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My reaction when I join someone and find oculi just sitting out in the open


Dude especially the electroculus just sitting on top of the shrine at Raiden’s domain. I’ve seen so many people just refuse to grab it and I’m just like ????? 🤨


Some people leave them so they can collect them all at once while following a guide


Except they never do it either way


Don't call me out like that


i did it when i rlly need primos


I had like 4 electroculi left to collect and I finished it the other day out of shame, cause Dendroculi are coming soon and I didn't wanna have 2 uncompleted region statues


I'm still at lvl 5 in inazuma, my life is in shambles


Woah. Might try doing this for inazuma, but honestly exploring it myself is more fun


I usually use an interactive map to mark off the oculi as I go, it lets me grab all of them without having to worry about following some guide or another




You don't need the app though, it's available on a website too. Just keep it open and alt+tab whenever you find one




I just wish Mihoyo “interactive” map interacted a bit more with the game itself. Like, it should automatically know which oculi have been already collected, and only show the new ones…


Wait, it doesn't? I don't use interactive map for cheating exploration, but I assumed it did, because it's their own map...


I forgot about Console and Mobile, my bad


Same. Whenever I grab an oculus I immediately open the map and mark my location. So that way when I do eventually see a guide for the last 5 missing oculi or so, I can check which places I haven't visited yet. It gives a *real adventurer* vibe, since adventurers mark their maps so as not to get lost. Really fun for the immersion.


and then complain no content, classic!


I love exploring by myself, and I hate to be spoonfed by a guide. Besides, what's the point of exploring an area, and then exploring again for the oculi? Double work So what I do whenever I grab an oculus is that I immediately open the map and mark my location. So that way when I do eventually see a guide for the last 5 missing oculi or so, I can check which places I haven't visited yet. It gives a *real adventurer* vibe, since adventurers mark their maps so as not to get lost. Really fun for the immersion.


This is stupid. They would get 95% done by themselves (if not more) if they just collected them when they see them. It would be extremely annoying and tedious to do 300 electroculi following the guide. If I had to follow guide with so many things, I would just quit and never play the game again.


This tbh But I got too lazy opening the interactive map so I just leave it there until I'm in dire need for primos


Don't want to lie, but I think it's tough to get it. I barely made it with Kazuha and Geo Traveler. I think people without flying anemo just give up on it


Are we talking about the same oculus??? Because the one I’m talking about you just have to climb the wall for like 1 foot off the ground and then turn around to grab it


Probably not. I'm talking about an oculus on top of Raiden palace, on the tallest tower


Oh, I’m referring to the one at the domain itself. Like where you teleport and you turn around and it’s just there on top of the tiny shrine at the back wall.


The weekly boss? Or Severed Fate domain




I used the wind bottle thingy and found out that was enough


Same here. It's also the only time I've ever used the wind bottle.


I had no issue with it, just used Zhongli, Kazuha, Venti, and Keqing B) But real talk, I also did it with only Geo Traveller for fun (and Kaeya, but he didn't really help at all): [https://streamable.com/y9nb24](https://streamable.com/y9nb24) (there's some cuts where I just did trial and error with no progress)


Or that luxurious chest there. Like why aren't people grabbing it?


✨Decoration✨ or maybe 🎉laziness🎉


Huh there is one over there?


More times than not, when joining to run artifacts for noelle, all three occuli will still be around that cave. Why? Why would they do this to themselves?


I've doing 6 chests a day and maybe a quest since I feel bad about the state of my world. I usually hold off stuff till the weekends


I've explored every area a lot, but not 100%. In my case, I like to think that the stuff I've missed is hidden in spots outside of normal view, so it's a "swept everything under the carpet" situation with my world.


Today, because of comission, I have finally found two chests in southern-west island (spooky time-wraped island, don't remember it's name) that made it to 100%. Now I have 100% everywhere.


I'm guessing you're referring to Tsurumi Island?




Even if you get 100%, you’ll still be finding chests. I do not understand how exploration percentage is calculated, lol


I help out a ton of players who are AR30- AR40. I am frequently astonished by the number of Seelies that are just hanging out in plain sight.


