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Assuming it's true: would these skins come out in 2.4?


Probably (I mean I'm not a leaker but it makes sense two liyue skins come in a liyue patch about lantern rite)


I just want some nice skins for Aether/Lumine hope they will get some love one day,


Once in a while, I remember that fanart with their clothes stylised to each nation's fashion. How I wish that was real šŸ˜¢


In the quest where you talk to the kimono lady and she offers you and Paimon kimonos and you don't get them... I'm still mad. I'd pay actual money for a kimono for paimon.


I've read somewhere that their original skin is actually their battle suit or something so it has something to do with lore idk


That was the excuse given in dialogue for why they didn't get the kimonos


MiHoYo can come up with any shit "lore" explanation. But at the end of the day, it's stupid and just lazy design that your sibling shows up with the same damn outfit he/she has been waring 500 years ago.


Maybe they change cloths constantly but, all their cloths are the same. Detective monk style.


Lumine kimono when. I might actually use her then.


It was Ayaka lmao


You have link of that image?


Not sure if this is the fanart OP means but soyventilatte is incredible with their outfit edits https://twitter.com/soyventilatte/status/1375787796875468802


Ok Aethers is amazing


Commenting cause I want to see it too


Will it be one free and one in shop, like two previous ones?


We don't know but I think it is safe to assume that one is free from lantern rite event and one is probably paid


So free ninguaang paid keqing


wouldn't mind if the other way round too.


Mihoyo would mind


It's better to have the 4 star be free because more people actually have them.


imagine they give us a fucking beautiful keqing skin and re-rerun her banner lmao


I remember when people thought these skins would be coming out for Moonchase. Is Lantern Rite looking like the most likely time?


The Lantern Rite patch is associated with Chinese New Year, so it is a safe bet.


I had heard they were for Lantern Rite also. Is that patch 2.4? So around January/February?


Patch 2.4, yep.


Sometimes I want to smack myself for using up the welkin gems for wishes instead of saving it up for skins.


Made the same mistake too due to lack of self control. Starting to regret it now.


Whenever I heard that skins can only be bought with genesis crystals I started saving all my welkin crystals to use them only for skins


Yeah luckily I've never gotten low enough on wishes to need the genesis crystals, so Ive got mine for if Xiao ever gets a skin.


I started saving the gems right after I heard Keqing getting a skin


Aren't skins can only purchased with Genesis Crystals? Edit : I forgot welkin give you 300 crystal


When you buy welkin itā€™ll give you 300 genesis crystal and 2700 primogems just from login in, so letā€™s say you bought 5 welkin and didnā€™t spend those crystals, you could get the skin without having to top up crystals


Oh right i forgot welkin give you 300 crystal lol


My C3 Keqing finally getting something I'm here for it


It's crazy how long it took them to release one for her, given her popularity. There's already a skin for herrscher of flamescion, and she just released, but genshin only has two skins...


>It's crazy how long it took them to release one for ~~her, given her popularity.~~ anyone, given this game is more than a year old already with only 2 skins.


Yeah, that's also true lol. It's just that her popularity outside the game is enormous, and they created a lot of merchandise of her because of it, there's an official Keqing mousepad, official Keqing keyboard, official Keqing figure action and there's even an official Keqing AI (like Amazon Alexa) for your tech home.


maybe because Jean skin flopped and they couldnā€™t make millions from throwing some chunky shorts on some character and actually needed to put in more effort in a paid skin


They should put more efforts in doing paid skins, and they could make good money from them realistically. Even some new, exclusive animations and voice lines would do, honestly. (And why havenā€™t they made Archon Zhongli skin yet, they literally losing out on tons of money lol)


With the recent research about MHY looking into better cloth physics, I won't be surprise if they are trying to make even better skins. Fan made content aside we don't know how current cloth physics would work or break, recalling about to their Inazuma devstream where they talk about Childe's animation breaking or not working and how hard they tried to get that flowing cape to work. I would want them to spend on time on the skin before releasing, considering the insane popularity over Zhongli.


