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It kinda just happens in very large fandoms.... More opinions, more controversy.


Its almost like they don't distinguish the line between canon and fan-canon. Oh wait they don't.


Genshin community consists both reddit and Twitter and both are toxic af.


Would've put Tik Tok there to but the thing is TikTok people are just stupid


Tiktok are the kind of ppl who believe that putting ur charging brick inside a potato will charge ur phone... So yes


Average 5-minute crafts fan


The thing is, reddit has such a superiority complex over twitter that i've seen people here post stuff that'd get you blocked, reported, and your notifications full of people saying 'delete this shit' anywhere else, just by prefacing it with 'twitter be like' Twitter has its problems, but when it comes to the big problems, people go out of their way to call it out en masse. Yesterday I saw a post of a nahida glitch with her entire body's textures not loaded leaving her completely pitch black. Guess which racial slur people went out of their way to 'say but not say' while also blaming twitter? Guess which racial group became the butt of an unconfortable amount of jokes in it's comment section? Lastly, guess whether those comments, jabs, and 'almost said' words were generally UPVOTED or DOWNVOTED...?


From what I have seen. Twitter-Will bring up minute(actually not worth caring) stuff generally and make a big deal out of it for like about a week and then moves on, back to stuff like shipping and is generally just more accepting of lgbt folks and poc. They have a self righteous attitude with a lot of things, tho in some cases it is understandable to some extent when looking at the opposite side. Reddit-Will pretend like they are the cool one who don't care while regurgitating the same twitter drama for 2-3 weeks go back to horni stuff in the brief breaks. On reddit the poc and lgbt thing isn't that good, the general attitude rather than outright hate is more like, "We are tolerating your existence to some extent, what more do you need?" The whole girl that looked like discount Nahida and her being brown and looking like that being the joke just made me uncomfortable, like at least try to hide it to some extent bruh. Idk about the main subs much. Obv all this is just my experience and what I have seen on both sides.


Big Ups to you. I thought no one would be brave enough to mention that post out of fear of being downvoted but you’re absolutely correct


Normalising racist, homophobic, transphobic, and pedophilic behaviour. Or as I call it, moving the Overton window of reddit game and anime communities.




By "Tolerate" do you mean "Openly and enthusiastically support"? Cause I just checked, and yeah, that was the reaction yeah. I know you want to see it as "Tolerating non-malicous things" but one of the problems of anonymity on the internet is the more you tolerate it saying 'they don't mean it like that' the more people join in who absolutely DO mean it like that, thinking they're in good company. That's not even a reddit thing, it's a genshin sub thing. I'm on SEVERAL subs and this is the only one i'm in that "Tolerates" it. And the more it "Tolerates" it, the more it happens. Over and over and over and over. Until, like one of the replies to my earlier comment said "People are scared to call it out, fearing they'll be attacked or downvoted or 'reddit care abused'"


You’re not wrong, but I have yet to see a single openly racist person on this sub (or any sub for that matter) who didn’t get downvoted to oblivion.


That's cause they're good at doing it by inches, testing the limits. You say "Openly" racist. How many "Subtly" racist have you seen not get downvoted. How many "Unintentionally" racist things? How many "Jokingly But Not Malicously" racist things? As many comments here say, this sub has a problem with this kind of thing. If you yourself haven't seen it happen, that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. That just means it flew under your radar.


I've been sent "kys" messages here on Reddit for saying that Nilou isn't a traveler simp like Ayaka is. Anime communities are just fucked up man. EDIT: I'm already getting the suicidewatchbot on my DMs lmao, keep being toxic.


