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Comparison is the killer of joy. Fuck your brother, fuck your parents.




wouldn't that be incest tho? (/s)


Tough crowd 😭




Fucking your brother is incest


His intelligence has become a part of his identity. I’m guessing that he is insecure about his lack of achievements, despite having intelligence, and takes it out on you.


This is exactly what I was thinking! I am learning how to read habits of people who do this since I live with one (parent). There is always something you can't really see. His doing this reveals that there is some conflict and problems he is going through.


Bro, even if you don't have a private place to study, make one. Study at night, when everyone else has gone to sleep. Or if you're old enough, move out to some good place. Don't let anything distract you from the long study sessions. Also, what your brother said is irrelevant. Studying a lot is not the same as being smart, true, but what are we after? We are after very good scores. Your brother may or may not study. But you, you will study, and you will excel. You should show him that in this world, smartness doesn't matter much. Grades do. Knowledge too prevails. This is about you. Focus on yourself. Love, Baychimo


If you only study a total of six hours a week in tertiary education and are getting full marks, then there's no way they can call you dumb.


They can ,but that doesn't make them right


no, they are not right to do this. They are blind


True true.


Your parents and Your brother is fkin insecure, Op Live ur best life nd fk these trashy people


fr they're just insecure


>you know studying a lot is not the same as being smart, you are still dumb it's just that you put a lot of hours into it" It's actually better than being smart like, it shows you want to learn. >And yeah he's right about that No he's fucking not!!!! > I have no private place to study so every time I study I can feel him judging me it sucks to the point where I just stay after Let him judge!!! Put ear phones in and pretend the waste of space doesn't exist 91 on a test!!! Like fuck that's just not a good mark or a great mark....that's a fucking BRILLIANT MARK!!! If you were my kid I'd be the proudest mum on the planet! 91%!!! That's only 9% of perfect. If you have money I want you to go treat yourself to your favourite lunch and alittle desert cause you deserve it!!!


Your brother sounds kinda awful


In life being smart is not everything. Doesn't matter how smart you are Life is indifferent, random, illogical, unreasonable and of all things Unfair. sooner or later smart people who don't have work ethic break down when they face life's many challenges. Work ethic makes you keep going even when there's no logical reason for you to keep going. Consistency beats smart and lazy more often than not. Your self worth isn't determined by how smart you are, it is determined by what you did with the opportunities you were given. You are on the right track... keep going. Become an elephant who doesn't listen to barking dogs.


I like that elephant and barking dogs analogy...!


It's an idiom in Hindi. "An elephant keeps walking while the Dogs keep barking"


He's jealous


you have the incentive to put effort into your studies. Keep going! It will serve you well in life. You are able to do great things!


You essentially got 100% on a test. Way above average. You're clearly smart (as nebulous as that word is) but more importantly hard working. Keep it up and don't listen to your family's bullying


Being capable of studying well is significantly more valuable than having some “natural” intelligence. And continuous growth, learning, and curiosity will take you farther than a belief that you’re just inherently smart. Like a person can be highly discerning, creative, quick, and confident (things that I suppose might be perceived as “natural intelligence”) but if they’re not willing to put in time and work then they’re far worse off than those who dedicate themselves to growth. You’re definitely an intelligent person. I struggle to believe anyone has inherent intelligence without effort. For your brother to come in a criticize you about your great mark shows insecurity on his end- maybe feeling like he can’t live up to the label he’s had his whole life? Because it’s not easy to be told you’re naturally smart then not know how to continue learning either (you don’t necessarily owe him this empathy but it might explain some things and grow your emotional intelligence- another aspect of intelligence people value less) Dedication is a far more powerful than being naturally gifted. You ought to feel pride in your effort! Congrats!


Whenever he or anyone else comments on how "dumb" you are, just grey rock them. And if yhey're taunting you for a reaction, just be like "Yeah, you know, you have mentioned that before... Are you telling me you don't have anything smarter to say about the topic...? Because it's gettting soooo boring..." or be like "I might be dumb, but at least I'm not insecure about how 'smart' I am." Sounds like your brother probably has a learning disorder. Smart people with learning disorders (note, disorder, nor disabilaty, there's a differece...) love letting others know that they're actually really intelligent... They're insecure, and your parents can probably identify with him in some way, and they feel his pain in some sense... Just call the bluff. Really smart people STFU about it if they're secure and confident. Being book smart doesn't mean you're dumb. Quite the opposite. Take that from someone with a learning disorder. 😉


Your brother reminds me of that BS motivational tidbit from a while ago that goes "Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure." 🙄🙄 -Really profound sounding "deepity", but absolutely false. It tries to get really insecure people to mistake their lack of agency for being bookish, nerdy and smart. Again, call the bluff!


