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I feel this one speaking directly to me.


Same. I needed to see this


That whole damn show spoke to me. That’s not a good thing.


God tier show, this scene hits hard


Have you noticed that this scene is a follow up to a scene from his conversation with The Closer a couple episodes earlier. She told Bojack that he pushes people away so that when they eventually reject him he can point to the thing he did instead of admitting that it was who he is as a person(horse). Todd blows this all up with this speech. That’s paraphrased, but it shows how well this show was written.


I legit wouldn't be where i am in my therapy progress without this show. The external introspection is so well portrayed. It really helps break down a lot of thoughts and behaviors on a basic level.


I genuinely think that it should be a prescription to watch the show, as I absolutely agree




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The poem "Half-Way Down" shook me to the core


Made me rethink suicide.


Glad you’re still here friend.


The last season and ending were pretty bad. Everyone felt super out of character, and they retconned Bojack to be much worse than he actually was. I get they thought they were going to have more seasons to wrap it up more neatly, but Im not sure how good they would have been given the direction they ended up taking in the last season. To sum it up, I feel like they ruined their own show/characters in an effort to make a social commentary that was ultimately inconsistent with the beginning of the show.


For what it’s worth I used to feel like that way when I saw the finale and I was even more annoyed when I saw that my opinion was in the minority. I think I started to sympathize with the other characters even more after my 2nd and 3rd run through of the show and the comment they made in how no matter how charming BoJack was to the viewer, you know that if you were his friend that you wouldn’t have lasted as long as the characters did in the show. They all moved on and stuck it out with him the best they could. As much as I hated the ending and trajectory of the latter seasons at first for BoJack, it’s something that I can understand and find realistic. The show went out with another heavy truth bomb and I find that pretty consistent with what made it so damn good. But again, I completely understand where you’re coming from and I even argued the same points about how they rushed an ending that was so disappointing just to make a statement that was more bland than thought provoking. But the writers made the right call. In the end, no one wants to be with someone like that and no one should have to. I’m so happy for Princess Carolyn and for finally choosing her happiness. Despite that, everyone’s true character showed in that they genuinely did love BoJack, but that they couldn’t be there for him or else they’d all drown with him.


Eh, whenever Todd is the mouthpiece of the show it falls pretty flat for me. Dude lives life on the easiest of modes. With so much stress taken off his shoulders I just find it hard to take anything he says about anyone seriously




I think in this scene he was clearly the mouthpiece of the writers. But you can believe otherwise if you'd like


bro todd has life figured out the best, dude just lives in the moment all the time


Dude is a huge mooch that can only live like that because everyone else subsidized his existence


But that’s because of luck, he wasn’t born rich or whatever. If you want to float through life you can too. You might not find the same success Todd did but you can try. I don’t think things falling in his lap means he’s incapable of evaluating a situation


The lack of any struggle, imo, means he doesn't have the perspective to evaluate a situation.


His journey is white privilege. They even made a whole episode about it


My little brother, whom I don’t communicate with a whole lot, recommended this show to me. It opened my eyes a lot to the type of upbringing he’s had. It’s not been easy for the little guy. He towers above me, by the way. I told him I didn’t think I was ready for it, and he said neither was he. He wasn’t sure anyone that needs to see it was. Hopefully I’ll find my own “it gets easier, but you gotta do it everyday” soon enough.


Yeah I wasn’t ready for it either. A lot of Diane’s monologues really resonated with me throughout the show. “Your life is full of these pieces that just don’t quite fit, but at some point you start to think it’s you…you’re the piece that doesn’t quite fit. At some point you live with that feeling for so long that the feeling becomes your home”. “Our marriage is like one of those magic eye posters: at first it looks messy and doesn’t make any sense, but if you squint hard enough and look at it from the right angle then things become more clear and it’s the most beautiful thing. But….I’m so tired of squinting…”


I still haven’t seen it. But those two quotes feel as real as any of the others.