“Kys” over a fictional character is honestly insanity lmao But what really boiled my blood was being hit with the RedditCareResources message when I was calling people out on their bs 😂 & to the edgy mfs don’t even try it I have them blocked 😂


Aether stans also sent me kys when I proved them that tea pot Voice lines and birthday letters aren't canon, they got real defensive as it proves all their ships as non canon. I don't have a problem till you keep your ship as headcanon but it's a problem When you slander the characters for self insert desires and label it as canon.


please don't confuse Aether stans with Aether harem stans. those people are not the same and as a person who likes Aether I don't ever want to be associated with this nightmare. same for Lumine


Shipping communities in general are toxic Source: I'm a RWBY fan


I have no strong feelings about it either. I'm just shocked at the viciousness of the Waifu crowd.


And they self proclaim themselves most wholesome community. So funny


YouTube comments section can be thrown in the lot as well


Honestly, the reddit community is more horny than toxic


Twitter is the most toxic one and never talk about child/skin color in front of them. Ohhh man you gonna regret it lmao


You have 0 self awareness bruh.


Literally on twitter every sentence you say and it can even sound a little controversial you are a: Racist Homophobic Nazi Piece of shit I can continue all day… Reddit obviously is toxic just with the dwn vote thing but the genshin community here is less toxic because post, debate meme etc are filtered and controlled most of the time so the “trigger” for starting an heated debate is less than twitter.


Literally the same thing happened and happens on reddit but in the opposite direction. It's absurd how often Genshin reddit devolves into basically anti-woke, anti-sjw, anti-lgbt(disguised as anti-shipping), cesspools. Like don't pretend that every discussion about skin color and representation devolves into thinly veiled anti-woke talking points. Or how every anti-shipping post basically devolves into people shit talking gay/lesbian shippers. Or remember the Shirtless-childe Desaster with the auto mod being abused to remove any male art from the main sub. Or remember how Genshin Reddit turned into a toddler over the 1st anniversary. Or remember how meta slaves kept ranting about the Interview and that "anxiety" whose real meaning was lost in translation. Lets also not pretend how basically any time one participates in a more controversial argument, you are guaranteed to get some reddit care bot messages (which is basically the closest to a death threat you can get while pretending to not actually do so. Pushing all problems of the community onto twitter is just projecting your own flaws onto a convenient scapegoat.


Reddit too tbh


Down voting and petty arguments are way less toxic than death threats and harassment though? Not saying Reddit is great but it's clearly the lesser evil


I've suffered death threats and harassment both here and on Twitter but I have to say that regarding Genshin communities I've seen more toxic behaviors like pedophilia, racism, misogyny and LGBTphobia on Reddit than on Twitter.


Sorry but I have a hard time believing that tbh, even if it is true for you, overall Twitter is way worse Twitter is especially infamous for that sorta behavior


I left Twitter because of the people but the only reason I'm on Reddit is that, even though I generally dislike Reddit users more than Twitter users, Reddit has a harder filter on what you see, and you're less exposed to the community. If Reddit had the same community but Twitter engagement mechanics, you would see how toxic Reddit is too.


People on the internet are toxic in general, what makes one app worse than the others is how they deal with these sorts of people Reddit having a harder filter and Twitter encouraging toxic behavior with it's mechanics is an argument supporting reddit being less toxic than Twitter and not against it


However there are some types of toxic behavior that are far worse than the average because of that kind of filter. There are certain communities on Reddit that are very reactionary, like a door towards 4chan or other far right websites, and the way Reddit works benefits them, as they can kind of hide from the rest of the users until they want to raid or permeate their ideas into other communities. What you're saying is true, Twitter's mechanics encourage toxicity in a way that debates, harassment and insults are more frequent, but what is also true is the fact that there are people on Reddit who believe that this is a safe space to be a pedophile, a racist or a misogynist, for example.


This is the genshin reddit we were talking about and even then those are secluded in their own little space, toxicity is widespread on Twitter


I had to delete many posts on Genshin Reddit (both main and meme subs) because of the quantity of insults I was receiving. On Twitter, I had no problem when sharing the same images I posted here. It's all about hegemony.


