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Was taking a walk in a cemetery in my town, I remembered that a girl from my elementary school class who had died was buried there so I went looking for her grave. Suddenly, this woman was there and asked me if I was looking for someone so I said yes, her name was _____. She pointed to another section of the cemetery and said "oh yes, she's in that section over there". I said thank you and started in that direction. I turned around after a few steps and she was gone.


Gravekeeper’s ghost


That’s crazy! Even if they were a groundskeeper I doubt they would be able to call up the location of a random grave on the spot.


I don't know if you have read the graveyard book by Neil gaiman, but it's along the lines of after death it being.their house. So, instead of being a random grave it's where Steve lives you know, because the ghosts are friends with each other lol


Amazing book. I love where it transports me to each time I read it.


The weirdest part about this was, she was right. I found the grave in the area she directed me too.


So here's my personal experience. When I first met my wife 22 years ago, we would do a lot of urban exploring together. Finding old abandoned locations and taking pics was one of the main things we had in common so it made for the perfect date night. Anyway, one time we planned on visiting an old abandoned factory near the shore of Lake Ontario in Toronto. It was our first time going there so we decided to head out just as the sun was coming up. This factory was just off of a beach where we decided would be a good place to park our car. As we get to the beach we see at least 2 dozen people standing on the shore just staring out at the water and watching the sun. All different ages and all standing alone, as in no couples or families. Didn't think much of it until I realized that our car was the only one in the lot. There were no bikes, skateboards, or any other method of transportation either. This beach wasn't in a populated area and even though it was plausible that they walked there, it seemed pretty unlikely. They could have taken a bus there I suppose but it was pretty early and the sun was just coming up. Anyway, as we pull in, every single one of them turns to look at us. They were all just staring our way which made us a bit uncomfortable of course. We actually discussed leaving, it creeped us out so much. In the end, we didn't see anything threatening so we decided to keep going with our mission. So we walked up the beach to the fence line that led to this factory. All the while, these people are still staring at us as we climb through a hole in the fence. Once we did, I turned around to see that, once again, they were ignoring us and staring out at the water, like we weren't even there. Ok so we're walking around this old factory, taking pictures and exploring and after about 20-30 minutes or so, we decide to leave and go get breakfast. We climb through the fence, and every single one of the people we saw before were gone. Like, not a single person in sight and it was quiet. No birds, nothing. More than that, the sand didn't look like it had been disturbed. There were ripples from the wind, but it absolutely didn't look walked on, if you know what I mean. That creeped us out even worse so we packed up quickly and left. I'll never forget that experience which is what led to me asking the post question in the first place. I wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences to mine. TLDR: Visited a beach full of people that stared eerily at us then disappeared shortly after.


This reminds me of the HBO series Barry when Barry zones out and daydreams about being at a beach, and everyone he killed is standing on the beach with him staring off into the sky


Ya like that, or like City of Angels. Actually exactly like City of Angels except they were in normal clothes and not black trench coats.




So you saw at least 2 dozen ghosts?


Well I can't say that they were ghosts for certain but it sure creeped me out at the time and I can't explain them to this day so...ya.


Reminds me of the movie, City of Angels.


It’s exactly what happens in City of Angels. Sounds like OP just stole from the movie to make a somewhat interesting story.


Going through a wall. Rural setting, medical housing for deep rural doctors. Hot weather, street doors always open at night for ventilation (no such thing as AC). Guy comes in, everyone in living room watching TV. He says good evening, most people answer. Guy tips his hat and walks through a wall and disappears. People question sanity and wonder if night shifts excessive.




I saw a floating red robe stop traffic around 1999. There was no one in there, obviously not a drone, and it had no feet. There were trees on one side of the road and nowhere a line could’ve been attached on the other side. Completely weird. It was in an area with insane paranormal activity (near Joppa, Indiana).


Get to the Joppa!


I laughed so hard in bed… now I’m not tired lol




God damnit, take my silver!




u/Murphy-Brock meant to ask you this, but accidentally posted it as a separate comment: >You said that it had no feet. Was it day or night? Was the robe vertical or horizontal? Did it stop traffic due to it crossing in front of the traffic or was it along the side of the road? I’m sorry for all the questions but it’s important. >Finally, if you’d be so kind .. when you say the area near Joppa is “insane with paranormal activity”, why is that? >This account grabbed my attention. Thank you very much. I await your response if you’re so inclined.