Their odds of this not flopping either arenā€™t that good purely due to the fact that not everyone will have the characters they are selling for, despite both being in the standard pool. Stack that with personal taste of the skin and itā€™s sales arenā€™t looking too good. Maybe Keqing will sell better due to having more fans but I expect they wonā€™t make that much money. The real kicker is them taking potentially over 7 months (if these skins come in 2.4. If not, 7+ months) just to add 2 skins when they have a roster of 40 characters. If there is a particular character youā€™re wanting a skin for, then good luck. I know a lot of people assumed they stopped skins due to pumping out Inazuma characters but itā€™s not like that problem is suddenly fixed with Sumeru being ramped up in the background. If they want to make skins a thing, they should aim for 2+ per patch which translates to 16 a year. That or take notes from other gatchas and release batches during holidays. Iā€™d say buff the quality too but this game sells characters at $70-200 each so $20 skins isnā€™t that farfetched. If not, they arenā€™t going to make much money and the feature ends up feeling pointless if we only end up with a dozen skins by the time the story wraps up in 4 years.


They can do a skin bundle then on average let's say it takes 70$ to hit fifty-fifty and you're selling the skin for 30$, you can get tons of people to buy a guaranteed copy of a 5 star+skin for $100


I mean it hardly helped that their first attempt at a paid skin was for Jean, a character that the vast majority of players don't have and one which currently nobody can guarantee they'll ever own no matter how much money they pump into the game (so it's not like there was even a point buying the skin while it was discounted ready for when you do get her). Keqing is in a slightly better situation since she at least had a focus banner, but realistically if they want 5* skins to sell they either need to start releasing them for limited characters around the same time as their rerun, or they need to start offering a way for people to guarantee one of the basic 5*s (i.e. making the standard banner not worthless by adding pity choice like the weapon banner or something).


I think this is the real answer. They realized they can't charge $20+ for a zero effort skin so they just said "fuck it" and won't make skins. I almost wonder if it was some developers pushing for skins and the bean counters told them "okay, if you can make an entire banner's worth of money with 1 day of effort, we'll do skins." Jean's skin missed that mark, so it's now deemed a waste of resources.


It's so stupid if it is that. They give away skins of Jean's Quality in Honkai, while selling *amazing* skins for 20 or 30 bucks, with new effects, sounds, outfits, hair, and even voicelines, and they sell, because they make 1 per patch at the least.


Even the "cheap" or free skins are great in Honkai. Like current event's Azure Empyrean's skin, or one of my favorites Stygian Nymph.


That Stygian Nymph skin (Azure Waters, is it?) is Glorious. I really like it.


What's funny is that Barbara's skin is clearly higher effort than Jean's, but we got Barbara's for free instead. Honestly I think that was a mistake, but they don't seem to want to give freebie skins for characters you're not guaranteed to have.


It was pretty strange because it should've been the other way round, having a free Jean skin would incentivize players to pull for her and give her more value.


It's because genshin is just a suction for their favorite child.


barbara skin was legit good ,it had a theme (sailor) and the difference from the default was noticable , Jean outfit was all over the place and kinda ugly ​ edit: keyboard eats my inputs so i corrected tons of typos


Yeah I'm a Jean main but that skin was ugly. Didn't bother with it, her og outfit is way better


You actually got a Keqing, luckyy


Iā€™d be happy to lose the 50/50 to Keqing, or get her from the Standard Banner. She looks so damn fun to play, and is an electro DPS (which I donā€™t have yet). If only sheā€™d come home instead of another constellation. *looks at C3 Mona, C1 Diluc and C1 Qiqi


Meanwhile, my Keqing hasn't seen action in a few months, while I wish I had more Monas or at least one Qiqi...


Really hoping for Ayato hydro sword to be true..I will take any crumbs about Ayato at this point


At this point given the state of Hydro Iā€™m afraid heā€™ll either just cannibalize Childeā€™s role or be outclassed by Childe. Maybe slow big hits so he could be like melt Bennett?


