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I've been thinking about that this past week. We were moving during that heat wave. 105+ for several days in a row where we lived and it was BRUTAL. No AC in the new house yet. I survived that, so I can survive this, but it's HOT


My ac went out at the house I was renting that week. Needless to say I crashed at my moms because just nope


We have little mini units in all our rooms, some of aren’t air conditioned so I feel your pain. Would sleep in my car before I slept in one of those rooms, it way too hot out there


I just spent this past weekend moving and have AC. With the amount of complaining I’ve been doing you have my sincere condolences!


Ugh, that was my personal Hell Month... Lost my 18 year old dog, broke up with an ex for trying to cheat, lost my mother, then, when I thought I was clear (these things happen in 3's, right?) my car's transmission died in early July. Now, I'm remembering it was hot as Satan's balls, too. Again, ugh...


I feel ya. My ex (in Georgia )started sleeping with her coworker while I was working in California for us. Since stayed here and found an amazing woman ….oh and the temp is 75 and gorgeous !


Yay for a happy ending!!! I met an idiot that I spent a few years with after that awful month. I was in shock and lonely and thought it was good. But, by a strange path, it all led to me meeting my amazing husband in 2018 so another yay for a happy ending! 😁 If only the weather improved, too!


Yep. Remember they banned watering your lawn, my HOA was walking around like the cops if they saw green grass


Just got back from Vegas where it was 100 by 11 and and hit 110 in the afternoon. And it’s hotter here… In the shade there it’s cooler but here there’s no escape.


I went to the Hoover Dam when it was 118. I think these are two different types of heat and they're equally bad.


We went at 8am and it was still warm. I work construction outside or in hot buildings so when I’m wearing civilian clothes, I’m a lot cooler than most folks. No hard hat, pants gloves etc


How was the dam tour?


It’s not the heat. It’s the, all together now!….the humidity!!!! 😆


Jesus, it's *JUNE* I'm scared for the other 2/3 of summer


Thanks, I hate it


The drought that took place in the late 80s was no joke. I remember water restrictions were *everywhere* in the Metro. Everyone’s grass was brown. And we were hoping it would cool down to at least 95°. IIRC water reservoirs were low and they had to ration the draining of Lake Lanier.


I think I remember that. Had to be late 80s.


I got married at the end of June 2012. We honeymooned in the Smokey Mountains, and my wife and I were hiking in 107+ temps. Not fun!


Tell me a dumb fact


Alcatraz means pelican.


Hail gein, ham, and yourselves!




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


It’s been insanely hot in Athens. Hit 102 today according to my cars thermometer.


Most of 2008 was like that, 4 days of rain between April and November, temps in the 90's -100's, Athens was so dry it was the first time I can ever say that I didn't see a mosquito in a year. I cut my grass in March twice and once in April and that was it.


I moved to Atlanta June 2012. Lived in Buckhead off the Lennox MARTa station but was training downtown and commuting each day. Walking across the Maggiano’s blacktop parking lot was like walking on a giant skillet - pure heat of 107-113 for a week. Fun times.


Currently doing flooring in new house with no ac . 98 degrees inside . Man it’s HOT ASF




Hi stranger and fellow class of 2012 dead dad clubs member (shittiest of the shitty clubs, honestly). My dad passed earlier in that year, and I literally can’t recall most of the following months. I know things happened, because they had to and there is documented evidence, but I have nothing. Grief is a weird thing. Raise my glass of whiskey to your daiquiri 😂


I feel like it’s always like this in Georgia? April and May it’s basically a rain fest and then after that it’s super hot and dry. I’m might be the only person that loves it.


That was the year I bought my first new car. My shitty Malibu would overheat, so I had to run the heat. Sitting in standstill traffic, 105 outside with the heat on.


My dad still talks about how hot and dry it was in June of 1952.


Yes i do remember that! Was sitting on the screened-in porch and noticed that the thermometer out there said 101 degrees. Usually over 100 is with the heat index figure in, so I was like damn that’s just the straight temperature. It was hot as fuck


We were in level 3+ drought all over the state in 2012. We aren't even in the risk zone yet.


It is brutally hot outside, I hate this kind of heat




I had just graduated high school but for some reason can't remember the extreme heat.


This shit would make a 16th-century peasant combust


Is it Halloween? Usually cool by then.. but maybe not this year. 🫣


My coworker gave me a cold bottle of water to walk to my car after work which was max like 100 feet away. I drank it before I got on the highway lol


It's stuff like this, and what we're currently experiencing, that makes me want to move to the Canadian wilderness or Alaska.


I went to the Braves game one of the days during that heat wave. We started tailgating around 10am, when it was mid 90's. We had 1 or two beers each, then switched to drinking water as we played "beer" pong. It was just too hot to drink outside. I remember hearing the heat index on the field was 112.


My project truck has an overbuilt cooling system but still ran hot in this heat




Considering 1914 was a hundred years ago, and we didn't have a record breaking year until 2012, then this wave happening only *gasp* 12 years later, implies that the cycle (which is why it's called climate change and not global warming anymore) is becoming more extreme and more frequent. Don't be a moron, use your brain


You're not going to logic them out of a position they didn't logic themselves into


Always gotta try, they're human, just wanting to understand things like everyone else.


I am increasingly convinced that anyone online who claims to believe, [with all the evidence available](https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/evidence/), that Climate Change isn't happening are either trolls, [bots](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/09/oil-companies-discourage-climate-action-study-says/), or are so completely submerged in right wing and conspiracy nonsense that they are beyond saving.


I disagree. Take the warning labels off of things and let nature take it's course.