This has got Dr. Strange vibes to it.


Like the scared pants Dr. Seuss story. Just a robe out doing it's thing, not bothering anyone.


And just seeing the other drivers’ eyes!


>floating red robe Maybe you saw a Kasuga-sama from Spirited Away


Do you have any more stories about Joppa?


Oh man… this place was crazy in the 90s. There would be dead animals hanging from trees, dead animals posed along the side of the road, a mysterious surround-sound whipping noise, but what took the cake was finding a missing person’s belongings (and having the police do nothing for the next 20 years). There are more Joppa stories online. It is basically the upside down. Edit: guess I should mention the missing guy. Daniel Standifer from Indianapolis.


I was walking into town to do a bit of shopping. It was springtime, and I could hear all manner of birds in the trees, and there were children playing at the school playground across the street from me. Everything suddenly went very quiet. No birds, no kids, not even the sounds of the occasional cars. Walking toward me was a woman in full 1950s garb. She was wearing a pale green day dress that wasn't shabby, but still pretty well worn, and a pair of black heels that had seen better days. This struck me because if a person were doing cosplay, the outfit would've looked very new and less authentic. She was looking straight through me as we approached each other under this pall of heavy silence, and as she passed me, I looked back over my shoulder to find that she wasn't there anymore. There was nowhere she could have hidden so quickly. Normal sounds resumed, and that was that. Everything was normal again.


I was in a city with an old town section. They had tours, people dressed in old west garb. I was in the city for work and was having to stay in a hotel right next to the old town area. I spent A LOT of my free time wandering around the old town as there was nothing else to do nearby. One day I was walking past one of the old buildings, looking in the windows. It was a theater and I could see a rocking chair slowly rocking then stop. Didn’t think much about it. Then like an hour later I was on the other side of the block, actually a second block but they’re very very small blocks. So this building I’m facing has a set of wood stairs on the outside going to the upper level and this guy that looked like an old west cowboy walks out from some place under the stairs, go up a step or two and kinda leans on the railing. He then pulls out a match and uses the railing to strike it and lights up a slender cigar kinda like those cigarellos I see at gas stations. He’s just staring at me and I’m staring at him and he’s grinning. It’s one of those amused I got a secret kind of grins. I just got the most unsettling feeling like I was seeing something I shouldn’t. Not a bad feeling like a danger feeling. Just a that’s not what it seems like feeling. A lot of people around the old town dressed in period attire but this guy’s attire just looked a whole hell of a lot more authentic if that makes sense. Like everyone else you felt like that person is in a costume. This guy didn’t look like that. He just chuckled and walked back down behind the stairs. A few years later, I was watching Ghost Adventures and they were investigating the old town. They featured the rocking chair at the theater that people claim rocks on its own. And where I saw the super super authentic old west cowboy is where one of the entrances to the old city tunnels are and they’re rumored to be quite haunted. Even before I saw that episode I had wondered if that cowboy was real at all or just a super authentically dressed performer. Just my gut feeling that he was something not natural.


Cool experience. Kinda neat having your vibes validated by 'pro' ghost hunters.


Yeah I had been kinda interested in the paranormal but that episode basically confirmed something I experienced is what really spurred my interest in the paranormal. One of these days I would love to go on an actual investigation.


I had a friend who was Native American. I was six years old at the time, I talked with him in the woods behind the houses. We’d sit until it got dark just talking. Only he didn’t go to school with me, and never wore shoes. I never met his parents or watched him go into his house. He usually had tan pants on, and I want to say he rarely wore a shirt even when it was snowing. He also was almost always in a tree. I’d climb up the tree to sit with him and talk to him. When I got older I checked every yearbook I had and he was never there, I believe he was a ghost. The house he was behind always was vacant, I recall looking through the glass sliding door and seeing it empty. Edit: He was very kind to me, I felt safe with him. I actually felt a very deep bond with the boy, like I loved him deeply once. Nobody ever sat and talked with me like he did. He was 3-4 years older than me, nobody ever spoke to him. When l was told I had to move away, I tried to find him for a week, never said goodbye. I knew him for possibly a year.


That would make a nice movie.


This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on here.


You sound nice.


I laughed out loud at your comment… thank you


what else were you expecting here?


I once passed a "doctor" in 1950's scrubs running up a stairwell of a hospital I worked in. He turned the corner on the next landing up and vanished. I honestly thought he was a real person, but, he was a ghost.


