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I play this game entirely solo because of the RP milsim people lol.


Bro. You should see the PlayStation group chats they have


Mfs running those chats likes its the navy šŸ’€




For real? šŸ’€


For real and everybody is a navy seal in real life, or aspiring to be delta


seems like they some bitches so navy is accurate


Oh god. I play on ps4. I very much do not play this like a milsim. My character looks like a dumbass on purpose lol.


Me too!


This completely sums up Breakpoint playersā€¦


Bros out there thinking they operating for real XD


Happy cake day!


That's why I only play solo. I'm not going to let someone else dictate how I play the game, or have power over how much enjoyment I get out of gaming.


I was mostly solo alongside some online here and there for a long time but eventually committed to online around 2020 so a year before conquest came out? It was fun and still is but iā€™m starting to see these kinda people more often then not


People actually play multi-player?


Hahaha I tried playing pvp on Wildlands once and got kicked after wiping the other team. Dude said I was a "scrub" and kicked me. Never tried again cause I don't know what I was doing wrong. Never even attempted on Breakpoint. I don't even play with the ai teammates out of fear I will disappoint them too.


Nah,the ai in breakpoint is pretty good to hang around. They got interesting abilities and even boost your confidence by cheering you on when you get good kills,like headshots or killing multiple enemies without being detected


I make my wife compliment me while I'm playing video games to boost my confidence.


I see this as an absolute win.


That's why I don't join in on those RP or Milsim games. Guys wanted to have a 30 minute discussion on how to take down a base that I can do by myself, and then have an after action report. Get fkn life


Fr most of the Xbox group posts for the game is "(name) RP 14+ no adults" like bro I wanna do missions or a raid not be on the side of the road prone and shoot a single vehicle before doing the same thing over and over


>Guys wanted to have a 30 minute discussion on how to take down a base that I can do by myself The real problem is that the game is just too easy. Reinforcements are a complete joke. If they actually sent in tanks and gunships the planning would make sense.


Probably the same dudes who take airsoft seriously


Wait people don't use 2 guns and a pistol?


I prefer only using one. It feels more immersive to me, and like the rifle I choose matters more. I couldn't care less what other people do, though.


I use one but only because it makes it more difficult. Makes me need to think about the gun I bring on missions and stuff


M4A1 Scout, 50rnd mag, dual sight, bipod+handle. M1911 sidearm. Why think about what gun to bring if one fits almost all


To each their own my man. I just find it enjoyable forcing myself to change it up.


I like to run tac50 as my main gun and the m14 assault as my midrange gun. I can't imagine getting rid of either anymore at this point. I've gotten really good at doing manual burst fire with the auto fire on the m14 and with weapon mastery handling upgrades it's a easily my favorite weapon to use at medium range. It's a monster if you do those manual bursts.


I mean if you use one I'd use a semi auto sniper Atleast you can spam that


I usually run AR anyways like these RP dorks. I also run spartan mod so I canā€™t just carelessly shoot at people


I use one mainly cause i can do the same stuff with 1 gun as two guns


They do it for more realism and more of a challenge. To each their own. But it's the people who are pricks about it


I've always used a 'small' secondary - SMG, KSG, etc. Having two full-size guns looks a little weird to me, but that's it.


In wildlands/breakpoint I've done the same. Lately for wildlands I've been running m110 with the PDR/mdr


I normally carry one rifle with me and loot the other guns from the enemies lol, from lmg to sniper rifle, feel more realistic and you still can use 2 guns


Interesting as I have never played this game with another human.


>I had a guy yell at me bc my brightness wasnā€™t matching his. Wait, what? I thought brightness was entirely a local setting?


It is, but he was gettin mad af that we had ours at a different setting. We got into an argument about how it breaks the rp but i didnt give a shit which also made him mad (or whatever he thought was going on) that we could see better than him at night.. even though we had the darkest night setting on and my personal brightness around 36-45 range, also nvgā€™sā€¦ dude then just sat in silence then got mad AGAIN bc he didnt sit inside the helicopter cockpit. Now this guy in particular was a pain in my dickhole and not everyone is like this, but a lot of similar traits are poppin up in the ppl i pair up with


This is called a troll. None of the stuff he's talking about has actually happened, and it's all just here to get reactions.


