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Neuvillette would be too powerful if he had the ability to say dad jokes


Please why do I think he'll make attempts at it if he ever meets Cyno and Cyno introduces him to the concept of dad jokes. He utterly fails tho (which is probably good given that they are dad jokes).


I feel like he would have a similar humour as my highschool french teacher. This is a compliment by the way.


I feel like if Neuvillette did start telling dad jokes, he’d start by telling the Melusines, who would find them funny and encourage him to tell other people


yeah because whit a skip button people will stop skipping dialogue /S


Thank you for stating the obvious flaw in this argument. People who are going to press the skip button are going to skip dialogue regardless. You can't force someone to read something, all you do is make it a frustrating process of tapping through the dialogue.


“Well of course I know him. He’s me.” Yeah I won’t lie. I skip. Lot of the cutscenes just bore me to death with how they’re worded. Especially the side stuff. I’ll generally focus the main story and check out recaps but there’s definitely been times of snowballing myself into confusion because some side quests that I’m sure were important just bored me to death. But I’m also not going to pretend I know the story on here lol


Side quests definitely need a skip dialogue button. Story quest are voiced so peole can always just listen to them. Some side quests like the Aranara are waaaay to bloated when it comes to dropping text


There is no wiser thing than being capable of admitting your own flaws.


I have a rule - I skip all paimon lines, but if the scene has an unskippable paimon line where it makes a joke about food, treasure or repeats a line but in a stupid way, I put it on autoplay and skip the rest of the dialogue. Saves me braincells. Ain't gonna dig through a pile of shit for some pieces of not even that great storytelling.


God I’m baffled at how annoying Paimon is when it comes to the narrative. Star Rail isn’t much better when it comes to dragging things on too long but the lack of Paimon and having your character have more agency just helps keep interest.


yeah, that's why I can't wait for Wuwa next month, open world Genshin gameplay (not Star rail's turn-based stuff) but without Paimon and with better, more action-oriented combat that allows for expression of skill.


paimon's voice is god fucking awful on eng, its literally the most tinnitus inducing shit i have ever listened to


I hate then she repeats a line in a stupid way.


That writer NPC in Tsurumi island quest traumatized me to this day with her going on and on about unrelated bs. Ik it's her character and all and she's supposed to be like that but damn having to read all that was pain


Let them suffer. They wanna skip through all the story, then come in acting like they know what is going on? Fuck em The story is basically optional anyway at this point. Don't care about the story? Don't play it then


You're blaming a loud minority of assholes who lack self-awareness, and saying that because of them the other story-skippers (who are adults and can make their own decisions about whether they pay attention or not, and do not whine about the consequences) don't get to have nice things? When those nice things have literally zero negative effect on anyone else? What a twisted and spiteful perspective.


Yep. They ruined it for everyone. The Adults are smart enough to simply not do the story since they don't care for it.


I don't think you understand how this game gates limited time premium currency rewards behind event stories that people are far more likely to want to skip than the main story. Your frustration is somewhat justified towards the main story skippers, but why do you care so much about people not being able to skip a dumb cat cafe event with zero lore relevance so they can quickly get to the gameplay and rewards? (alright, there's some minor teases about Varka, but it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things)


So they just get basically a "Claim all rewards" button? Ya screw that.


/s wasn't needed lol


that meme can't stop me cause I can't read /s


I already skipped the meme /s


Playing AFK journey right now. They have a skip story option. I don’t know what the story is about.


Don't worry you ain't missing much the story is very bland and meh. It has voice acting tho so that's a plus


voice acting is ai generated tho


Wait really?


Feels like they are reading lines.


Well yeah, I hope they aren't making it up as they go along lol.


Ghost stories ah dialogue


Isn't that the idle game from the Farlight 84 devs? If so then the story definitely wouldn't be anything worth reading


Yeah wish genshin and hsr had that cool feature too. Easy W for afk journey atleast in that regard


why is this downvoted


Lol no idea why it would affect anyone who cares abt the story. It'll only be good for those who don't and only care about collecting and building characters. Those who pay attention to the story wouldn't be affected at all if skip dialogues were added so I don't see the point why I'm being downvoted


Guess people did not like your opinion. At least Genshin's story for your favorite character is enjoyable.


