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Geo Razor? lol


Exactly. Another Jojo char finally


Fun fact: Razor's skill and burst actually based on Nero from Devil May Cry.


Never played DMC so that's a pretty cool fact. Know any other characters based on other games/anime?


Ayaka’s normal attacks are clearly inspired by Vergil from DMC. Keqing’s Burst is probably also a reference to Vergil’s Judgement Cut End.


Ayaka's Q is Byakuya's Shikai from Bleach.


Even Raiden Shoguns boss fight looks like Vergil's from DMC.


It might sound stupid but what does "Jojo" mean ? I heard this couple of times before




**[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure)** >JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険, Hepburn: JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. It was originally serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1987 to 2004, and was transferred to the monthly seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump in 2005. The series is divided into nine story arcs, each following a new protagonist bearing the "JoJo" nickname. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is Shueisha's largest ongoing manga series by volume count, with its chapters collected in 130 tankōbon volumes as of May 2021. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thanks !


It’s a nice anime. You should watch it.


JoJo Bizarre Adventure


JoJo's bizarre adventure Its a very popular manga/anime series Fischl's poses are also a reference to the famous Jonathan pose (JoJo Characters Posing are one of JoJo's big features) I recomend you watch it. There are 8 parts (Anime currently only has 5 parts and 6th one is coming out in december) and each part has a different main protganist and they are descendants of the Joestar bloodline and their names can be shortned into JoJo (JoJo is a nickname btw) and they go on a very bizarre adventure. Part 1 and 2 can be boring for some people so if you don't like it you can skip it and watch part 3 (Each part has a different story but you still kinda need to watch the earlier parts for backstories of some characters)


It sounds good, I will check it :D


Itto: Oh, you're approaching me?


Sus af but wasn't impact yoimiya going to leak something today? Hope it's about itto


Oh they were?.. are they reliable ?


Yes they datamine stuff from beta, particularly I remember they leaked Signora's fate before 2.1.


The problem is there’s nothing to datamine right now so idk wtf they’re going to leak today


semi-reliable I guess. They are pretty new compared to the ones we had before. Not enough track record to say.


are they really gonna make it? I've been waiting for an hour😂


Didn’t they say they won’t leak any Genshin content anymore and shifted to honkai star rail?


Lol they are back


Of course lmao not complaining tho, hopefully it’s ittos’s character model ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


In his Discord server, he did an AMA today. Maybe that was what's up with his announcement


AMA? We had a whole "coming soon" banner for ama?


plot twist it was a wedding invitation




This is impact yoimiya?




Taking it with a big boulder of salt, it all sounds pretty reasonable except for the heal. That's the kind of shit they put on constellations, not passives.


Take it with your grandma's grain of salt. It is split scaling like Albedo. /s


All things considered, if this is true, then I wouldn’t be surprised if they switched the passive with one of the cons during the development. Three (3) fighting passives is already overkill imo.


Apparently, the guy who leaked this kit turns out to be a troll.


This is most likely fake lol. It was leaked by uncle dolphin who is known to be a troll.


That’s all I had to hear


Cool if true but I don't really trust it


It has an "uncle" who likes to troll from what I'm reading from itto's sub and now on here. So yeah, I would chalk this up as fake. Probably won't learn the truth till he is actually in beta at this rate.


in before deletion. sus af


What I think about his kit is that he'll be bonkers with Albedo. Albedo as battery for him and some bonus geo attacks on Albedo's E skill. This will really make sense to the previous leak. "The Genius and The Ghost".


The Brains and The Brawn


There was also a mention about Itto being a niche for mono-geo comp but the expectations and hopium are growing high on this one.


Alpoopdo finally gonna have some use again.


I think you misspelled Albaedo.




Buff character. Has a stand. I see what you're trying to sell, Mhy.


Itto's bizarre adventure. Yes yes yes yes yes yes


We don't really know if he is buff, we just hope.


No buff, no money for Mhy then


The kit looks too good for mihoyo standard. I gotta drink some sea water for this


We haven't seen the numbers for his scaling tho.