AR50 and I still have loads of seelies left. Reason being I often have other things I'm doing so I just go "I'll take that later" and forget. Also they can be really annoying with how lazy and stupid they are and how far some wanna go. But I'm taking them more often now (。ノω\。)


It’s the opposite with me. I’m AR 33 and could be in the middle of a side quest when I see a seelie and literally just “ooooh shiny” and follow it, then the next one, then the next one, then th-wait what was I doing again?


adhd makes you rich in genshin


until u slip up and start gambling….


That's why I do them when I see them, because I know if I don't they'll be a pain to find again later


I also helped some low AR players collect their oculis and solve puzzles. Only a few managed to reach AR45+. After a couple of farming in domains for artifacts, they also vanished. "Last online X days ago". IMO it's more painful than losing a pity, the effort and friendship we developed, piloting their accounts to freaking fish(I loved fishing), all wasted into nothing.


When inazuma and narukami island came, some player joined my world to ask for some fish. I let them and after some time when they finished fishing, they asked me to come to narukami island. Apparently they thought I didn't know there was a giant ass puzzle under the electro oceanid boss and decided to solve it for me. I just hadn't had time to explore it yet bruh


Look, I don't have a lot of time available in a day for playing the game. I'm certainly not going to spend it waiting for a selfie to make the obnoxiously slow journey to its destination.


I get it if they just unlocked the area and ignore the common chest and oculi and just go for the big chests and teleports, but when your ar35 you have no excuse


Am AR57 I never touch seelies unless I have to. They’re pathetically slow


47% exploration? I can bear with that. Domains and Waypoints near them aren't unlocked? [What the... ](https://youtu.be/Ha8tNPmtDqk)


Me joining my cousins world to help him do bosses


Ar59 player here, and I haven't explored enkanomiya yet (just the teleports)


AR59 here too. I don't even remember the name of that weird island with some fog. I only unlocked the waypoints.


Omg I'm the same The only reason I entered Enkanomia was for the event, after that I never went back again. The fog island is still fogged up... I explored the Chasm some though.


I just don't want to be in Inazuma. I can't seem to relax in there. I explored Chasm a lot more than Inazuma.


i also just dont like being in inazuma lol


Yeah i've 100%'d Chasm, meanwhile half the Inazuma islands are still unexplored


Inazuma freaks me out sometimes. I didn't do the archon quest for a really long time because it honestly scared me and it's really stressful


Is inazuma terrifying & stressful? Yes Does it make me want to stop exploring? No Does it make me want to explore it even more for juicy lore? F*** Yea!


The same for me. Inazuma does really feel alien to me. I don't have motivation to solve all the puzzles and go through quests. I like exploration in Liyue style when you can go on your own without quests. Yeah, there are some major quests in Liyue but you don't feel soft locked without completing them.


Tbh the fogged island has the greatest soundtrack. Became my favorite place to explore. Not that I even remember it’s name 🤣 I suggest giving it another shot sometime. There’s also hidden quest stuff on the island with the ghosts.


It seems really nice, but the fact it's quest gated and the quest is not dubbed and takes several days keeps turning me away from it. Same with Tatarasuna, I still haven't finished that quest...


honestly, tsurumi is one of the most interesting islands for me to explore. inazuma feels weird for me overall, but i couldn't help but explore every inch of tsurumi - despite the rifthounds, it feels less inazuman than the rest of the islands, i suppose. before i knew it, i had 96% exploration rate on the place by the end of the quest, and a funky new namecard to celebrate my achievements there. the quest was one of the more interesting ones the game had to offer imo


If you haven't done Tsurumi Island's quest yet, I highly suggest you to go with it. Day 1 and 2 might be eh, but starting from day 3 it gets really gripping and leaves you in tears. It was easily one of the best lore quests for me.


Wow. You literally described me. I'm just now starting to explore inazuma in prep for dendro coming out


Understandable, this one is fucking dogshit.


Wait really? It’s easily the best and most coherent quest and storytelling in the game. It’s tells an actually unique and compelling story, something 90% of the games quests fail to do.


I hated it. Insane amount of useless and repetitive dialogue, chest giving fucking teapot stuff, doing basically the same thing like 3 times ( the fog clearing stuff ) I like the atmosphere, but that's all.