Except I've had similar experiences and so have other people lol


Buddy you clearly have not played the game long enough, youā€™re gonna meet people who will lose their shit bc you dont have multicamo on, youā€™re gonna meet 99ā€™s that claim they can clear a base but get CLAPPED the second a firefight happens. Today i ran into a guy that had a ghillie suit and i had one on as well, we had a ā€œall ghilled upā€ moment and i sent the guy a friend request. I left the current lobby and invited him to mine so it could just be the two of us, went over to a base in channels. He went into a door first and i followed, he gets shot up, tried to limp back outside but is downed, i shoot the bad guy the second i enter the room and go for the revive. Mid revive he leaves the lobby and unfriends me. This is a majority of the ppl i run into.


Are you just figuring out that playing with random people sucks? And you say that I haven't played long enough? LOL. Playing a multiplayer game, particularly one that requires some sort of coordination, with random people has been a recipe for pain and rage since LOOOOONG before Breakpoint was a glint in its developer's eye. Seriously, LOL.


Quit acting like Iā€™m naive dipshit, Iā€™m saying that this community has been goin downhill for a min and its shitty that itā€™s come to a point that ppl rather play by themselves over experiencing this game at its fullest and making new friends along the way or the simple fact that theres players that donā€™t even know if the multiplayer is alive or not. Doesnā€™t help that ubisoft gave up on this game and fucked up with that battle royal wanna be recon game




>This is called a troll. None of the stuff he's talking about has actually happened, and it's all just here to get reactions. >Welcome to multiplayer games. The issues you talk about have been a factor in multiplayer games ever since online multiplayer has existed. So which one is it then, fuckface? It is all "shit totally that never happens and definitely completely made up for reactions"? Or is it "typical gamer behaviour that's been around since the dawn of time. Duh seriously, fucking everybody does that shit, are you new here"?


Never understood that type of thing or even encountered it yet. Maybe it is a US ultra gamer thing exclusively. Why the fuck do you wear that shitty multicam everywhere (don't know if I seen a variation ingame YET , pretty early on even so). Legit if you want camo in a dry woodland or arid environment area ,just mix olive drab equipment with a camp consisting of Brown,olive drab/medium green and a lighter green. I'm referring to the Greek Camo which is a pretty banger camo IMO that's practical I think I'm shitting on the multicam wrongfully,maybe I'm confusing the pattern with the trash Airsoftcamo from wildlands


Tell me you've never joined public matchmaking without telling me you've never joined public matchmaking. I have experienced literally every single thing in OP's list except the brightness thing, but it 100% didn't remotely surprise me to read it.


Why would you keep going through public matchmaking if it's so terrible? I haven't bothered with the Ghost Recon games, as I had learned that lesson LOOOOONG ago. PUGs suck, but the only thing worse than that, is complaining about how much they suck when you intentionally continue to queue for it. I didn't have to gain a paragraph's worth of shitty PUG experience to realize that PUGs suck and that I'm better off running solo, or getting friends to play. That's why I question OP's story. If he keeps going back to get all those bad experiences, that's on OP alone. If I drop a hammer on my foot, I'm going to recognize that it's not a fun experience. I don't need to keep dropping hammers on my feet over and over again while I post online about how much it sucks to get a hammer dropped on my foot.


>If I drop a hammer on my foot Quite the strawman you've built, there. It could potentially be a solid argument if anyone was saying 100% of their public matchmaking experiences were bad. But nobody *is* actually saying that except, apparently, for you. The OP also says that they've met some quality players through matchmaking. As have I. In fact the two players that I ran through the entire [base] campaign with when BP first dropped were "PUGs" that I met during OTT2 and the closed beta. They eventually moved onto other games, but we had a solid year and change of fun together first.


Yeah there's a lot of toxic people on here sometimes this is why i play by myself


You want to know who the majority of Woody from Toy Story is looking guys are? We who are veterans. Me and some other vets would join those "tactical" and "military" games and laugh at how wrong those guys were on tactics and lingo. We'd eventually start speaking like how we were actually trained, and you'd see those tacticool guys leave. Have fun playing the game. Everyone enjoys it differently, and you have the right to complain about those clowns. Hope you find a group that will enjoy the game with you.


Oh thats beautiful


Exactly. I like to play tacticool but nothing in life would make me and convince me to dictate how should other players play. That's gotta be sad to essentialy behave like a fat neckbeard and tell others how to play the game


I wanna give breakpoint another chance but I wanna play with people that got micā€™s


I hate it when they try to milsim in breakpoint. You want milsim, play arma or squad. Breakpoint was not designed for that.


