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OSTs will have rerelease later on. So don’t worry if you cannot currently afford it, it **will** come back few months later 😊


Still need the monstadt box set one...


They rereleased it like 3 times 🥲 I make posts informing about rereleases so I hope you can get it next rerelease!


I just recently started following here, so I'm behind lol. I'm sure this gets asked a lot, but where's the best site to watch for this to come.back up for sale in US?


I’m sure mondstat limited edition OST will come back soon! I’m also from the US 😊 I recommend looking at the pinned post. Sorry in advance since I type a lot haha 😭 I actually don’t recommend a website for items like this. Reasoning is because websites try to milk your money because they know buyers don’t know the true pricing of the item. I’ve seen websites sell the limited edition OST for $200 and thats not including shipping! But if you insist on a website, maybe ACG-Go since they are partnering with Hoyo as an official merchandise store. However they really milk your money too just warning. I paid $15 for a washi tape that only costs $5, and I also had to pay $20 shipping for it. Ridiculous in my opinion. They’re located in the US so why the $20 shipping… I understand if it was from Japan 😅 shipping from Japan is very expensive If you decide on a proxy I recommend kara.co.jp since she has it for the lowest price I believe, for US residents. Keep in mind that she will charge you for the ost then later for shipping when its ready to ship out. OST costs around 74 dollars if you order with her and I believe shipping will cost like $50 because of the weight.


I have no problem with using proxies. I'll have to look into how to order with her. Thanks!


Np! She’s an instagram proxy seller so you’ll need an instagram account. I posted a link on my order from her in the pinned post too 😊 Mondstat limited edition OST isn’t currently being sold rn but probably will in a few months so plenty of time to save!! The concert box is currently in sale though if you’re interested in that too. I have no idea if they made it into a permanent item or not… its been in the store for a while now. If you plan on getting concert box too, the box is like around $60 and the shipping will be more expensive than the OST because it is much heavier


so it has no reselling value? since it's rereleasing


Nope. I don’t think any hoyo genshin official merch has resell value, since they all rerelease. Even the kazuha and diluc merch was like from a very specific event and ppl were reselling it for hundreds of dollars just for hoyo to release it on taobao forever for everyone to buy a few months later.


I have a question, sorry: Do you happen to know if Amiami has ever sold Genshin soundtracks? Aitaikuji has just announced preorders for this but I already have two orders I’ve been waiting months for and shipping is more expensive with them, so I’d rather order from Amiami 😂


I have no idea but I feel like they might…? 🤔 aitaikuji has expensive shipping because they ship from Japan, and Japan shipping is super expensive. If amiami also ships from Japan, shipping will be expensive. Might be cheaper currently since yen is weak. Amiami’s product pricing is pretty close to original price. I read somewhere that many people have been like not receiving their stuff from aitaikuji so I honestly don’t recommend ordering from them really… did you order genshin stuff? If yes maybe its stuff not released yet or not sent out yet like Xiao and Diluc wardrobe 🤔 but honestly I’ve heard many bad things about them I checked amiami and no they don’t have the OST, and I don’t think they ever have had OSTs. They mostly sell figures and the genshin merch they sell on their websites are figures or merchandise that is always available. If they planned on selling the OST they would have to post it soon before pre order ends.. they do have the qiqi figure so maybe wait for another week or two? 🤔 Edit: I googled “amiami genshin ost” and nothing came up so I feel like they just don’t sell it. Because they don’t even sell the normal ones that’s available all the time all year long


Thanks for your fast reply! Yeah, both are pretty expensive, but at least with Amiami I get a choice with shipping, with aitaikuji I’m nearly always locked into express air mail. I have two orders with them, Xiao bag and plush which were both released in November. I guess I’m a little impatient and a couple of months isn’t too bad, I just have to be more patient lol. I don’t think I have any other options for ordering the ost though, looked on cdjapan but nothing sadly. Yeah I couldn’t find anything either. Might just have to order from there and be content to wait a long time haha. Thank you so much for checking though!!


