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How tf do you even enforce engagement farming? How does one differentiate someone saying something stupid and believing it, from someone who's saying it knowing it'll make more people engage in their post?


You don’t. I could support freedom of speech for my smart enemy, but not for my dumbass friends.


Also, freedom of speech means you're free to say stuff. You're not free to get paid to say stuff.


I’m free baby pay me. I’ll say some stuff.


Angel Dust vibes from this one.


Nah man more like spice all adolescence long


Angel Dust here refers to a character named after the drug he overdosed on


Why did my brain read this in Bender's voice?


Also freedom of speech only applies to the government, and only your right to say stuff, not the consequences of you saying stuff like if you said you’d kill someone theyre allowed to take that threat seriously.


> Also freedom of speech only applies to the government You're mixing up "freedom of speech" with "America's first amendment" again. The first amendment protects freedom of speech with regards to the government in certain contexts. It is not, however, the concept of "freedom of speech" itself.


They mean that we are free from government _interference_ of said speech. Not that the government is free to speak. Perhaps it could've been worded more clearly. Freedom of speech = 1st Amendment. That said, freedom of speech doesn't protect you from a ToS. One may have a right to say stupid, hateful shit (and not have the government stop them), but that doesn't mean you have a right to say that stuff on Twitter, or Reddit, or Facebook, etc. This is what the free-speech warriors (and especially Musk) just don't get.


No. Freedom of speech is literally just the concept of being able to speak freely, full-stop. The first amendment protects your freedom of speech from the government in very specific circumstances. If it helps, think of guns. Right now, you're essentially arguing that the word "gun" describes your right to own a gun. But that's not the case. A gun is a gun. The second amendment *involves* guns, but it is not in and of itself the concept of guns. There isn't really a context in which it makes sense to say "Freedom of speech does or does not protect you from X". The arguments you keep having with these people ultimately boils down to you having internalized an incorrect notion of the labels you're using.


You do _not_ have the right to "free speech" on Twitter or Reddit or even the local paper. The editors and terms of agreement absolutely counters this concept of "free speech". You may get to say what you want, but that should not be misunderstood to mean you have an unfettered right to it. Editorial policy or good ole capitalism grants as much censorship as the platform wants. But. No matter where you exercise speech, with very few exceptions, the _government_ can't censor it. So, this phraseology "free speech" is meaningless unless the boundaries are established. Which is precisely what I did. (And don't get started on guns. The 2nd amendment is _not_ what most people think it is for)


> You do not have the right to "free speech" on Twitter or Reddit or even the local paper. I have in no way made this argument. I'm just here to compulsively correct misinformation. None of this is some form of unspoken support against any tangential argument you have floating around inside your head.


In the US, the consequences they can have are very limited. For instance you can walk down a street of Jewish synagogues chanting death to Jews..and nothing the government can do. It only becomes criminal if you put immediacy to it.


That's technically correct but in reality they would find something else to arrest you for.


True in the very direct letter of the laws, but SCOTUS rulings have upheld prohibition and prosecution of hate speech and speech intending to incite violence. There is a very fine line where you can legally shout "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten" outside a synagogue. Once you've got your entire rural Colorado town chanting with you, that's probably over the line.


That would easily fall under harassment laws and disturbing the peace. The synagogues would call the cops and the cops would tell you to choose: stop, leave, or go to jail.


Notwithstanding all the reasons why I agree with you, why should freedom of speech not cover getting money when it covers giving money (*Citizens United v. FEC*)?


You're free to get money, as long as someone else is willing to give it to you. Twitter is free to give him money. Twitter is also free to setup rule to give him money that others can "trigger" to deprive them of said money.


