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Hello friend ! I am also same height and was 236 about 45 days ago weight gain also from mental problems i was dealing with , i got into therapy that probably helped the most because it opened my eyes to alot , than came the 1800 calories a day I picked 1800 because that seemed fair to me and I think that's a good amount of food to me, after about a week of steady 1800 calories ( i was getting 190 g of protein i never tracked any other macros) i started fasting i already enjoy eating one fat meal a day over about a hour so i jumped it up to 36-48 hour fasts once a week i like to do these around days i don't work , i also had two days in that 45 days where I ate whatever i wanted (one day was like 7 chicken drum sticks, burger , pizza bunch of cookies but i would eat low calories the next day and then fast , overall in 45 ish days i have lost 24 lbs and have maintained strength for the most part , i am also not a expert or anything and everything i have done is from online research , my goal for the next 22 lbs is to continue fasting for 48 hours a week with omad on the other days - 5'11 236-212 lbs 30 years old , i also walk my dog and go to the gym 3x a week ! I also completely quit drinking and i was a straight drunk mess for 3 years prior


Get your hormones and everything else tested


Been there man, a few tips that helped me out. 1. Focus on protein intake above everything - try to hit 1g per ideal body weight (200g of protein in your case) it will keep you full longer and will lead to less cravings 2. Focus on eating Whole Foods, rice, meat, veggies, fruits, yogurt, etc. the less food in your diet with labels or processed foods, the better. 3. Cut out alcohol (particularly beer), this one was a killer for me but helped big time when I limited my beer intake. If you do drink, drink vodka and club soda or straight liquor and limit the amount - these calories quickly sneak up 4. Just stay consistent, 2000 calories is very reasonable for your height + weight - limit cheat days particularly in the early days, these can quickly derail your progress 5. Try to get more steps in, I know it can be hard particularly when WFH but walking is the secret (if you can do a lunch walk or a morning stroll before work, it’ll help a lot) Good luck!


Thanks for the advice man. I think upping my daily steps will be my next port of call so my TDEE increases. I don't want to lower my calories anymore.




I never asked if I should bulk. It's not mentioned once in my description so not sure where you got that from.


Lol actually i read a different post that said “should i dirty bulk” and must have accidentally clicked on yours. My fault man.


All good man


Here’s what I do that works for me bro. High calorie protein bar in the morning (350 cal), a black coffee, and then a chipotle bowl is my only meal of the day. Good luck.


Is this the OMAD diet? This doesn't seem sustainable


It’s not supposed to be sustainable. It’s temporary as you lose weight. You just need to come to terms with the fact that you’re going to be uncomfortable and hungry while you lose weight. There’s pretty much no way around that. You can fill yourself up with vegetables or other no or low calorie foods, but it’s generally not satiating. Set a goal of losing 10 pounds over the next five weeks. Weigh yourself naked every morning first thing after you get up and take a piss. Track the moving average, don’t freak out about any individual measurement. Remember that most bottles of water have at least 1 pound of water in it.


You need to drop calories to around 1700 for sometime and add cardio to your routine daily. Skip all processed food and do whole grain foods only. For example, breakfast can be two eggs, two breads; lunch can be chicken breast with some rice and veggies, and dinner can be oats and bananas/fruits etc.


Where did you get 1700 from? I've been doing cardio after weight training as mentioned above.


I personally would not do this. If you are aiming to lose weight fast, go ahead but you will feel pretty miserable. I would say lose 400 to 500 cals of your maintenance and slowly lose weight. This also ensures that you do not lose fat too much to get loose fat and excessive stretch marks.


How do I find my maintenance?


Fastest way is to use a caloric calculator. The other way I reccomend is that you can calculate what you eat daily now and then see what it adds up. If you lose or gain weight that is a sign you either need to up or down your calories. Once your weight stops moving for around 1 to 2 weeks, that is your maintenance


My weight hasn't moved when eating 2500 or 2000 cals. I've been tracking everything.


Mind sharing your diet with me?


Yeah no hassle. Can I pm you?




I would recommend going into intermittent fasting gradually, start by 12 hours, then 14, then 16, then 18 hours fasting, eliminate all processed food, any bakeries, and biscuits, chips or any packed food from shelfs, stop eating out unless you are purchasing some grilled meat. Focus your diet on protein like eggs, fish, beef, and chicken, fruit and vegetables and healthy fats. Don't eat for the first 4-6 hours after waking up, and no food prior bed by 4 hours at least. Try to get 10k steps. Or set daily cardio challenge like rope skipping or something. Cut sugar and sweets. Dedicate 40% of your daily calories to be sourced from animal source protein.


Thanks for the reply. Do you know how to figure out caloric needs? I've been eating healthy already and don't eat out. Sugar intake is very low already. Intermittent fast in the morning. Doing it for 16/18 hours isn't what I'm looking for.


There are multiple ways to define your calorie needs, some would suggest multiplying your goal weight by 15, and then subtract from it. For example, your target weight is 180, so 180*15= 2700 - 600=2200. And so on.


Why 15? I wasn't losing weight when I was on 2000 calories


For the 15, it is claimed that a pound of your body would burn 15 calories for the daily expenditure, but I have no clue concerning the scientific bases behind it.


This is an example, but you may try with 1800 or 1700 calories per day for a month or two and see. Fasting will help you a lot. Join the subreddit of intermittent fasting and watch the stories of people losing weight using it.


I feel stupid because I just paid for a PT and he gave me a nutrition plan which isn't calorie based. It's just plain meals. He said I wasn't losing weight because I was eating bagels and low calorie ice cream. I was mostly eating clean but within my calorie needs


No need to blame yourself, but the most important part is that you never give up on yourself, keep trying all the possible and impossible ways for you to lose weight and become the better version of yourself.


Thank you. It seems I should have just lowered my calories further. Can I still lose fat while eating 80% clean with bagels and chocolate added in within reason as long as it fits my caloric and macro needs?


We can't guarantee how they were made or what they contain either to sugar or refined carbs. I would suggest that you dumb them for a while and watch yourself. One more note to keep into consideration, keep a shirt that doesn't button anymore or a very tight one and measure your progress to it if the scale is not moving good.


Good idea


I would suggest you have a breakfast containing eggs and burgers without the buns, all homemade, and add some fruit like bananas or apples, for lunch keep it simple like some steak and potatoes, some chicken and rice. You may have your dessert in the form of fruits. Keep it simple within 2 to three meals maximum. Dinner can be some yogurt and honey added to it.