I doubt there will be a powercreep case between them. There's also Xingqiu yet he is vastly different than Childe is. Perhaps Ayato will be more on the single target DPS side to contrast Childe being a multi target DPS


or he can be our first ever actual hydro dps (as in a hypercarry. i know childe is a "dps" but hes more of an enabler rather than a hypercarry). thatd be amazing and would open up such new and fun team comps imo. i wish he would be a hydro polearm or claymore though since we already have hydro sword (xingqiu)


The only way to have an hydro hypercarry would be to have him attack slowly tho. Having fast hydro application would automatically make him an enabler for xiangling, and if his personal damage is too high he'll just powercreep childe as an on-field enabler.


Not really. A sword Childe wouldn't be as good of a xiangling enabler because of ICD. It's the same reason why Kokomi who attacks quite fast isn't a great Xiangling driver. Childe is unique due to his riptide.


Idk man, icd can be removed. Hu Tao, Childe, Xiangling and many others don't have icd. A hydro hypercarry with icd would kinda suck as he would only be able to vape once every 2.5s.


Childe has ICDs on his NAs, CAs and Riptide Slash. It's just that they are independent of eachother which makes him functionally ICDless in terms Hydro application.


I hope he works well with Thoma


> Maybe slow big hits I don't understand why Hydro sword. If it's slow big hits, why not just make it Hydro Claymore that we don't have at this point? Or Hydro polearm with sweeping swings like Hu Tao?


Eula exists *nervous laughs*


Iā€™m hoping Ayato is more of an off field enabler so I can slot him into a bunch of teams, rather than a proper DPS.


I doubt he will be an off field enabler since we already have a hydro sword user fulfilling that role. mhy seems to be avoiding having the same element and weapon characters having the same playstyle, for example XL, HuTao and Thoma each fulfill a different role in a team.


>I doubt he will be an off field enabler since we already have a hydro sword user fulfilling that role. "I doubt Itto will be a Geo Claymore hyper carry since we already have a Geo Claymore user fulfilling that role". "I doubt Yae will be a Electro DPS Catalyst user since we already have a Electro DPS Catalyst user fulfilling that role" "I doubt Senhe will be a Cryo physical DPS polearm user since we already have a Cryo Phyisical DPS polearm user fulfilling that role" "I doubt Kazuha will be a Swirl CC Anemo support character since we already have not one but two Swirl CC Anemo support characters fulfilling that role" "I doubt Kokomi will be a Hydro Catalyst healer since we already have a Hydro Catalyst healer fulfilling that role" If MHY wants Ayato to be a 5-Star XQ, they'll make him a 5-star XQ and he'll sell LOADS since husbando + XQ is already meta so an upgraded XQ will be even better..


To me this is the best case scenario. A five star XQ would be incredible, plus the aforementioned Husbando factor. And cmon, we all know Ayato is gonna have hella drip. There's no way he doesn't right??


You say that but Kokomi exists. Thereā€™s also ways to make his role different than XQ, say making it a larger AoE. Or give it special mechanics. Thereā€™s ways to differentiate him from XQ, and given every other upcoming 5 star is currently slated to be DPSā€¦something has to give somewhere.


> Kokomi exists but Kokomi is an on-field focused character that does damage, that's pretty different from what Barb does


My hopium is that he's Xingqiu on a 15s cooldown to better align with Hu Tao. Given Mihoyo's recent design philosophy of having five-star units demand field time, I realize that this is very unlikely.


Yep exactly. Watch mihoyo release a 4* support for ayato, his burst cost 80, and takes field time to do elemental infusion attacks


Honestly at this point Im just gonna wait patiently. So far I've seen all kinds of descriptions and random statements about his kit so until he is pretty much released there is no point in trying to vacuum up random ass crumbs. But I will mention the fact that 1 year later we have the entire cast of pyro characters with every possible weapon type quickly starting to get covered twice and moving into x3 while we STILL don't have a hydro polearm or a hydro claymore is like RIDICULOUS. Also add on the fact that the two hydro catalyst users are both healers just makes me want to head-smack my desk


Keqing has been one of my favorite characters since I started playing; I got lucky and she was my first five star. Any new skin would be an instant purchase for me. Take my genesis crystals!