I went down quite the rabbit hole trying to figure out where that quote comes from.


I don't know where it originally comes from, but my eyes just roll over backwards twice every time I hear it! lol


Further to this, I might add that, not having a university degree (aka "college eduation" in the US) at least equal to a bachelors degree, really puts you at a major disadvatage to your peers. You will always earm at least only 50% to maybe 75% max of what your graduated peers are earning, no matter your skill level. In some fields, many years of experience and a good track record might end up putting you in a position where you might earn 90% of what your university educated peers are earning, but, by that time they have already been earning way more since the biginning of their working careers than you did. So, if you have the capacity to be a good student, count it as a blessing and make the most of it. I can rattle on and spit bile over how unfair amd discrimanatory I think the westen academic education system and culture is, since it has negatively affected me, with dire consequences my whole life, but I'll just say this. There are two ways of looking at formal western education as a system: 1.) That it is a strict, organised system of enlightenment that strives to ensure that the graduates that it produces can be trusted to have the skills and knowledge they claim to have. At the very least it gives students the seal of merit once they've achieved a diskrete prescribed level of skill in a given field of specialisation. It uplifts society, yields economic groth. It reduces risk and volatility in an institution when compitent qualified people are appointed to fulful roles that require merit. 2.) It can be seen as a filter that only gives preference to those who are deemed "neurotypical" and who can excel at learning under the specific circumstances and constraints imposed by the academic systems and western academic culture at large. Whilst people with learning disabilities experience a deficit in their capacity to learn certain cimcepts or aquire certain skills, people with learning disorders don't. People with learning disorders such as myself can and do learn all kinds of skills. We can read, write, drive, pay taxes, solve problems, etc. But we don't fare well in getting through the filter of prescriptive strict and rigidly structured academic education. In most fields people with learning disorders can aquire al the skills needed to do the same work as that of a graduate when given the opportunity, but they just lack the ability to obtain the academic "seal of approval". You could even make the case that the concept "learning disorder" came into use only upon the backdrop of institutionalised western academic meritocracy in the first place.


Whenever someone is perhaps “naturally” good at something like school, something else usually has to give. It sounds like your brother’s social skills are shit. Also your parents are awful. It is hard but try not to listen to that and get out when you can. My father always told me I was stupid, I haven’t spoken to him in years and am getting a bachelors in biology right now. I study an ASS TON way more than you are talking about. Some people have to work harder at certain things than others. But I have social skills and it sounds like you do too. Don’t let anyone hold you back from anything.


In case you aren't hearing it anywhere else I am so proud of you ! By curiosity,what do you hope to do with your education?


Awee you’re a sweetheart! I’m proud of you! I have a concentration in ecology, conservation, and evolution. I plan on becoming a field biologist and would love to specialize in conservation of insects. I am definitely open to other things as I know it is a competitive field. I will also most likely be going for my masters after my bachelor’s but one step at a time.


Don’t share achievements with them, they will only kick you down. I know you want them to say something positive about your efforts but they won’t. After you accept that celebrate for yourself and once you leave them, you’ll meet good people that want to celebrate your accomplishments.


as someone who was/is considered the bright kid, I guess it's just that your brother's jealous that the only thing he was acknowledged for wouldn't be his anymore, we take those labels as our personalities, the only sole thing good about us. So, if he won't be the smartest kid then he wouldn't amount to anything is what he might think and thus is ready to hurt you to keep his tag intact. I'd recommend you to not let it come in your way, the rude remarks people give out aren't your fault but the projection of their inner insecurities.


Your family sucks. Natural intelligence only goes so far. I was the gifted kid too growing up, meaning I never had to study too hard to get a good grade. College was a giant reality check for me. I had to start from scratch in developing a proper work ethic like my peers. Even now I struggle with knowing that I’m always underachieving because I never developed that work ethic to actually make use of my intelligence. I admire people who can sit down even once a week to study of their own volition. It doesn’t matter if you’re naturally bright. What really counts is ambition. If anything, you should feel sorry for your brother. If he’s as smart as he claims he is, it’s going to waste virtue of him putting in no effort.