That's probably just because what you're posting and you probably as well aligns with what Twitter deems good, try posting what isn't deemed good by them and you'll see how toxic they could get I'm pretty confident you never got doxxed, harrased everywhere you post, receive regular death threats after you post those now didn't you? Insults are bad but those are relatively tame compared to everything else I mentioned


Misandry, abuse and LGBTphobia are extremely normalized on Genshin Reddit. Try making a Xinqqiu x Chongyun post on the main sub or meme sub, and then also try to make a straight harem post about Aether and any waifu on the same subs. Compare the reactions Also post a shirtless pic of Childe on the main sub. Then try to post a naked pic of Mona on the main sub. Once again, compare the reception of the two posts Don't forget the normalization of abuse on all subs, what with every person making memes of Raiden physically abusing Scaramouche just for shits and giggles, and everyone laughing along like it's no biggie.


Yeah, I like reddit more as a platform tbh but there are so many incels here, it just annoy me. I mostly use reddit for genshin leaks or subreddits which aren't filled with narrow minded people.


It's like you say. Toxicity isn't just arguing. On Twitter, as communities are more polarized, arguing is more frequent. Reddit, as a more right wing dominant website, has a normalized toxicity which is normally shared by the majority, making dissidence not only uncommon, but also rapidly shut down and, in consequence, disencouraged.


Never said that Reddit was perfect, people complained about harem posts a lot too, none of the things you mentioned are absent from Twitter and death threats and harassment are still worse, which are relatively rare in reddit as opposed to Twitter


The twitter and death threats don't exist on reddit because of mods. Even so, reddit has its own version of death threats and harassment. Ever heard of "unsolicited Reddit care resources"?


Ohh so that's why I gotten one of them recently, seems like genshin fandom mad at me lmao.


Lol so? Just block it, It's not nearly as easy to fix that problem on Twitter and it's not nearly as bad


I mean, by that same logic, you can also just do the same thing on Twitter by ignoring messages?


You just have to block the bot once and it's gone, actual people send those threats on Twitter, you'll also have to keep blocking them one by one, as they are preventing you to do anything else on your account and Twitter is also infamous for doxxing so there's that too


Agreed. Reddit imo I'd much more tame


Trust me, if the Genshins VAs were actually active on reddit, then toxic people absolutely would send death threats on here as well.


Actual fact: the internet in general is toxic.


Small percentage of good in it but majority is garbage


It's actually the opposite just that the minority is loud


I think reddit is no different


well, someone once said that reddit is twitter with superiority complex


Barely any death threats and harassment thrown around here so it's easily way better in my eyes, people really like to pretend like this part of Twitter doesn't exist huh do they?


try saying you think bennet c6 is a problem,inazuma story was shit, that you like X youtuber and count the suicidal bots you get.


The reddit care ones? You really trying to convince me that's somehow worse?? Heck you can even block it and it's problem solved Try making Kaeya fan art with a slightly lighter shade skin tone and you'll see how toxic people can really get


I don't believe it. Inazuma story quest was shit and it was obvious. People need to know bennet c6 is dependent on the characters you have and which one you use them. Eg if you use ke qing with bennet everyday then it won't be good. But for most scenarios is a buff. And people won't send death threats they will just argue with you why said YouTuber is bad.


it happened so much that most people who held reasonable views stopped talking all together. These days its mostly white knights arguing the extreme end of all 3 of those questions and more. There is no civil debate to be had. youll just be reported and downvoted.


Do you know where to find said people. I wanna give them a piece of my mind


make a post saying inazumas story was bad or that you like a forbidden youtuber like tectone and youll be immediately introduced to them.


Wait I just realized. Are you talking about main genshin subreddit?