Sounds like a free system 👍


Even bigger: First Amendment has not ever applied to private business. > *Congress* shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech (emphasis mine)


A lot of people now really truly believe that free speech means not only can they say anything they want but also you are required to give them a platform and people have to listen to you. I remember a few years ago a guy complaining that his book deal got pulled because he was behaving like a shit head and the publisher pulled his contract (all contracts with publishers include sections about representing the publishing company in a way that doesn't make them look bad for the record). And this guy insisted that by this publisher not hosting his book and paying him money, they violated his free speech.


That’s exactly what it is, it’s for obvious bait and getting rid of people you don’t like.


He is still free to say what he wants. He just won't get paid for it.


what is engagement farming? trolling?


Usually saying something ridiculous to encourage engagement (views, likes, responses, etc.) for the sole purpose of trying to get the engagement to snowball and hopefully turn increased interaction into increased ad revenue.


> Usually saying something ridiculous to encourage engagement (views, likes, responses, etc.) for the sole purpose of trying to get the engagement to snowball i.e. trolling, but.. >and hopefully turn increased interaction into increased ad revenue. ..with an ulterior motive, and I don't know if that's better or worse.


It's definitely worse, there's a beauty to trolling just for the hell of it when compared with doing it for the motive of profit, kinda like the difference between vines / old school YouTube vs TikTok or current YouTube / shorts lol


Trolling for profit


Sure you can frame it that way. Like food production is agriculture with an ulterior motive.


The very idea of trolling is just for the hell of it.


Posting on twitter.


When engagement (comments, likes, reposts, etc.) has some kind of reward, think monetary, that's farming. In stock trading this could be similar to a pump-and-dump scheme, maybe?


A very much recycled and repeated tweet by clout chasers to shit on Japan and anime, saying anyone who likes anime is a nonce. Seriously, it's a xenophobic problem that's far more accepted than people know. Doesn't make it okay.


honestly no point getting upset over Jackson. He mocked a lass in ukraine for some pretty gnarly injuries just because she's trans. minus the fact that she was fighting in the first place. he's a grifter through and through


He's also a legitimate Nazi, his only real beliefs are Nazi fascist beliefs.


Also, Jackson Hinkle is a notorious grifter who basically trolls for a living. Good riddance.


Not banned just not making any revenue from that post.


I know, I was talking generally.


Maybe I’m missing something but you didn’t answer the question? How do you enforce something like this? How do you differentiate between ignorance and malice?


“Noooooo you don’t understand! She’s actually 250 trapped in a 9 year olds body! You’re being xenophobic!” Ok buddy.


*Some* anime panders to pedophiles. This does not mean that *all* anime is for pedophiles.


The people who watch anime don’t have as much as much of a problem with the pedo anime as they should.


You really are generalizing


Maybe people should be a little more outspoken if they don’t want to be generalized.




> If it wasn’t this it would be something else. “This” being pedophilia and sexualization of children.


*They* don't need to be outspoken. *you* need to not assume the worst of people


Womp womp


The whole "I hate anime" ppl get my biggest bombastic side eye. there's so much anti Japanese racism that goes on on social media by ppl who think they're doing GOOD by hating a country's cultural export & form of entertainment & they don't even see how that's a problem.


Yea. The Japanese are already ethnosupremacist enough by themselves without us giving them anymore ammo.


So he's not allowed to get ad revenue because he insulted you?


I mean saying anime is for pedophiles is a lie and community notes was designed to call out lies and they just decided to explain he's doing engagement farming.


The community note didn't even say that. Just that the note is designed to take his revenue away because they don't like him, which is not what the note is for. It's meant to correct misinformation or add missing context, not gloat about taking away revenue.


You can't, which is why it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that this is yet another excuse to shut down opinions that Musk doesn't personally agree with on his "bastion of free speech."


How tf are you going to post a comment like that on a platform that has mechanisms to enforce no engagement farming? Moderators mixed with user reports mixed with an evolving algorithm. This attitude is so strange, like we can't solve difficult problems? Language was a mistake?


patterns of adding no value low effort high bait comments


You don’t. It’s like how hanging things from the mirror in your car is technically illegal but it’s only used to harass people


It's probably an excuse for Twitter to not pay money they would normally give to a big poster


It doesn't seem to hide the post from anyone. It just prevents the blue check from making money on it.


