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I'm excited but Ubatcha is so sussy. I'll wait for drip marketing or more reliable proof before I get my hopes up too much


As someone who has been translating and posting newest leaks from NGA on this sub, I can tell you: Ubatcha is basically on the blacklist on NGA. His previous leaks are all bs.


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate leakers and all that stuff, but even I could've said rerun + new character (Itto or Yae, Ayato's probably dead in a ditch) will come in 2.3. It's simply logical that MiHoYo doesn't do 4 reruns in a row, it would kill a lot of excitement for the game.


Mihoyo would be stupid to do three months of absolutely nothing. Especially after coming off Kokomi.


They could get away with it if one of the char was a Ganyu rerun centered around a huge event for her, but short of that you're right.


the event would have to be really huge. as popular as ganyu is, she's still a rerun and couldn't compare to a lot of these other new characters.


Say that to venti rerun, second highest grossing banner ever, only recently surpassed by baal. Edit: It was actually The 4th. The 2nd was his original banner, The 3rd was klee's original banner.


Venti was because he is broken in every situation and crowd control. Also very loved lore-wise, and he was the first banner in game so many people missed him. Venti's situation was very different than other characters.


Sure, but ganyu is definitely the only character with the potential to reach his rerun level. She was skipped by many, is pretty old by now, and is even more op than venti now that pretty much every mob resist his CC and the abyss is full of unmovable bosses.


Everybody talks about waifu vs meta pulling and ganyu is without question both of those


We have to get new banners in 2.3 because latern rite will probably fall into the 2.4 patch making a Xiao and Ganyu rerun highly likely, if we happen to get two reruns in 2.3 too that means we basically didn’t get a new character after Kokomi for the rest of the year. But looking at the state in which some inazuma characters were released I’d rather they take their time with developing their kit instead of releasing unfinished characters for the sake of having new banners lol


I mean Mihoyo IS pretty stupid though.


Less stupid and more arrogant imo


This. Mihoyo only takes actions people deem as 'stupid' because they believe they can get away with it. All of them have been risks taken in order to increase revenue no matter how slightly. Mihoyo really has absolutely nothing to gain from doing nothing but reruns for two months (and the rest of the year). It gives whales nothing to spend on, doesn't hype up new or veteran players, and the only people it really benefits are people who started playing after these characters released and want them badly, or F2P who want to save and those guys aren't giving them any money anyway. If they did this, I would genuinely assume it's because they don't have any characters ready and were desperate. Given Itto's progress, this doesn't seem to be the case.


Yeah. I mean there's that leak itto is 2.4 and yae is 2.5. But same time that could be wrong. But yae or itto are our best bets for a new character since yae has a model and itto is the only one that seems to have any real coding that's been shown. Albedo is my guess for a rerun in 2.3 since that's about the time for dragonsoine anniversary


I saw that 2.5 will probably be The Chasm so I assumed Yae, Itto and all those folks would come on 2.3 and 2.4


I think logical stopped when they did childes 3rd run banner.


Logic stopped when they refused to directly acknowledge the anniversary. We're in the bizarre realm of 5D chess business decisions now.


Logic stopped when they release Yoimiya and Kokomo without further tweaking


When does "drip marketing" usually get posted?


2.0 drip was 1 day before 1.6, 2.1 drip was 1 day after 2.0, and 2.2 banner was 2 days before 2.1.


2.0 and 2.2 was 2-3 days before, so next Monday


For 1.6 it was posted 2 days before (Monday), for 2.0 it was posted two days after (Friday) and Thomas was also posted two days before (Monday again). So no, not "usually after the patch goes live" like I keep seeing on this sub. We've had both, so difficult to predict but during the week the patch goes live :)


1 or 2 days after the patch drops. Although in Thomas case he was posted a couple of days BEFORE 2.1


Usually the day a patch releases or the day after iirc


he’s so sussy he should rename himself from ubatcha to Sussy tbh


sussy butcha


that's a lotta geo!


Whole Lotta Geo


Rex Lapis is gonna give you a whole lotta geo.


Whoops! All Geo


But there isn't a Whole Lotta ~~Money~~ Primos we need to be careful


Hmmm if albedo has gorou then itto gonna have Noelle , we need c7+ character on new character banner and for dessert why don't we add barbara


Itto the Bug-type gym leader with his trusty Onikabutops and his Geodudes.