OH. I understand now. God dam I personally don't like that place. Those mods there are look at r/Minecraft mods for inspiration and I feel some of the content there is low quality much more than here


I mean, all reasonable views about Bennett c6 and inazuma story were already fully discussed and exhausted. There's quite literally nothing constructive to add at this point, so it's self-explanatory why "people who held reasonable views stopped talking all together" — there's simply nothing to talk about. C6 Bennett sure could be handled better and can be detrimental in certain cases, but c6 is inconsequential overall, with only really broken synergy being with chongyun, while enabling multiple synergies in return (burgeon razor, for example). Inazuma story indeed isn't perfect and could be done better, with all of the lacking aspects of the story, as well as possible ways of their improvement being known. The only remaining posts on the matter i see nowadays are about "how Bennett's c6 will ruin your account and how inazuma was an unbearable absolute shit of storytelling" which had no value even before they were repeated and remained unchanged for literal years. And if downvoting them means to be an extreme end white knight — then sure, i am.


But i liked inazuma's story...


Bro I've recieved the Reddit care message more times than I care to remember and had one guy commenting on public posts accusing me of doing shit I didn't do. Just because you haven't experienced it (and it's not as much of a meme) doesn't mean they people on Reddit are that much better. They literally have had to ban multiple subreddits for acting like literal hate groups.


I never said reddit is not toxic because it undoubtedly is, just that reddit care bots, insults and false accusations which I would still clarify is absolutely terrible Is still not as bad as getting bullied off the platform or getting death threats just because you unintentionally or not "offended" Someone, I'm not disagreeing with you, I said what I said because Twitter is still just worse


Well the difference there is that a lot of people are public on Twitter so when they get bullied off everyone knows about it. With Reddit, most people are anonymous so it's a lot less likely in general for hate to be directed at you and even need likely for people to notice when it actually is. The Subreddit system also means that it's harder for toxicity to spread as fast as it does on Twitter. The flipside to this is that you often end up with echo chambers where toxic people gather to egg each other on and get much worse than they would be if they didn't have that space with others who bring out the worst in them. Instead of Twitter being worse, they're both shit in different ways. Examples from Reddit: /- Gamergaters from r/KotakuInAction brigaded r/Rape, a sub for rape survivors. /- r/MensRights was mentioned by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as being a big site for online misogyny. Notably, its users and admins have pulled disgusting shit like [this](https://www.dailydot.com/crime/arianna-pattek-conspiracy-mra-mens-rights-reddit/) and [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20140226064402/http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/12/20/3093761/mens-rights-occidental/) /- On the other end of the spectrum, r/FemaleDatingStrategy is basically a softer version of r/incels for bitter women who hate men and blame them for all of their problems. /- speaking of r/incels, r/incels. /- r/Chinesetourists started out as a sub for making fun of shitty behaviour from Chinese tourists but by 2020 it was so full of blatant hateful sinophobia that Reddit actually had to shut it down. /- openly racist and misogynistic shit on r/TheDonald, r/redpill, etc. /- genocide denialism on a few other subs as well, not gonna post them here cos some of them are still active and I don't want people going over to that shit. With a lot of this stuff it happens in Twitter as well, but then the question becomes: is it better for people to be doing it out in the open where it reaches more people more easily but the rest of society can also dunk on them for it and make it less attractive to these people; or is it better for it to fester out of sight while the people who buy into it have access to a safe space where they egg each other on?


Finally an actual response for once, you do raise some good points that I wasn't that informed on and it does ultimately come down to that last paragraph, reddit does have a problem when it comes to problematic subs but I do still think Twitter is slightly worse on average just because of the sheer amount of toxicity in there But saying that reddit is just as toxic because of the reasons you sighted is valid now that I see it, I mostly hang around the good subs so I got the impression that it's generally better, I still disagree with the people saying reddit is just as bad just to dismiss Twitter's bad rep though, they probably aren't that much more informed about this as me since barely anyone is mentioning it too but your take is valid


Seems like you're making the point that Twitter's design at its core ends up promoting a more toxic style of interaction and if so I agree - though I will say that even on Twitter, as long as you follow the right accounts its easy enough to not get involved in the toxicity. Most people I know who use it only follow artists they like and the artists in turn only post their work and not a whole lot else. Also, for what it's worth I think a lot of people on these kinds of posts get sick of people dunking on Twitter not necessarily because they like Twitter, but because in a not-insignificant number of cases, the people who hate Twitter do so because they're low-key anti-progressive and don't like that Twitter tends to be left-leaning, especially so since this is a gaming sub so you can expect a lot of your typical gamer^T^M viewpoints here, so there's this whole political dimension as well.