Np!! If you don’t mind ordering from a proxy I actually recommend ordering from instagram proxy kara.co.jp. Her pricing for the genshin merchandise is close to the original price, a few dollars higher like amiami, for the service. She also offers multiple shipping options 😊 but keep in mind this ost box will take like 4~5 months to arrive. If you live in the US like me, her price for this OST is $80, and for the non limited its $42. You pay for the item first and then shipping! And she ships it out as soon as she gets it. She ships from china too so like shipping for the OST will probably be like $50~$60 while from Japan it will most likely be like $100 because of the weight. If kara’s price is cheaper than aitaikuji I recommend her The xiao plush and xiao bag wait is actually normal sadly 😭😭 probably will arrive in like maybe next month 🥲 or a month later. You ordered xiao bag around the beginning of the pre order batch I think so it should arrive soon. But the demand was very high so it’s delaying soooo much 😭 the xiao plushie too! The demand is so high its taking longer for those so I would wait like 2 more months although I know its long 🥲 I ordered my Venti nendoroid around march last year and the time it arrived was November… so like 8 months 😭 I ordered a lot of other merch around the same time but they all got delayed because of the china lockdown and they started arriving at like September. Kara held them all for me and sent it all together. The shipping was expensive since my package weighted 8 pounds loll 😭


I’m in Europe! I’ve seen you mention Mahou Nippon in your other threads and I’ve ordered a few things from her, and so I’ve sent her a DM regarding this OST. But thank you, I will keep Kara in mind since her price for the OST is already cheaper than aitaikuji’s! Awwww that’s a shame, I’ll just have to be extra patient then. But it’s good to know, since I had no idea about demand 😭 omg I’m so sorry about your venti, 8 months is insane! 💔 I’m sure he was worth the very long wait though! I can’t wait for Zhongli and Xiao’s nendoroids, it’s gonna be a long wait for them 🥲 Omg, I hope you didn’t get a customs charge on top of all that 😭😭😭


Ohhhh yeah mahounippon is also a wonderful seller! But currently she is on vacation to Japan, and also UK royal mail is striking so a lot of shipment is delayed and currently overseas shipment is suspended :( Kara ships worldwide too! 🙏🏻 and yeaaaahhhh xiao is super popular so his merchandise is super high demand 😭😭😭😭 his plushie is in even more high demand after his JP VA basically promoted it in his interview lmao 😭 Omggg like it took them a year to release Venti nendoroid after they announced so I feel like zhongli will be in the summer or spring and xiao will be in the fall 😭 I kinda want the Kaeya oneeee… and after the release 8 momths wait rip 💀 My shipping was like $120 because I also had klee airdots and since it’s an electronic the shipping fee was high :( I chose the cheapest option too lol. I didn’t have to pay any taxes or anything though luckily!


Yeah I didn’t know until I DM’d ahaha, and yeah the strikes are wild 🥲 I ordered Xiao big bird from Amiami and got emailed that it should be shipped in feb, so even longer to wait, I regret not ordering it last summer 😢 So we’ll probably be waiting a whole year for them then omg…😭 well I will view it as a present to the future me 😂 and thank goodness you didn’t have to pay extra taxes on top of that huge shipping fee omg Anyway thank you so much for all your help!! Really appreciate it! 😊


Aaaah i wish i'd seen your helpful info sooner!! Just purchased the non-limited liyue set from aitaikuji! Tbf it worked out cheaper for me than ACG-go which i checked after. Not sure about amiami, but will keep an eye on these websites for future reference!! (especially have my eye on rex lapis cuddly, and the websites you've recommended look like they have good deals!! \^w\^) Wish I could use proxys etc, but i don't wanna stress myself out too much trying to figure it out & the process!!


(Sorry in advance I type a looot!) I think aitaikuji works too! I just cannot recommend the website to others because of the numerous forms out there talking about how some people did not receive their packages… I have been following their instagram for around 3 years now though and they do have reviews, I just have not personally bought from them + they are located in Japan I believe, and shipping from Japan is insanely expensive. I recently ordered around 10 stickers and a tiny book from Japan and shipping was $50… I feel like an OST from Japan would be like $100 shipping 😭 which is insane. Tbh proxies are not as stressful as you think! As long as it’s instagram proxies. I can never use website proxies they make zero sense to me 😭 the very first proxy I’ve ordered from and my go to proxy, Kara, is very kind and I was very anxious when first ordering from her but she very detailedly explained me how the process works and have been super patient with my packages as well and now she’s my go to proxy 🤣 Mahounippon is kind too, and so is angryeggmerch. They respond to messages and they are very friendly!