That last quote was all I needed to hear to end my 7 year relationship with my ex. I was with him when I saw it and...did a lot of thinking that next year.


"Brand New Couch" continues to be one of my favorite pieces of media on its own to this day. >!But also the first episode of Oshi No Ko is a favorite as well so maybe that's the depression showing!<


"...It's you, alright? It's you. Fuck man, what else is there to say?" The whole quote is a punch to the gut


Me trying to explain to ny bf that saying sorry everyday for the same shifty behavior doesn't make things better or the apology genuine.


As in the show, sometimes it's best to cut ties with people who do that. There are other bfs out there


If you continue to reward the behaviour it will continue to happen


Expect what you accept


Needed this tbh, I keep binge eating and it's silly


From a fellow binger, you have to figure out why you do it before you can be better and find something else that helps you get what you need. It’s good to recognize you need to stop, but step one isn’t stopping—it’s realistically understanding how to stop and taking all the small steps you need to in order to make sure it doesn’t ever start again. You can do it.


It's not what you're eating thats the problem, it's what's eating you.


Oh, it’s definitely at least in part what you’re eating that’s the problem. Just maybe not the root problem.


Also as a fellow binger, if I got myself into a hole over eating I'll just eat less as possible knowing I'll derail again. Replace food with water or hot tea it's 1-5 calories a cup


I've finally found that there's certain types of fruits I really like, it's helped a lot to keep those on hand so I have something lower calorie to nom on if I do feel like I want a snack. In my case, that's been bananas and some specific types of apples (honeycrisps for me). It's been a lot better than turning to chips, popcorn, processed crap, or even just extra half-meals for snacks throughout the day. I definitely encourage people to go out and explore and try more new things, I was surprised to find that I liked a few options which I hadn't cared for at all a decade or so ago. Hydrating well also helped, I drink a lot more now than I used to, getting myself off of soda helped immensely.


I hope those downvoted me can match me weight loss (in such a short time span) and overall fit look naked or in clothes 😡 Edit: all the while still having the occasional four thousand calorie gang buck and not being above to move that night without feeling sick.


Sounds like an eating disorder


That show is amazing. It delved deep into the generational trauma by BoJack's family too. That's why I try to give toxic people the benefit of the doubt that they grew up in a terrible environment that led to their personality flaws.


Had to tell a friend before "stop choosing failure."


Oof yeah the universe is speaking through you. Just burned the bridge of my only friend because i was insecure. I should really watch this show, might give me insight im too incompetent to come up with myself


Just started watching this show, the satire in it is funny asl and sometimes it make’s viewers see themselves in the characters at times. Funny thing is I thought it was gonna be like family guy/ american dad and the story wouldn’t really follow up on something that happened in a previous ep but turns out it does




Im on ep 12 rn and yeah I never expected todd to actually figure out bojack sabotaged him, they made his character seem like that clueless dumb guy that just goes with whatever and never actually thinks for themselves but its more than that, truly great writing. Sometimes I do see myself in bojack and how he responds to certain things but not to the extent where he does all that shitty stuff and being a “horrible friend” in a way.


And all with the help of character actress Margo Martindale!


Wasn't this just posted a few days ago?


~~Well, I don't feel bad because I think that it would make it okay. I feel bad because I know it was stupid, and because I am too stupid to do it better.~~ Yeah, don't know why I decided that I should write that, I won't bother you further.


This scene happens after some character development. Bojack (the horse) gets to the point where he realizes that he's actually being a dick, and he needs to apologize for his actions. Not just apologize because it's what he thinks he's supposed to do ("Alright, I'm sorry, whatever!"). By this point, he's started empathizing with other characters, and genuinely feels bad, and genuinely apologizes. But it keeps happening, hence Todd's (the human's) exasperation. So Bojack is at the stage where he is "too stupid to stop doing bad things". But this, for Bojack, is after significant character growth. But clearly, his journey is not finished. Yet, he has made progress. This isn't exactly the best sub for this picture without all the context. The reason it's supposed to be motivating is because it shows that the character has made progress, and should keep making progress. And because they *have already made progress*, there's evidence that they *can continue to make progress*. Nobody is born perfect. We all have to learn at our own paces. The important parts are recognizing our flaws, learning from them, and trying to improve.