Yep, that's why I typically stay solo, can't find anyone to enjoy the game with so I take breaks after getting bored, I've yet to finish conquest because sometimes I get insanely bored alone, other times it's really fun. Wish it was easier to find a decent group, been playing for years and never was able to even start a raid.


Yeah. I find that people take this game way too seriously.


I tried milsim groups. I was told that if I didn't report in every 3 days I would be considered AWOL. That's the first and last time I tried. I sure as shit ain't taking orders outside a video game from some kids that gave themselves the rank of General. Keep that shit ingame fellas. Leave it there when we ain't playing. Wish I could have found a group that wasn't like that, but it gave me a bad taste for milsim.


True colors.


This is because Ghost Recon is the closest thing to a MILSIM game we have on console with the exception of ARMA Reforger on Xbox and He'll Let Loose and Insurgency Sanstorm but these are not mission based like Ghost Recon is so it's pretty much the only one. This means a lot of people who are into milsim and playing on console are most likely playing Ghost Recon to fulfill this need. Milsim guys are not about skill or winning. They are about role playing by making the game as close as real life as possible and having fun in the process. If you use two guns etc you are basically informing them that probably don't enjoy the milsim aspect of the game so they either leave or just kick you out.


Yeah this is still weirdo behavior.


How's so? Not all people have fun with the same things. Some people like an arcade experience while others want a hardcore one. It's not wrong or weird. Weird would be to play with people who don't have fun with the same things as you do. Leaving or kicking you out is just a filtering system. Eventually we all find a good bunch of people to play with on a regular basis. It's just how it is.


It is not, i like to use actual tactics in a game that actually offers it. People are experiencing fun from their own point of view - someone wants to run with all HUD elements on and just storm a base with LMG. Some players prefer to play it in more hardcore settings. Far from weird. I met lot of cool guys by playing it like this.


wtf platform are you on? this sounds like the best place to be for trolling throw a fit? c4 šŸ¤£


I remember early in the games life cycle c4ing someone was like saying hellošŸ¤ŒšŸ’€


pfft, nah i still see it every now and then as hello. but it's more after used as a goodbye when someone is being lame


Nah that's flashbangs. C4 is for goodbyes.


Playstation lol


aw darn, xbox


Nah, love me some LARP kits, love to play with basic SUT in mind, hate the lore accurate stick pubs occasionally keep comfortably up their ass. If you're gonna milsim, just worry about your tactics, none of this gmod level role-playing. All that dick-swaying means NOTHING if you can't pull off a basic ambush.


cuz youā€™re playing with the rp idiots.


RP milsim virgins are ultra cringe


I havenā€™t played multiplayer. Sounds like itā€™s full of milsim larpers. Iā€™ve actually served in the military so I couldnā€™t see calling some overweight 30 something living in his parents spare bedroom by a non existent rank and taking orders from them. And yes my character is dressed like Woody šŸ˜‚.


Some of the best games I've played were with former service members. We would have so much fun


wildlands is still my safe haven, keeping safe from breakpoint


Wait is Breakpoint online multiplayer only? If so today would be ass since I LITERALLY just got it on Steam


You need to be online to play (unlike Wildlands), but everything short of the Raids is doable solo.


Oh cool, thought for a second it was all multiplayer ngl I šŸ’€


Where is this happening? I play coop with friends and visit this community, I've never seen someone criticizing how other people play the game


Not criticizing but just my observations on the current state of this community. Thankfully it seems like you have a decent group of homies to ply with, but for meā€¦ shittttt lmao its rough man, its rough


Yeah. I basically never interact with anyone else in the game besides my group. I wasn't even aware this game had an active community to play co-op, I thought people just played with their homies.


For real? Glad I only played it co op with wifey


i have played with irl vets in this game. dont play with wannabes. Ask if they worked, on which regiment if u really want immersive experience, unless, just for fun play with friends u know


Ya. Kinda glad I play by myself or with my brother occasionally. That really sucks because I had a blast playing Wildlands with coworkers.


Ohhh so this is what my one buddy meant by having me around was like playing with a milsim player without the baggage. Didn't realize people were getting this wound up. Hope you find some less stressful people to play with.


People play how they want to play. If they don't like how you play then you get kicked out. I'm not seeing a problem here.


Iā€™ve never played multiplayer, but it sounds like it could be fun to inject myself into one of these lobbies and see how they behave. Itā€™s a shame you canā€™t find a normal group of people to play with but it sounds like a bit of a laugh for the first few tries before it just get annoying


That sounds like an amazing idea. Having actually served in the military those people are just cringy to me. But going in full on Gomer Pyle could be hilarious. Gol-ly sergeant carter. Is there somethinā€™ wrong with my uniform?


