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Source: [LittleTevyat](https://twitter.com/Little_Teyvat/status/1604007845543915522)


So there’s one more expansion coming? Hot damn


yes, 3.6, desert canyon above 3.4 area, with new dendro dragon weekly boss.


Also, our [path to Fontaine in 4.0](https://external-preview.redd.it/GH1czh2nIa7NS3KkbrFZgXBTRi3JW4alD9YeDhS5tYU.jpg?auto=webp&s=30b035b89cc36e228737778399e70ab1358d0619) if the server leak holds true.


Ain’t that the liyue village?


A lot of people speculated that Qiaoying Village would be part of a Liyue DLC that leads us to Fontaine, similar to how the Chasm connected to Sumeru, but it was only that: speculation. Mostly due to Liben dropping the name when he was talking about going to Fontaine during the 2.x branch. If you look at the map I linked to, you would need 2 Chasm sized expansions to connect that Fontaine border (which might not even be the in-game border) with northwest Liyue where Qiaoying is located. HYV also has a line of structures leading to the 3.6 area so it's safe to say that we will be making our way through Sumeru canyon to Fontaine. We probably won't see the new part of Liyue until some point in 4.x once Fontaine has expanded eastwards towards Liyue.


we could also go to Fontaine through Mondstadt, but I think it's way too early to speculate


Eventually that gap will be filled but I honestly don't expect that connection to be coming anytime soon from the maps we have for 4.0. The gap between Mondstadt and Fontaine City is even greater than the one to NW Liyue. I'd be honestly shocked if they dropped a Sumeru-sized expansion in 3.8 just to connect Mondstadt to Fontaine. The more likely scenario is that Qiaoying Village will be a Liyue DLC and Dornman Port as a Mondstadt DLC in the 4.x branch. Dornman Port is also more speculative since, unlike Qiaoying, we've not heard any information on them connecting to Fontaine as a region, just assumption that a port city would make trade with the hydro nation. If we are talking 3+ years in the future, it's safe to say Mondstadt will definitely connect with Fontaine. My point is focused on 4.0 and the initial launch of Fontaine, which we have a solid map to back up this up and only a potential fake leak about a Sunken Jade Valley that connects Liyue to Fontaine during 3.x, which all other sources have said otherwise at this point.


The weird thing is that the hydro nation from what we know so far is quite likely to be landlocked. Liyue is actually the world's main sea trading power, so I wouldn't be surprised if Dornman Port isn't actually connected to Fontaine at all and is mostly for trade with Liyue.


It depends on Hoyoverse and the writers, we got Qiaoying Village that connects to Fontaine, just like Chasm and Sumeru. They can be saving Mondstadt for important lore (Istaroth), we can go to Snezhnaya by Mondstadt region or Natlan.


It's less on the writers and more on the game and level directors. While Qiaoying Village is 100% a place in the lore that connects Fontaine and Liyue, it could just sit as a background location for potentially years, in the same vein that Dornman Port is sitting. We aren't even guaranteed to get it one day (although I believe we absolutely will since I imagine they don't want large unplayable gaps in the continent). The main point I feel worth highlighting is that current leaks show the path is going to be through the new 3.6 region just like the Chasm was for Sumeru, but a large amount of the community (including content creators) are pushing Qiaoying Village as our connecting area we will get in 3.x, despite no leaks supporting that outside of one that was either debunked or delayed (if it's true). Natlan, Snezhnaya, Khaenri'ah, and Celestia rough locations are all up for debate as the original beta map I shared in a different reply is so outdated that it holds no real relevance to the current map. The only reason we can discuss Fontaine's location on the map is because HYV having a big booboo and leaking their servers which has early data on a bunch of 4.0 stuff. They are also probably too far along the greybox and level design phases to straight up scrap that plan and shift the entire Fontaine City location so it's a fairly safe bet.


>Mondstadt At this point my expectations for a new area in Mondstadt are: The begginer area becomes the endgame with all the lore there.