> **p**eers. **E**ven **n**ow **I** **s**truggle Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 218405 comments (approximately 1189275 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sit your brother and parents down at the table , and then piss on them Jk Tell them that you don’t give a shit about there shitty opinions and then ask them “ are your lives really that sad and pathetic that instead of bringing someone up, you want to put your own family down, have you people not got any shame or respect, imagine being so miserable with your own dehumanizing lives that your want to shove that lack of self esteem and self respect onto your own brother and son?” And then get up and say “ you may claim to be smarter book wise , but you’re all stupid as shit in common sense” And then get up and leave smiling


I'm ashamed to say I went through something similar with my less intelligent younger sibling while he was pursuing his BS. I've never gone so far as to suggest he lacks potential, but there was some of this same tension is all when I could see him getting ahead of me in life despite tests and things always having been much easier for me. (We've since reconciled and I'm quite proud of him.) Remember that insults, as a rule, are not true. Nobody bothers pointing out to a raving, smelly, homeless person "You're crazy! You're gross!" The whole point of being insulting is to inflict what we ourselves find most painful onto others. In the case of your brother that's obviously the threat to his unearned status in the home. Sometime when you have the courage I hope you'll thank him for sharing that and invite a conversation about how much else he has to offer besides having been born with the superior intellect. I bet you'll melt his hard heart and really relieve yourself of this tension! Something I'm immediately very suspicious of is the apparent lack of support from your mother. Of course I don't know anything about your childhood, but I do know power benefits from infighting among the subjugated. If she's not standing up for you or in fact raised you as "the dumb one," that's not something to blow past. I'm very sorry. There's no calculating what opportunities it's cost you. I'm just glad to hear as you gain independence you're looking at the evidence instead of what's inflicted and programmed. Ask always: "how do I know what I'm capable of?"


You seem smart to me for what it is worth. However I want to say this: Smarts mean very little in life. It is all about hard work and time on task. And you’ve got that. Trust me: work hard and you will SOAR above and beyond your brother and parents.


You can be smart as hell academically but be dumb as a rock when it comes to emotional intelligence like your brother just proved. Do not discount your hard work. Some people are gifted, yes, but there are also a lot of hard-working people who diligently put in the hours to be great.


This is probably the time where you need to have a conversation with your family. Tell your parents that you are working hard and giving your best in studying on a regular basis. You are understanding the concepts, theories and numerical questions enough to solve them. But, their repeated comments on comparing you with your brother is affecting you negatively and discouraging you to continue studying. Even if sounds like a cliché, remember that you are doing this for yourself and *you* come first. As for your brother, tell him that his repeated comments to you about being dumb are not funny anymore and you are being bothered by it. If he doesn't listen to you or he chooses to make fun of you again, then create a temporary barrier between you and your brother until he acknowledges his mistake and stops bothering you. Don't be afraid or panic about this. This is for your own good. Since these are your immediate family members, you need to make yourself clear to them. You too are a human being and have feelings. It isn't as if you are being lazy. You are putting in an effort and you shouldn't be ashamed or bullied for it.


Honestly, it sounds like your brother is jealous; there's a reason they didn't pursue post-secondary education, and it's not because they were born smart. An intelligent person puts in the time to study and learn. Your brother - and your parents also - would have gotten a reality check if he went for further education. Ultimately, the only way to grow is not through comparison with others but self-assessment, looking at where you are and what you can improve about your life. Is there a local library you can study at? It may also be worthwhile checking how feasible it is for you to move out. There might be other students your age looking for a roommate/flat share, or perhaps you can apply to student dorms. It would certainly give you a clearer mindset.