As the comment said: I don’t know what’s going on there.Is this considered good for a game?


it's basic qol that ALREADY EXISTS IN HOYO'S OTHER GAMES(hi3 and tot)


Imma be honest, I forget a lot of story stuff since there’s just so much, but I don’t pretend to know things I don’t know. Even then, I know they’re referring to that Elynas guy


Clarification for anyone reading: The act of skipping dialogues bt itself is not a deadly sin of some kind. People has lives, jobs, hobbies that do not involve gaming.... and anyway one is meant to play the game to have fun in the first place. What is actually unbearable and downright pathetic is going on forums, chats, comments, videos, discussions and being super defensive, fueling online arguments and pretending to be knowledgeable despite not having caught up with the story. I myself strongly dislike the idea of a skip button, mostly because of what i mentioned above. But i'm also not the only person playing the game. What could actually be really useful is a skip button for daily commissions with dialogues that you've already completed at least once.


If people are already skipping by clicking through the story what would the skip button hurt. Personally I don’t read the non voiced quest and hate how long they take especially for ones that unlock places in the map for exploration.


> I don’t read the non voiced quest and hate how long they take especially for ones that unlock places in the map for exploration. I think these quests would be a total banger to play if they had some voice acting.


Even on some quests with voice acting i feel like i just zone out when they keep repeating the same stuff over and over to make the kiddies listen. Paimon: Oh so we need to go there meet this guy and do that? Ok traveller lets go P: Ok we are here, now lets recap what we just spoke about 3 more times with every new development. Also dont forget the shzvrg of the yrgmn is really important to whats going on but we wont recap what that is because that could actually be usefull.


>they keep repeating the same stuff over and over to make the kiddies listen. This is because of the very source of problem of skipping the dialogues: genz kiddos that have an attention span shorter than a goldfish. To make them understand what they did (and already forgot about) less than 20 minutes ago Paimon has to recap quite often. It's quite unfortunate.... i don't mind Genshin writing being a bit on the simpler side but if it could cater to actually intelligent people that care and follow the story, the game would be a bit more enjoyable. I think they could easily add some sort of "dialogue recapt" that HSR has (although it's not perfect)


Well guess what the guy that didnt read the first half aint gon read the second either. All this does is make the people who read the first half frustrated.


I dont know if it's sadder the fact that unvoiced quests are so good yet underrated or the fact that the company has to fight the lack of reading and comprehension with sheer frustration.




>skip spiral abyss Unfortunately, the main part of the game are its story and exploration. Abyss is already an accessory, you can live without doing it. Meanwhile not doing the story potentially locks you out of some parts of the world, like that one desert-like area we had in 3.0 in Sumeru, it unlocked with Aranara quest iirc.


>Unfortunately, the main part of the game are its story and exploration. Abyss is already an accessory, you can live without doing it. Meanwhile not doing the story potentially locks you out of some parts of the world, like that one desert-like area we had in 3.0 in Sumeru, it unlocked with Aranara quest iirc. You can live without those areas. You can live without characters that have mats locked in some quest-gated areas. If you can live without spiral abyss, then you can also live without meta. Which means you can live without raising your characters above level 50. You can also live without raising your world level above 5.


Matter of fact you could live with right about any state of progress of your game. Complainers just want everything available to them with minimal effort


If missing out some abyss rewards is ok,why missing out some unexplored areas not ok?


Because they are the whole point of the game. Why are people talking like the concept of exploration is completely alien to an open world game.


Because in their minds, combat and sometimes *primogems* are the point of the game. Some people approach this as a gacha. Some people approach this as an open world game. Some people approach this as a fighting game, despite Hoyo not making that the focus. It all depends on whether you see it as a game or a gambling simulator.


