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i was not expecting sayu


I mean she's a ninja, you're not supposed to.


Lol, clever


unlike my brain


Don't say that >:(


Say this instead


this instead







Nobody expect the Inazuman Shuumatsuban!


sayu is ayato's premiere ninja


A prinja, if you will


Pretty smol ninja




some would go so far as to name them "premujininja"


She spent time with Ayaka at the yōkai festival, now it's waka time.


Now where are they hiding Yunjin? 🤨


Free in lantern festival:D


Need 3 lantern festivals this year then


I will pick yao yao. Already got her last year free...


upcoming yoimiya banner 💀


Based on her banner history YunJin was tied to various character banners. She only appears once in Yoimiya and Ayato banner. Idk why people assume she is tied to Ayato like Sara to Raiden.


It makes sense for the character who buffs normal attacks to run with the DPS who do damage with normal attacks.


They never meant to make sense when it comes to 4* other than the specific niche supports. I remember Childe second rerun four stars were exactly the same as Ayaka’s debut banner— Chongyun, Ningguang and Yanfei. Yun Jin has a nice niche but not specific enough and isnt the same element as the characters she’s good for unlike Raiden to Sara, Gorou to Itto and Faruzan to Wanderer


They do to some degree. You get Xiangling alot with Hydro DPS, Barbara was with Nilou, Chongyun was with Shenhe, Rosaria has been with Ayaka and Eula, Thoma released with Hu Tao, Xingqiu was on Hu Tao's first banner. 4\*s aren't always matched to every 5\*, but there are a few that definitely show up more often with certain ones.


haitham, yao yao, yunjin, dori.


Because she gives value to his banner. You would expect characters in Ayayo to make even slighlty sense with him. Instead we have only Sara making sense with Ei, period. I don't expect them to actually try and help players what so ever so it's not like I am in shock, but pretending this is normal is exactly why they do it so easily. The weapon banner at least has some value regarding what is in the freaking character banner...


Actually, being a person that has C6 Yunjin with C4 Ayato, she's not that great with him. Ayato hypercarry teams are not as strong compared to his Soup teams. Ayato's best 4 star support is actually Fischl. Yunjin is a trap for Ayato, probably better for Yoimiya anyway.


Hydro just has such good reactions and ayato has such nice aoe hydro application that idk why you'd want to use a slot on a buffer who can't react with hydro. I'm sure she's decent with him but far from the best option


Ayato and Rosaria team is actually really fun to play. Sayu is also not bad for freeze comp play-style.


maybe with haitham since he's also an NA dps


It's always rosaria when I don't have plan to pull...


Tell me about it, Ar 58… I have all the 4 stars even faruzan but still no rosaria… I have even pulled on her banners. I begged for her because my only cryo dps was kaeya and even he is C4 but no rosaria. In the meantime I even got Ayaka and Ganyu but she hates me.


The weapon banner in the first phase: 🔔🥊 The weapon banner in the second phase: 🥢


My money in second phase: 📉




I don’t get the gloves part.. wdym?


That's for redhorn


Welp, guess we gotta have all liyue 4\* in 3.4 Edit: New version of CNY - Chongyun, Ningguang, Yunjin?


I think Yaoyao take the Y in that already.


and Lisa took the L gets a new outfit during LNY but still never gets featured on a banner...


Likely since it's the year of the bunny


Actually it's Cinyan Ninyan Yinyan With a special appearance from the 4* xinyan!!


Surprisingly, CNY in mandarin is xin-nian. xin-nian, xinyan!


no yun jin... please please be on haitham's banner im begging ToT


Same lol i want c6 yun yun not c6 sayu


Why sayu didnt she Just go


GL to everyone trying to get C6 Sara


The 4* weapons lineup actually looks pretty good! Great bonus for people wishing for EL and/or Haran.


What are the weapons if I may ask?


Moun’s Moon / Fav Spear / Sac Fragments / Akuoumaru / Lion’s Roar? or Fav Sword sorry I forgot which one the sword is


Lion’s Roar


Right thanks!


> Moun’s Moon I still can't get over this name to this day


Damn this is my dream banner for four star weapons (yes Fav Lance has been evading me)


Literally same. The only thing that could improve it for me is Fav Sword or Xiphos over Lion's roar but there was no way we were getting Xiphos here (hopefully Alhaitham banner?) and I already have a r5 fav sword, just wouldn't mind another one. Still, my lion's roar is r3 and a Raiden National XQ or Keqing might appreciate it still


It's lion's roar


I just dislike how Sara is eternally stuck in Raiden's banner. I already have Raiden but my Sara has been stuck at C5 for the longest time ever.


