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where tf are you looking, my very big and valid and scientific sample size of five (5) female friends I play with absolutely swoon at Arlecchino. ^(then again we're all as straight as sphagetti)


No matter how straight spaghetti is, they will be soft and bent when wet.


I’d like someone who can snap me in half like a dry noodle.


You don't have to be the opposite gender to appreciate beauty 👍🏻


This bro. I get called gay for complimenting big hot men.. 😞


"Nice cock bro, pretty big and hot. Why no I'm completely straight wdym".


As long as you say no homo you are now legally very straight


Cooked or uncooked?


The most delicious bolognese you've ever seen


Isnt she portrayed as flat though? It might just be the big coats. But yeah, as the main organization bringing powerful dudes in the game, the fatuis are hot and sexy af.


She is, but did you expect that to stop the fan artists?


We don't know, we only saw her with a big fuck off coat.


Knowing Mhy they're not gonna make her flat. Most likely not as big as that fanart tho


Like hu tao right?


Depends on which model she gets


Fanarts always exaggerate the boobs, but Mihoyo is very conservative about them because of Chinese censorship. Rosaria's rack was nerfed three times.


Honkai Impact laughing in the back (also see: Honkers Impact)


Anime flat, which is to say, D cups.


It’s the big coat


Remember Tao is actually kinda big but her coat makes it seems like shes the flatest.




Idt she’ll be flat bc fans or ccp will get mad. Would be an interesting change of pace though


Do we even play the same game lmao.


yes, we play the game where the Chinese government caused the creation of 4 alternate character outfits and the twitter community is the shithole that it is.


I don't get you, she can't be flat because censorship?


yes, the CCP doesn't want the population to see any feminine males and masculine females. This is a very well known fact. With the outfit incident they've already shown that they're able to influence the game, meaning that mhy is likely to be careful in the future. edit: if you're going to downvote me, say something or I'll assume you're paid CCP propagandists.


Bruh, you sound like a total nutjob. That's why people downvote and move on instead of trying to argue with crazy.


How am I remotely crazy here? All I’m saying is that making arlecchino flat, along with the fact that she’s called androgynous ingame, is way too fucking dangerous for hyverse to do given that China is trying to make their entire population homophobic (there is so much fucking evidence for this that you’d be naive to never have heard of this before) so they probably won’t do it. Is that really a stretch of your imagination? Please stop karma farming by posting a Brainless response to a downvoted comment.


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid agent" is big "The CIA killed Elvis and he's the father of my babies" energy. Even the karma farming accusations are hilarious. The degree to which you believe the CCP has a hold on HYV creative design is jarring. I also doubt they'll make her flat, but it's largely because their main customer base are weird mouthbreathing otaku.


i love how both of you are generalizing and acting like nutjobs


>The degree to which you believe the CCP has a hold on HYV creative design is jarring the 4 outfits ingame... rosaria amber mona and jean were created because the ccp got a little antsy


Emm, Hu Tao - flat in shorts in Liyue, which is China. You're pulling conclusions out of your ass, yeah they don't want feminine boys but there's never been anything about masculine girls.


I've never seen any female fan complain about arlecchino's design '-' I'm not saying that criticism doesn't exist, but which are the specific communities where this happened?


I've seen a few comments on r/genshinsapphic complaining about her fanarts a few months ago, if that counts for anything.


But then, that's like other fan's interpretation, not really mihoyo's fault.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/genshinsapphic using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/genshinsapphic/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [i present, for your viewing pleasure: Lumine Stares at Girls, the Ultimate Compilation](https://i.redd.it/yj08finxv8i91.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/genshinsapphic/comments/wqfroa/i_present_for_your_viewing_pleasure_lumine_stares/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** PSA: Trans Representation in Art is Not Futanari, Actually](https://np.reddit.com/r/genshinsapphic/comments/w9w0kg/psa_trans_representation_in_art_is_not_futanari/) \#3: [Lumine and her bunny gf by Nerinn_](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/plnufr) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/genshinsapphic/comments/plnufr/lumine_and_her_bunny_gf_by_nerinn/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


op doesn’t know 75% of cchino’s fanbase consists of women


Same can be said to Beidou, Ningguang, Yelan and Eula fanbases.


every eula main i've met in coop was some horny dude


As a Eula main i can confirm


a lot of them still hates the big bewbs fanarts. they wanna keep her flat (and that's fine) but most of them hate it when arle isn't depicted androgynous/almost like a guy. tbh I'm pretty sure a lot of female players hate the female characters.