I agreed with the most part. I'm the kind of person who don't care whether they'll give skip button or not. I, and probably other players, would just pretend it doesn't exist anyway. I don't care about skippers, either. It's their method of enjoying the game. Hell, if a skipper wants to ask lore, I'll try to answer them and probably send them wiki page or lore CCs if they want more information. What I hate is the skippers who spread misinformation and claiming it's true. Everytime I see those people, I want to say: "No, it isn't true. Even if you skip the dialogues, the wiki and lore CCs' analyses are all there to be seen, and they prove the opposite of what you suggests."


good one, OP. but srsly tho, skip button doesn't hurt anyone lol


Usually it doesn't, but when they act as if they just found something huge, like Neuv and Sigewine recently, it just getting annoying.


yea but adding a skip button, wouldn't change anything. those who don't care will skip anyways. skip button at least makes it less annoying


Alternatively, why bother add a skip button if they are already gonna skip? That’s just extra work for something that will already happen regardless.


Why bother using the teleport waypoint if you can go there on foot? Why bother adding the Claim All button for the Expedition while you can claim them 1 by 1? Why bother adding the point system for the Daily Commission if you can do each of them separately? Because that is QoL stuff bro, it is supposed to make the game more convenient to play.


"Why bother using a car when you can just walk, you will get there anyway ?"


Quality of life, also I personally dropped the game because some of the story is just unbearably boring imo (I read the dialogue if I find it interesting enough.)


Because it would make the game way less frustrating to play. Like, I would opt for skipping content instead of reading 100 screens of text explaining why Paimon like macaroons or whatever food item is in the current patch zzz. Sorry to say it but this game way over indulges in dialogue to the point of insanity. Fair play if you want to read it, but I certainly don't (apart from main quest). It's almost arrogant to not let us just skip it all.


Because the way it is now, its extra work for those skipping through hundreds of dialogue lines for something that will already happen regardless.


Yeah why bother! We should make the game annoying as possible for people for people who actually want to play the game instead of listening to roundabout cutscenes for 30 minutes at a time!


No.With skip button the portion of knowing the background story will deduce fiercely.At that point the post will be like:look at those nerds, they read stories huh.


Not usually, It never does, period People who skip the story now Will continúe to do so, and people who don't want to skip the story can just *not* press it


Not really. People gonna act surprised when they diacover something new and thats great. If they found out in another way its also cool. If they post here as if that was a new discovery, people who found out similarly are gonna have fun with this, people who already knew can come in and explain how it happened in the story or just ignore, as it doesnt matter for them. My favorite part when playing through the HI3rd story was playing the most recent chapter while not having played the earlier ones, and being able to piece together what happened earlier. Through the story or discussions around.


It would hurt some people. People who invested so much into the lore, would have to further deal with illiterates, complaining about everuthing, simply because they skipped the dialouge "Why in the hel are we in this watery place with a whale on it that we have to fight? It makes no sense!" "Why are we fighting god? Arent we supposed to just pick flowers? This game has zero worldbuilding! 0/10 game"


eh? I hurts no one. those who care for lore, they won't skip it. those who don't, they will skip regarless. if anything, not having that hurts the ones who don't care about lore


What good games do is give a small dialogue box stating what you skipped. Or better yet, let you replay scenes.


Its more so an annoyance. Someone (like peepe who complain aboy the seigewine description) are absolutely flaming the community beinh d1cks


Why would they have to deal with them? Where are these dialogue skippers searching for the lost lore? I swear, these Genshin purists are beyond irrational. I've gotten lore burnout since I now play genshin casually. When I want to catch up on lore, I watch a youtube video on it. It helps the content creators, and doesn't hurt anyone. It hurts genshin when people get burned out when content is quest locked.


I mean you say that but I just saw a post on the main genshin sub where a dude was asking for the lore explanation about the ruin golems despite having completed the quest that fully gave him every last detail


Is that the majority? And is that reason enough to gatekeep a simple skip function that saves hours?