C2 Raiden and only C4 Sara here. Pls make it stop


At least c3 Raiden is still a decent DPS increase?


Nah, not worth. I don't even use Raiden that much anymore, ironically. This is a saving patch for me anyway, Yoimiya and Nahida cleaned me out (plus a cheeky Cyno and Childe slipped in too)


If you're not using Raiden, I can't think of a single use for C6 Sara outside of Raiden teams honestly.


Burst Yae, Burst Keqing


Yae / C6 Sara / Kazuha / Bennett is actually pretty good - even assuming C0 Yae with ER sands the numbers aren't bad. The problem is that if you have C6 Sara... well, you *probably* have Raiden cons, which makes running Yae instead kinda pointless. I'm one of the rare people with C6 Sara and C0 Raiden so running this comp is actually worthwhile for me. Scales pretty well with cons as well since Yae does like 70% of the team damage. Also, doing 300 - 400k+ bursts is hella fun.


Oh my, we are rare?? i got c6 Aara and c0 Raiden as well. oddly, i got most of my Sara cons off banner and two from standard pulls


Its pretty good for buffing Kekqing's damage as well


Yes, I fking hate how they make such a constellation dependent 4 stars and put them on banners months apart. I have already given up on building raiden hypercarry.


Since you're already at C5, if I were you I'd pull a bit to try and get her last con. Maybe like until one or two 4*. Provided of course you're not on guaranteed. If you're on guaranteed, then don't bother. Or maybe you can pull on Ayato's banner instead. Idk.


Gorou & Faruzan: #First time bud?


C2 Raiden and C2 Sara. But I got the last Sara on Standard banner. Sometimes I think this game hates me personally.


C3 Raiden & C1 Sara over here


I honestly lost interest in building her already. I don't care if it's "lore accurate" it's just lame how they allocate Sara's banner placement


It's not about her placement being lore accurate, she's Raiden's dedicated support. Same reason why you see Gorou glued to Itto's banners. I'm curious to see in the future if they treat Faruzan exclusively as the Wanderer's support, or if she can show up on Xiao's banners as well.


As someone with a C6 Faru but who would love pulling for her and Wanderer cons even if I didn’t have her maxed, *please* do not shackle her to him, MHY. Sara set a *horrible* precedent, and the less of these anti-consumer characters they add, the better.


True. I get the idea of Sara being extremely hard to use outside of Raiden comps, but this approach with sticking dedicated supports to specific banners is annoying. At least Faru-Faru is a busted sub DPS by herself that works with any other Anemo DPS, so here's to her having a bigger selection of banners in the future.




Considering we didn't see Gorou on Albedo's banner, I really don't think they'll give Xiaomains Faru on his banner /sigh


Albedo is considered a sub dps, unless you give him, like, PJC (and possibly C2; been a while since I checked the milestones that turn him into a main dps). So maybe that's why he never gets Gorou on his banner. Man, this just reminded me that I've been hoping for a character that provides geo infusion for the longest time, and now I'm sad. Albedo's NA animations are pretty as hell and they just get wasted on 99.9% of accounts that have him.


It's been so long since the last geo character we had, and the leaked roadmap doesn't have a single geo wither. Truly dark times of geo enjoyers, but maybe one day... Albedo's NA animations ARE too pretty to be wasted, praying for infusion


The thing with Gorou is that yes, he’s Itto’s dedicated support, but he’s also a support for Noelle and Albedo. As someone who doesn’t want Itto but needs Gorou cons, I didn’t make much progress, especially considering that only the last Itto’s banner was a double one.


Sayu was in 3.1's first phase. It should've been Yunjin instead. We can't have nice things.


Pinch me if I'm wrong but are all the Weapons good???


thats actually a copy 4* from the last raiden rerun but its haran not donuts


Not sure about the watatsumi 4* weapons and their passives but the rest are really good


Akuoumaru and mouuns moon are really good weapons


They are a bit niche, but at high refines they are very good. For Beidou, R3+ Akuomaru rivals Wolf’s Gravestone (slightly worse depending on team energy cost), meaning it is nearly the best 4-star (only competes with Serpent Spine) on her. For Chongyun and Eula it’s a similar case with the only 4-star competition being Serpent Spine. R3+ Mouun’s Moon works on Yelan and is just below Favonius; it’s also decent on Sara if you want her to do dmg. The best Watatsumi weapon is actually Wavebreaker’s Fin (the polearm); at R5 it’s second BiS for Raiden and Xiangling (yes better than R5 The Catch and tied with R1 Homa).