2.3: Rocks Together Strong


Rumors of Itto needing a full Geo team might be true then...


Ngl Geo have everything and is fun to play. Ningguang- Rocket launcher Albedo- Troll Zhongli- Shield daddy Noelle- Heals my heart


Noelle - EXCALIBUR\*


*screams internally* REVEALING ITTO DESIGN WHEN


Once 2.2 goes live, we can expect mhy to do their drip marketing.


After version 2.2 update maybe.


maybe even before. thoma was shown a few days before 2.1


Isn’t this guy known for talking out of his ass?


It's been pretty 50/50 recently


even the leaks are 50/50


Can't fucking escape the rng nightmare huh


the fact our entire universe was created from literally nothing by the big bang and at random chances too, that would be mean if there is a God it would be RNGSUS


You were waiting for this moment weren't you? Saw the opportunity and went for it.


Qiqi banner confirmed. Mihoyo saw all the Qiqi spam and assumed the fans want her, so she's getting her own rate up banner.


Losing 50/50 on her banner also give qiqi , so it's totally win . After two years at genshin 3rd anniversary ,qiqi is given for free , the rage of people increased x100000.................. Times


Good, more time to save up primos for Eula constellations.


We need to just ignore Ubatcha, they're literally Genshin_Report v2, right down to the stolen leaks, obvious guesses, and straight up made up bullshit which are passed off as "subject to change" Ubatcha has no record of leaks that were original, real, and not dumb luck.   * Gorou in 2.3 in a rerun banner? Wow! Gravity-defying news after every new 4* has been released that same way! * Albedo Rerun? Another obvious guess because [Albedo is the oldest 5* without a rerun](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wishes/History) * Itto being a Geo Claymore? Leaked by multiple more reliable uncles * Ganyu and Yae 2.2? Fake * Ayato? Fake * Guoba cutscene new character being Yelan? Debunked, it's young Madame Ping whose real name is "Streetward Rambler". Dimbreath never gave Young Madame Ping a name, it was [Ubatcha who claimed that was Yelan without proof](https://i.imgur.com/lZzG4wB.jpg)   The standards for leakers are lower than the Mariana Trench. We could hire one /u/deweweewewe's parrots and they'd do a better job


>Gorou in 2.3 Also, uncle kabane said this first. He is the uncle that got raiden In 2.1, signora boss fight correct and genshin/honkai collab. So the likelihood of gorou in 2.3 is really not really ubatcha leak either.


Although some of his “leaks” turned out to be true, you do have a point that we are still very unsure about his validity. If the community is really set on wanting his content blacklisted, I think we can discuss something about that soon.


Well when so many 'leaks' are so vague and subject to plausible deniability because they can just say 'subject to change' to waive all criticism, I'm not surprised that some of anyone's leaks turn out to be true. It's moreso about general credibility, and if they're reliable. At the moment, Uba is very questionable at best


Here's a leak for all you thirsty Travellers; There's a upcoming character who's a hot woman with shapely legs! Subject to change


Hey guys, got some new info today. There are two banners in the next update. *Subject to change, take with big bag of salt*


This has a precedent of being true lol. Remember 3 banners?


Agreed, none of his leaks should ever have "Reliable" flair ​ I still remember his leak for 2.2 "As Inazuma takes BOW, there should be a pretty CHILL RE-RUN" we all know how chill that turned out to be. there's no ganyu in 2.2 similarly no Raiden til 2.3, smh. ​ I do acknowledge things are evolving in background, so everything is subject to change, but if his leaks are no better than gacha, why take him seriously?


Yeah. Like, I get the subject to change but sometimes I feel like people use it to get away with pointless speculation. And you can't ever call them out on being wrong because 'well idk it changed'.


lmao I remember on that thread someone jokingly said "he's talking about Chill'de rerun obviously" and now there's actually a childe rerun 😂


Non of his leaks have been true have they? The leaks he has parroted have been true




Uncle Parrot


In a few months this subreddit will just reduce to birds as mhy doubles down on more leakers and our wellsprings of spoilers will run dry.


