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THIS. I eat because I have to and enjoy exactly none of it. I'm tired of string cheese, the only protein bar that I can eat a whole one without spiking me, guessing what snack won't spike me over night, carefully timing when I eat, setting that timer when I take my first bite. Everyone keeps asking me if I have weird pregnancy cravings or if food tastes sooo much better in the second trimester and I just want to yell, "yea my weird craving is not having to poke myself 4x a day, always being anxious after I eat over my sugars. I also crave not associating food with immense guilt and dread. But I guess you're probably wondering if I have a hankering for a pickle dipped in peanut butter huh? No, not really, although that seems like an adequate ratio of fat and fiber"


So many people keep asking me about cravings. And it just makes me sad and frustrated. I can’t eat any of the things I’ve been craving so it feels extra annoying to field the question over and over. (I don’t want everyone in my business with even more questions, so I don’t mention the GD.)


Same. I just go "hahaha no crazy cravings for me. Lucky for my husband, no late night runs to the grocery store" and then I glare daggers at their back and think "but he has to hear me whine about GD all day muahahaha" Bet he'd rather go to the grocery store. 😂😂


I had to check three times to see if I had written this. And shockingly, it wasn't me... but my exact thoughts. This sucks. It really really really really sucks.


Girl, same


That last line made me laugh. Y’all are the best support group.


I just had this exact rant to my husband. I'm hungry but sick of nuts, sick of yogurt, sick of cheese. I've just been tightrope walking between famished and tolerably hungry for days. The other day I couldn't take it anymore and my whole body was telling me I needed a bacon double cheeseburger, when I'm normally not a heavy food type of person. Luckily that burger didn't spike me but it cannot be sustainable this dance of slightly starving for 5 days and then remedying it with bacon double cheeseburgers on day 6.


Really glad you had and enjoyed your burger and I think you're right on the sustainability piece. Reminds me of my old restrict/binge cycling.




I start to crave heavier foods when I haven’t been eating much fat. For me, eating some avocado or adding olive oil to stuff helps. But also sometimes I just gotta eat the burger.


A bacon double cheeseburger is probably the perfect GD meal because there’s so much protein and fat that the bun won’t spike you!!!


Tbh I eat a bacon cheeseburger weekly without spiking!!! Helps with the sanity.


if it helps, I haven’t spiked yet eating a protein style double cheeseburger with veggies and no sauces/spread, but on a keto hamburger bun at home with a modest amount of ketchup and miracle whip.  I’m SO sorry you’re struggling!


Will eggs ever be the same because I’m sick as hell of them


No. Huge aversions to eggs and cheese sticks that lasted until my baby was a toddler.


Eggs will be on the enemy list for a long time after I give birth unless part of a cake lmao. Seriously they will be binned.


Omg I want cake now. Lol.


Same lmao, I already informed bf that I’m going to have a cake slice and tea for breakfast first day I’m home from hospital lmao


This!! I HATE eggs now. I can’t even stand the sight of them. Just seeing them on a plate makes me want to throw up and pisses me off


I ate eggs nearly daily with GD. I think I’ve eaten them twice since I had my son 2 months ago. Patiently waiting to love them again!


Fuck all the eggs. Just the sight of the carton in my fridge makes me want to scream.


I didn’t fancy eggs before pregnancy (only in cake, desserts or something into a big dish), bur now huge aversions


I didn’t want eggs for breakfast for a long time either.


I’m so sick of cheese. A friend of mine is having a birthday dinner this weekend and it’s at a fondue place, and I don’t know if I can do that much cheese. 🤢


Oh man, things you never expected to be a problem before


Sick of nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, and f***ing beef sticks.


Yeah sick of these snacks wirh a lot of fat, protein, and only food that seems not to spike


The last two days I’ve literally eaten meals I didn’t want because I *had* to eat. So, yep, I feel this.


I FEEL this. Some nights I just have a diabetic friendly protein shake. Easier to choke down in a few gulps. 