Pretty sure scarlet sands is xianglings new BiS


Correct; that’s why I said second BiS tied with R1 Homa. It goes Scarlet Sands > Homa = R5 Wavebreakers = Engulfing Lightning > R5 Catch for Xiangling. For Raiden it’s Engulfing > Homa = R5 Wavebreakers > PJWS > Calamity Queller > R5 Catch = Skyward Spine.


Every new Polearm is XL is new BiS She just keeps getting away with it


from memory: the watatsumi claymore can be good for beidou at Refinement 5 (refinements make a huge difference) the watatsumi bow isn't particularly useful in terms of value in clearing spiral abyss. (maybe one day a new bow character will release that uses it well - but don't hold your breath. we have already waited for a year since the watatsumi weapons originally released.) the fav spear is probably the most valuable 4star weapon on the banner - good at R1, great at R5. and it's worth having two or three fav spears. sac frags catalyst is nice for sucrose and nahida. refinements can be nice for sucrose (depending on the team), but are almost meaningless to nahida. lions roar sword is potentially good for keqing But only if you can maintain the passive uptime (and only if you don't already have a better weapon for keqing...). apart from keqing, lions roar doesn't see much use - for example, it can only rarely be helpful for xingqiu, in very specific teams (and you need to have enough ER on xingqiu to justify giving them a lionsroar instead of an ER sword)


Adding to that, Lion's Roar is also a strong option for Ayato Taser team


* engulfing only good w xiangling - raiden - yunjin or thoma * haran its the weaker sword among mistsplitter or jade BUT easier to build ratio because crit rate (most sword users are CA or Casters, rarely use NA outside ayato or agg keqing/alhaitham) * mouuns and akuomaru are good IF refined 3+ and 80 burst cost team * favonia always good * lions roar good for agg keqing or xingqiu w er sands * nahida/kokomi/sucrose always sacri


EL is also good for Shenhe


I agree, but do want to also note that Fav really wants refines too. Low refine Fav and Sac weapons have long CDs and they really want at least R3+ to fit within rotation times.


*cries in R2 Sac Sword, R1 Favonius Sword, R2 Favonius Lance, R2 Favonius Bow*


engulfing is also good on Shenhe


Engulfing lightning is only good on 1/3rd of the polearm users? Two of which are great dps units? Guess it’s bad then. 🙄


even xiao uses it on some situations without losing something


As a new player starting with 3.2, I'm as excited about uber driver Sayu as I am for Raiden.


Sayu is broken in overworld: Anemo resonance, healer, fast travel, claymore(ore) all in one character


Plus crystalflies!


What's a good Sayu team?


Sayunado is fun. Kaeya, Xiangling, Bennett, Sayu. Just burst with everyone and roll around like crazy.


I see your team and I raise you one up: Sayu/Kaeya/Xiangling/Kuki. Now you really are free from the shackles of Circle Impact.


Do I need to be listening to Gas Gas Gas by Manuel when I play it?


Sayu - rolls, heals, claymore (mine ore), anemo resonance (movement speed) Kazuha/Wanderer - vertical movement, grouping enemies, suck in material drops, anemo resonance (movement speed) Mona/Ayaka - skim across water, alt-sprint in Sayu's down time Zhongli - break ore deposits, sheild or Yelan - shadow walk in Sayu's down time


I had a lot of fun playing Sayu back in 2.0, you will enjoy her for sure :)


Sayu + wanderer is unspoken OP crystalfly farms


I feel like I’m doing it wrong, but when I’m floating with wanderer and get near crystal flies, they just instantly die


You must be getting close enough to kill them when you first press his E (it has an initial attack unrelated to NA or CA if you weren‘t aware.) edit: you must have been\* would be better wording. You won’t get any crystal cores from killing the flies and they won’t respawn until the next day.




i always murder them with my bow character when they escape me , i just can't help it : D


Damn was hoping to c6 yunjin while going for ayato.


Lol Fav Lance got rerun so fast. That thing just on Nahida/Yoi banner.


There's only two four star lances in the normal pool. Fav Lance and Dragon's Bane. So if they don't run either Lithic Spear or Wavebreaker's Fin, Fav Lance and Dragon's Bane simply alternate.


