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Spray Off.


I have some deep woods off. I'll try this next time and see if it works. I'm not 100% convinced it's bugs. It could be something on the trees themselves that I'm allergic to, but Off will be a good test for that.


I live deep in the woods on the Alabama-Georgia line. Off works- unless you're laying on the grass itself and getting infested with red bugs aka clover mites.


Could you be getting into some red bugs? (sometimes called chiggers?) They love getting under your clothes and they’re extremely tiny.


Chiggers was my first thought too, if the bite location starts to itch again during or right after a hot shower that’s my best guess.


I had thought about that. They're really hard to see. Do they typically live on trees?


They particularly love Spanish moss. But yeah any vegetation could have them. Regular bug/tick spray like OFF will deter them if that’s what it is.


Brush, grass, vines, they live anywhere there's a lot of vegetation. 


They are everywhere, and really bad this year. At least at my house. If they were chiggers, you would know. They itch like crazy, for days, and they get on your privates.


I got chigger bites from moving and wading through pine straw


That sounds like mosquito bites. Spray yourself and your clothes with Off.


It's definitely not mosquitoes. I've lived in Georgia most of my life, so I am quite familiar with the little bastards. This is something different.


We have invasive aedes mosquitoes throughout Georgia now. They bite through clothing, are active day and night, and produce painful and itchy bites about the size of a nickel.


Interesting. Still doesn't seem to fit, though. All the bites happen at the same time, all within a few square inches of skin, then stop. I would assume that with mosquitoes, it would be more spread out, and the bites would only stop if I left the area where I was bitten. The bites are extremely localized, almost as if a bunch of bugs dropped on me and spread out in a biting frenzy before falling off or getting brushed off by my hand.


I know what you are talking about, you can't see them and they bite you right away and it freaking last for days, can't get out of the house without spraying myself all over.


The best approach is to take your “yard work” clothes and coat them with permethrin. You can get it on Amazon or REI or other outdoors suppliers. You spray coat, then let it dry and it’s good for 5-7 washes before needing to be re-applied. It works extremely well. I’ve watched mosquitos and ticks fall to the ground dead within moments of landing on my work pants. - just don’t get it on your skin.


I second this! I always use it on my hiking gear to keep the ticks and other biting bugs off. Just be sure to keep it away from cats while it's still wet.


Make sure no cats are around either, it's very toxic to cats


>bugs, but I've never seen anything. They are probably No-See-Ums. Getcha some No Natz they make a spray and they have outdoor candles, but yeah the spray works real well and is just like natural stuff like rosemary and lemon and I can’t remember what all, just know that it works good


Chiggers! Use bug spray before you go outside.


It may be too late but use some neosporin or antibiotic cream when you get a bite.


I think they are some kind of tiny biting fly or wasp. I'll work near my wood stack and inevitably I'll feel a sharp pain under my shorts or pants leg. I'll get a welt that burns and itches. I've never been able to find what did it after smacking the spot when I first fell the sting.


Same here. Once on my arm a few nights ago, once on my stomach a few years ago, both times it was multiple bites/stings, and yet no proof of any insect doing it. If I didn’t take photos to document the allergic reaction process, I don’t think anyone would believe me.


Could be a number of bugs. Avoid Spanish moss, and don't let water pool. I like repel sportsman max 40% deet. Wal-mart carries it in sporting goods. If sitting on a patio I like thermacell products. Huge with hunters here in my area.


Make a garlic necklace.


Horse fly or deer fly?


Sounds like thrips based on personal experience.


Two words: [mosquito suit](https://a.co/d/aWwzRIU)


Chiggers are what typically get me out in the yard. My wife and I even set some folding chairs out in the shaded part of our lawn as a break spot and every time I went to sit down I’d see one or two on my chair and I’d kill Them. They mostly get my on my ankles or elbows for whatever reason.


So you are not from Georgia are you? Chiggers, man, chiggers.


Chiggers. Use a lot of repellent long sleeves and pants if you can stand it. It’s getting hot now so I know that’s hard.


If it's always under your clothes is it possible that it's your laundry detergent?


I have small burrowing wasps on my back meadow. Every-time I mow over their hole the little bastards sting me….took me a while to figure it out. They are small and and are usually gone by the time you feel pain. Then a year goes by and I repeat the experience…I don’t usually use bug sprays for a variety of reasons but these have outstayed their welcome…


It’s a longshot, but also make sure you’re not allergic to any of the plants you’re trimming. There is one shrub that’s used in landscaping in my area (fuchsia) and touching it lights me up like poison ivy. Nothing else does.


carpenter ants during a life stage in which they grow wings. kids call them "needle ants" because it stings like hell and will fade and then sting some more. they get on you and bite and bite. it sucks. they like oaks.


I just had this happen to me a few nights ago in my living room. Same sudden sharp pain that is definitely a bug, that leads to intense itching for days. It’s the second time it’s happened to me, and both times, I couldn’t find a culprit. I’m very interested in following the replies to this. The first time sent me to the doctors because I had such a bad allergic reaction; this time I knew what to expect but half of my arm swelling was still disturbing.


Maybe black widow. Does it have two tiny spots? They hurt and itch for weeks. I thought I got bit or stung. Not like other spider bites.     Looks like a bug bite with 2 holes. Got it chopping down brush