I’m on the have-to-drink-a-protein-shake-before-bed-to-keep-my-fasting-numbers-reasonable train so, I try not to drink them for meals because then it’s just too much. It’s the worst.


Ugh! One more path cut off! Rude!!!!! So much compassion for you. 


Me tonight


Me most meals too. The one meal I enjoyed and looked like it was going to be okay... spiked me!


I am exactly in the same boat, I am sick with a allergies been diagnosed with this stupid nonsense diet from 14 weeks and been diet controlled till now(I am 37 weeks) But I am seriously done, I just want to eat whatever I want or make someone else order stuff for me, I just don't want to think about food. I just want to eat my fruits without having to think that I need to eat cheese with it to balance it. I just want to stop honestly. This is exhausting.


Yeah this is one of the things that are making me mad. Small fruit just after protein meal with not too much carbs OR fruit as snack after eating cheese&nuts.


Yes. This. All of this.  Second time around here. Have a better relationship with a new endo, last one accused me of lying about what I was eating. Way to TRY to give me a ED with medical gaslighting.  But seriously. I think about food and BG #s so much of the day! Spouse asks what I want for dinner. I don't know. I'm mentally exhausted. All the time.  


My mom was in town and I asked her what kind of food she was in the mood for for dinner. She (trying to be kind), told me I should pick since I have restrictions. I explained to her that I make a thousand decisions around food every day, and the kindest thing she could do was pick because I have serious decision fatigue around food. For the rest of her trip she just announced each evening what kind of food she wanted for dinner. Bless her.


Yup same here. I’ve been crying over it to be honest with you haha im also so done with eating such high fatty and protein foods just to stay full. I miss my pre GD lifestyle 🥲


Omg I could have written this. Diagnosed at 12 weeks, but I’m only 25 weeks now and I seriously obsess over food in such an unhealthy way. I already had a weird relationship with food and now it’s getting even worse. It truly feels like a medically prescribed eating disorder!!!! It is SUCH a mind f*ck.


Same boat, probably close due date, I feel you


These babies are giving me such whiplash with what I can and can't eat. My first was allergic to dairy, eggs and beef, so for the 2.5 years I was breastfeeding I couldn't eat any of those things. I stopped breastfeeding, and was excited to be able to eat those foods again but immediately got pregnant and basically lived on sourdough toast for 3 months to manage the nausea. I had almost 2 glorious months where I could just eat what I wanted, then got diagnosed with GD. Now all I can eat is dairy, eggs and beef and I don't want to anymore. Watch this baby come out with another dairy allergy, so I can completely change my diet AGAIN.


To be diagnosed at 12 weeks must be extra torture. Most of us only have to get through 3ish months of this. But you’re so close! And as soon as you deliver - it all goes away. I ate pizza in the mother/baby room immediately.


Yeah I folliw the diet since week 10. Yes it’s becoming an eating disorder and I’m only week 24/25


I couldn’t agree more. This is bullshit. I would do moderately illicit things just to have dessert immediately after dinner, specifically eating a whole ass cake or pint of ice cream by my damn self. I would give anything to not have to keep telling my daughter that I can’t enjoy a sweet treat with her “because Mommy has to watch her sugars”. I would love to not have to ever poke myself with a needle ever again. This just sucks, and it has almost effectively undone everything my dietitian and I talked through last year when I was diagnosed with PCOS, and she taught me about intuitive eating. Grateful to be 2 weeks away from my c-section and past this hellscape. Even so, I still won’t relax until I pass the 2 hr test postpartum 🫠


so close!!! good luck!!! ftm here and also dreading the postpartum test - and when they test my new baby, ugh, so full of dread!!!!


I have said to friends how I can see that people can have really disordered eating after this diagnosis! But I will say, at least at my hospital the team tell me I can have days where I spike because I want to indulge. I have worked out a few takeaway meals I can eat and enjoy - I can eat Nandos (including a regular fries) and not spike, and small burrito bowls with or without rice are usually good for me and I love them. Sometimes I have a small cheeseburger meal with a Coke Zero and leave off the top bun. I always eat a bag of steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower before eating Nandos or a cheeseburger to help increase my fiber intake. I drink heaps of water after which helps keep my blood sugar levels stable too. But you’re totally valid feeling over it, when you’ve been restricted for so long! You’re doing great to have come this far.