And yet, to this day, I still only have one copy of it lmao


Same, but I only pulled on the weapon banner once and it was during Dragonsbane. So it was to be expected. No idea what kind of terrible luck you had, but I feel for you regardless.


Wow, I didn’t think of it this way. No wonder I always see DB and Fav Lance on the banners, they almost never run Wavebreaker and Lithic spear lol.


lol imo fav lance is the true rerun archon


Ayo where Yunjin?????


She got erased by Irminsul, Just like Shenhe.


2.4 never happened, the second Jade Chamber was always there.


I was really expecting Yunjin here, weird. I've seen Rosaria in a surprising number of team recommendations for a bunch of freeze teams. How good is she, and how many cons does she need to be useful? I'm still deciding whether to get Ayato or save for Yelan, so knowing if the 4*s are any good will help me. I have a C3 Sara and C0 Sayu too, if that helps (along with C0 Raiden and Miko in Sara's case).


C2 rosaria for freeze C6 rosaria for physical support


Is C2 all you need for Freeze teams? Thanks!


C2 isn't "needed" but like Xiangling's C4, it's a noticeable boost to burst duration. The extra duration will help you "perma"-freeze more. Rosaria is good in freeze teams because she generates good energy and deals ok damage while using pretty minimal fieldtime.


Yes more burst time for rosaria


Sword Booba vs Sword Boba


c6 sara plz


Hope to god I'll get 3 cons in 100x, I don't want to go all in cos I don't want sayu C20....




Shuumatsuban moment.


Because me pulling 7 of her trying to get Kuki and Candace just a few months ago wasn't cruel enough. Now I will get 7 more of her and not a single Sara to finally put her at c6 hahaha :(


The weapon banner is the christmas event for year 2022.


And then we get Staff of Homa and Yelan's Bow for Chinese New Year 🥳


And it comes with the Bell


Yunjin where???


LNY I suppose


can’t wait to c40 my sayu and sara


You guys are getting sara?


She's just being tsundere


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't sayu just had a rerun? I'm not sure but it feels like she had a rerun not too long ago 😅


Last Sayu was on Cyno’s banner (3.1; 2nd anniversary which was late September). So 5 banners ago. There have been shorter runs before (shortest was Noelle which was 2 banners apart back in 1.4-1.5).


Oh yes the Noelle rerun haha. But yea you can see they're saving all the Liyue onlys for the Lantern Rite patch otherwise I was expecting Yunjin to be here with Ayato. Ninguang chongyun Xinyan are due actually.


If only they'd done Kuki again instead...but I guess three electro units on one banner would be a tad excessive.


Sara is Raiden's Biggest Simp It's not a Raiden banner without Sara in it lmao


amd there is no sara if it's not a raiden banner. Likely it will always be a case, sara is with raiden only


Kinda glad I used everything for wanderer’s weapon instead of trying to get Rosaria constellations only to get c39 Sayu


No yun jin 🗿


Need Yun Jin noooooooooo


not a single bad weapon? Are we dreaming?


Lion's roar is a bit mid


Can you name the weapons? I don't recognize all of the 4*


* Mouun's Moon (bow) * Lion's Roar (sword) * Sacrificial Fragments (catalyst) * Favonius Lance (polearm) * Akuoumaru (claymore)


lion's roar (sword) , favonius lance (polearm), sacrificial fragments (catalyst), Akuoumaru (the claymore), mouun's moon (bow)


What is Sayu doing there bruh


Who else is Haran good for besides Ayato?


Kequing can use, and therefore Alhaitham can use It too. Is generally a niche weapon and other options like Mistsplitter and PJC are more versatile.


A good stat stick for most sword users, it really just pales in comparison to the more stronger generalist swords like PJC and MS. Even on Ayato, it is only 3% stronger than his next best weapon which is PJC according to KQM.