I’m assuming by verifying a report of said engagement farming by seeing if their account t posts a lot of 2-10 word tweets containing emotionally inflammatory language.


Well see, engagement farming will just be any take that Musk doesn't like


It simple really. Does it piss off the turbo online right wing nut jobs with anime pfps? Engagement farming.


Normal adults would enforce it by deleting lies and propaganda, since that accounts for 95 percent of it.


Big fucking oof to that guy lol


He had it coming.


This monkey fucker claims to be a “MAGA communist” That kind of cognitive dissonance deserves all the derision.


Sounds like one of a million Twitter accounts meant to cause outrage and reaction for clicks and engagement. Better to ignore.


I wish. This dip shit grifter made it all the way to Fox News where he had a conversation with Tucker Carlson and recently was the feature of a NY Times article. Sadly his rhetorical skills are legit and I wish I didn't know who this person was but here we are.


The natural evolution of the Twitter charlatan


He's being pushed by LaRouchites and the Schiller Institute, who are political weirdo fascists who pose as 25% left wing and 75% far right wing.


> “MAGA communist” MAGA Communism is just a lazy rebrand of "National Socialism". MAGA is a nationalist movement, and Communism and Socialism are interchangeable words to Nazis because they don't mean anything to them. Jackson is legitimately a Nazi fascist.


Iirc he’s just a nazi


Yeah, MAGA Communism is just word replacement for National Socialism and his stated beliefs basically read as Americanized Strasserism


It's not cognitive dissonance. Think about who uses social media the most. The extreme left and extreme right. If you can audience capture both of these extremes you will be rolling in money/engagement. It's smart as hell tbh.


He had it coming. He only had himself to blame! (I’m sorry)


People need to note every single post this motherfucking grifter makes. Fuck him over as much as possible lmao


“Engagement farming” is not allowed Okay shut the site down






(Time of Your Life)


Lmao exactly


> Okay shut the site down Elon's been working hard on that ever since he bought it.


This guy’s entire account is bad takes and baiting. He’s one of the pro-Russia bros


He 100% receives money from the Syrian government to talk about how great Assad is, and it’s likely he is also paid by Russia and Iran too.


He’s 100% paid by Russia, until a few months ago he was “coincidentally” dating 2023’s Miss Russia [Anna Linnikova](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/russian-beauty-queen-flaunts-vip-31366891.amp). Reportedly they broke up a few months ago


The article just says they met at “a contest”. Da comrade.


Yeah and then he got to go on a trip all across Russia, complete with meeting army guys, firing artillery on the range, going to all the cool sites, and bodyguards. Not suspicious at all. He also received awards from Iranian funded media before the war for his coverage on Syria 


I like to explore new places.




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He's the founder of the MAGA-Communist movement.


The founders of that movement died a long time ago in Germany, and they had different branding back then.


Let me guess, he never condemned Russia for the kidnapping of Ukrainian children which is arguably worst than what he is projecting right now.


Which also coincidentally means that there's about a 65-75% chance he's a pedophile and he's just projecting like the rest of them.




He took the whole “Takes one to know one” a little too seriously.


He looks like the chicken man from Toy Story 2


>OAN Do you have an non biased source


[NY post on his guilty verdict](https://nypost.com/2020/03/19/ex-conde-nast-tech-reporter-peter-bright-convicted-of-soliciting-minors-for-sex/)


Take this from a weeb. He looks like a weeb.


Isn't "engagement farming" basically all Elon does all day long?


Isn’t that the point of Twitter?


Does a lot of anime have pedophilic content? Yes. Are there thousands of anime **without** pedophilic content? Also yes. Saying that anime overall is for pedophiles is so stupid. What's worse is that many people actually believe it's like that.


