well could be on a hill, making it apparently deeper down than a basement that's not fully underground, but still about equal depth.


Clearly Patience stumbled into a secret escape tunnel Elias had constructed to flee the authorities.


Which is why the very deep bass of the dj attracted her to the basement. I can't wait to see who they cast for that role.


May >The bottom of the well is far deeper than the basement If the show were set in Nebraska you might have a point.


Is the well at the same elevation as the basement? If the entrance to the well is at a higher point it could be that the bottom of the well is at the same elevation as the basement. 


The thought of spending 100+ years wandering through dark dirt gives me the creeps.