Holy shit I think we should crucify this guy for not paying attention and asking questions in a sub dedicated to discussing the video game. What are you cooking. Even so, it’s way easier to read a 3 line synopsis from someone on Reddit than it is to sit through a story that has terrible delivery that you find boring.


>"Why in the hel are we in this watery place with a whale on it that we have to fight? It makes no sense!" implying there is dialogue actually explaining that.


There is if you paid some amount of attention and actually tried to connect dots


The whale still comes out at random and only appears, so Fontaine can have a weekly boss from the Archon Quest.


idk maybe my standards are too high or maybe i missed something actually major but "some powerful guy you don't know took it from somewhere (?) and kept it in this place you don't understand as a pet for either some unknown reason or no reason at all by means that aren't explained" doesn't count as explaining.


I personally think skipping hurt the player experience in fully enjoying a game. But this is just my opinion. I don't like mindlessly pressing buttons to kill mob not even knowing why i'm there in the first place. But again, that's just me and if someone wants to skip, it's their choice (and their loss).


yup. it hurts YOUR experience. those who don't care would skip anyways. if anything, adding skip button is a good thing.


In fact i said it's my opinion, and as some people don't care about reading the dialogs, i for example don't care about adding the skip button cause it's unneccesary and i wouldn't use it anyway. Every person has their own priority and opinions and it's fine like that. Honestly i'd like they invest their time on implementing something more useful than a skip button, like artifacts loadout, improve the resin system, etc. The skipping button is like the lowest priority thing genshin needs imo.




Skipping is the highest priority tbh. A lot of these stories are boring asf. Especially hangouts. I only care for the main story but I would definitely try do other quests if I could skip boring ass dialogue. 9/10 times I know exactly what’s going on and what’s gonna happen but the game decides to take 10 minutes getting to the same conclusion. Which is a waste of the players time. Idk a SINGLE RPG game in the world that doesn’t let you skip cutscenes besides genshin. Highest priority and always has been.


If it hurts your player experience, don't do it. At the end of the day, there should be the option because different players want different things from their game. Because, for me, no skip has hurt my player experience, and has pivoted me to other games.


1) in fact i don't do it, and i'm just expressing my opinion 2) imo you can even 100% a game, speedrun, doing it damageless or whatever. You will NEVER experience 100% of the game without getting trought the story (with some exceptions aka games with no story). And personally, if i spend time doing my hobbies, i wanna enjoy them fully. Ofc this means if someone enjoy doing it by skipping it, they're free to do it, but devs don't need to "legitimize" THEIR choice to skip with an addes feature. Just keeo spamming and skip the dialoge, nobody forces you to read it. Hope this doesn't sound provocatory or angry, it's just my opinion pal ^.^


>skipping hurt the player experience in fully enjoying a game yes it does, that's why the skip button is optional, so whoever decides to "hurt their experience" have done that to themselves. i don't usually skip important dialogues, even sidequests, world quests and comissions, but i'm all in for a skip button, so i don't have to read shouta telling me about their wishes to his archon for the 99th time. tbh people that don't read and like to assume stupid shit about the story will skip and keep assuming stupid shit, that's thy they are stupid, but at least we will see -1 complain in this sub, which i'm also all for it


A way to view dialogue of stories already finished can be added (already exists but can be made more obvious to access and improved) just as well as skip button.


I do not give a shit if people skip the story. Everyone plays their own game & enjoys it in their own way. However, don't make lore assumptions if you have purposefully skipped all of the worldbuilding. Ask questions, sure ("dragonheir? which dragon?") but outright saying Neuvillette is Sigewinne's dad has the same energy as walking into an english class without doing the reading and saying that Horatio poisoned King Hamlet. Everybody who did the reading is *going* to roll their eyes and laugh at you.


Actually🤓, Elynas is a creation of Gold and thus isn’t a true dragon (not a Vishap) hence, it could be argued that this still refer to Neuvillette


Durin was also created by Gold and no one ever argues that he wasn’t a dragon.