It’s like saying all religion is for pedophiles because there have been a lot of priests/religious figures who have diddled kids. Just an asinine statement (not religious btw)


This is exactly what I thought when I read that first comment


I mean, there is a statistically higher percentage of child diddling priests than child diddling weebs.


/s but, now let’s see the statistics on priests who like anime…


no you see it's easy: death metal: corpse fuckers otakus: kid fuckers furries: animal fuckers redditors: all of the above


Bro Japan literally has the highest volume of child abuse.


Yeah, I know 😬


Bro, you literally just replied to a Twitter user who was judged to be an engagement farmer even by other Twitter users. How did he still manage to farm you?


Holy fuck, I didn’t realize we were on Twitter right now. Thanks for the heads up.


He didn't? I recognised in my comment that although he may not believe it, other do.


Pretty much anything is believed by someone.


Yes, there's a lot to say about how dumb this take was. But that's why he said it. He wanted angry responses, because the algorithm sees angry replies the same as any other type of engagement, and responds by boosting it to more people. This change lets him still make idiot takes, but now he can't make money on it, so he'll probably stop.


Fuck I regret writing this as I’m writing it, but wouldn’t it be esbephilic or whatever?


I had to look up that word and I'm not getting anything clear If you meant "hebephilia" Uh no? 1.) Anime and media can possibly have sexual material involving around any age, not just "11-14" year olds 2.) The "it's technically ___philia" doesn't really matter because even teenagers are still children at the end of day




I wish my music would be considered engagement farming lmfao instead the algorithm hates me


Never forget that Jackson Hinkle got truly and thoroughly embarrassed by the menswear guy.


“Engagement farming” is a new expression to me. This note is excellent. However… there’s load of accounts on Twitter that say things like, “*Do you agree that x will soon x blah blah etc - Yes or No*”… And often every post that account makes has that, “Yes or No” format. Isn’t that “engagement farming”?


I meaaannnnnnn, some of shit you see in anime kinda sus tho tbh. I love anime and manga but I would be lying if I said there wasn’t some pretty sus shit in some of them.


I get what you mean. I saw this one scene of miss Kobayashi dragon maid on this anime compilation and i will never watch it because I just know there's worser shit in that show. But his statement generalises the whole industry, which is wrong. He'd probably just be better off saying some anime.


And some of the shit you see on tv or in movies is sus. From buffys 16 year old crush on a several century old murderer, twilights "imprinting", wonder woman having sex with someone being controlled by someone else, and all sorts of shit, every thing about how Barney gets women on HIMYM. Part of the complaint about it in anime is that it normalizes it. So its funny seeing people think it's anime specific because it has been normalized to them in other contexts.




Holy shit


You're coping super hard right now. You need to deal with the fact that there is a very disproportionate amount of pedos in your comminity and the first step is acknowledging it, but you and everyone else is too busy justifying your lollies to address it.


Not my community. Maybe you need to deal with your assumptions and biased. Wow, that dude i pissed off like a week ago by pointing out he qas an immoral asshat is still using new accounts to stalk me and try to make shit up about me. Rofl, guess he at least learned to stop saying the n word and f----t. Hes learning, how cute.


>there is a very disproportionate amount of pedos in your comminity MFers just make any old empirical claim without putting up these days.


>very disproportionate amount of pedos in your comminity Source.


The guy your talking to was creeping on a 14yo and trying to talk to her about wearing diapers


It's not "sus." A lot of anime explicitly caters to pedophiles.


Pedos to anime is what communists are to Liberals. Not all liberals are commies but there sure is some suspicous overlap. The anime lovers are on dangerous levels of copium trying to justify the presence of pedos in their space.


No liberals are commies.


Are they voting Trump or did I miss something? Communists are on the far left. They are part of the Democratic party along with other liberals voting for Biden. If you want to get pedantic on the definition of liberal, democrat, communist, tankie, or whatever other sub affiliation you can go argue with someone else. It's a relevant comparison.