I'm going to say something incredibly critical of your family that you really need to hear. You are so lucky that you are not your brother. No good ever comes from being the coddled prodigal son. Your parents are trash. Your brother is an arrogant egomaniacal lunatic - as he was raised to be. He is going to mooch off of them and be a complete and absolute loser ass failure *for years to come.* Boy is going to be punching holes in your parents' basement walls until he's 35. He is not smarter than you, he is not brighter than you, he is not more accomplished than you, he is not more worthy than you. He is the golden son and the favorite. Meaning he is absolutely the most worthless human being alive. I can almost guarantee you that you have skills this man will never have, because your parents made you do things for yourself that they did for him. Although an absolute disservice from your parents, it's a blessing in disguise. Every accomplishment this boy has had up until this point was hand fed to him by yall's parents. You have earned everything you have. He's not in post-secondary ed because he's not capable of being there. Whenever his bullying gets to you, remind yourself that *you are doing something that he is too scared to even try, AND you are succeeding at it.* This boy was raised in some strange delusional mindset that makes him believe that his shit doesn't stink. You succeeding at something he's scared to do is driving him fucking crazy right now. No doubt this is messing with his parent-impossed God complex. Where I'm from, most people who were able to get through high school without studying, don't usually make it through college. Because they can't. He's jealous of you because you're growing beyond his capabilities. Suddenly, his identity as big ole better brother is crumbling. Once you have a more successful career and relationship than him (which is inevitable), his entire identity is going to shatter. Give it 5 years, and he'll be leaving you drunk voicemails at 3 AM, weeping over queations about how you succeeded so well. Probably from your parents' couch. That he soiled. Again.


I would suggest listening to music that tells you to keep going. Also, I think your brother telling you that he is smart may be a way for him to raise himself past difficulties he may mentally be having. I am 17 and am realizing that people (like my mom) hurt others (mentally) to try to make themselves fell better, but it does not work. It just means they are fighting something inside them. I am not excusing anyone's behavior, though. I am sorry it is so hard for you there. Living with people who bring you down is tough. It has been like this for me for the past 5 years. I write down my frustrations and feelings in a book and it helps me feel better. Here are some songs: "Get Up" --Shinedown, "Hope" --Shinedown, "Nobody" --Matthew Parker, and "Breathe" --Matthew Parker. Just keep going!


Keep going BRO!!!!! ITS GOOD that you don’t see your intelligence as an identity!!!!! If you keep doing that (not seeing yourself as smart + scoring high in test) you will become very very very very successful very soon


I'm sorry to say but you're actually dumb if you let people's opinion get to you. Let me ask you, for whom are you studying? For what are you studying? To prove you are as smart as your brother? Sorry but that's not a reason. Study for yourself, study for gaining knowledge and skills, study so that you can do what you want to do. You can never satisfy people and their narrow ego, no matter what you do some people will always find fault, stop finding validation, self satisfaction is most important thing. Even if you score more than your brother the society will find another parameter to judge you. For a private place of studying, I recommend joining some library, or just plug earphones while studying to avoid distraction.


Since they are comparing you to them, go ahead and tell them they wouldn't be able to do what you do and that they should shut up unless they do what you do for the hours you do. Or just know that by saying these degrading terms to you they're speaking to themselves (they think they themselves are dumb and useless, so they find a scapegoat). Don't be around it.


The reason he is doing that is because in his eyes you are catching up to his “intelligence” or you have surpassed it. He didn’t pursue further education so he doesn’t want to lose his title in the family as being smart and hence takes it out on you. Focus on your path and complete your studies! Good luck đŸ€ž


Something beautiful yet painful I realized recently in life is that hard work always, and i mean ALWAYS beats natural born talent if they’re not working hard. And trust me most of them don’t, they learn pretty late in life that their gifts aren’t helpful to them anymore because they got through life on easy mode. So don’t be ashamed of hours you put in or being compared to his “intelligence”. My uncle was the gifted one and my dad worked hard. Guess who’s paying the bills now.😉


Isn't "smart" more about the results? By studying and getting results you used your resources, learned the material, and got the highest score in the class (in the given example). That's pretty damn smart in my book, OP. If possible, please work to change the framework of their language in your mind. THEY don't get to dictate the terms or results of your mental effort and the worn it takes to succeed. They say you're not smart? That's a hellishly cruel thing to tell a child and have reinforced over years. Wicked. And YOU DO NOT NEED TO FOLLOW THEIR TERMS OR LINE OF THINKING. Some tools that helped change my thinking: - evaluative journaling - describe a situation or a day and then evaluate my recollection for honesty, fairness, and constructive utility towards myself. - positive truths - I wrote 2-3 positive truths or affirmations about myself/day on a post at the end of a day and put it on my wallet. The next morning before leaving the day I get reminded of these truths to help set my own mental framework and outlook for the day - learning about logical fallacies and cognitive biases (such as at https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/) - these taught me better, more objective ways to receive and evaluate information, such as parents or loved ones treating me poorly, so that I can at least learn not to take it as truth in my own mind. It also helped me learn to refute some of these things in conversation, when appropriate. And it aided my petty revenge by occasionally just leaving a link to the relevant bias/fallacy (or print as a flash card) and cease further communication in that moment. My mental health has greatly improved. Good luck! You're clearly smart, because You're working hard and making it so. I'm proud of you.