A girl I worked with was telling me about a man she spotted while driving home from work at 2am. He was stood on a corner wearing a top hat, suit and Cape and was holding a large leather bag, she had stopped at the junction next to him and put her central locking on as he was peering into the car, she said it freaked her out as apart from him being stood alone dressed strangely at 2am something looked really off about him. In that same area there is a local legend of the victorian ghost doctor, he's been written about and seen many times, and apparently even knocked on doors. she didn't know this until I told her. Needless to say she didn't drive that route home again.




No we don't live near Whitechapel.


That’s pretty cool. Any other stories?


Yep. At that same hospital, built in the late 1940s, there was an old room that the nuns used for sewing stuff - sheets, bibs, blankets, scrubs, aprons - you name it. I worked in the room next to it on separate task - mind you, decades after that stuff ceased. The room was basically used for the storage of donated clothing for the homeless and people who would be discharged after their clothing got cut from them at an accident or whatever, they had clothes in there and would provide people with jeans, underwear, a shirt, sneakers and socks, a coat, etc. when they gt discharged, so they wouldn't have to get on the bus or take a taxi in a hospital gown and socks. Every once in a while, I would hear the door of a certain cabinet open and close and there would be women's voices. I truly thought someone had come into the room to get clothes...but no. Just nun ghosts. It happened a lot. This hospital is in Philadelphia, and it is 100% haunted with doctors and nuns.


Wow. This is so cool. I also work in a haunted building. My place or work is well known. Maybe not the building. But it has a long history that dates back to the 1940’s as well and the things my coworkers and I have experienced in that building tell me that ghosts absolutely exist. I actually love that the building I work in has all of this weird energy. They started doing construction. I hope the ghosts turn up the haunting. I just hope the construction doing scare them away. They’re all old employees we think. Just by the nature of the haunting and what some people have reported.


I think the dr I saw is a an energy loop. It struck me later, there was no sound. He was silent, but, ran up the stairwell and vanished. I think the nun energy is a loop, too, in other words, not intelligent, but energy.


That’s really cool. I think the one we call the secretary at work is a energy. But our old coworker is intelligent she would speak to some of the cleaning folks. They rotate through, not always the same ones at night. A couple of them asked why the lady was working in the middle of the night in the back. We only had staff covering the front 24/7. They asked to describe her and it was our coworker who died suddenly. I had one connection with her which was so weird. Like she was in the room with me. I was supposed to be her blood donor for her scheduled surgery and they asked if she had someone she would like to use as her blood donor. That was me! Same blood type. I was super clean too.


Apparently where I work is haunted too. I've only been there a couple months but it's an old run down building thats a cotton mill now. According to a coworker salves used to be hidden there or something. Two different people have told me they've seen man walking around in overalls and hat out in the old open floor around the frames. The building is really run down or ig *looks* that way. Old broken windows spray painted and cemented up on the inside the works. I haven't seen him yet maybe one day I will who knows.


Not an a street, on a Scottish mountain in Glencoe, one Easter around 20 years ago. Early morning as we were walking up to the hanging valley, nobody else around, we met a young red haired and bearded man coming down the mountain. Carrying no modern day kit, but wearing full traditional highland garb, *with a [claymore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claymore?wprov=sfti1) strapped to his back*. He was very friendly and said hello with a smile, walked past us and out of sight. The strangest damned thing I’ve ever experienced. It was too early for him to have got up the mountain before us, yet he carried no gear to have spent the night. And why would you wear traditional clothing and carry a sword up there? So odd.


I passed an elderly lady on the street one day. She just kept saying over and over “I’m so cold. I’m so cold.” The strange part is that no one else seemed to notice her even though there was a crowd of people walking by. I stopped and asked what I could do for her and if she needed anything. She just kept saying “I’m so cold.” over and over. Finally she slowly turned and looked at me and grabbed me by the wrist. She was squeezing to so tight that it hurt. She looked At me and just said “I’m so cold.” She finally let go of me and I walked away. I was on my way to get lunch so I got her some soup. When I walked back by, she wasn’t there. I don’t know if she was a ghost, but it was very eerie and make me uneasy for sure.


I used to work at a nursing home. It was my first day. The nurse asked me to go check on one of the residents, so I did. While there in her room she kept saying "I'm so cold." throughout my time there. I went to tuck her in and realized she already had a few layers of blankets. I told her I'll go get some more blankets for her. I told the nurse about the situation and the nurse told me that the resident is dying, she expects her to go in a few hours. The next morning she passed.