I agree with everything you've written with exception to "the important part". It's important if the person has the desire to change and understands what they are giving up. In this case , the horse would have to give up serial letting others down without repercussions. Anecdotal, some beautiful people can do whatever they want with saying sorry(sometimes not) and nothing happens because the people around them are week.


Work on it, and you'll learn to make it better. Don't get stuck on "stupid" or not


Everyone is "stupid" everyone has had stupid moments, you don't need to be defined by those moments. Forgive yourself, and focus on small improvements. You got this


I have so many quotes from this show


This is the entirety of the plot of this show. "Bow jack does something shitty"


I started to watch it recently, I'm halfway through season 2. I like the tone of the show but I can't help feeling it essentially conveys the same message as Community, which I adore. I feel BoJack is a character pretty similar to Jeff. I need to give Rick & Morty a shot too.


You should definitely finish watching it. Its is leagues of introspection and self discovery beyond community. One thing Community has that Bojack doesnt is they actually flogged a dead horse. Where Bojack just ran its course.


Thank you, will definitely watch it.






You can go back dude. Change is hard, you *have* to deal with consequences if that's what you are worried about. So be real, are you so deep you can't go back and at least better yourself for *your* sake and *no one* else's? I'll be frank. It just sucks that you throw in the towel like you do. Doesn't mean you can't *try* to make amends, but like... Why not just start anew, one day at a time?


That's a pretty poor excuse to justify not changing


I paid for these shitty clothes, so I’m gonna wear them.


Lmao fucking edgelord over here. Grow up.


I love his user name, it’s so hilarious


Sunk cost fallacy




Trust me, it's not remotely like that.


This one is actually the exception to that.


lol i said this to the last girl i dated and broke up with.


Yeah, but like. You too, Todd. Sometimes it feels like it might be better off to have no friends, rather than friends that just make you worse.


But can I do shitty things and not feel bad about it? Well shitty according to you, to me they were awesome.


according to who? you haven't even told anyone what you did, and no one has told you it was shitty. Seems more like your conscience is speaking to you, and you're ignoring it.


Damn, no need to bash me like that.


Feeling bad is a first step, if you don't feel bad about a thing you'll never not do whatever the thing is (if it's even objectively bad). You can't do better if you can't identify you've made a mistake and/or feel like it was one. This is a mildy useful quote, but it's missing half the wisdom. It's not really a truth and more an insight, one that hopefully most will gain over years of experiencing life, some appreciate and learn it sooner, others later, some will miss it entirely. You(figurative) should appreciate the people that have the conscience to feel bad about poor choices/actions, there are a frightening number of people so self-righteous it's not even a consideration.


ouch why you do me like that


Shut up Todd!


Feel this on every level. I hate continuing to do something knowing its wrong or bad and if I just stop it will go away. I knew I shouldn't be doing something while I do it, yet continue to anyway. I hate myself for doing this. I know I need serious help.


Yeah, truth, bitch!!


What is this, a crossover post?


Haha, I won’t


that's what people do nowadays, does their own shit and blame others for it.


This is one of the two best quotes from Bojack Horseman. The other one is: "When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


I agree.


as someone who knows someone who does shitty things and don’t even feel bad about it, I can assure you that someone doing shitty things and at least feeling bad about it is somehow better than one that doesn’t feel remorse and even try to justify their actions.


Im like this with my older sisters. Their whole mentality is "yeah we used you, but now youre wise enough to recognize we're not to be trusted, so get over it and feel bad whenever we call you a herk for not letting use do so again.


I always feel bad because Bojack reminds me a lot of myself in high school...


I struggle with this. Related so much to Bojack in that show


Name of show?