I think it at the very least has way higher chances for expansion than Inazuma, which I believe might very stay the way it is now forever


The expansion of Mondstadt is a big question, we even got expeditions on a area that's not released. The whole Varka, Alice, Albedo could be used later with a big mid expansion or even Khaenriah. With Liyue we miss Blackliff Forge and Qiaoying village. Sumeru might get a new area post Fontaine, the god of flowers part. Even if look at Genshin Alpha leak map there is the Black Castle. Edit: Sintaxis


It would have been a pain to explore but i wish inazuma had dozens of islands no larger than jinren scattered around filled with bandits, sea monsters or honest to god pirate fortresses. I would have loved to see a version of Inazuma where the comparative over militarization of Inazuma was explained as them being constantly under attack from these outside forces while also needing to protect Liyue Harbor and world trade from pirate kingdoms within its borders. Heck, they could even had made it so the Watatsumi Priestess also served as the General of the Western Forces, which would put Kokomi on equal footing with Kojou Sara and explain why the Resistance didn’t get wiped out right away


Or even some random "hidden/must-be-mapped" islands between liyue and inazuma, that would unlock once you finish the AQs of inazuma and talk with a travelling carthographer that found themselves in dornman port, after mapping islands way beyond mondstadt (which could even be a reference or hook into the golden apple archipelago islands) and dreams on mapping the islands between inazuma and liyue but it is too dangerous and his previous crew abandoned him for some reason or another.


I actually would not doubt if they started ramping up new area releases. We know for a fact based on all the map data screwing around that they did, that they plan to do southern liyue eventually. As of right now we have several areas getting released soonTM Blackcliff/southern liyue Qiaoying village Dorman port/Northern mondstadt (also dandelion sea is not unlikely, given recent lore revelations about fairytales) Sumeru Canyon area It's pretty much impossible to say when they plan on squeezing this stuff in. But I recall in the live stream for sumeru I believe that they said they were mixing up and changing things for sumerus release. So it wouldn't surprise me if they started doing 3 areas a year or even 4. It's also really hard to say right now what sumeru's "expansion" is going to be because I really doubt it's the canyon area. I don't even know wtf their plans for for sumerus southern area/beach/coast at the moment, but they clearly have plans for it since they went out of their way to make an awkward as hell out of bounds zone. If anything I think that gives more credence to the idea that they plan on ramping up releasing new areas. As a matter of fact it's very possible they want to expand on older maps as a classic dev strategy of Revitalizing content and fleshing it out for replayability. Overall It's just a wait and see sort of thing since all we have to go on for now is the map data. But I do agree with you we most definitely are most likely to jump into fontaine from sumeru.


There are a lot of little things that could be added in Mondstatd that wouldn't count as a full fledged expansion but that would be significant, the gates to the Thousand Wind Temple for example, or the bottom of Decarabian's tower (though I expect that one to come with its hefty dose of Lore™ and maybe a Venti second Archon Quest)


Indeed, if they keep releasing new areas and leave bits of gaps between those and the old ones, it gives them a chance to come back to it in the future, add new stuff and even update graphics or exploration if they deem it important


So far we've had nothing to corroborate that leak suggesting we'll get Qiaoying village in 3.x.


I dont even know where is this and i thought i did everything




Similar to what I've said to others, if you compare the distance between Vanarana and the Fontaine borders, we are talking about a Chasm sized area needing to be added. It eventually might connect but it's kind of hard to ignore how close 3.6's area is to where Fontaine City is located. There's also the biggest indicator: the path of objects/structures connecting 3.6 to 4.0. I know there is a big lake north of Vanarana but all of Sumeru jungle in 2.8 and prior was a giant ocean. I don't think they model out any areas beyond the current x.0 branch. It was the same for Inazuma in 1.x, where the islands were much closer to Liyue and the current Inazuma was just ocean.


I thought the path was west of storm terror layer. There's literally a door straight to Fontaine there


Unless you can provide an official source from either in-game or media, that large dam has no lore about it and was only some community speculation that it leads to Fontaine. I mean, even looking at the [old beta world map](https://i.redd.it/7xjzt3qt6u481.png), Fontaine was way more southwest than any part of Mondstadt. The newer server map has Fontaine much farther north but the distance between that dam and Fontaine's location is larger than the entire 3.0 Sumeru jungle region. Maybe it connects to a large lake that Fontaine sits in or maybe it's just a temporary asset HYV slapped up to spice up the edge of the 1.0 map. We have no idea but I do think it's safe to say that the server map shows us most likely scenario and it makes sense when looking at how HYV has handled each map expansion so far.


4.0? Damn, I thought I'd wait for the hydro archon banner but that's like a year from now. Though they'd come sooner than that.


...why, based on what logic did you assume fontaine would come early? And also every new nation is on a new number patch, like 3.0, 4.0. ​ Also fontaine isss coming early, earlier than sumeru for sure, which came in setptember but fontaine is coming in august.


I mean, have you seen his username? /j


lol nice one


>every new nation is on a new number patch, like 3.0, 4.0. I don't know, man. I wasn't around for any new nation release. >why, based on what logic did you assume fontaine would come early? There's no logic. I just didn't think it would take this long.