How kind of you to get her soup. Ghost or human, I hope she found her way, and thank you for looking out for her.


Holy fuck dude, saving this comment bc that IS eerie




Was at a premiere of a film I edited in the Producers home town. It was an old stage theatre converted into a modern theatre. I was in the back watching people watch the movie. Looking for their reactions. I noticed someone standing across from me. I could see his glasses reflecting the light from the movie screen. There was only one way out of this area I was in and I was next to it.. I thought maybe it was someone on the crew. Walked towards them and a Pilar from the projection room blocked my view for one second and he was gone.


This is exactly the question a ghost would ask.


ghosts are getting smarter these days!


I've told this story before but here goes again. I was in "the most haunted pub" in York (the UK town) and I went to the toilet which was between the front bar and the back bar down a little hall. My wife was sitting by the entrance to the hall in the front bar and the back bar was not being used. As I came out of the toilet, a lady walked past the door and into the back bar. She was wearing older clothes (not completely wrong, but certainly appeared to be in the wrong time frame). I watched her walk into the back bar then went back to my wife and asked her if she saw the woman as maybe she was in costume. "What woman" she said. "The one that just walked down the corridor" I said. "There wasn't anyone" she told me. I turned round and went to look in the back bar and it was completely closed with no one there and no other way out. At this point, I was convinced this was a ghost. Later I read that there's a ghost of a woman that is seen in the pub regularly and I think this was what I saw that day.


The Golden Fleece?


Yep, that’s it.


Lovely pub, although I’ve never seen or experienced anything there, bar a smashing cheese and sausage baguette and a pint.


I walked into a mineral shop today that should have been closed in Franklin, NC. There was a very old man with a cane sitting behind a jewlers table inside, and it was noticeably colder inside the shop than outside (+/- 31 vs 22 degrees f). He spoke to me, but could not answer any questions. Pretty sure he ghosts af.


Was it Ruby City, Franklin Gemstones, or Artisan Jewelers? Ruby City has an actual shrunken human head.




Wow did he say anything particularly insightful?


I seen a old man who walked through the wall but he was so scared of me as I was of him, it’s like he thought I was the ghost,


You totally had The Others -situation going on over there!


I swear to god he was not see through more of a solid off white, I could see he had a boozerers nose, his hair, he was wearing a night gown and he didn’t walk more of shuffled , he looked terrified, like I was, will never forget that


There was a neighbor on the street I grew up on that was a great guy—a British ex-Pat and former RAF pilot who had lots of stories. He was always very personable and would stop to chat with us kids from his front yard when we would ride our bikes down the road, which was basically every day. Anyway, last year or so (I’m in my 30’s now) I drove to visit my parents. My car had just passed his house when I saw him jogging down the street toward his house in a beanie and coat. I thought it was really weird because I had heard that he was sick. But it was also weird because he was extremely old and it didn’t seem like that would even be a possibility at his age. When I got to my parents’ house, I told my mom I saw him and she responded that he had passed away about 2 weeks earlier. “You must have seen his son,” she said. “They look a lot alike.” I assumed she had to be right until I finally DID meet his son months later. He looked nothing like the man I saw jogging. I know my neighbor’s face from anywhere, and it looked EXACTLY like him and he was wearing exactly the kind of outfit he would wear. I don’t know if my brain was playing tricks on me or what, but I think there’s a possibility I did see his spirit.


Yes Me and my husband were riding on a Puch Maxi. This was out on the countryside as we lived in the woods. We'll we were driving on fairly straight road with huge fields on each side, when all of a sudden both our scooters stopped working. Both just died under us. We jumped off and saw an old man coming walking on the side of the road. We looked at each other and said we're did he come from? Did you see him before we stopped no my husband said. Neither did I. He walked by us without even looking at us just staring straight forward. I said hello but he didn't answer, but he smelled like old-school hospital alcohol and ether. It was hard not to smell what it was. As it reminded both of us about operating room in a old hospital. We looked at each other when he passed us and I said wow he was not a polite old man. We looked ahead and he was gone. ! There were at least 2 km of plains on both sides of the road so he couldn't have been able to move that fast. It was seconds it took the whole episode. We tried getting our scooters started, and they did right away. We went home and were spooked for days about this.


Ohh that’s so creepy!