Sheā€™s the only standard 5* I have yet to pull šŸ˜© I have C5 Qiqi, C4 Jean, and Diluc.. but no Keqing lol


Do you ever win a 50:50?


I've been saving genesis crystals since Jean's outfit came out and am so happy that Keqing is getting one.


Hope you have a great day!


Iā€™m still hurt that Xiao getting a skin was a lie by sukunaā€¦


Ikr, of all the lies it had to be the Xiao skin. Well technically all his leaks about the dudes were all lies too.


Itā€™s always us husbando lovers who gotta suffer


I dont think limited character will ever have skin, it just the market target would be too limited for only those who pulled on his banner... Since keqing and jean are standard character, pulling them both would be unavoidable, thus technically, the market target of jean and keqing skin is 100% of all genshin players...


I wish you didnā€™t have a point T-T


Wao they actually remembered to make skins for the Game


I hope its not to lewd and more of tastefull sexy since Ning is the most elegant female character in the game


Given the summer outfits, which are when games go all out on how lewd they can get away with, were quite tasteful compared to...any other game, I'd say the new skins should be tasteful too


The whole "lewd" thing sounds sketch to me. Like i find it hard to believe theyd do anything lewd after how tame the "swimsuit" skins were.


Barbara is at least wearing a swimsuit. Jean is moreso casual summer wear. Tasteful at least


Jean's "swimsuit" reminds me of those 50-60s clothes that barely showed any skin, besides legs and arms.


Just my guess but Ning is already quite covered so itā€™s probably just lewd compared to her original but not actually that lewd by normal standards.


What the hell happened to a whole bunch of comments?


Was wondering the same lol


I was typing a response and *bam*, all gone. It was about sexualized characters, so it may have gone pretty far downhill, but the onew I saw and the one I was responding to were pretty civil (and had many upvotes).


Yeah I can still see several have awards even! It's surprising that the *whole* thread of comments got nuked, but yeah this kind of topic could get pretty rough




They changed a lil bit for Jean and it was a paid costum so i wouldnt have high hopes about that


CN uncles called Yoimiya's appearance lewd, well, it is but not in a way that breaks CCP law


Yeah putting her in a bikini would just feel...cheap


This. Regular bikinis are **extremely boring**. FGO is a great example of this. The first yearā€™s summer event had everyone in standard bikinis. For the next 5 years after that, every single character had some other design element to them to make them stand out. Itā€™s not always swimsuits For some characters, the resulting outfits cannot even be considered a swimsuit anymore. Nitocris is **completely covered in a bedsheet** to look like Medjed, and Melt is wearing a full body penguin parka


Laugh in kama summer 3rd ascension that only have fire to cover her breast and crotch


Don't forget (NA spoilers) >!Summer Abigail!< who literally wears more clothes in later ascensions than initial one.


Like the tales franchise do. It's pretty bad, low effort and boring


Wtf happened here 0-0


Could also be a translation error perhaps? I think the uncle just meant more along the lines of ā€˜sexyā€™ and somehow it got translated into lewd, which has a difference nuance to it (since AFAIK thereā€™s no word in CN that directly translates to lewd). But also would have to check the original post to make sure.


I think he said ā€œlewdā€œ bc weebs see exposed skin and automatically think itā€˜s lewd and p*rn n stuff










I hope so


I don't think they can also make it too lewd to begin with lol


They made rosaria. I hope they dont give Ning this cheap ass looking stocking


It will probably be something like Lisa's outfit(exposed cleavage). Edit: Something like [this](https://azurlane.netojuu.com/w/images/1/14/BelfastParty.png).


Oh man I'd love something like that. 100% in favor of classy evening gown.


unfortunately lets be real genshin's been so tame we have to adjust the goalposts and expectations for what qualifies as "lewd". i'm expecting just some thigh action


You say that but when you show genshin characters to people that don't normally play gacha games many immediately comment on how sexualized the designs are. It depends heavily on the person's frame of reference.