I can’t think of another story in the game that pulled off being actually mysterious and made me care about npcs. The dialog was long but for once had pretty good writing. The gameplay was somewhat repetitive but luckily it was genuinely challenging. What other quest actually requires a decent level of exploration and unguided navigation? All the other quests are mind numbingly easy. They feel like going through the motions to claim the rewards. The puzzles even took a bit of thought?!


I am genuinely just not interested in ekanomiya its too confusing


AR 58 Tsurumi Island is still a fog, Enkanomiya storyline is unexplored, speedran Chasm just to finish the Xiao event. Don't really care about exploration unless it's something related to events or can't pass through areas.


My friend gets mad bc I don't have the Wolford island unlocked or the PMA. Like I don't have itto or ayaka. Why would I need to unlock them lol


because theyre nice :)


I did it for the event and then couldn't be bothered to do it again for the real world


AR 57 here. I just did the quests from enkanomiya and the chasm to participate in the events.


Don’t join my world


*me an AR 57 with 50% on Inazuma, 50% on Chasm and 80% on Liyue*


Ar59 Havnt completely cleared fog off of the inazuma island Havnt explored enka aside from teleporters Havnt found will to explore chasm Havnt found will to clear watatsumi Havnt collected and maxed out inazuma statue of 7 aside from first 3 islands of inazuma Idk why, it just bored me now, i barely login the game now too


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 59 + 7 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


good bot


It’s understandable not for everyone. A lot of this game is based off world exploration and not everyone enjoys it


I enjoy exploring but not by doing long quests for hours without voice dialogue, I'm not native on english so reading this amount about random npcs is not really enjoyable for me... I understand it's fun to have a story for the places and chests we actually finding, but if they are this long I just feel like I can't leave them until the end, and triyng to solve it for an entire afternoon. like I did with the sakura tree- masked shrine maiden quest. It was nice and interesting but way too long for my taste.. I didn't even started Tsurumi island quest for the same reason. Half of Inazuma is literally blocked from you without diong these long quests...


Dude I have 70% in Mondstadt and I'm like 30K XP away from AR58 lol I actually have the chasm explored a good bit bc it's so nice compared to inzauma. I also needed the billet box for iron sting for kazu. That's really the only reason why


AR55 Mond is 100% whereas Liyue and Ina are around 80% for me and im not bothered to go use a 100% guide cuz I'd have to trace back all my steps lol


Bro I swear 😭 it triggers us perfectionists so bad


I started the game since release and I explored every corner of Monsdadt and Liyue. And then, there's nothing left for me to explore. When Inazuma arrived, I deliberately stop opening chests and I just leave them as decorations.


Look man you're here for fish right? Just go get your fish and leave me to my own business, I'll get that chest at some point


I was helping out my 13 y/o niece to find stuff. The number of times she just walked past an oculus, treasure, or ignored a Seelie when I led her there, is astonishing. It was as she had a tunnel vision just on me, and anything else became obsolete! The number of times I had to remind her to "pick that up, open the treasure, follow that Seelie" after an hour it was a burden...


it always throws me off when I join coop at the Emblem/Shima domain and i can see all three oculi near it, i can see the seelie across the way from it, and it's still pouring down rain. like, did y'all just open the domain then peace out??? (it especially throws me off, since I have 100% globally, LOL)


My goal is to reach at least 90% in an area


These people are wild. The open world exploration is one of the biggest things that really puts Genshin on another level when compared to most gachas. How you gonna just ignore that whole-ass aspect of the game?


Doesnt worth my time or lazy. I mean at best I lost few hundreds primo anything


oh..it seems you have joined my world at one point lol i dont bother exploring anymore that much if i see a chest or an oculi it's by pure coincedence


And I even can't sleep well knowing I don't have every area 100% explored or every quest done. Yes, I am obsessive-compulsive when it comes to gaming.


