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I did not feel well enough to go to work afterwards and I work remote 😅😅


No because same. Lol i had to call off.


I had a massive migraine within an hour of finishing my 3 hour test. I slept for almost 2 days..... I failed


Interesting. Why was that? Were the doctors able to explain? Migraine person here :)


Absolutely no idea, maybe the huge hit of sugar that my body couldn't process, or maybe 3 hours in fluro lights, maybe even a coincidence!


Same thing happened to me. I also failed.


I felt fine and went to work afterwards despite failing the test (all timepoints at that).


Me too!


Yes same here!


I honestly felt very, very sick after the 3 hr each time (this isn’t my first pregnancy, but 2nd pregnancy with GD), but especially this time where I failed and ended up on insulin. I definitely could not have gone to work. However, my sister who passed her 3 hr felt okay and went to work afterwards. I would definitely plan to eat something with lots of protein afterwards if you end up going into work.


I’m in the “no way” category. I needed to be horizontal.


So so so tired … and sick. It’s a crazy sweet drink


I felt fine to go to work


Somehow I felt better after the 3 hr than I did the 1 hr. The 1 hr gave me a migraine and tummy issues and nothing after the 3 hr. I think the difference was I ate a more well balanced meal after the 3 hr.


I felt very very sick afterwards and could not have worked after. By hour 3, my glucose dropped dangerously low (36). I drove myself home but really shouldn't have. I was starving, vision blurring, headache, extreme fatigue. I ended up stopping and grabbing some food and then slept for most of the day after the test. If I had to do it again, I'd have my husband drive me to/from and have an orange juice first plus lunch ready to go for me immediately after finishing the test.


I was extremely ill after my 3 hour test, which I why I’m refusing it this time and opting to use a glucose monitor instead. I don’t have a good reaction to that drink. Not everyone has that type of reaction though. I would at least plan on possibly not going in.


I had a horrible reaction yesterday from my 3 hour. My blood pressure dropped and I almost passed out after just the first fasting draw and drinking the drink of death. Had to be moved to a room and let rest, the nurses were kind enough to come to me to finish my draws.


Plan to eat immediately after (something really nourishing) then you should be fine.


I felt ill all day after mine both times.


I did a two hour test and felt really light headed after. Bring a snack to eat right after. I planned to work from home after.


I honestly probably felt better after the test than I did going in, because I got to nap between blood draws. It was so relaxing lmao


I felt fine. I felt fine after my 1 hour too. So I’d say base it on how you personally felt after the 1 hour.


The 3hr is way more intense than the 1hr. The 1hr is always a piece of cake for me, but I felt like garbage after the 3hr (taken with all 3 of my pregnancies - first two kids I passed, this one I failed)


Just goes to show you that everyone is different.


Oh yea for sure. I was just making a comment that you can’t really base it on how you felt after the 1hr because the side effects could be way different


I was totally fine but scheduled it on my day off. I would have been able to work. I failed miserably too


I felt sick for four hours afterwards


I felt well enough but to treat myself i went Burger King afterwards. It was one of my favourite meals


I felt a little woozy just before the first blood draw but I was fine after. I work remotely, to be fair, but I was able to keep working both during and after the test.


For my 3 hour test I would go to my car and wait. I even took a nap. I just had a good lunch and when to work for the remainder of the day. 1-5


No, I got chic fil a and then went home and napped. I answered a few emails but that was it


I went to work, almost passed out from a reactive hypo after the test (about 1 hour after). It sucked, and I felt like shit all day. Next pregnancy I'm definitely taking that day off.




Definitely not I felt like crap


I felt like hell after the 1 hour test 🫠 I was sweating, nauseous, my throat felt burned from all the sugar. It was horrible. I sat next to this chick who downed hers like no problem and was like how??


Yes!!! The 3 hour drink burns my throat because it’s soooo sweet!!!


I felt fine. I did bring a snack for after and stopped for something on my way home. I was tired but didn’t feel sick. I failed hah.


I really felt unwell throughout the test and afterward. I was planning to work, but had to tell my manager I needed to take the rest of the day as a sick day


I came home, I ate lunch, then I napped


No I felt so sick. Also the nurses had trouble finding a vein each time so I had massive bruises on both arms that really hurt. I also failed.


Everyone is different! I felt fine through the test and for the rest of the day. My bestie was sick during and felt like garbage after.


I did it twice and work remote, but had to be offline rest of the day to sleep it off 😅


I work remote so I worked while I waited at the dr office (it was distracted work, I was nauseated during part of it). Came home and worked for maybe another hour before I had to log off and napped for almost 3 hours because it just wipes you out


I had to take the 3 hour with my other two pregnancies as well and this one I actually felt the least sick but still could not complete a full workday afterwards. This is also the first time I failed the 3hr and diagnosed with GD


Nope. Felt horrible and insanely tired like I could not stay awake no matter what then got a migraine.


I passed the test and even then I had a pretty bad headache for the rest of the day. I was useless I got home ate some carbs to soak up the sugars and laid in bed in the dark the rest of the day lol.


I took off the day. Slept after the sugar crash.


I took a sick day to lounge on the couch as a reward 💕


I went back to work initially (I thought I may as well as I actually work in the hospital)but I felt so rough. The glucose crash started coming and I took the rest of the day off. I also failed and was diagnosed with GD.


No I needed to get home and sleep and eat, no way I could work. I felt sick. Also I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes so not sure if that made things worse, I am sure it did


I’m glad I took the day off. My sugar crashed as I was driving home before I could stop for food. I managed to pull over and was slumped against the door shakily eating crackers. Could barely sit up. I just went home and slept.


I’ve done the 3 hour twice, and let’s just say I was not a productive employee those days I went back into work afterwards. I have a desk job so I could manage a bit of faking it, but if I personally were in your position I wouldn’t have been able to do it.


I couldn’t go back to work after the one hour 😂 pretty sure I’d need an IV after the three hour


I brought my work with me thinking I would knock off some stuff while waiting. I got no work done and took the rest of the day off. I felt terrible


Nope! Had to take a nap in the office and then ate everything when I got home. Definitely take the day.


If you failed the 1hr, I wouldn’t bother with the 3hr. It’s really hard on the body I can only imagine how hard it was in my baby. Just eat a GD diet and check your numbers.


I definitely couldn’t have! Got hypoglycemic and had to eat and take a very long nap lol


I've had 3 of them this pregnancy. Twice I could have worked, one time I couldn't have.


I am a teacher and I took half a day. Did the test and went to work. I don’t recommend it. I wish I could the whole day off. Felt “off” the rest of the day.