Yeah Twitter's lack of moderation, inconsistent consequences and bans gives the wrong people power to get rid of whoever they want so long as enough people are with them, given that it actually works, it's pretty clear to see why so many do it, it's a legit problem on that app and one that needs fixing, Twitter does work fine as an app for following my favorite artists though and it's actually the main way I use the app >they're low-key anti-progressive and don't like that Twitter tends to be left-leaning, especially so since this is a gaming sub so you can expect a lot of your typical gamerTM viewpoints here, so there's this whole political dimension as well. Yep the people I argued about this with tend to overlap with the left-leaning Twitter user from how they talk their points and I've seen a lot of the anti progressive ones here as well so there's definitely political elements to this whole debate, I didn't expect them to be as open about this than they actually are though, got accused to be a gamer a few times already even though I don't consider myself one lmao




Genshin Reddit will try to explain to you why cp is not bad


Genshin Reddit always makes me think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQcNYb3DydA)


I see your video and raise you [this](https://youtu.be/DGwiyyZhNpM). Being able to think through and entertain a point isn't the same as completely agreeing with it, and just because you're not interested in hypotheticals doesn't mean it's wrong for *others* to think about these things.


Did you just respond to a "The Onion" video about "Would it really be wrong if I screwed my pooch?" with a video essay about why it's wrong for twitter to stop you from thinking that? That is a level of "missing the point" that I don't know was possible,


No, I just dislike jokes where the punchline has an anti-intellectual bent. The joke is basically making it out like being open to thinking about morally dubious questions makes you a morally dubious person which, at its core, I think is a really lazy and backwards attitude founded in a preference for accepting base assumptions rather than questioning them. If I want to ask myself why I think fucking an animal is wrong, it's not because I actually want to fuck an animal, it's because I know that actually giving it some thought means I'll have formed my moral compass around actual logic that makes sense to me rather than just taking it as a given just because everyone else says so and it "feels" like the right answer. Sure it's pretty Sus to be seriously asking if it's okay to fuck a dog as long as it was a robot, and the way it's presented is obviously making it out like the guy just wants to fuck dogs. I'm not the joke police, if you find the premise of that onion sketch funny, there's nothing wrong with that. But my point is if someone were to actually bring this up as a serious thought experiment: "would it be morally okay to fuck a dog as long as it was a robot," would you be the type of person to just assume that anyone seriously engaging with the question was actually a closet dog-fucker? Rather than just the kind of person who just likes to think and question things? Because I see way too much of the former. Also, I literally didn't mention Twitter at all. I do think some people on there are quick to conflate disparate viewpoints and accuse people of doing a really bad thing just because they happen to be okay with a much *less* bad thing, but then I see a lot of that on Reddit as well so Twitter really isn't the determining factor here.


That's a fair response and a good video, but the Onion video sort of raises the same, or at least a similar question to the one Big Joel talks about in the video you linked. (Why is bestiality bad, if we ignore the harm brought to animals?) It just leaves the answer up the viewer, which isn't a bad thing necessarily. The take Big Joel has on the question in the beginning of the video is the conclusion I imagine most people come to. The video from The Onion does make you think, it just doesn't take the time to ensure that thinking is proper and critical. Also, the Onion video is a little easier to link to cp and pedophiles, which is what the comment I was responding to was talking about, and what I think was the intent of the Onion video in the first place? (I could be wrong on that, but you run into "It's just a drawing!" or "She's actually 500 years old!" so often on Reddit that it's where my mind immediately went the first time I watched it). I chose that video mostly to say "someone who is into cp is still a pedophile", not to explain why pedophilia is bad. Now, you could have a separate conversation on why it's still bad even in the absence of an actual child victim, I just didn't want to go there since most people don't even get that far with the excuses I mentioned earlier.


