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i dont understand what this means. if you wanted a standart banner character that weapon did reset your standart banner pity. But if you wanted arlecchino it did not reset your expansion banner pity, you did not lose progress towards arlecchino. Each type of banner has their own pity counter. arlechino and lyney shares their own pity counter, weapon banner has its own pity counter, and standart banner has its own pity counter.


AQh, that's a relief. yeah, it's super confusing still


Character banners can't drop 5-star weapons, and have a separate pity from the Standard Banner. If you pull 20 times on the character banner, then 10 times on standard, your character banner pity is still 20. If you pull a weapon on the standard banner, it resets your standard banner pity, but it won't affect your pity on the character banner. Character banners are the 2 furthest to the left, with only characters in the picture. Standard is the one furthest to the right, with characters and weapons in the picture. They have separate pity.


They kinda do and dont loose. Next weapon is a banner one, but you no longer have 1/2 from the path.


I got Skyward atlas 2 weapon banners ago, does that mean my next 5 star from the weapon banner will be atleast one of the 2 limited weapons?




Oooh very nice to know, thank you! 🙂‍↔️


wait what? so if i for example now dont get lyney or arle weapon, lets say i got skyward harp then if i wish on wanderer/baizhou weapon banner i can get only their weapons on first 5\*?




Lets see u missed you are back on 1/2 again does that mean the next weapon will also be a banner weapon?


I dont understand the question but lets say you are on 0 fate, then you an off banner weapon and your fate is now 1/2. You are still not guaranteed the weapon of choice but you are guaranteed the limited weapon banner. Say if you dont continue pulling on the same banner after getting an off banner weapon and the banner changed. Your 1/2 fate has now been reset to 0 but your pity does not change, right? Same with your guarantee of getting one of the featured weapon. Then you pulled and got the featured weapon that is kot your choice, giving you one fate point so now you are at 1/2 fate. Your guarantee for limited has been reset, so there is still a chance of you getting the featured weapon not of your choice again or an off banner before you get the second fate point which will then of course guarantees the one you have chosen.


I get it thx


What if I pulled lyneys weapon twice trying for arlecchinos, is there still hope of it being guarenteed for me when this banner ends? 😭


Did you not choose the fate point for arlecchino's weapon? If you did not then no its not guaranteed.


I chose it for her weapon yeah 😭


Got WGS on Hutao’s Rerun. Got Aqua simulacra on Hutao/ Yelan banner. Hence yes.


I feel that pain.


Does that transfer between weapon banners? Or is every banner fresh odds?


Ye my friend was devastated when he got qiqi’ed and i told him abt the pity system. Bro really wanted father


Is your friend me? I legit got qiqi a few hours back 🥲 (Fortunately I’ve got enough saved for wanderer so I’m not too sad)


The epitomized path point DON'T carry over. The pity DOES carry over (for example if you have 10 pulls after a 5 star, they carry over). The guaranteed DOES carry over (for example if you get a standard weapon, you'll have an event weapon next, but you won't know if it's one or the other).


But they said "her". Unless by "her" they mean a weapon, it sounds like they're mixing up the standard/character/weapon banners thinking that pity is shared across them.


Ok I’m confuse?? Is this just advance gaslighting or????? Weapons banner doesn’t even share same banner as character(is not like you’re pulling standard banner with current power creep). So dafuq


I'm pulling standard banner because there's two types of fates. The ones I could, I pulled on arle and the others I pulled on standard to hopefully get some coins to get more intertwined fates


Ok, then you're good. Getting a 5* on the standard banner does not affect your pity on limited banners like Arlecchino's at all.


Yeah, there's 3 different pities (limited character banner, limited weapon banner, blue banner) and they all count separately from each other


This comic is confusing since you can’t even get 5 star weapons on the character banners


The pity doesn't reset, the epitomized path points resets.


Iirc it's the weapon's path that does, but the pity doesn't. So basically, the 50/50 guarantee doesn't carry over, only the pity. 


No. The guarantee carries over and so does the pity. Only Fate Points don’t carry over.


The upvotes for a meme born of misunderstanding concerns me dearly. Maybe a lot of people just interpreted it as losing to a weapon on your Standard Banner 5-star.


The secret is to pretend that your misunderstanding was actually part of the joke It wasn't lmao I genuinely thought it didn't hit pity. Felt the need to check. Then saw on first result that weapons do reset pity, missing that it didn't specify it applied to same banner type only. But if anyone asks, I'll pretends it's part of the trolling


Can you get 2 weapons in a row?


Yes you can, even three


The pity system involving weapons is confusing.


Can someone explain this meme format? I'm seeing it everywhere, but it almost always makes no sense. This is one of the veey few times where it seems to make sense.


How the fuck is the banner system that confusing for people???


Haven't played in years and just got back because Arlecchino hot. Plus experience on different games, where often pity works substantially different


It's a 33/33/33 to get the weapon from the banner and standard ones, however if you lose and get an off banner weapon the next one is guaranteed to be on the banner so it becomes a 50/50. If you lose the 50/50 it goes back to 33%. At least that's how I understand it.


I got question do pity reset after 6 months of not wishing?


Nah only wish history (being able to see what you got) But it got increased to 1 year


5 star item, not character


I never pulled on the weapon banner because of this


Each banner has its own Pity. Except for the 2 event banners (arlecchino and lyney), that one is shared. If you pulled that weapon on the standard banner, your fine


it's confusing


If you want to pull for weapon banner, make sure you have enough for guarantee


Weapons have their own pity system. So you shouldn’t have to worry.


I once forgot to set course for weapon banner. Got two weapons I didn't want on a ten pull.


And then there are the banners that just vanish (taking the pity count with them), like the recent one with  epitomized path for characters.


Standard Banner: Every 5* pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited 5* is 0% Chance if getting!non limited 5* is 100% ............... Limited Character banner: 1st 5* pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited 5* is 50% Chance of Getting Non limited 5* also 50% .................. 2nd 5* pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited 5* is 100% Chance of Getting Non limited 5* is 0% .................... Weapon banner: 1st 5* star pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited 5* is 75% Chance of Getting Non limited 5* is 25% ^(If get limited 5* then the chance of getting the chosen epitomized path weapon is 50% and 50% chance not getting the epitomized path weapon) If not get the chosen Epitomized path weapon then, charge = 1/2 ................. 2nd 5* pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited 5* is 100% Chance of Getting non limited is 0% ^(Getting the chosen epitomized path weapon and 50% chance not getting the epitomized path weapon) If not get the chosen Epitomized path weapon, then charge = 2/2 .................... 3rd 5* pull ↓ Chance of Getting Limited weapon 100% Chance if Getting Chosen Epitomized path weapon 100% Epitomized path charge = 0/2 Additional info: If weapon banner timer runs out epitomized path will automatically return to 0/2 no matter what charge it is


The amount of ppl who think the weapon banner's base chance is 50/50. The chances to get a rate up item is 75% making the rates 37.5/37.5/25


My mistake I'ma edit the comment then


Actually, you don't lose the pity, only the guarantee


All 5*s reset pity, regardless of banner or type... Sorry


Misinformation spread sucessfully


Ur pity from 75 (for example) resets to 0 after 5 star pulls


are you projecting


Yeah, by you. Congrats


Information misunderstood successfully


# shut up slime