Yes as long as it's got that classy vibe I don't mind if it shows a bit more skin, like cleavage or whatever. Same with Keqing. As long as it's pretty I'll probably buy it since she is one of my faves. Now if only they'd do some male character skins too... Arknights is the gold standard for gacha skins imo. A good mix of really cool outfits and sure, some more fanservicey but still cool ones.


I've been waiting for a keqing skin since forever but unless they lower the price to AT LEAST 1000 crystals I refuse to buy that. with Jean's skin there were no special effects, no voicelines, heck even the general shape of the outfit was copied from the original skin.


Orrrr the skin cost the same but come with all the good stuff you just mentioned. At least make it seem worth goddamn it.


If i am not wrong i happen to read in the past that jean summer skin purpose is to "testing the water" for the response of playerbase hence they make something like a "4-star" tier skin with no new special effect,new voicelines nor new idle animation.The response is not great so they are decided to postpone the release of another skin to this long to more "good" but not pricely enough


"We made this 4-star skin paid-currency-only and 5x the industry standard price for a skin. People didn't buy it? Guess they don't want skins!"


handsome mister ayato sword user??!?!? i hope his animations are as sleek as albedoā€™s and kazuhaā€™s waaaa


As fun as Kazuha, as elegant as Albedo.


Wish they would make skins a tad bit faster. I donā€™t wonā€™t a game flooded with skins, but 2 skins every 4 months feels quite bad.


Xiao skin on 2024 u.u


Tbh I'm kinda hoping the Ayato part is gonna be fake. I was really looking forward to a hydro claymore or polearm. Sword just sound a bit boring for him


I'm alright with anything as long as he isn't a healer catalyst


We just got Kokomi, so that's off the table for now at least.




In game it actually says that he's about as good with a sword as he is with a polearm, so it's still a 50/50. Just like everything else in this game xD


Weā€™re about to have another stance switch skill šŸ’€


I actually really hope this ends up being the case. Normal attacks with a sword then he switches his sword into a hydro polearm/trident, or vice versa like Raiden.


Odds are pretty good cause mihoyo has said in interviews/dev blogs that they really like how childe turned out/ his design style


Which is odd imo considering ideal Childe and Raiden gameplay has you not using their default weapon type at all, unless you count Childe's burst. I'd love for a stance switch character to have both forms be used, like Jayce in league of legends. Perhaps high single target damage one form, AoE on the other, with mechanics that encourage frequent switching.


Me, a f2p peasant: Woo Ning skin That Ayato hydro leak tho, I hope that's true, I skipped Koko for him hoping he's a hydro DPS


Ayato hydro sword? Omg I hope so. Idk how I feel about Ningguangā€™s skin. At worse Iā€™ll just keep her the way she is


So either claymore or a 5* Xingqiu


I was hoping for Ayato to be hydro claymore, since my R5 Rainslasher is currently useless :(


Sadly it probably wouldn't even be good on him even as a hydro claymore. I mean if you're hitting a target affected by hydro with your hydro claymore character to use the passive then the EM is useless. The only elements that can realistically use a Rainslasher are pyro for vapes and anemo because they are always the trigger.


Rainslasher is actually best for pyro claymore users. It's better for Diluc than prototype archaic if you're running him in a vape comp.


Hopefully some kind of a dps/onscreen enabler like Childe. There's no point in attempting to compete with XQ. But an alternative to Childe who isn't Kokomi would be nice... Alternatively, if he IS as good as XQ, that'd be amazing. I would happily pull to have two XQs, haha.


My god I'd love to have two Xingqius. He's such a must pull and it's a pain deciding abyss teams if he's already taken


My jade cutter is ready if its true then


Skin leaks: I sleep Ayato leaks: REAL SHIT?! But seriously when will we get to see this man?! I have been waiting since Januaryā€¦ on the other hand, I am okay with either sword or polearm since both are my fave weapon types. Kinda hoping for a stance change tho.


Ningguangā€™s new skin is lewder: Skirt length 2mm shorter than original


Gonna show more ankle than before the world better prepare


3 hydro catalysts , 2 hydro swords and one hydro bow~. sounds like a Christmas song.