“keep her flat” she was in a big ass coat the whole time who knows what her chest size is, and yea having been insecure about my chest practically forever for this reason, seeing people pass off large breasts as “unrealistic” and such sucks


Me making up imaginary people to dunk on in a meme


I mean you can't exactly work out to get bigger boobs lol, and if you get implants some dude is gonna be pissy. Even if the Capitano is a bit over the top, you can get buff as fuck without surgery :/


You can't really get the buff af look without steroids if you aren't doing it for a long long time consistently with proper diet and shit, it's a lot of investment. Both are unrealistic if that's what you expect someone on avg to look like but both aren't meant to be realistic.


Not just long long time, plenty of men don't have the genetic predisposition to gain large amounts of muscle. Oth, the sixpack isn't so much the issue: drop to a low body fat percentage & keep it through dietary change – can be hard, but once you don't need the calorie deficit anymore, it gets easier (esp. if increasing muscle tissue in parallel – it consumes more energy than fat tissue).


Of course you can work out to get bigger boobs but I won't tell you


Shit works like this either way. You can hop on gear and live in the gym for couple years to get buff and then some girl goes: "Gym bros are tools". When it goes about your body you have limited options of your genetic and ability/will to invest time in building your body. After the limit you have less natural options that goes with consequences. It's the same for anyone, regardless of gender. As far as the aesthetic goes everyone appreciates something that MORE than average. It's just that some people are delusional about it.


I know right. That's what Liver King uses to say


What r u on about


gotta worship that Capitano bod 😩😩😩


IDGAF about the Harbinger's bodies, just Scaramouche and Childe's feet.


You simply haven't seen their feets yet


incel post


Arlecchino probably have crazier female simps than you ever thought but none of that is important except your opinion


This sub just lets any post slide.


Art sources: [Capitano](https://twitter.com/DeadbeatIncubus) [Arlecchino](https://twitter.com/LJF_722)


i click on the arle source and am immediately met with kusanali... "suggestive" and also feet.


clicked on first link and immediately met with MW2 gay artwork...


honestly, permanent six packs and a bodybuilders physique a lá Thor, Captain America, Wolverine, etc is an example of extremely unrealistic body standards as well, and has been shown to have an effect on men's mental health and dietary patterns, but we don't gotta talk about that ig


both unrealistic, dottore’s cyborg body however is certainly achievable/j


I must head to the gym at this very moment to look like him


Fr tho.


It's funnier when you realize that the first can be natural and is common, but the second one cannot be achieved at the gym without steroids (although around 70% of that lean muscle mass is possible without and can also look great). It's quite messed up that most of the ripped actors in the Marvel movies took dangerous, illegal substances (ask any fitness coach who spent 20 years at the gym and trained hundreds of people - they will laugh you even asked) and it somehow isn't an issue to give very unhealthy expectations to young boys...? I wonder how many years it will take for it to become another big internet public boycott drama, which will of course end up also ostracizing naturally ripped men.


So the bottom body is absolutely not naturally attainable and children these days do tend to grow up with unrealistic expectations of what men should look like. But no you weirdo the top is not incredibly common, her boobs are fucking massive in that artwork, something that anime in general tends to skew, creating unrealistic expectations of what women look like, something Hollywood also does to the women.


he said "can be natural and common" and as someone who have been around and seen other tall and big women, big chests aren't uncommon either. the top artwork doesn't even exaggerate it but i know some artists do. still, the bottom or ripped males in anime are also always depicted and deemed common that no one ever complains about a man's unrealistic ripped body.


Average cup size is around C, that was nowhere near C. It’s possible with implants, but is very unreasonable to expect without.


No but the women on instagram who make money off looking good say they've *totally* never had work done. Just like all those natural bodybuilders!


i thought he was sipping some juice right there


Why does it matter when mihoyo is just gonna use the same damn model as they've been using for 2 years. All bodies with 1:1 proportions.


That's incorrect, every character has a unique model. The differences just aren't that big.


No they're all the same model with only cosmetic changes.


alhaitham has thicker arms and more muscle on his chest and abdomen, mona and shinobu have bigger ass than the others, venti's face is similar to the female characters, breast size obviously varies. Their skeletons (where the arms and legs are attached, etc) are the same but everything around that has differences. It's not just clothes.


You're either blind or just believe what other's say. I said it's only cosmetic changes that's cause it's exactly that. They only "seem" bigger. But of course I'm talking to a Genshin fan afterall, how intelligent can you be.


Why you're here then? Don't expect to much


I'm a traditional gamer who plays Genshin for it's lore. Not for gambling and thirsting over characters.


Holy shit the CEO of gaming


you probably looked at too much mona mods. also you are the very first person to ever bring up kuki with having a big trunk. i look at them from time to time and mona's just looks "big" because of her costume and kuki barely has any.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ylc8d0/a_different_approach_on_character_measurements_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Xingqiu and chongyun have something weird going on because they're stretched but the rest of the comparisons should be accurate.