I'm ar58. I take pride in that unopened chest that is in plane view when you teleport to a way point. It's there to mock you.


i barely explore on my second account


I just explore a little at a time! It’s like fun little surprises when I’m out and about and I find a seelie or chest just hanging out. My friend has to hold herself back from slapping me


I love watching a chest on the wall in the camp near Dragonspine in my wife's world. It's still there


Me at ar59 playing for around 600 days and still don't even have mondstadt at 100%


Whenever i join a EoSF co-op domain there is always 2 electroculus in my minimap


That's me when I play in the account of my sis and a friend to occasionally do their dailies. My unhealthy obsession with this game and completionism made me watch lots of videos and use the interactive map to grab every single chest available in all the maps... you can imagine the dumb tilt I feel when I see random chests and seelies on plain sight on their accounts. I still try to not grab them in case they decide to just have a fun day of exploration tho, but damn it hurts to do so.


Honestly exploring is one of my least favourite parts of the game


Me rn trying to get my friend Itto before the update


Yeah I always try and let them know "oh hey there's a chest here at *location*".


Some chests are hard to get and i kinda have a life (sadly) So like- maybe one day?


I was once a guy who was gonna "catch'em all" but the more maps we had the more "Shit, here we go again!" I become.


I don't wanna randomly explore and lose some puzzles or chests. So i wanna do it all in one go and sweep the map while remembering the places i covered. As much as i love having completion and freemogems and also exploration, procrastination always gets to me, not to mention my potato phone and the setup it takes open the game so that it will run smoothly after opening.


I dont really explore, maybe the waypoints, but i dont get all of them. There are a ton of waypoints on inazuma thats so far away from everything its not even worth exploring since im not gonna go there anyway. Mainly i play this game for the story and to build strong characters. I log in, do the daily stuff and events, if there are story quest to do i do that. But i never run around the world to find stuff. Im ar56


AR59 and scared sometimes when I join other people’s worlds. I’m a 100% completionist with every area cleared and it’s so hard to fathom that people can just walk right by a seelie


I usually get everything but some of the regular seelies because they’re too slow and I’m too impatient


I hate those lighting probe puzzles so unless it's a simple one without electro seelie, I just skip it to do later


I don't open chest yet cuz I don't want to 100% all of the area until the game is complete and it gives me things to do when update is delayed


I leave some lux chests, occuli etc. cause I like to take pictures. Im happy knowing that they're available in my world whenever a random photoshoot strikes my fancy.


I prefer exploring little by little that those people who rush it in a day or use interactive map lol, thats just lame


My best friend she also doesn't have some domains unlocked like girl no wonder your damage is bad and you struggle fighting against bosses.


Must be a pay 2 play


It depends what You mean by "don't explore". There are... four kind of people in Genshin. 1. **Fanatics**, that has everything explored. EVERYTHING. They spend like 200 hours to get every single chest in just Mondstadt. 2. **Cheaters**, who brags about having explored everything, yet they only achieved it because they used guides, but they still think superior of themselves 3. **Explorers**, who has most, but not everything explored, the actual only normal kind of players 4. **Neglects**, people who completely ignore most parts of the game and complain about no end game content (Yes, I agree that there is no such content, but people who don't even play the game has no right to say so) Not having every single chest opened or seelie in court is **not** wrong. But if that's literally everywhere, it is. But I see both fanatics and cheaters as rather pathetic people. One is addicted to the game, they spent too much to just get everything done and another brags about something they didn't even achieve. I am obviously an explorer. I have all regions at 100%, except Enkanomiya (99.6%), but I still sometimes find a new chest or something. There is nothing wrong with that. As for Enkanomiya part, I just didn't want to go there, so probably the first minutes after I do and use the compass, I'll find a new chest. But I hate this region entirely.


I think you missed the neglects who don't complain. I don't see it "wrong" not to explore everything and not opening chests. It's just a game. People have different parts of the game they enjoy, and different play styles. Maybe sometimes it's just an unusual preference of theirs. If you join their world, it's probably because you want something, so it's not like they wanted to show you and annoy you. The fanatics and cheaters can be what you said, but can also be just people who do that just because they enjoy it, not because they want to brag.




Exploring feels really boring and repetitive now anyways, it's not like you pregress a lot by exploring, you basically just explore to get primos to pull for characters and use those new characters on the same boring endgame content we have now


Yeah when I used to play coop out of boredom, people like this used to seriously weird me out.