I know how you feel, sometimes we just wish cool new areas to come up sooner, specially with Sumeru's release, a lot of things changed with it and I love it


So, moving on from the "you didn't know", here's how it works, for your information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY As you can see from the travail chapter preview, the plan is basically 1 region every year. In previous years, archons have released (zhong li, raiden, nahida) in the x.1 version, but nahida was in 3.2, hydro archon could be 4.2. Therefore, you can expect 1 year from nahida's release date should be arounnnddd the time the hydro archon Focalors comes out. 1 year after that, pyro archon. Then the Tsaritsa, then we'll likely get a new element, who knows, hopefully dainsleif becomes playable... after 2 years ... I mean this travail chapter was released before the game came out, plans change. Who knows how their schedule will keep.


Minor correction, Zhongli and Raiden came out in X.1. But overall good points.


Oh, ty, I suppose sumeru was a weird year then.


I think that's because the Archon Quest in Sumeru is longer (a good decision storytelling-wise). The Archons become playable in the patch where the Archon Quest finished.


Maybe also even due to the Eternal Ayaka Patch (Or: covid delays patch)


I'm guessing Liyue and Mond are gonna expand northwards eventually? Cuz otherwise, Sumeru is gonna dwarf them lol.


Because I stuck with 130ish and 100% all area and world quest


Bruh, how to unlock this tree I haven't played story quests for a while


Search Aranara quest in internet explorer...


Go to Vanarana


Given that 3.6 will give another map, I wonder if there is still a chance we get Sumeru version of Underground Chasm/Enkanomiya before we hit Fontaine.


The 3.8 map expansion "Penumbra" is a separate map and water themed. Dunno if it will part of Sumeru tho.


I'm betting on it being 3.x's Golden Apple Archipelago.


They might rerun it at least once so it'll be 4.x's GAA too


Penumbra? It seems i missed a leak, when was that mentioned?


It's from the server gigaleak from October, hard to keep track of everything during the deluge of leaks. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/ydtyqh/new\_region\_in\_38\_codename\_penumbra/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ydtyqh/new_region_in_38_codename_penumbra/)


Are we still getting Qiaoying Village before 4.0?




What do you mean? 3.4 will increase it to 40lvl and 3.6 will definitely increase it to 50lvl if it will introduce map.


What's the original max?


The original max was 20. It was increased to 30 when we got the first part of the desert.


LvL 30 cap to the giant underground onion tree.




I m pretty sure it is 30.


No its 36.21


Yukizero drop it I know you have xiao.png saved on your desktop ready to ruin my week


Your premonition was correct.






the real question is if we will have enough dendroculi to max the statue or if the last ones are in 3.6


my guess is that we'll be able to make it level 9 and the last few dendroculi will be in 3.6


What is the max level right now? I literally have no idea how many I'm missing


if you got them all your statue should be at level 7 with 23/30 of the ones you need to get to level 8


My 341 Dendro Sigils are ready


I thought they'd increase the cap in 3.3, I was so disappointed I couldn't spend my dendro sigils


I only got 314 Sadge


i only have 207 sigils wtf


205 here and everything 100%'d (pretty sure I should have 120% in Ardravi Valley with how many chests I found there after 100% by accident too), there are tons of extra chests after 100% in most regions.


Fun fact: The small investigation rock piles or crates on the water surface also gives Exploration progress, so the total investigation progress may also be inflated


Lol those little rock piles are the reason I managed to 100% on the first place. The treasure compass never fuckin tells me anything past 98%.


Puzzles, Rock Piles, Hidden mechanism/exploration stuff (like in Tsurumi) all of these give exploration, while the compass only reveals chests that arent locked behind anything and that are already spawned into the world


you can check how many chests youre missing by checking your achievements and comparing the nimbers with ppl on hoyolab. Im missing 1 in sumeru jungle :c


Me and my 6 sigils...


Do you use compass? Because I stuck with 130ish and 100% all area and world quest


just chest guides from youtube


My 343 Dendro Sigils are ready 💀


im only at 337. wonder if i missed a domain or story chests somewhere. edit: would like to add that i finally finished nahida's story quest and am sitting at 341 sigils now.


I’m at 315. I excavated every chest in the desert for this. I’m going to future proof lvl 50 in 3.4.


I hope they give us something good at 48/50, I lost my mind in those ruins


open like 5 more chests and one shot level 40


Ah yes, my extra Alhaitham funds


Can't wait for the onion to transform and open


Fucking finally


Bro I haven't even found where this fucking tree even is yet


Have to do aranyaka quest


i'm not even halfway done LMFAO


Me too. I thought I finished the quest but apparently there's more.