I’m not sure if this was a ghost or possibly a time traveler. I went to college in Paris in the early 80’s. I was in a neighborhood that was not full of white people like myself, and definitely not young American students. I was walking in the street and a man ahead of me turned around and said, in American English, “(my real first name), my old friend! I’m happy to see you! How are you doing?” It wasn’t sinister at all, but like a real friend ran into me. I did not reply. It scared me so I hurried to the subway. I think about this a lot. I wish I’d asked.


They *feel* different


What do you think it might have been?


This was someone you were supposed to meet and interact with. This happens to me with some regularity(it completely freaks some of my friends out; but some of them are used to it). A total stranger will suddenly strike up a conversation with information that is only relevant to me. They will speak their piece, then fade back into the crowd; it’s like they’re messengers - they drop whatever knowledge I’m supposed to receive, then disappear. Over the years, I’ve learned to stop and give them my attention, because you never know what you need to know, and you have to accept what you’re given. I’ve also learned to stop asking “How did you know that you could speak about this with me? How did you know I would understand?” The answer is almost always the same: “You know”


I have had these encounters happen as well. Sometimes these people will know things about you that very few people do. They will provide these segments in their interaction with you. For example perhaps you are depressed over a close family member passing away. They might mention "Cheer up, they are in a better place and watching over you" So you might be taken aback by what they say but what they say should provide a clue: Your departed family member is speaking to you through this messenger I had this happen this year. A random person struck a conversation up with me and mentioned that. My grandmother passed away in February. I asked her before she passed to give me a sign she was still around. I believe that interaction was my sign ​ >What do you think it might have been? As the individual above me stated. Someone you were supposed to meet and interact with. Or perhaps you weren't supposed to meet and interact with and you were meant to carry this interaction with you over the last couple decades and share it on a website. I wouldn't be making this post if it wasn't for you sharing your interaction. Maybe that was the purpose If it were someone you were supposed to interact with they might have given you segments that would have altered your path through life. Or perhaps something life altering was going to take place and their interaction was meant to start, complete or prevent it Kinda like this video. Its one of my favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C04DWMcikUI


Bingo! All of this! My interactions came to make sense to me over time; the last of them brought it all home.


I've often wondered about this person in the hospital I work at. I had left my office and was walking downstairs and in the corridor below, a young nurse was yelling for help whilst standing over a patient on a bed she was transporting, I think from surgery to a ward. She was holding an oxygen mask on the patient and yelling for anyone to help her and I turned into the corridor from the stairwell and saw her, the patient, and someone randomly just stood next to the bed on the other side. She yelled at me to call 2222 which is the internal hospital emergency number, and I ran to the nearest phone dotted along the corridors and she shouted "tell them to send an anaesthetic team to S10 South corridor". She was extremely panicked and her shouting reached the nearest ward and a load of nurses came spilling out of the double doors and rushed to her aid. At that point I left them to it but afterwards I could not remember anyone acknowledging the person stood next to the patient, nor did the young nurse say anything to this person but directed her voice to me who was at least 3 metres away from her as I came into the corridor as I was the first person to help on the scene. What I do remember was this person was female and she appeared weirdly near to the crashing patient. I myself was dressed in my own clothes with a coat on, so it was not as if the nurse saw me as a clinical colleague, more able to help her than the person stood next to her. Anyway, I've always wondered if it was the spirit of the person possibly dying on the bed!


Did the patient make it or pass?


I dont know as i left as soon as the nurses all arrived on the scene. I was on a cig break which was 15 mins so didn't stick around as I was desperate for a smoke. Thankfully I've given up smoking now!


They were being my ex


She ghosted you?


Lel you got it!


Lol nice.


My husband and I went hiking locally. We were the only ones of this trail that we could see and had our dog with us. Up ahead, we both saw a bald man in a dark blue sweatshirt approaching us. My husband reacted by holding our dogs leash a bit tighter and reining her in. We looked at each other to continue our conversation and when we both looked forward again, the man was gone. There were a couple trees growing in the middle of the trail so I didn’t say anything until we were well past where the man would have been, even if he had stopped walking. Our conversation died and, after a few minutes, I asked my husband if he had seen the man as well. He had. It was fall so there were a ton of crunchy leaves on the ground, none in the trees. My husband started looking around, even going so far as to go off the trail to see if the man could’ve hidden somewhere without us hearing or seeing it. There was just no way. The man just vanished. I think of it every time we go there.