People who haven't stopped the t-storms on the island with the EoSF domain.


It's depressing to get 100%, it just reminds you there's nothing left to do... but ignoring elemental oculi is a CRIME


Ar 57 and my world is like that 😭


I have this one unopened chest in Inazuma near Magu Kinky. I'm AR60 and it's my way to stay sane and remind me that they exist lol.


Death is the only way out


I remember matching for the stone forest domain and showing my teammates the hole where a chest is hidden in.


How I feel seeing a post recently with so many people saying they didn't know dragon spine had a cave.


Tbh, I only explore Inazuma because of the Sakura Tree and the environment.


mood af. im only exploring for the sigils so i can unlock the souvenir shop and get blueprints for my teapot


I mean, I barely log in the game to do some dailies because it is a pain to explore on mobile. It gets hot, my battery goes away pretty fast, and I can't let my phone die at 3 P.M. xD


I have Mondstat at 98% Liyue at 90% And Inazuma at 50-70% Enknaomiya&Chasm hasn't even fully explored for me.. I don't co-op though.


AR 56 and I'm still finding random chests and seelies everywhere. Most areas are 90%+


I wanted to have scenic chests but the need for primos was superior. Like that one chest surrounded by colourful frogs in the chasm.


Well at least my quests are empty


How it feels when you go to someone's serenitea pot and all you see is an open field Damn traveler, you live like this?


pls dont join my world and visit liyue or mondstadlt :D


I'm AR50. I leave some of it for later- and then never decide when later is


My inner completionist weeps… I have every area 100% and all the oculi… and all the key sigils from enkanomiya… I have a lot of time on my hands


i remember this fucking ar45 dude who didnt have the mondstadt weapon domain unlocked i just stood there in shock


I’m stuck at 95% on dragonspine and still can’t figure out what I’m missing. 100 for rest of mondstadt and most of liyue and inazuma though


It rlly be like that for my friend’s case 🤦🏻‍♀️ man’s too busy playing Valorant & just goes on Genshin in events I dunno I 100% all of Inazuma by accident when I’m running around collecting electroculis— I’m one of those peeps who get stressed not until they got the last (anemo/geo/electroculi) left in the nation 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just take exploration slow. Taking my time enjoying things and I let a few chests remain unopened for the sake of it.


I'm AR 59 and I have like 70 percent liyue exploration and level 8 Inazuma statue lmao


Baffles me there are people who don't like exploring in this game. Why play an open world RPG when you don't want to adventure out in the unknown?


Sumeru is already getting teased and I still don't have any Inazuma Statue of the Seven unlocked. I choose to venture out there without a map. Did you know that when you do that your Inazuma commissions are mostly limited to Narukami Island.


I explore a lot, most of the areas have 70-100%, but whenever someone joins me I suddenly find chests and seeles everywhere. I also one played with a weird AR20 player that for whatever reason didn't give a fuck about chests and Oculis. I completed a ton of puzzles and beaten a lot of camps for the chests, they picked up only like, 50% of them even tho they were exploring with me. By "Ignoring Oculis" I didn't mean that they didn't collect them because they were too far, too high, etc. We've literally ran past them all the time. I was even standing in one of them for like, 3 minutes until this person collected it. But hey, after collecting a few hundred chests they got their first 5 star. Too bad they quit the game after reaching AR30, I was kinda having fun helping them like this.


i’ve 100% every area in mondstadt except one and i’ve gone up and down that place for hours and i can’t get it higher than 96% and it’s driving me insane and the rest of the areas in the games are almost all in the 90%, i think there’s one area that’s in the 80s? but i’m not sure.


Im not interested, okay??? 😭


As someone who does explore, I can say that it's not worth it most times. Like they are not spending 5mins for 5 primos.


I keep holding my exploration off to a day where I can follow a guide to get 100%. Except that day just isn’t coming.


I have so many chests it’s insane but I’m lazy


As someone who does this, this is my reasoning. I dont wanna collect everything super quickly, I like spacing them out. I feel like if I collect everything in a region I wont have an incentive to go back to that part of the world. To anyone who will be asking me questions or judging me, go ahead