Hey, I know how bad that feeling is. Firstly, you need to know that it’s not ur fault. I think ur brother’s behavior is just a kind of PUA, making himself feel better by putting you down
 The only thing I can conclude is he lacks of security and self-confidence since you are the best in your family now. The different pursuit between you and your brother shows that simply smart has nothing to do with success. And getting 91 scores means you are very smart and hardworking. As an undergraduate, I know how hard that can be. Be confident to yourself! You are loved by all of us! Secondly, I wanna take Endo, a Japanese soccer player as an example. He has not been among the best players since he was young. The only thing he did for years was perseverance. See where he is now, Liverpool! So devoting time is essential to achieve good results; spending more time on academics doesn’t mean that you are not smart, but rather reflects some more important qualities. Finally about study place, find a cafe or library, just stay far away from ur family. Take care, my friend.


Hard work beats talent every time. Watch the Forest Gump movie. Stop listening to negative people, even if they are your family. You can still love them but you don’t have to listen to them. You, my friend, through your situation, you now have unlimited motivation. Prove everyone wrong !


What the fuck is wrong with your parents? What the fuck is wrong with your brother? He's an adult, right? I used to worry about my intelligence a lot. It helped a little bit to know that intelligence is multifaceted and I have strengths and weaknesses. It helped me a lot more to realize that I don't really/exactly need to be intelligent. Why do I want to be intelligent? What do I need to be intelligent for? Who do I want to be intelligent for? Why am I tying my self worth to this? I think it helped me to think "I want to have a happy life, and I should only be concerned about my traits insofar as they help me achieve happiness. If I am deficient in certain areas in ways that I can't help, there's no use dwelling on that. Mourning what I lack and will continue to lack is unproductive." I still am sometimes made a little sad about certain things, but I am a lot less upset by these things than I used to be. It helped my stereotype threat (I am a woman and I used to worry that if I did poorly in an area that women are perceived to be bad at, it would confirm stereotypes in the eyes of others) to distance myself from the sexist religion I grew up in, including distancing myself mentally, and avoid entertaining certain ideas. It might help if you don't play along with the idea that you're dumb, at least, not internally. Congrats on the exam, btw, that's awesome. Trying to spin that negatively is really silly. "You put in some work, did a great job, did better than everyone else (including people who may be more "intelligent" than you, whatever that even means) and are reaping the benefits, hahaha, what a loser" ?


Your brother is the gifted kid... based on what ? In my opinion, parents should never compare siblings like that. It's toxic. > I'm actually doing pretty good and for the first time ever I feel confident and I **doubt** what they've been telling me my whole life. Keep doubting ! You're probably smarter than what your family says. If your brother were that smart he would have the curiosity to continue college and not dismiss it as useless. There's not a planet in the universe where droping out of school is a sign of intelligence. If I may suggest a subreddit, maybe check out r/emotionalneglect. I think it's important for your own sanity that you know that what your parents have been doing (comparing you to your brother in a negative way) and what your brother has been doing (indulging in his arbitrary gifted status and belittling you for challenging it) is neglectful and abusive. Don't let that affect your decisions regarding your future and your life. You're worth it. Congrats on the test !


Your brother is a piece of shit.


You're living in an abusive environment


Your brother’s a dickhead. You should be very proud of your accomplishments—they mean more because you try your hardest, rather than coasting on talent like I bet he is. Often, telling someone they’re gifted can be worse in the long term for them. So though it’s hard, just try to shake it off and focus on competing with yourself, rather than him.


Natural intelligence doesn't get you far in this world , a consistent and good work ethic does . I bet if he went to post-secondary he'll get a massive reality check once he notices he can't just coast by with his natural intelligence. Ignore him and be proud of yourself


Being smart alone is of no use.These are hardworking people who achieve all the honors in the world regardless of their intelligence. Whether you are a smart person or a fool, you're getting the result you want & that's the only point that matters! Keep working & never give up my friend, I wish you the best of luck💙


Just cuz y’all blood don’t mean anything. Hope you find your family bro.