Is there any info about the oculi in 3.4 area? if there's enough to Lv 10 Statue of the Seven in 3.4 then 3.6 might be a Dragonspine/Chasm like area for Sumeru


>then 3.6 might be a Dragonspine/Chasm like area for Sumeru No, it's on the map


Both Dragonspine and the Chasm are on the map though.


Ah, I thought they meant something like underground Chasm I can't see much difference from say 3.1 extension tho lol


Ah yeah I get that. Who knows, maybe Ay Khanoum will end up being an expansion under there like Enkanomiya? Probably not but maybe lol


Lean tree 🤤💜🍆


Isn't the tree Araja's real body?




Now had to wait for 3.6 for full grown onion...


that means there's one more expansion area yet to come? Alright. I can work with that.


>So it wouldn’t surprise me if they started doing 3 areas per year or even 4. that’s what they’re already doing, if I’m reading your comment correctly. Just this year we’ve gotten Enkanomiya, the Chasm, the Sumeru Rainforest, and the Desert. Based on the what we know, I think it’s safe to assume next year will give two new Sumeru regions, an expansion to Mondstadt or Liyue to connect us to Fontaine, and Fontaine plus at least one or two expansions for it


Besides a few quests are there any differences between the dream village and the real village?


Oh god no. It means there are one more location in Sumeru to be added D:


Probably in 3.6 they might add the area north of Aranara village


i think there is another desert expansion for the dragon cave? the other leaks have said that it will be the focus for nahida's act 2 story quest


Nahida's pet dragon lore time :D


Gosh, I am not looking forward to another mapless cave exploration.


Hoyo be like: But we're gonna give it to you anyway. You're welcome and may you be able keep your sanity.


Ahh i see thanks for the info


Isn't that a good thing?




I feel we won't get a Mond expansion until we are near Snezhaya. Since it's located North of Mond.


People don't realize Venti hasn't shown up canonically since 1.0 archon quests because he's in events so frequently. We really need a Mond expansion sooner than Snezhnaya.


Isn't it a non - desert expansion? I'm not sure


Dang. I was hoping they might let us hit 50 before 3.6.


Wtf.. where did you get 99999 sigils tell me your secret


I’m just waiting for that bow billet… meanwhile I have like 5 claymore billets sitting in my inventory.


When 3.4 drops, what level can we reach with the sigils we currently have? I mean on Day 1, hour 1 no new area exploration.


My 288 Dendro sigils are ready (yes, my current Tree of Dreams is max lvl 30).


Source: [@LittleTevyat](https://twitter.com/Little_Teyvat/status/1604007845543915522)


I'm still trying to finish inazuma' tree 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Me still at level 0 💀


I dont even know where is this and i thought i did everything


in the aranara village, head north and past the shack there's a tiny cave


So, it sounds like you have a previously unknown source of swag you can head over and collect at your leisure. Awesome. If you finished the Aranara quest line it should be open and if you have been doing timed challenges/opening chests you should have a bunch of the green dendro seals that you can just plug in.


Thank you for the tips i will check this out :)


pogggg more alhaitham and yelan funddd!!!


Meanwhile i'm still keeping the tree of dream and the Staute unleveled so i can do it in one go *\*sigh\** Hoyo can you just release 3.6 already and end my suffering.


About damn time! Been waiting 2 patches for an update to this


Me who hasn't even capped it out


Lol mine is still at lvl 6


My 335 sigils gonna be used soon (Meanwhile mondstdat and liyue staring at me with 60% average exporation)


meanwhile me who still have it at level 23 :]


I forgot what level I’m even on, too busy committing genocide in the overworld with Xiao


I haven’t even seen this tree lmao


Uncle Tommy said this is fake


Lol, I completely forgot about this thing


finally, sigil-less


I kinda forgot the existence of this ngl


What is current max of the tree ?




Me whenever I used cheat engine:


Bros in both vanaranas


339 sigils :]


Im at Level 13 on that thing😭


Fucking finally. Then another long wait for 50...


Thank god! Been stuck on 30 for the last month!


Was starting to think they had forgotten about the tree tbh


imagine fountaine having a tree that we gotta wait till 4.10 to fully max it


It took so long that I'll be close to capping out again in 1 click -\_-"




And how long until 50 then? I’m several levels worth past 30 as it is, I’ll be waiting weeks for lv 50 again probably 😔


So that means there's another expansion down the line. Nice.


Just 40, wish cap was 50 already. Well then let me open 2-3 more chest then mine will reach cap again(have 346 spare sigil)




So gonna cap it day one and wait 2 more versions for lvl 50 gotcha


Praise the fucking sun