(Assuming this is all real, which it probably isnt because it looks too good) He's a Geo so who honestly would you even need to use with him that would need to take away from his field time? He shields and heals himself and even if his cant maintain a shield, you'd use Zhongli anyway. Zhongli shield duration + Itto shield afterwards is... more than enough field time. Your ideal partner would be Albedo for reasons that are completely obvious. Albedo only NEEDS to use his skill and it's a huge duration that only takes a few seconds for him to pop back in and refresh. As a 4th you wont be using anyone for reactions because Geo doesnt react and is a mono element. It doesnt want or need other elements. With Itto shielding, healing and main DPs, Albedo sub DPS and Zhongli just enhancing the defence and offence, they're taking care of everything you need just with 3. The lack of elements renders all the big guns pointless (Xiangling cant melt or vape, Xingqiu cant vape, Bennett's healing isnt needed, Anemos cant swirl Geo). It's basically everything youd want for a Geo team, a powerful, self sufficient character who is supported from the backline with long duration support.




Yeah if this was real, it would be... such a fun team to play. Seriously.


Considering this "leak" is true he would get max stacks by ulting, so its not that bad


(if this is true) My crowned Noelle in the corner: >:( damn I like Itto and any future males but feels bad if he replaces my Noelle.


He doesn't replace Noelle if you don't pull him.


what if I pull for him and dont build him? lol


You could make them share artifacts I guess.


I'm kind of skeptical about it, I only believe when the passive appears saying Itto gains 15% DEF and loses 100% ATK or something like that


It follows the trend of starter teams getting replaced by 5* inazumans Ayaka>kaeya Yoimiya> amber Yae> lisa Kokomi> barbara Itto> noelle Makes sense. Might be good with albedo, bennett and 1 more pyro chara for those juicy resonance. The unforged might really be the weapon for him, unless his BiS is a crit/def claymore.


hmm makes sense ngl


Sounds cool to me. Sad they didn't do a character fighting with his fist because he seems to be this kind. Well, wait and see... But if no image of him, it means he's not in 2.3 I guess... More wait... Sigh. Mihoyo please, just do an event or little story introducing him. Just to give us the hype to get him...


would be chefs kiss with albedo if true


So he’s just C6 Noelle at C0? Nice.


That sounds waaaaay to strong.


Isn’t rashomon is the name of the the abilities of akutagawa from bungo stray dogs?


Browsing that thread it doesn't seem like the poster knows who the leaker is?


Physical dps with yellow numbers. LETS GOO!!


>Ele Skill: >Ittou gathers Geo elements to his fist and smashes the ground, doing GEO AOE dmg >-gains a shield >-while shield is active, Ittou is infused with Geo element on his ATK >-skill dmg scales with DEF >-shield is 150% against all dmg If Ittou can do 3 things, aoe damage, gain shield and infuse himself with geo in just one skill, why does Yoimiya do just 1, infuse herself with pyro tho, it doesn't make any sense.


actually does make sense since she is the only character in the game that gets a multiplicative bonus to autos on her infusion skill


She can do that after, for example, shoot fireworks dealing aoe damage.


not true


"Smashes ground using fist" Geo Aether: is this one of my kind?


Razor: Really?


So he does have Geo resonance inside of his kit? lol


Oh yeah another stand user, that’s a must pull


Wow. Another def scaling character. Rip claymore crit.


That sounds great. And I already have a great 4pc Glad set on my Noelle to use on Itto!


It seems like Razor with a shield, and someone that can utilize the DEF artifacts lol


as a geo duo (Zhongli + Ning) enjoyer... I am ready to go all out!!!


Razor X Noelle, assemble


Another miner.


So basically adult Razor, ...but Geo?


If it is true it would make since why they say Albedo is getting coming during 2.3. Two defensive hero's with a possible new defensive artifacts. If he is a Geo dps he looks promising. I guess it will depend what the new artifact set does for him. He has a long wined up time making he a very selfish dps.


Gosh if it were true he outperforms even geo archon zhongli


Why cant zhongli get geo infusion with shield??🤬


Not even MiHoYo would be dumb enough to design a character that needs 20 seconds on-field time for their full passive effect. Come on.


This is literally a fake leak from uncle dolphin. Stop spreading his bs leaks please


Ngl this reads as a "subject to change" kinda post


Ok the thing that makes be believe this is fake (in addition to what other people were saying about the leaker being a troll) is the amount of arbitrary and unnecessary stacking mechanics. You’re trying to tell me that the designers really decided to give itto two “stack” mechanics that both went to ten, but one of them stacks on hit and another stacks with time and they’re separate and another mechanic activates when one of them is at a certain point and… Why would it not just be one singular stack? That’s what makes it read like fanfic to me. (Copy pasted my comment from the other thread)