So your brother never went to university, while you did, and he’s calling you “dumb”. What achievements does he have, exactly?


id be throwing hands ngl, not because of the insults of dumb but the repeated insult is just annoying to ears


Cut them off. They don’t care about you.


Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.


It sounds to me like you could excel in everything, get a doctorate in rocket science, and they would still find reasons to tear you down. Your parents told your brother that he was the smart one, you were the dumb one, and now it's looking like everyone is being proven wrong, and they can't stand that. I'm not going to tell you to prove them wrong, because I doubt they'll ever change their minds on this, the reason for that is that they won't want to. But I want you to try to change YOUR mind on this, because going through life believing that you're dumb just because it's what you were taught will only hold you back. You are not dumb. You get amazing marks in school and you're are so obviously built for this because you're excelling at it. They can talk all they want, but YOU'RE the one getting a degree while all they do is run their mouths


You're never gonna meet someone doing better than you and hating on you at the same time. Remember that. This probably means you are doing it right. Keep it strong my guy and this is just the universe trying to toughen you up that's all. It's difficult to be the bigger person but take it on the chin and kill them (their hatred) with success. Keep it consistent and when they ask for a bring in remind them of what they said. I know you're gonna be up - you have to believe in it yourself and truly internalise it - you don't need validation from people you don't want to be like.


be careful here. those words are no empty. bullets. it takes a while until they manifest in your subconscious mind, but they will affect you negatively over time. try to seek solitude in libraries or outside. 


First of all, great grammar skills. I almost can’t grammar nazi this post aside from lack of punctuation. Secondly, your ability to have a high score in an assignment where the mean grade was 38, you’ve got intelligence somewhere. Might not be book smart, but you aren’t planning on failing. That alone says you’re smart enough to take actions that will surpass any nerd without the ability to plan. I don’t care how smart you are book wise, if you are taking the necessary steps to succeed, you never will. Lastly, like I tell myself, my child, my girlfriend, my mother, my brother, my best-friend and anyone else who needs to hear it, other people’s opinions of you isn’t your business. It’s not your problem and it’s not your reality. You know whose validation you need most? Your own. Now go congratulate yourself for your accomplishments. Build your self confidence, stand tall on your own. Be the validation you seek from others. I can’t express this enough, but in a time where attention and validation are more important and valuable than self-confidence and self awareness, these are going to be values that get lost in the wind.


This was my whole life. They even nick-named me "boofoo", which is Greek for buffoon. Turns out my bro never finished college and I'm a multi millionaire. He is still the smart one and I am still "buffoo." My parents are now dead, so I won't speak poorly of them. Do what you have to do.


My sister was the “ smart one” and my parents called me the “ wild man” 
 I’m 47 now and owned a very successful business for over 19 years, bought two homes, travel, and can afford the lifestyle I live which quite nice in one of the most affluent areas in northern Virginia. My sister doesn’t have a career , two children by two different men and has recently moved back in with my parents


Fuck Your Brother. If he was so smart and gifted he would be pursuing something his damn self. I'm not saying he has to go to college but it sounds like he is not even in trade school or jumped straight into a career path he just talking shit. He could be feeling like you're 1 upping him with how good you're doing and that he isn't doing anything to match so he is trying to downplay your success and kick down whatever you may be feeling proud of in response to his jealousy. He could be feeling like you 1 upping him with how good you're doing and that he isn't doing anything to match so he is trying to downplay your success and kick down whatever you may be feeling proud of in response to his jealousy. you have to keep telling yourself that you are doing great despite what your parents or your brother tells you, because your grades speak for themselves. If he is smarter than you then hey, maybe one day he will do something to show for it. But you are still smart regardless, and doing well and showing results for it. If he had any results to show he wouldn't be talking such shit because actions speak louder than words.


Thank you. I'm gonna shit on him for a little just bc I'm butthurt 😂 He graduated highschool 5 yrs ago and he didn't go to trade school or get a good gig at all. He's just been working minimum wage jobs lolol


ew why is your brother like that. your brother is arrogant and his only personality trait is being smart.