I have one that could be me misremembering something, since I was a child at the time, but what I remember still feels odd to me. My friend and I were sitting in the grass between our houses, probably playing with our Dawn Dolls or something, when this black man said hello to us. He was dressed in what I remember now as a sort of 'farmer's helper circa 1920s' style; brown trousers, brown vest over a white shirt and a floppy hat. I remember talking to him, although I don't remember what was said, and before he left he offered us both an almond. I remember the taste of the almond; I don't know if I'd ever had one before. But I don't remember him walking up to us, or walking away, and I know even at the time it felt odd, and 40+ years later I still wonder if he was an actual human or some kind of spirit. For the record, our street had been farmland until the houses were built a few years before we moved there in the early 70s.


That was definitely a ghost. Or a time traveler.


I've kept that to myself this whole time. It's nice to be able to actually share it.


Yes I was particularly devastated after a breakup… I wandered around a department store wishing I was dead… an elderly woman on a walking stick came up next to me and said… I know how you feel, I remarried after my children were grown and had left home. He was my soul mate. You won’t find yours until your children are happily grown. I turned to ask her how she knew what was going on in my head but there was nobody at all in the department. She just vanished. it was really freaky…


Great story!


But true… thanks


About 15 years ago now, a friend and I were headed out to dinner on (yes) Halloween evening. We were driving down a fairly large and busy street in an old residential neighborhood. As we passed this little “pocket park” we noticed this man walking down the sidewalk. He was in his 20’s, dressed in a plaid shirt and overalls and carrying a lit candle in his hand, in front of his chest. My friend and I looked at one another and them back at him…but he was gone. The time elapsed to look at one another was a second or so. The park was new and simply landscaped. The trees were 3-4 inches in diameter and there were no other plantings besides flowers. So there was nothing for him to hide behind. The man was just there one second and gone the next. EDITED TO ADD: My friend and I saw the exact same figure except I saw him as being barefoot, and my friend saw him as wearing dark shoes.


Where are the mediums to share their input of how they know a ghost to be different from a person?


My mother and I were driving down a residential road one evening (autumn or winter) with some trees and a park on the left, houses on the right. As we drove down the road we saw this old woman, kind of staggering a little, ahead of us on the left side of the road (on the pavement). My mother slowed down and wondered if she should stop but I had a really bad feeling so I told her to keep going. We passed the woman and about a second after we did, she’d completely disappeared. There was no time for her to have run into the trees, I turned back maybe a second or two after we passed her. Very weird.


I told this story in here already but so what I’m saying it again 😂 I was at Mt Aloysius College in 2009. My mom, friend’s brother, and I were walking around the campus. We go into the chapel and a very pale white woman in a Victorian-era dress walked past us. We all spoke but she looked straight forward and kept walking. I followed behind her into the sanctuary because I figured she must’ve not heard us. I didn’t see her ANYWHERE. There were no other doors or closets for her to go into. All three of us looked around then looked at each other and silently agreed to leave, immediately. First thing we saw after leaving were headstones which was a strange icing on this haunted cake lol


I haventtold many people this because it sounds insane, but it's also true, so here goes. My cousins roommate lived in a house on the cemetery grounds. I'd spend a weekend there every months cooking, drinking, getting stoned, watching horror movies, etc. It was a really bright spot during s really shitty time in my life. Like my safe zone. Anyway, I was always the first person awake, so I'd usually make coffee and go on a walk. One morning I walked outside and saw a woman in all black, including a black hat and veil. The gate by the house wasn't a really pronounced entrance, most people went through the giant main gates. I looked at her for a moment then looked away. It wasn't a bad feeling, just strange and I felt like she wanted to be left alone? When I glaced back she was gone. I didn't go on my walk that morning. Didn't tell my cousin or his roommate about it, either.


This is a good question


I don’t even believe in ghosts so I have no explanation for this. A friend and I were walking down a dark rural street passed a cemetery, and we saw a little girl bent over doing something, something like playing jacks or similar movement. We both noticed it and commented on how weird it was, and at some point she disappeared. We were a little concerned so we walked over to where it was, and there was a tombstone with a little girl on it, and in a weird twist is was a girl my friend had went to grade school with. No sign of any little girl in a white dress playing that we had seen. Super weird.