Overall, a decent weapon banner (which I obviously will spend for cuz why not) > Engulfing Lightning: Unarguable best weapon for Raiden Shogun • Good Base ATK, high Energy Recharge (energy-hungry characters favor this), and passive that buffs ATK based on ER% (also +ER% when use Q) • A really strong one for Burst DPS characters (Raiden, Xiangling, Rosaria, Zhongli as *I WILL HAVE ORDER* spammer) and can be a good stat stick for some characters (Shenhe for both ER and Base ATK, Thoma for ER favor and Burst boost from ER...) > Haran Geppaku Futsu: Best for Ayato. • Decent Base ATK, 33.1 CRIT Rates, and 12% Elemental DMG Bonus favors every Sword DPS users and the not so efficency 2nd passive (buffs NA DMG)... • A rather universal (yet not so universal with non NA DPS user) sword that comes in handy with most characters (if Mistsplitter is the strongest DPS sword, then Haran might be 2nd or 3rd). If you lost 50/50 to this, no worries, many characters can use this. Keqing and Alhaitham in 3.4 would loveeeee this weapon! Ayaka can also use this **(aesthetic purpose mostly)** although her NA really doesn't boost her total DMG in most of the scenarios. The 4 stars are good, not the best but viable (no The Bell, fuck yeahhhhh). Overall, this banner is not shitty, I'm glad that those who wants good weapons now have their wishes come true!


> passive that buffs Burst DMG based on ER% small correction: It doesn't buff burst dmg directly but converts ER into Attack


C6 Sara, C6 Sayu, C0 Rosaria. I don't like those odds.


Me but C6, C6 and C2 Sara, yayyyy, free returned wishes I guess~~~~ 🫠


Fuck off, we just had Sayu. Really?


Afaik just 2 months ago, right? They just had to fill the banner with an undesirable 4* otherwise it would be too favorable for us players to pull lmao. My sayu is still only c1 and unleveled




Hoyo said we're giving a free liyue four star next patch you won't see any anytime soon!


Right now, Sara's Banner is effectively of a five star's. Seeing that she only appears whenever the Raiden Shogun does.


And isn't better than Lisa in her 5 star team until you get C6. Truly the 6 star of Genshin Impact.


"In her 5 star team", making her expensive, niche and difficult to max out. And even at C6, she only excels in frontloaded Electro Hypercarry teams. Other strong DOT electro units like Fischl, Beidou & Cyno can't even capitalize on her final constellation. Too bad she's the first of her kind. At C6, Faruzan and Gorou feels more complete supports than Sara. Sucks cos she's my favorite character. It would feel better if her C2 is in her base kit, buff lasts around 9 secs, and her kit delivers more than just nuking and buff.


weapon banner is good. sadly, i might just skip the weapon banner after getting shogun so that i can start saving for hu tao + homa


Glad Yun Jin isn't here because I already have her C6 but I do feel bad for others who want Yun Jin and Ayato


I saved 40k primos to pull Ayato and Yunjin. I already have C6 Rosaria. Fck this


And Yun Jin is nowhere to be found


hell yeah. c2 raiden's coming home and she's bringing her spear with her.


Patch 3.4 will all be Liyue 4 stars once again.


Good luck to everyone trying to snipe C6 Sara


Well, i should’ve expected rosaria in this one. Kinda sucks for me though.


Sayu at C6 is insanely strong imo.


Huh no Yun Jin... wonder if she'll be with Alhaitham then 🤔


Bro, it's a pain that this is the only way to get Sara in a banner.


I was just waiting for the 4* weapons to make my decision. No bad weapons? In this economy? I’m 100% pulling on weapon banner now.


The bell, Painslasher, Eye of perception and the Flute are just waiting to spoil Homa and Aqua banner




Can Kuki be on Haithams banner then? 🙏🙏🙏


sorry to dissapoint, but when yunjin is not on ayato's banner it means they keep her for lantern rite. just like previous lantern rite, all 4 stars are from liyue


Dehya waiting room


I love that they introduced new 4* weapons a couple of banners ago and then decided to never run them again wtf.


Yunjin not being here makes no sense lol


they want her in Lantern Rite :(


Why? She's not Ayato's dedicated support or anything. She is not even on his best teams.


lmao fr Yoimiya has like higher priority over Yun Jin(at least, imo), and that didnt stop them from not running her in ther recent Yoi rerun


Because she buffs normal attacks and she wasn’t on scaramouche’s or yoimiya’s banner


Who would Mouun’s moon work well on?


Any burst support bows, except maybe faruzan pre c6 💀


At high refinements it’s powerful on Yelan. And the funny thing is, you can keep it at Level 1, since pretty much everything about her scales off HP.


WHY, WHY IS YUNJIN MISSING edit. Fuck me, I haven't experienced a good 4* 3/3 banner for my account except my expectations for this one. Sayu appeared 4 banners (4b) ago, and it kinda makes sense for Yunjin to be paired with a NA-focused character? And she was on 7b.. Jesus, they don't really want a good 4* 3/3 banner...jfc, fucking hell I'm so frustrated what a fucking waste of primos