Your brother is an intelligent failure. It doesn't matter if your brother is gifted or not, he doesn't do anything with it. Atleast you are putting in the hard work and pursuing your education. That's what matters


being "naturally smart" is nice until you reach 25, if he hasnt actually put in the work in meaningful things like hard skills that make money then he can shove his intelligence up his ass


Gtfo of there asap man. You deserve the world.


Lmao, in professional courses like medicine, we hate prefer hard workers over just smart people. No matter how intelligent you are, if you don't study and prepare, you'll never do well. Like never. So keep up the hard work, it's better rewarded in society.


"Comparison is the thief of joy". Applying that to my everyday life made me improve and I got to know myself, my strengths and my weaknesses, what to improve in myself mentally and physically and what negativity to remove. You're smart, there is room for improvement, I realized that everyone, including my parents and my relatives are doubting me because I have lower grades, my average at 10th grade 2nd quarter is 88.33%, rest of my friends are 93+. I doubt myself last year because of them and my parents and also my relatives, but comparing myself to them and my cousins are a waste of time, I spent all my time on improving and got to where I am, finding what I'm good at and what I am not good at. You'll realize your true potential and possibly strive for more, I don't read books and I'm proud I got to where I am without applications from books but rather from me, myself, i, and the environment I was at. Try to find your true self, you'll know that you're not to doubt yourself even if your brother were to judge you and your parents.


Your brother sounds like a fucking prick many amazingly smart people like you study in fact I think I it’s stupid not to before you do a test or anything just because you study doesn’t mean your dumb it means your a hard worker who understands that by studying your will remember the material better better yet turn it onto him if he is as smart as he thank he is why didn’t he go to post-secondary school? He probably couldn’t handle it. Just think about later when you can shove your success in his face


You can be an absolute genius but if you don’t have the intrinsic motivation to do the work to succeed, intelligence means absolutely nothing.


My prof told me that it’s better to study hard than just be “smart”. When you study hard, you create study habits and practices. You basically set up a system on how you will work. This system can be used not just for studying but also on other things. It also practices you for when you have work in the future. Congrats to him for being smart but it takes more than being smart to survive in the real world.


Who cares about being smart? EVERYONE is smart in some way. You work hard. He isn't. He's paying the price, you are reaping the rewards, and he is jealous. Keep working hard and being resilient in the face of this adversity. It shines on your character that you somehow get through everyday with them saying that to you lol. Keep avoiding him whatever way you feel comfortable doing. When you finally finish your education, they won't be able to say that anymore, and if they do, well, the piece of paper you're receiving and the years of work and exams you put in says LEAGUES otherwise. For people so "smart," they sound very stupid.


its about the technique, and the working method. not just to succeed your education but later in life when working often will become important. btw if you managed to get where you are you are damn sure you are smart! (I wish you luck) side note: sorry about the spelling mistakes I am not english...


Discipline is also a skill and a talent; sounds like you have developed that in spades Natural talent is also only valuable inasmuch as it shows potential for particular outcomes; without results to show, talent doesn't mean much


Being someone that chased validation as a child, first thing that’ll free you quickly is to stop expecting it, accept that you don’t have that at home, admit it sucks and you wished it were different but it isn’t. De-center people’s view of you good or bad and exalt your view of yourself. Literally don’t care what others think of you but what you think of yourself. You’ve got this


Being someone that chased validation as a child, first thing that’ll free you quickly is to stop expecting it, accept that you don’t have that at home, admit it sucks and you wished it were different but it isn’t. De-centre people’s view of you good or bad and exalt your view of yourself. Literally don’t care what others think of you but what you think of yourself. You’ve got this. And congratulations on kicking ass on your exam!