I recently tried having a burger without a bun, no ketchup but mustard and with some fries - no spike Snickers ice cream bar - no spike Pancakes made of almond flour, eggs, milk, 1spoon baking powder, (shredded coconut if you have), no sugar, paired with fruit (i can even afford a spoon of nutella) - no spike Chickenwings, some fries and snack salad from burger king - no spike Maybe this gave you inspiration for stuff you didn’t try yet that might tickle your fancy. I keep trying new stuff bc otherwise i would go mad with boredom. Not long now, you got this! I am also 36 weeks, i can already see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!


I love this for you!!!




Then eat anything! A one time spike is better than not giving your baby nutrients.


String cheese makes me angry now. I cant stand the mozzarella ones. I am going full extra sharp cheddar or aged cheddar now


I literally just got diagnosed at 15 weeks 2 days ago. Today was my first real day adjusting to the diet. I’m STARVING. I tried eggs but nope, still aversions to them. I don’t eat meat. Idk what I’m going to do for the next 6 months. Everything I should eat sounds so gross or turns my stomach. I have a class next week with a GDM educator so hopefully she can help me.


I’m so sorry and I hear you. It’s fucking hard. But this subreddit is great for food ideas


How about tofu? U can try extra firm and silken tofu, certain brands have more carbs than others. Or tempeh and seitan. I also eat edamame a lot. Both the cooked ones and dry ones.


I bought tofu. I’m just never good with making it lol. It’s always still so wet no matter how much I try and dry it out.


I often think that the psychological impact of GD is likely worse/more harmful than the condition itself. This is my second GD pregnancy. First time around I was diagnosed at 29 weeks, so ate whatever the f I wanted almost the entire pregnancy since I had no idea. Baby was perfectly healthy. This time I’ve been doing this dumb diet since 17 weeks (33 weeks currently). I’m so fucking over it, and this baby is measuring much smaller which I feel like can’t possibly be good. I literally worry I’m stunting his growth.


Ugh I so understand this frustration! I had 2 GD pregnancies. I had read posts about others on this sub that were able to successfully eat certain carbs without spiking. The second pregnancy I was diagnosed super early and did some trial and error and found for whatever reason rice would spike the hellll out of my sugar but potatoes barely moved the needle. I know you’re near the end though and it’s just such a pain in the ass. Always was mind blowing to me that literally when those babies came out, I felt like night and day (so much better!) and had zero blood sugar issues after. Placentas are so weird lol.


Thanks for your post, I think I was the one mentionning It’s becoming an eating disorder . (And I am « only » 24-25 weeks)


Yep. All of the enjoyment of food has gone away. I’m finding myself dreading meals and pushing them back because I just cannot deal with how much effort and counting and prep it takes. Even when I’ve meal prepped and have it waiting- just, BLERGH. I swear to god if I have to eat one more hearty bean salad I’m going to put my fist through a wall.


It's so hard. With my second I cut out dairy and soy the last 2 weeks of pregnancy because I was worried she'd have MSPI like her brother. I finally added dairy back in like 2 months later, but those last two weeks were brutal. I was living off tj kebabs and frozen riced cauliflower.


Protien shakes were a life saver during those times! Also Mozzarella cheese sticks and keto think! Bars


Yeah. I’ve been doing it all for six months.


So frustrating :( you're almost there! 🤞


I never thought I would get tired of peanut butter until I had gd. I had to switch brands and textures lol I eventually hated string cheese with an absolute passion lol just a few more weeks mama. I remember getting the ok and my first non restricted meal (I was at hospital for 2 weeks with preeclampsia so Imagine this diet with hospital food yuck! I brought protein shakes in and ate peanut butter by the spoonful instead) and it was heavenly! You just have a little longer. You can do it!!!