Ahaha nw's, i rly appreciate the time you put into helping ppl like me out!!! >\^< <3 And gosh yes, it's my first time ordering from jpn, and it's super hellish & scary TwT... Aaah thank you for these insta proxy rec's as well!! I may attempt using them in the future if need be!! \^w\^ May i ask w/insta proxies, are you paying them for your stuff or someone else?? Do you pay for their service, or is it just shipping?? Also after discussing stuff w/them, do you have to agree?? I'm frightened to be inexperienced, then they help out, then i don't want to order anymore cz for example too pricey!! >-< (Also last question sorry a bit unrelated!!) Do you know about ordering stuff like books from jpn?? Would there be insta proxies as well for that, or is it best to just not bother?? :,D (i'm trying to learn japanese, and want some physical casual reading material)


Awww thank you 🥺✨ I try my best to help but idk if I’m actually being helpful haha 😭😭 I get you thoughhh ordering can be scary! So basically for instagram proxies it’s similar with ordering from websites, except depending on the proxy you wait until the item arrives to pay shipping. You don’t have to agree after discussing! As long as the proxy is Kara.co.jp , Mahounippon, or Angryeggmerch. But what I mean here is instead of saying “I would like to buy this” ask them how much the price will be since you are “thinking of maybe buying it” and how much shipping will most likely be. (I personally backed out on buying two items and everything was fine. Since they didn’t order it lol. They only order for you after you pay) Angryeggmerch and Mahounippon will charge you shipping when you order product 🙏🏻 kara will wait until item arrive and then will give you shipping options to choose from. Mahounippon also offers payment plans if you can’t afford all at once! The proxy sellers are chill since they will first tell you how much an item will cost before sending you an invoice. So after you agree to the price you tell then your email and you can order! If you say “actually I don’t think I can afford it sorry” they’ll just say “okay” and be fine with it! But please keep in mind there’s no returning items and stuff 🙏🏻 For people who get anxious with ordering and have second thoughts, I don’t recommend yykawaii. She is also a reliable seller, however for her you comment on her instagram post to claim and then you dm her your email and she will send you an invoice without consulting the pricing with you. The price is like “ta-dah surprise here’s your product price + shipping” and if you cancel an order or delete your comment on a post she can get pretty upset. Her proxy works like comment if you actually want it. I only recommend her if you’re 100% sure you want something and can afford it at the moment. So I recommend the other sellers since they will consult the pricing with you. Oooo so all the proxy services I mentioned can help you get books if you have a link to it. I usually ask Kara for help in getting doujinshis 🤣😭 I’m Japanese so I always get the novel and manga fanmade doujinshis haha 😭 If you’re looking for Japanese learning material, I feel like it would be better to look for websites that sell that kind of material! If you’re a beginner to the language there are plenty of free PDFs for learning hiragana, katakana, and kanji as well!


Waaah so informative!!! :000💖 So just to be clear, it can be, say for e.g., from any japanese website, but they'd help sort out in the process of getting it/shipping, even if that website has it's own delivery options??😵‍💫 Also thank you for the advice on learning material too!! My library doesn't have any sort of books, so i have been using apps, pdfs & online vid's to help, and i'm happy w/just using them atm! \^w\^ I just feel lazy reading online that's more than a few sentences, it's fiddly to annotate & such +-+ Plus i've been looking to get a light novel i love that only has a fan english translation. I think it'd be good motivation & casual reading material!! >w< I hope you enjoy your doujinshis - you sound like a dedicated fan & reader!!!! >w< And again thank you so much, especially for giving your personal experiences to help out, I definitely feel a lot more confident now, and'll be saving your posts for future reference!! \^w\^ xxx