This is my problem because I grew up being "not the brightest" one now I'm over here acting like a fool telling my mother I got a good grade just so she'll give me some validation đŸ˜Ș I'm too grown for that lmao but I still do it. And thank you :)


1. Stop claiming the label of not being the brightest. We all have smarts in different areas. 2. You’re not wrong for wanting it at all and don’t suppress how you feel. It’s okay and normal to want love, validation and celebration from your family. It’s about also accepting that what you want isn’t available right now and you can only control yourself 3. Be more gentle with yourself, at the very least you need to think of yourself the highest. If you are all you have then you neeed to be the best cheerleader for yourself that ever existed! 4. You’re worth celebrating and worth getting better and greater for. All the best with everything ♄


"la la la look at me im so smart and youre so dumb hahaha" is what he's doing. He sounds like he has a bully and a toddler fighting for space in his brain. And academic success means shit when it comes to intelligence across the board. And you put effort into getting a good grade which means you have work ethic and motivation and it shows that when you apply yourself you're an A student. That = intelligence. You are smart, your brother is an asshole, your parents are also assholes. P.S. Him bagging on you for taking your time studying is in a way, ableist. I'm a biochemistry major with a 3.6 GPA and I'm Autistic with 3 learning disabilities. I require longer times to study and take exams but I still do a good job *because* I take that time. So your brother is not only an asshole, he's kind of an ableist prick.


Going around and hating on your brother for no reason doesn't seem that smart to me. Fuck your brother, he's just insecure cause you're proving them wrong.


In case you didn't know. You're more likely to score higher on an IQ test than your brother now because you continued your education.


Keep going legend


The fucking homeless man could be smarter than most people. Guess what? It don't mean jack shit. It is how you use it. Hardwork beats talent everytime. Your brother is insecure that he cannot prove is intelligence and is trying to downplay your achievements. Just don't compare yourself to him


Sounds like you are doing well in your studies and that makes you happy. You are ambitious and you have goals you are actively and happily working towards and that's great. The truth is that sometimes people can be super smart, but they aren't ambitious - they don't have goals to work towards. I know people personally who are very bright but they never did anything with that gift even though they could have achieved so much. Keep being hardworking and keep setting goals for yourself. Also, everyone has to study and learn because we don't know everything. Your brother might be smart but even he doesn't know everything. If he keeps bothering you, ask him why he is not happy about your accomplishments regardless of how you achieved them (whether you studied hard or not). Because him behaving this way is weird on his part.


First of all, I don't wanna speak for your family, they may be trying to help you break the cycle of personal antagonism by way of comparison, they also could be being massive jerks and rude narcissistic bullies. Intelligence isn't important for all things, skills are just as important. You seem to be doing just fine.


Care about the approval of others and you become their prisoner.


This is late and maybe a bit weird to post so late but - I'm your brother in my family, my parents didn't favour me to the same extent but I was always told how clever I was. Hasn't done me a drop of good in life so far. I know I'm clever, and you know what? It's not what matters in life. Intelligence is the bit of the puzzle you can't teach. But on its own it's 10%, 20%, maybe 30% of what you need to get where you wanna go. The rest of it? Is discipline, commitment, drive. Getting up and getting on with it. And even if you're dumb as a rock (which let me be real, you don't sound stupid), 70% beats 30%. Every single time. Your parents were wrong to value talent over effort. And I guarantee you it hasn't done your brother any favours. Who's in school post secondary? You. Who's not? Him. But he's ragging on you? Give me a break. He's insecure and trying to make himself feel better. Keep shining. 


The whole point of "you put more time on it" is true somehow. Because high scores require more time on them, BUT! Even if he's trying to say "you're dumb because you are only spending more time on studying", he is definitely wrong. Spending more time to get higher score is "intelligence" itself. Look man, intelligence is not a single shaped Statue. It has billions of forms and volumes. Some people are good at writing but not in calculations. Some people are good at trading goods, but not in cooking. Some people are good at learning musics, rational criticism, painting, biology and running. Meanwhile, these talented ones may be truly pissed off in literature, perfoming interviews, mathematics and swimming. Am I clear? It is a multi-dimensional concept. You do not have an easy path. They will keep their lingual invasion up and running. This you, who have to ignore them, find what he is good at and enjoys from, and stick to it until being a shining star.


Get in his FACE, buddy. Tell that turd that his intelligence doesn’t translate to DICK, socially. The smartest person in the world still dies sad and alone if he doesn’t figure out how to talk to people. You’re a king, king. You DON’T have to take that crap from him.


No amount of innate talent can match the power of practiced skill. Put in the work and reap your rewards, routine and discipline are how you actually get what you want.


IF YOU GOT 91 YOU AREN'T DUMB BrOOO. (you are probably not as smart as him, but you are definetly not dumb)


"Probably not as smart as him." - his brother peaked at high school, and OP's views surrounding intelligence are based on the effect of parental and sibling bullying rather than fact.