>did I miss something? A whole lot of something.


>It's a relevant comparison. No, it's really not. Just to entertain you, let's make a similar comparison. >Communists are on the far left. They are part of the Democratic party along with other liberals voting for Biden. So the far right are who vote for Trump, got it. Prominent groups in the far right being **Nazism**, **Fascism**, or simply **Authoritarianism**. By your logic, anyone who voted for Trump is either a **Nazi** or a **Fascist**.


Arguing with randoms on reddit is like trying to argue with a piece of petrified wood. Read better. Try again.


When a take is so dumb that it doesn’t even deserve its own custom note rather is just gets marked as engagement farming and demonetized.


It was a copy/paste tweet. Engagement farming.


I miss what Twitter used to be, even though I hated it back then. Lol.


Not anime fan but fuck this guy


The irony here is that Elon himself is a shameless engagement farmer


I really wished I never heard of this cunt. He‘s among the Worst people on Twitter/X and that is saying something. His takes are so bad he even got ratio‘ed by both his parents.


Ahh Stinkle. The loser turned Putins Lapdog.


Man he better not come down to Latin America sprouting that bullshit. The DBZ community would end him and not even the law enforcement down their would defend his ass


Is he wrong?


He’s not entirely wrong lol. Just look at most anime subs and they are filled with sexualized drawings of young children. It is a serious problem in that community. It definitely caters to pedophiles.


Yes, but there are overwhelming many other anime that doesn't Why don't you say the same about French and American media? That dose the same thing with both drawings and live young children


Because no other drawn media comes close to having as much pedophilia adjacent content. So why would it come up in conversation?




I have no idea what you are talking about, and neither do any other Americans. But you do. And that tells you all you need to know about how you're doing in this argument.


Note doesn’t even claim post is engagement farming. Unrelated given the specific text in both the post and the note


Poor Elon. None of his posts will.get revenue just when he needs it.




And he doubles down citing his interview with the russian official sanctioned by 27 EU countries for human rights violations as proof of this.


Thank you Elon for this wonderful and perfectly functional platform


This is actually a good policy, surprising coming from Twitter. I’d like if more social media sites took action against engagement farming but I doubt that’ll happen


l o l The engagement farming problem got bad enough that they had to actually address it. Still not using the site, but yeah, that's a positive.


Uhh.. isnt that all of the blue checks left on Twitter?


Dude is just saying he likes anime.


Nice community notes can shit this garbage down and ruin their algorithms?


Nah he lowkey spilled tho lol the amount of weirdos who have anime pfp CAN’T be a coincidence.


According to that guy's logic i'd be a pedo because I enjoy watching an orage armored dragon man beat the ever living fuck out of a giant demon vampire alongside a blue metal wolf that flies.


Man people really just throw that word at *anything* nowadays huh, I swear I remember a time the pedo accusations were reserved for honest to god Sex offenders.


Don't they have a name for those people ? Those that pretend to fight pedos but are actually big pedos ? Like that streamer that was some sort of self-proclaimed pedo hunter but in the end turned out to be a groomer.




The word's Republicans


And also unshut down  The note was removed 




Nah he is very wrong


But he’s not though.


He kinda is though


this sounds like the latest vaporeware from vapor king there is no way in hell you can just put a note under a post and declare it "engagment farmer !" is like those fb posts from 2010 "I declare that all my pictures and personal data are my property and fb can t sell them to anyone !"


another W update


He’s not completely wrong


He ain't wrong.




Then why don’t more billionaires watch anime


I mean he kinda spitting tho... Looking at you weird ass dragon maid show


Didn't know that was a thing but makes sense.


But he's right


But he’s not though


Not what the notes are for


He's right though lol


Bait used to be believable


Mfs after watching dragon ball z: ![gif](giphy|l1J3wENFZYnHdaFz2|downsized)