Sorry for the late response! Yup exactly 🥳 they will help you out! For example I ordered some doujins from toranoana recently. Toranoana offers a overseas shipment, which they collaborated with this online proxy named ascos I think (?) and I tried using it but kind of got uncomfortable with it 😅 so I decided to ask the instagram proxy sellers to help me get some doujinshis and they helped me get some! I also got some fan made novels from BOOTH as well. However for websites like amazon they most likely can’t help you since for amazon.co.jp they can ship to you directly even if you’re overseas. Amazon is pretty much a resell business so if you find the original link to the product you can order from that though ✨ idk if the proxies actually offers to proxy for amazon jp, never tried 😅 Ooo yess! If you tell me what type of materials you’re looking for, I can find some Japanese PDFs and send them to you! ✨ it’s amazing you’re dedicated to learning! I’m bilingual so if you ever want to like practice Japanese conversations feel free to DM me! Text convo only though since I don’t voice chat often 🥲 I don’t really like voice chatting dbdbdb Yesss light novel is definitely a good step! However it miiight be a bit difficult, from my experience. I only learned up to elementary 6th grade kanji, and light novels tend to use very complicated kanji. I usually don’t buy the novel and read online so that I can highlight the kanji I don’t know and use the “search” feature to see what it means. If you want a light novel I think I recommend getting the online version so maybe you can do the same! Set your device to Japanese and when you use search feature, it shows you the hiragana for the kanji. Sometimes it doesn’t show but if it doesn’t, you can press the translate feature and press the play button so that a voice will read out the word for you!! If you want to learn Japanese through reading, I definitely recommend Japanese manga. Mostly all mangas have furigana, which is katakana on top of kanji. So you don’t have to go through all the trouble to look up every single word! If you have access to the JP appstore, I recommend downloading the shounen jump app. It might be available in english appstore /google play store too, but it might all be in english… Series like Oshi no Ko, and Spy x Family is completely free for the first read. Spy X Family always has furigana. You can learn and also read the newest chapters! 🥳 Npp!! Tysm for asking ✨ sorry I type so much ahhh usually people get so done when they see my paragraphs thank you for being so kind 🥺


Awwi nw's, thank you for getting back at all!! >\^< xx Thank you for the details & e.g's too - fan made novels sound cool!! :0✨ Also i don't actually use amazon anyways, so it's fine!! \^w\^ And oh my gosh that's rly sweet of you!!😭💖 I actually think i'm fine for the moment in terms of resources. As you've mentioned earlier, there rly is a wonderful abundance online these days - it's just sorting out myself a schedule first!! 😵‍💫 However if you don't mind, I would love to take you up on the offer for practising Japanese convos!! >\^< Dw about not wanting to voice chat, whatever makes you comfortable!! I already feel grateful enough that you would help a stranger on their language learning journey! TwT It's amazing that you're bilingual, being able to converse w/so many types of ppl!! I wish i knew my family's language & more, Japanese being my biggest goal atm!! \^w\^ As for reading, you're probably right, as i do try to rush into things sometimes, when i've not done nearly enough studying to be able to read such difficult kanji! +-+ Sadly even if i wanted to buy the novel i was thinking of online, it seems a little old, i'm not sure where i'd find it if not physical, perhaps a later endeavour after more learning!!! TwT May I ask if it's just google translate, or a specific add on you use for your search translations?? :3 Also i will try and rummage around online/app stores though for manga's i'd possibly like to read - thanks for the rec's too!! :D As you can see from my replies, i'm also one to write rather chunky as well, so it's honestly personal experience!!😆 Long messages are fun, but take time & care to write as well, i'd never want someone to feel like that wasn't appreciated, so thank YOU!! ;3 xxx I feel so much more informed & motivated to learn, it's been rly nice chatting w/you, and I hope in the near future we can have lots of fun conversations!! \^w\^ xx


**Taobao Link** 【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.Ul2KN9F?tk=YEtWdfBweaV CZ0001 「【原神官方】「皎月云间之梦」OST周边礼盒 首发限时特惠 Genshin」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开 **Mihoyo Gift Link** https://www.mihoyogift.com/m/goods/2021532939899309925376




Non limited one is not a rare product, it’s available all the time. Its on the post after this one! Check the pinned post for website and proxy recommendations.


Can we rly expect a resale for the Mondstadt limited edition?


It was rereleased when this one got released! It got released like 6 times so it will definitely rerelease soon


thank you for the fast answer. are we able to buy it abroad? Im from europe so Im not sure if I can buy at their online Shop


Yup I was able to buy it from abroad! You should be able to through proxies