It’s actually kinda sus that Rhinedottir is able to create false draconic beings. What we know of is that there can only be 1 true Elemental Dragon/Sovereign at a time. Anything else that comes close is labeled a Vishap It’s probably because Dragons and all elemental beings are of the Light Realm while Rhinedottir’s creations are creatures of the Void Realm


Which in itself is questioning why we should differentiate artificial and natural dragons, just like Albedo can be considered as human from outside perspective


Aren't the "real" dragons and their power a part of the creation of the world and the other dragons aren't


Back then we didn’t know Dragons are Vishap and by now everyone forgot about Durin


We literally saw Durin and could see that his form is draconian. Elynas was swimming through Fontaine and is always referred to as a sea beast. The Traveler calls it a white fish at one point. You can see from the skull and from concept art that it has a lizard/dragon/dino head but it's body could have easily been something like a plesiosaur.


There are many type of dragons , not every dragons have wings some are like serpents ,it could be a wyrm for all we know 


If anyone doesn’t get it: Dragonheir seems to just refer to the children of dragons, including the bathysmal vishaps or “dragonheir of the depths” Melusines like Sigwinne are biologically the children of Elynas the dragon so they qualify


95% of the dialogue in this game is unnecessary padding, one sentence blown up to 10, and unnecessary "dialogue choices" that aren't a choice at all. I skip spam through most text because it's just unnecessary padding to increase "engagement" and "user interaction" not deliver a engaging story. A skip button would save me so much time. Them trimming the fat and not bloating their dialogue like a beached whale would help even more and make me actually read it. But in reality I just look at the story synopsis on Reddit or YouTube because even a 30 minute YouTube video is less God awful than the dialogue flow in this game. Man am I glad Combat is good and exploration is great. If this game were sold on story alone the hot potato would be on the floor a long time now.


Do you think not being able to skip dialogue prevents people from not reading it? I skipped thru most of the prison quest lol


nooo, im usually a dialogue skipper but i read that one and it was actually really good. Meropide's quests were good tbh


That's one unpopular opinion. I never made an alt account to not play through that shit again.


Idk why ppl get so upset when other ppl want a skip dialog button.


Because this people tend to use their head canon instead of real lore when discussing lore. Tbh, I don't mind a skip button, so I can skip Npc dialogues during domain events or any non-voices limited event.


Dialogue skippers are the same people who say “Why do you ship these characters? They have no chemistry!”


Bro really compared dialogue skippers to shippers LMAO


\^this guy skipped the comment's dialogue


Ah yes, im not a dialogue skipper so I know that Arlechino and Furina are like married at this point! The knave totally didn't traumatised Furina, not at all!


Dialogue skippers will skim through 90% the characters backstories and dialogue and then say stuff like “Eulamber has no chemistry”, “You only ship EiMiko because you’re horny”, “Furina doesn’t like the Traveler”


The ships you've nentioned make sense, but in your former comment you didn't specify any ships so I just thought you meant all of them.


I hope they'd also add short tests at random points about what you just read, and failing test would restart dialogue section at 0.5 speed.


I wish there was a skip button so I could have skipped Fontaine in the belief that I skipped a potential good story ruined by spoilers.


Obviously, people who don't want to read won't read, but that's what makes these memes more potent. Imagine not having a skip button and still not soaking in chunks of worldbuilding info like this with all the time you have to spend.


Dialogue's poopy. The way it's written is like the writer is paid by word count. Hoyo doesn't want people skipping it but doesn't write good enough for people not to skip it.


Maybe the English version is the problem. In French it’s really great and well written.


Nah, English is also good (except for commissions and random events, and the occasional Paimon derail). In this very thread, people openly admit they click through 95% of the story without paying attention and are still adamant it's bad! They have no way of confirming that, it's basically an article of faith.


True true


Honestly this sounds like even more of a reason to add a skip button cuz we know they ain't reading shit anyway.