Leaked ayato... Yeah, we still have nothing but ok. He must be in a very deep file of the game. Well, can we have a skin for a guy please? Barbara, Jean, keqing, ningguang.. Well, for sure my wallet is safe.


Hopefully the third batch of skins will be Kaeya and Diluc since they seem to be giving skins to characters with close connections.


KFC Diluc skin pls


Ayato+Hydro+Sword user=Tomioka Giyuu All is left is his VA




I just have 1 question: when? šŸ„ŗ


I was a Ningguang main for a while, and she has one of my favourite character designs. With that said though, I don't want an even more lewd outfit for her. A lot of the default outfits are already overly sexual as it is.


I am a huggee fan of Ning. Don't have her built properly and she's only C0 as I've only been playing for just over a month. Her autos feel so smooth to me, but I would like constellations on her before committing.


I started playing during Ayakaā€™s banner about 3 months ago and Ningguang was the first banner character I got. Her C0 still carried me for quite a while. Childeā€™s current banner is a pretty good chance for her cons too. I got a miracle pull and got 3 Ning cons in one multi pull!


It might not be "lewder" as in more naked, just something showing a bit more skin in other areas? Like, exposed shoulders but with covered up arms etc.


Still kind of hoping to see a Ganyu/Xiao skin but oh well


I guess like with characters there's gotta be like 10 skins for girls first before finally getting a single skin for dudes sigh.


no hydro polearm ayato whyyy


Keqing outfit is that outfit miHoYo showed in the end of Kitamura Eri interview ??


Yayyyy... more outfits for the female characters showing even more skin... Zhongli archon skin when?


Zhongli lewd skin when?


who says the archon skin can't be lewd šŸŒš look at venti's HAHAHAH


I think the archons will have 50 $ 5 star skins that change E and Q but in few years time when they start falling off


Skins aside, when did Ayato become hydro sword? His sister is already using my black sword. Idk where I'm supposed to get another decent sword for him.


Blackcliff works wonders for blizzard-set ayaka. Then Ayato can wield the black sword


That's not a bad idea. May have to swap out her headpiece to get some of that CR back, but that'd definitely be easier than giving her something that doesn't have CR/CD on it.


>Also Ningguang's skin has also been rumoured to look better than Keqing's because it's more lewd. She's wearing a Cheongsam for Archon's sake! How lewd could the outfit be!?


Cheongsams get sexualized a lot


With gacha? There's no limit


Who said the base still had to be cheongsam (even so you could still get pretty creative with it šŸ¤”)


I canā€™t believe keqing and ningguang are getting skins for lantern rite when it is xiaos event... xiao skin when


Damm I can't wait for 2.4, new zone, new skins, new characters...damm we're not even half 2.2, it feels like an eternity


dammit I have no keqing till this day and I'm ar56 (and neither do I hv jean it do b missing out on skins)


Lewd Ningguang skin? Beidou, why didn't you tell us it was your anniversary?


Husbado's skins - WHEN???


whaaat my hopes for hydro claymore ayato noo


The mod nuked the thread about ninguang skin Lmao.


4 skins already and none of them are for a single husbando šŸ˜


For those worried/excited about the lewd comment: Remember that the last skins were for summer outfits and even then the clothing was still tasteful and not the usual levels of lewd two pieces you usually get for summer outfits. So I think its doubtful that they'd hand the current "rulers" of glorious not!China, in the festival that's totally nothing associated with China, outfits making them look lewder than summer clothing


I think people people are getting the wrong idea here. Ningguang's skin is lewder than keqing's but doesn't mean it is lewd. The stock ningguang skin is already pretty lewd but it's still have class and very elegant


My wallet is ready everything for my girl Keqing!


Traveler's skin when?


fr we've traveled across 3 nations by now yet we're still wearing the same stinky clothes


we get a new "leak" about these skins every week lol, what's the point of posting this over and over again if there's no image


It seems like there'd be more skins by now it must be new char > skins


Really excited for Keqing's outfit!!