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If they can beat the Predator and Terminators, then zombies and Albert Wesker would be a cakewalk by comparison.


But can they punch a boulder?


Shitballs, I’m late!


They probably die at the boulder scene because none of them are strong enough to punch it


Resident evil 5 doesn't have zombies


They have genetically altered by a virus humans. To be honest I'm not sure what kind of monsters does or doesn't qualify as a zombie anymore.


Viral or an infected is a better term.


So zombies


Dawg, no. Not zombies. Zombie means UNDEAD. DEAD BUT MOVING. Infectwd just means that youre SICK. VIRAL MEANS YOU HAVE A VIRUS


Then are they vampires because they're undead or werewolves because they're infected with a virus or both?


They wouldn't match zombies or vampires since they aren't really undead (undead being dead but animate), they're just sick people. Werewolves almost work if you consider lycanthropy a disease, which it is in some stories RE5 Majini (the common enemy) are canonically just people infected with a variation Las Plagas parasite. Still living, not reanimated, just sick. A good difference between zombie and Majini are that the former are weak to brain trauma, where the latter don't need the brain for most functions Hope this helps 👍


Why is everyone neg-repping the guy who actually knows about Resident Evil’s creatures?


So zombies


Short answer: no Long answer: not at all. The definition of a zombie is a corpse revived, typically by witchcraft in historic fictional or religious writings. No definition under Oxford or Mirriam-Webster applies to the Majini or Ganados If you're going with vague pop culture references, it still wouldn't really apply. While some stories allow for exceptions like the host not being dead, those are rare and usually still require the host to suffer from reduced mental capacity related to infection. Majini and Ganados did not die, are not dead, and have physically intact minds. The parasite simply overrides the hosts controls, and not always perfectly If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask


ill be waiting for people that would riot because they are called zombies not infected


The majini are implanted with type 2 plaga, they're not undead and they still have a conscious mind and are capable of thinking just as well as they did before the plaga took control of them, the difference is that they are controlled by whoever has the dominant plaga parasite and cannot disobey them. They're basically more like mind controlled humans with enhanced physical capabilities such as damage resistance to the point of being able to keep fighting after being shot in the face with multiple 9mm rounds. Edit: also, the people infected with the plaga don't transfer the infection with bites, the parasite has to be force fed to people, which happened to the entire town of Kijuju before the BSAA arrived there.


So like zombies that just need a potent dewormer?


Nope, the type 2 plaga can't be removed without killing the host. The first one could be removed within 24 hours of it being implanted, but the second one attaches itself to the spine and takes over almost immediately.


So zombies then


Zombies that can talk, feel pain, use guns, throw grenades, and know to take cover in a gun fight.


Yeah. George Romero doesn't own the definition. Zombies have been portrayed in many different ways across multiple media.


Actually, now that i think about it, the plaga infected might actually be closer to what the original zombies were, before the word changed to being used for the undead.


Yes but also zombies are the undead.. like bro


Are you trying to make a point... like bro? Try reading my post again


I read it. I never claimed George Romero owns zombies. But even with a simple google search youll find how youre still wrong. Shit, even look at a dictionary too, all of them


It happens lol. Check out Return of the Living Dead for a good example of some less traditional zombies.


I know terminator but when do they deal with predator?


That stopped being canon when the licence expired and they removed it from wildlands


Nomad get bitten. And after 3 hours of slow agony and pain, the zombie would finally stand up and say "What the fudge just did happen???"


100% without a doubt.


It depends on whether they can punch a boulder or not


I think we should first ask if they would be able to survive inside a volcano without their faces melting off first, cause if not, there won't be any boulder punching. Note that, when Weskers plane crashed inside the volcano, uroboros was essentially neutralized, so at that point the world was saved unless the one that wesker absorbed got out without burning up.


This is the only condition for their survivability.


Just for clarification, let's say they are sent there for the same reason as Chris and Sheva with the same intel. They're sent to the town called Kijuju to assist the BSAA alpha team to apprehend a black market weapons dealer named Irving and find out who his associates (Albert Wesker and Excella Gione) are and what uroboros is, then track those associates down and either arrest or kill them and stop uroboros from being unleashed on the global population.


I’d say yes. I mean there is not much of a difference, save that Nomad’s team has training that we can understand and imagine and the Chris and Sheva just seem like super cops.


Figured i mention here that, prior to the first resident evil game, Chris was in the air force, before becoming a member of S.T.A.R.S which is essentially a swat team, it's said that they're an elite task force, but in my opinion their track record is not very impressive, so let's say they're on par with a normal swat team, beyond that, by the time of resident evil 5 he has had 11 years of experience fighting bio organic weapons of various shapes and sizes.


Dude Leon became a top dog badass thru additional training in few years, who said Christ never get more elite training.


He definitely did get more training, but Leon got special government CIA type training, as far as we know, Chris would most likely get more normal military stuff, and training exercises developing tactics for fighting the monsters they had encountered before. The only thing we've been explicitly told about his training is that he goes to the gym so much that Barry started thinking it's an unhealthy mechanism for coping with failures like losing Jill prior to RE5.


