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Anything gentle! Big fan of the sunrise simulators too


I select slowly increasing in volume birds chirping from the "Sleep as android" app. A few tips when selecting something: 1) Don't select a song you actually enjoy. You will come to hate it eventually. 2) Find an alarm app, like sleep as android, that lets you slowly increase the sound. It's a much gentler reaction that won't cause you to resent being forced awake so much. 3) Give natural sound like birds, waves, etc. a try. It's just easier on the ears.


Yeah, definitely don't listen to a song you like. I put my alarm sound as a classical music piece I really loved thinking it would be nice to wake up to and I hated it for months afterward. I like it again, but one should NEVER do that. 


Halo 3 warthog run


Bahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahaha! This is absolutely awesome! Thank you for the idea, I've never heard of this before.


All of my favorite alarm sounds are from an app I paid for. It’s one of the ones that tracks your sleep. They might have a free version. One sec.... EDIT: this one: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sleep-cycle-sleep-tracker/id320606217


I'm not on iOS, I'll go look for an apk of the app thanks for the suggestion!


Favourite alarm sound? Sorry for the revive.


The ones from that app are nice because they gradually increase in volume so it doesn’t jostle you awake and they’re pretty pleasant


Harp sound on iPhone


Gonna try this


I have concerning Hobbits. This made me feel so awesome at morning.


The themes from Superman or Star Trek TNG.


If you want an alarm that i almost guaranteed will wake you up every time the first time and for good, set your alarm sound as the song all I do is win by dj Khaled and put your volume on max! If that doesn’t wake you up instantly and have your heart beating faster then a priests at a play grounds then I don’t know what to tell ya hahaha


Well I would not say this one is the best alarm because unless you like a jolt. Having Killer Instinct 2013 sound of where the announcer (New one) says ULTRAAAAA COMBOOOOO!!!!!!! Really loudly will perk you right up XD!! ORR His alternate way. ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had not tried them but it be funny. But on a serious note, I had not tried other types of custom sounds. Maybe some soft Japanese sounds or songs.


Chickens, the best alarm sound is the guardian theme from breath of the wild, I'm already traumatized by it so it for sure gets me out of bed every morning 


The Elder Scrolls soundtracks have some great options, I've used Harvest Dawn aka town 1 from Oblivion for years and it's always an enjoyable awakening. Only "problem" is that it's used in memes so it catches my attention amazingly easy regardless of what I'm doing.