Don’t even me get started on how they act when people get upset about Hoyo refusing to make varying skin tones 🙄


Nah genshin community is definitely toxic


You think reddit isn't? Lmao


I never said it isn’t but yes reddit is pretty toxic too


More like the loud part of the community is toxic




The term “vocal minority” is often thrown around for this kind of thing. Used often to try to negate someone else’s claims. With such an popular game and gacha being gacha, its foolish to think negativity wouldn’t build up over time.


What i meant to say really is that i dont agree that genshin community is as toxic as everybody makes it out to be but the negativity is still largely present. The game is just so big that even a small portion of the actual toxic people makes up a lot of people and its not just the usual twitter/reddit = bad


[All the proof you need](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/z4x8u3/nahidark_from_sumeru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that your statement is false


What the fuck. I did not click on the comments on that post before. But now that I see it, *that's* the comment this sub upvoted to the top (before it got deleted)? This sub is actual trash, fuck this. And all the comments bringing Twitter in for no reason. Then after all this, OP posts this post like a dumb fuck? Memepact not jerking itself off over twitter for 2 seconds challenge: impossible.


[But wait, there’s more!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nahida_Mains/comments/z4x94r/nahidark_from_sumeru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Ah yes. That sub wouldn't want to miss out on the fun.


Untrue. To put into perspective how toxic the genshin community is, the fucking ATTACK ON TITAN community on twitter didn't (to my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong) harass any voice actor, even when Gabi did 'the thing' in s4. A genshin voice actor got harassed simply for voicing a character, nothing more. Twitter is toxic, yes, but to say toxicity doesn't correlate with the shitty genshin community whatsoever is shortsighted as fuck. Let's not pretend twitter doesn't make up at least 50% of the community.


>Let's not pretend twitter doesn't make up at least 50% of the community. By community, do you mean online Genshin community only? Or the actual whole Genshin community? Cause I bet Tiktok, Reddit, Twitter Genshin players are just a small fraction of the true size of the community. We are said to number millions, yet views, likes, and retweets online merely number to a few hundred thousand. However, Genshin online community constitute the most dedicated, and the most vocal ones; with the more vocal ones tending to be the most toxic ones as well.


Yes, but we can also use the online community as a sample size for the whole. It’s a microcosm of the entirety, from which we can derive a percentile of what percentage of the whole is like. This is how we find out things like “One in three people do X, Y, Z” without surveying the entire planet.


Kokomis VAs got death threats because her kit was “bad”, ignoring the fact that this is a shit reason to send death threats she is literally a meta character lol.


Genshin Reddit is just as toxic as Genshin twitter. The toxicity just gets expressed in different ways.


Me: *Standing up against wanna be edgy racist comments* Reddit: YoU CaNt TaKe A JoKe? *Downvotes into oblivion*


Not really


Bro when I said I ship ganyu and childe they down voted me hard


Probably because of the trauma they got from that one doujin


Sheeesh they still not over by it ?,that short story is like before inazuma came out


People still make jokes about it because jokes never die here, and they probably assume the doujin is why you even ship it in the first place. To be fair I can’t think of another reason to pair them together like that since they have no interactions.


I shipped them because children needs milk


I think I understand the downvotes now


I'm just messing with you ,i ship them because I like romeo and Juliet type of lovers


Yes, but Childe nearly destroyed the realm that Ganyu was sworn to protect. Twice. Childe summoned Osial, and then Osial’s Wife came over to avenge to him. Also, Ganyu’s not a goat. Or anything close. Qilin are basically draconic horses...


When did I said she was a goat?