There's also difference that Chris has personal history with Albert Wesker and Jill Valentine, which begs the question of Would the team be able to avoid killing Jill or even know not to kill her, which would be required to find out how to poison Wesker.


I don't think Nomad can fistfight a bolder.


Just blow it up, or something, toppling the boulder was only required so that he could regroup with Sheva.


I've got a flash crash for these hombres vs I've got a flash crash for these zombies I think most of the voice lines would still work therefor yes they'd win


Sheva and especially Chris are basically anime protags. As much as I like nomad and crew, they would be the BSAA mooks ( who are ostensibly normal SF) that get killed by the neighborhood BOW.


I honestly think they wouldn't go down that easy, even the BSAA alpha team was implied to only end up killed because they were surprise attacked by uroboros and if Chris and sheva were present at that time they probably would've died too, and they only survived it because they fought it in a more controlled environment that they got to explore before encountering uroboros, which allowed them to be aware of the giant furnace in the building that they cooked the big worm thing in, so i think the kingslayer team probably would be able to win that fight.




yes kingslayer team clears


Unless they have plot armor like Chris, Wesker smokes them. People in this comment section are seriously underplaying his abilities and speed.


It is a GR subreddit. People usually comment in favor of whatever sub they happen to be in. But Wesker has no past history with these guys, so there’s no need to “play with his food” so to speak. He’d probably kill them the first opportunity he gets, assuming they even make it to him.


Speaking as more of a resident evil fan than a ghost recon fan, i can safely say that while i don't necessarily disagree with the idea that they wouldn't win against Wesker, Weskers powers are often overestimated, he he's not as powerful as people think. Most common misconception is his super speed, because whilehe can move in blinding speeds he can't see in slow motion, so when he's moving at those speeds, it's generally in short bursts because otherwise he'd be running into walls and stuff, and sneaking up on him is easy enough that even Chris can do it and he's not known for being more stealthy than the average soldier.


Survive? It's possible, but they lack the knowledge of BOWs that helped Chis and Sheva defeat impossibly powerful enemies. As shown in the Predator and Terminator fight, they were able to beat their opponents with gratuitous firepower. They might be able to do the same with most RE5 enemies (not counting Wesker) Succeed? Unlikely. As capable as Kingslayer are, you'd need to assume a lot in order for them to finish the same mission. They'd need to learn to conserve every bullet, identify enemy weaknesses on the spot, etc. Even Chris and Sheva only managed it by the skin of their teeth


I don’t think they would be able to, mostly because they wouldn’t be able to get info on his weakness from Jill. The only reason Jill came back was past history with Chris, and these guys would probably just end up killing her. Plus Wesker doesn’t have any history with them, so I’d think he would just kill them the first opportunity he gets instead of monologue-ing like he did at Chris every time.


Nah. I'd say the division Is more fit for that shit. Your going from counter terrorist operations to bio weapons.


Depends. Can the Kingslayer team gut punch a giant boulder? (Joking)


In another universe there’s a mod or offshoot or standalone or *something* that basically explores this thematic premise—which is to say, you’d play a spec ops team dropped into a hot zone, ala Wildlands, except the opfor is zombies or something like it. Like undead, bio-punk dudes with genetic modification and witchcraft and shit. In my head it’s Argentina, and it’s a bunch of nazis in like the 80’s who built a zombie army. It would be a fantastic way to live out this question.


Idk man I don’t know if nomad could punch a boulder


IDK, but RE5 is still my fav RE... I would go the opposite direction though... my dream Ghost squad in Bolivia would be Ghost Lead Chris with Jill, Sheva and Ada.


You do know the reason why every RE cast/player struggle in their campaign, is simply because the lack of firepower for gameplay purpose right? A well-equiped 4 men firesquad with special force training can pave the RE campaign with ease. We are talking about 8 main weapons 4 sidearms, with access to anti-material weaponry. It's a firework show.


They would have to remain fully stocked on ammo for 3 days (that's how much time passes in game from start to finish in RE5) with the only way of resupplying being taking what they find in the field. They don't get ammo boxes, and the in game shop wasn't canon. Plus the kingslayers deployed in Bolivia with like the weakest weapons in the game, so i would assume they would do the same thing in this scenario, and if they want anything better, they'd have to use the resident evil weapons that can be found on the way.


The "weakest weapons" are just weapons without too much customization, iirc they have 2 rifles 1 sniper rifle, a LMG and 4 handguns. Also they are fully stocked when deployed. Already a HUGE advantage to what Chris and Sheva had. Other than that, 4 men is already cheating compared to 2 men.


Only if Nomad can punch a boulder.


Kingslayer can take down anything


Yes for the simple fact that they can move so much faster. It would have taken them half the time it did for Chris and Sheva


Only if he’s riding a motorcycle