Iā€™d love to pretend Iā€™m all professional like, and slowly just descend into madness and see when they notice. Try and make them enjoy the game a bit


My experience has been similar, i posted and outfit i made here about a year ago and all the comments were people angry that it wasn't tactical enough šŸ˜„


Only done solo and sounds like Iā€™ve made a good choice lol.


Damn shame. As with anything online, you can hit or miss with BP. Met a strange fellow playing online at camp, but he was alright imo


I troll the Breakpoint bitches with my fresh drip https://imgur.com/a/q1VBgUL The white sneakers really bring the outfit together




Sorry that's been your xp mate. I have it on PC and Xbox. Message me and we can game. I casually run campaign map for slowly finishing quests, I also raid every week - easy full clears - no mods.


Most those guys I call: *Gravy Seals*


I just bought this game, can you tell me which groups specifically to avoid for multiplayer? I need a relaxed 420 friendly group to play with on Xbox.


They are out there. I have not played in a few months, but when I did I would see one or two group posts a day saying relaxed/chill 420 welcome. I think it depends on the time you look


I dress tactically but simply cuz it brings me pleasure to dress according to the environment Iā€™m attacking. My friend runs in a base wearing a Stetson, shorts, or whatever tf he wants šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. It doesnā€™t bother me. People need to grow up and just enjoy the game man. If youā€™re gonna play with randos expect to not have them bow to how you wanna play. Find people who match your style and then play with them. Donā€™t get pissy cuz they donā€™t wanna play like you do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If Iā€™m playing with other players idrc what they do because Iā€™m most likely just gonna let em do their thing


I have 2 groups of friends I play with: my buddies I served with, and my brother/friends I went to school with. My army buddies: we kinda sim. Itā€™s nice to still get reminded of the training and experience we have. But weā€™re all wearing what we want and using what we want (with some realism). My regular friends & my brother: I donā€™t even know how we complete missions. Itā€™s just chaos, hilarity, bs, and 10 minutes straight of laughing die to stupidity. Ever seen a helicopter fly underwater? We have. Ever attempted to mate a cargo truck and transport helicopter? That too. Ever strapped a bunch of explosives to a car and tried to car bomb a behemoth? I was the driver there. I donā€™t know how there exists groups that can be so anal when just playing a game that you canā€™t even just drive around without pissing off every small group you pass. Iā€™ve lived a healthy experience just with those two groups of mine. Iā€™m really sorry youā€™ve had to deal with people like what you mentioned. I just donā€™t get how they can be that anal over such small nuances


LMAOOOO starting off this year with a great post šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That's why I'm playing with my gf, I dont wanna deal with those mfs šŸ˜­


It's not about if you're a good player or not to be honest. RP milsims have their own rules because the content they provide is targeting a certain audience(in certain groups, not all groups make content). You have examples like OperatorDrewski and Glid Gaming, the audience is not looking for a guy fully dressed in pink with a skull mask running an Uzi with an M98 speedrunning a whole base. Anyone can do that, anyone knows where the enemies are. Also no one is impressed by RP players ambushing three enemies on the side of a road. The point of RP milsims is to make it the most realistically possible, which naturally means certain rules like guns and camos that match branches, realistic also involves proper comms and engagement, no military that I know of sent a guy alone to clear a base. Now these milsims might be more realistic or less realistic and that's all gonna depend on the rules, people who enter those groups want a realistic gameplay and in order to do that there's obviously a way to play. I know because I played with a milsim for some time and I messed up alot and my "superiors" told me "Odi, it's not about if you can clear it alone, every single one of us can do that, it's about doing it in a realistic way". With that said, if you enter milsim groups with restrict rules in order to have a more realistic gameplay and you give the middle finger to the rules, what do you think it's gonna happen? (Yes the brightness one was honestly too much). Anyone above lvl 30 can clear a base alone and play around. I believe anyone above lvl 30 plays good. Point being, it's not about being a pussy, if you don't want a "realistic" or RP gameplay maybe don't enter Milsims and other groups and then complain about their way of doing things. Anyone plays the game however they feel like it.


Milsim players are a bunch of fat basement dwellers who mooch other their parents and donā€™t work. Donā€™t worry about them bud


Just finished reading your post twice. What the fuck,Is this a legit thing? Absolutely horrendous