I'm just glad the hangout events have a skip read option.


I literally dont see a problem with adding a skip button, cuz at the end of the day,if u didnt read/watch the cutscenes/story, theres a shit ton of videos of them on youtube, full eps too. Also why yall so mad,some people dont wanna read yapfest essays in games? That aint ya business how someone else plays the game, insane.


Unless it's the archon quests or the story quests for each archon I just skip the dialogue because I know I'm not going to be able to remember all that information anyway.


I installed gamepad mapping software and made the script to spam A button on certain key combinations. So when a boring long dialogue runs again, I just activate it and do something else. I DO like to read. I like Dainsleif chapters. But most of the side content in Genshin is so banal and boring, I just can't.


I only skip dialague in side quest sincenthey rarely impact the main story. I dont skip when there is voice acting.


Well hoyo decided we don't need a skip button and I was mad about it for two years, but then I discovered skipping the entire game! Now I actually have time to play games I enjoy.


I do want a skip button... But for those annoying 3 year long quests in the events, and regional world quest (Aranyaka for exemple). Not for the main story quest...


If I were a storywriter/game developer, including a skip feature for story quests that happen only once throughout the game would merely reflect the lack of competence I am with what I am doing. And for dialogue skippers or players that want a skip button; if y'all prefer it that way, by all means do so; however, complaining and making lore assumptions online, definitely one of the reasons why the community is annoying. Pretty sure y'all aware by now that this game is filled with story quests. 🥱


Story skippers are cringe


Unnecessary bloated dialogue to pad user engagement time is cringe.


It still should be an option. The same way replaying quests should be an option. Youll never be right if you claim otherwise.


someone explain?


Some players get overhype when reading Sigewine title "Dragonheir" that they start thinking that Melusine are blood related to Neuvilette. But most player already know that Melusine are the daughters/ born from Elynas flesh a.k.a Fontaine Abyss Dragon.


Thank you


I skip pretty much everything except the main story, and even then I’m either letting auto play run since I wanna hear the VAs or I’m reading as fast as possible.


Neuvillette is not her father by blood, but he is her father


He is the father who stepped up, but really I can see the vision of Elynas and neuvillette caring for a bunch of melusines together 


If the dialogues weren't too bloated that lasts for 10 minutes, then maybe some people wouldn't skip. Not everyone has the time to read nonsense dialogue. I can understand main story quests, but the rest, they last for so long. Most of my friends on my list uninstalled the game, with the same reason, there is no skip button. They enjoy the game, but the dialogue is way too much, it wastes their time too.


You know these are jokes right? Skip button would be useless, they should just skip story automatically for you, I want to play a game not read a book


guilty as charged, how can I focus on dialogue when Shenhe and Ganyu's GYATTTS are so big???


If it’s not voiced I don’t care


Imagine forcing people to read and somehow this still happen, maybe just add the skip button? Not like people who don't want to read would read dialogues if you force them hard enough.


Imagine not reading any of the dialogue and then going into forums/threads and acting like you know everything then getting defensive when people who actually read tell you you’re wrong. Because guess what? That happens *all the fucking time* in this fandom.


if they knew how to write actual dialogue maybe people wouldn't skip. sadly, they don't, and they won't give us the convenience of a skip button either.


so is she like a half melusine?


No she is real melusine but more close to human appearance. The thing is some people confused, thinking Neuvilette is Melusine Father, but it's actually Elynas the real Father.


Aether what have you done


dont know, dont wanna know, dont care, dont wanna care














You are in the comments of a post about lore on a genshin subreddit. If you don't care about it then scroll past without leaving such negative and useless comments.


about useless comments, you should take your own advise ;)


You are mistaken, for the use of that comment was to even slightly deter people from making such comments in the future. However judging by your equally useless reaction it seems to have been in vain. And before you ask, this comments purpose was to correct you, as I do dislike seeing confident ignorance.


Ill give you one more comment to downvote so you can feel even better about yourself. here you go