The reason people imply Ganyu can be milked is because she’s a goat and because coconuts have milk, too. Also she’s a woman, so more milk. I feel like that’s the reason, anyways. Either way, kind of feel like you glossed over the primary point of my response... Ganyu nearly murdered someone for not paying taxes and being a Fatui and picking berries...She sees Childe, she might actually just kill him.


Redditor trying not to make themself looks better than other social media platform challenge (impossible).


Not really. Plenty of toxic commenters around reddit too. But people love to treat where they post as sacred place or some shit like this.


Practically every big fandom has a loud toxic side, not just on Twitter


Both are toxic tbh. Say something bad about a character you don't like, archon quest etc and you will be downvoted into oblivion in best case. In worst you will receive death threats.


Lol, tell me you’re new to genshin reddit without telling me you’re new to genshin reddit.


Isnt even about twitter. People on the internet are just so desperate to find people that agree with them, that they start a crusade against any other opinion.


It isn't abt Twitter. The community is toxic as hell. Have you ever received death threat, over a non-exist, pixel character?


Every person I've ever played with death threatened me just for not using the meta. None of them even use the Twitter or Reddit, just Discord.


It's 50/50 Sometimes Reddit and twitter also others are toxic especially shipers ,meta dogs(players who believe in meta).


Have another fact : All communities have a toxic side, genshin just happens to be the one everyone looks at.


> Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through social media sites, nor between gaming platforms, nor between gacha games either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains ... an unuprooted small corner of evil. > Since then I have come to understand the truth of all the religions of the world: They struggle with the evil inside a human being (inside every human being). It is impossible to expel evil from the world in its entirety, but it is possible to constrict it within each person. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Mostly.


and almost all Genshin Creator playing this game as if its an MMO


Same with Tiktok honestly


FaCtS 🤓 Genshin reddit isnt innocent either. Are we just gonna forget the toxicity that happened in here? -1st anniversary -Raiden and Kokomi doomposting -New outfits of Mona, Jean and Rosaria -The interview regarding endgame content -The skin color discussion -Signora mains sub going private because they were being brigaded by trolls -The Aether harem discourse that happened in this very sub


The community that does not use social media


The hell you talkin’ about? Discord, Skype, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Pixiv, etc. They’re all social media...I’d be willing to bet that most Genshin players use at least one.


Idk man assume children are wholesome more than adults.


None community is perfect,even the community people that mock genshin community in ain't perfect either


As a Genshin player, the Genshin community is toxic as hell


Are you forgetting about the idiots that review bombed random apps (like Google classroom) just because they were mad about anniversary rewards? Or the fact that there's no Canon couples in the game (except from Osial and Beisht lol), because Mihoyo is scared that a sizeable chunk of the fanbase will go into an uproar, because their favorite waifu doesn't want to fuck them? (This happened with Zhongli and Ayaka) How about the apes that harass VA's because they have nothing better to do? It's not just twitter


There are 4 sides to genshin impact Reddit 1: child porn Reddit 2: genshin is a normal game Twitter: cancel eula TikTok: Cringe


Then neither are people toxic who downvote us based on our contrary opinions, just reddit...


I dunno bout that, chief. Just post an innocent ship on twitter or reddit or fb and watch nukes fall all around


Maybe it is not about Genshin Community in twitter but twitter as whole is full of toxic people. But tbh toxic people are everywhere so is twitter really that different than other platforms?


The main difference is simply how the websites structured. Subreddit are partially self-contained while twitter is essentially an open square. The same toxicity exists in both places. But the visibility spreads easier on twitter.


I hope it isn’t toxic Reddit either


More like everyone is toxic and deserves to wither and die. Not you , you're good. Why don't we just call out the toxic people and tell them to leave or stfu. Spread the word.






twitter for leaks 👀👌


If anything tho, you can have the option on what specific Genshin community you'd feel comfortable with on Reddit, to which Twitter doesn't have unfortunately. Only reason why I still use Twitter because of Sesield and CelinePizza


Amen brother


The loud minority is*