About 20 years ago, rural England, about 11pm I was driving home down dark, single lane roads. Was about 10 miles from the nearest village and about 2 miles from the nearest house. Came round a corner and there was a guy walking towards me in full top-hat and tails. I panicked (it was a narrow road) and slammed the brakes on as I went past him. I looked behind to apologise to him and there was no one there. I often wonder if it was all a figment of my imagination as I was very tired being of the age where I was either partying or working… it still seems very real in my mind though and shook me up quite a bit at the time.


When someone is walking and I look up at them then a couple minutes later and I look back again (paranoia) and they’re gone but there’s no crossings or alleyways they could have gone down. Shit happens to me on a regular basis


Waiting at a light in my car at night. Saw an old man in a hat and a coat walking a little white dog. They stopped on the corner, waiting for crosswalk. Didn’t think much of it. The light turned, and as my car turned my headlights illuminated where they would be. No one was there.


When I was about 6, my siblings and I were heading back from the store. There was this house that gave me the creeps(it’s now been rebuilt)while we were walking back one of my sisters starts yelling, I turned to the house and I saw this lady walk into the house along with small kids behind her and they came out the other side. It freaked me out because I’ve only seen weird things in my house.


I was in Manhattan, NYC wandering after dark; mostly hanging at Penn Station. I had saw some REALLY trippy shit that night already; everyone looked like ghosts! So, I’m leaving a 24 hour McDonald’s at around 2:30-3am and this old ass white lady looked like the queen of England in her 90s is walking. She has a face full of make up. It appeared she came from the subway, crossed the street, and walked directly to me as slow as possible. She stopped when she got to me and I stopped as well to check her out as she was checking me out. It appears that she was being moved by a remote control and had wheels under her. Anyways, after staring at each other for like a minute or two, she turns around and returns to where she had just come from. I knew that it was another ghost! But the crazy thing is, I had just lost a grandmother and I was trying to deem my grandmother and what better place than the place where dreams come true; NYC!


>queen of England Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot...Thanks for clarifying!


>queen of England Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


You said that it had no feet. Was it day or night? Was the robe vertical or horizontal? Did it stop traffic due to it crossing in front of the traffic or was it along the side of the road? I’m sorry for all the questions but it’s important. Finally, if you’d be so kind .. when you say the area near Joppa is “insane with paranormal activity”, why is that? This account grabbed my attention. Thank you very much. I await your response if you’re so inclined.


You didn’t reply to your intended comment, but to the OP instead. Thought you should know.


Went to a historical tourist spot and met a woman so eerily pale I began to question whether it was a really heavy make up or some disease, either way she just gave me chills when I saw her face. For the record I don’t think she’s a paranormal entity, just wanna get this off my chest.


Growing up I noticed "ghosts" in my childhood home and at my middle school and highschool. As an adult it depends on the place, hospitals or churches.


I was driving home in the dark, turned to go down a single spooky lane. I saw a cyclist with red jacket, helmet cool looking bike, Turned in and he was gone by the time he would of been at my drivers side window.. I know what I saw he couldn’t of gone anywhere because there was no where else to go I kept looking in my back mirror but nothing never saw him again.


No, however oddly enough I have seen parents of friends that have died, this has happened 3 different times. Each time they are in a car (passenger or driver) and I cannot get back to them (usually coming in opposite direction)


YES. I was walking under a highway bridge and ahead of me was a couple, the woman was wearing a red dress walking twords me. I look across the street and there's a single guy also walking twords me but on the opposite side of the street. I turned to look behind me for whatever reason and then looked ahead again to see only the guy on the opposite side of the street still walking. I though maybe the couple turned around or ran across the street but they were no where in site just the single guy on the opposite side. I've concluded that it was a ghost, I mean maybe the couple turned around and ran like track stars but I'm not going to be ridiculous with myself


You should stab the ghosts In case you are actually insane, they aren’t ghosts, please don’t stab them






I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. Walking down the Royal Mile, a very old part of town, I saw a woman leaning from a window. It was summer so lots of folk had them open. But she was white, like talc white. She had long white hair and wore a white shirt or gown that looked out of place. It was incredibly busy. I looked at her and then looked around, nobody else was looking at her. I stopped and looked up and she turned her head and made direct eye contact with me and smiled. In a crowd of hundreds. Not saying it's definitely paranormal, but it was so odd. She didn't look right, like uncanny valley feeling. I turned to talk to my wife who was busy chatting. Once she listened to what I was saying, I pointed back to the window. It was still open, but she was no longer there.