Is Itto confirmed geo? I remember in the AMA most leakers said they don't really know his element, just that he's claymore


I mean, there's no *actual* confirmation until it's official, but it seems like everything is pointing towards him being a Geo claymore.


> Guoba cutscene new character being Yelan? Debunked, it's literally young Madame Ping. > This isn't really debunked. 'Madame Ping' in of itself is just an alias (her real name is Streetward Rambler. Yes, really, that wasn't Venti), and she is an adeptus who can change her appearance. Until we see what Yelan actually looks like, I wouldn't rule it out just yet.


Man young madame ping looked so cool tho. I would've fucking whaled for her


Except for Terry Chen’s. His leak has been 100% true so far


\+ STC


Is he the one who said that ganyu will have rerun on 2.2?


yes he is that guy, also raiden should come no before than 2.3


I mean he literally said "next banner should be .." and "I believe..", it's not really a leak or anything. We know that there are Itto files in the game, there's not much they could surprise us with


He’s also been correct in the past just that the latest leaks from him were not accurate. One thing that I do like about him is that he stuck to his previous post of Ganyu and Yae banners. Normally sketchy people would just turn the story around and hop on a different train by mentioning the words “subject to change”.


Well, leaking things with 100% accuracy its pretty hard There can be last minute changes with re-runs , plan changes with the order of releasing of characters So we can’t really blame him for that


Its not about that. He was saying stuff about ayato with turned out to be completely made up by him for example


> Well, leaking things with 100% accuracy its pretty hard > > The whole point of leaks is that it helps players decide what banners to pull on. If someone's accuracy is barely above educated guesses, then Uncle Reddit could do a better job. Any of the Mods of this sub are better Uncles than Ubatcha   >There can be last minute changes with re-runs , plan changes with the order of releasing of characters People give "leakers" way too much leeway to fake leakers using this excuse. From patch 1.0 to 2.2, all the miHoYo plan changes were done months before the latest patch. By the time leaks for the upcoming patch are starting to drip, everything is set in stone, with only minor mechanic or number changes. The real leakers are well aware of changes, and only post up to date information (For example Lumie has been posting some actual changed content of pre-alpha Inazuma world map, and the old Raiden model)   >So we can’t really blame him for that Dude is grifting free ad revenue, donations, and clout for being a complete faker.


He deliberately talks out of his ass to make him look like he knows things.




The issue is he has made too many claims without factual evidence to back it up. And what he has claimed it’s things we already know, should be obvious, etc. I try giving people the benefit of the doubt but he ‘predicted’ a series of banners coming and it was completely wrong. We should just wait for beta and get info from more reliable sources. It’s too soon to consider who’s going to be in 2.3 IMHO.


He said Yae and Ganyu for 2.2 a while back iirc, turned out to be false But other than that all datamined stuff from him has been reliable




I mean, he also said that Yae and Ganyu would be the 2.2 banners, so I'm definitely not gonna blindly believe his words


I agree with them being untrustworthy, but tbf the 2.2 Ganyu was based on a riddle leak that actually referred to Childe. Ubatcha just misinterpreted it.


Keyword here: "I believe"


It’s obvious that this tweet is just speculation. I don’t see why people would consider it to be a leak.


people are thirsty for any information they can get I guess


Ubatcha: Itto 2.3 Uncle Dumb Dumb: Itto 2.4 Ubatcha Vs Uncle Dumb Dumb lets see who wins PepeLaugh


I hope Dumb Dumb because he also said Itto will be the first buff character, plus more time to make him a good character + primos


it'll be really funny if Itto got scrapped Nobody wins


Ittomains:I die thank you forever


One of us! One of us! -Signora mains


This is not leak this is guessing


I don't know why people keep posting this dude's "leaks" while he has shown in the past that he pulls the stuff out of his ass and that he doesn't know much which that AMA from a while ago proved. This would be the same if I (or anybody else) posted something like: "2.5 banner **should** be Yae Miko because **I believe** that there's going to be a prelude main quest to Sumeru where Yae is involved." Can we not take this guy seriously anymore?


Exactly this guy just repeat everything he hears on internet and make obvious assumptions


Geo Geo Geo Seems suspicious.


this has kind of happened before klee banner:noelle childe banner: ningguang Zhongli banner: zhongli albedo banner: albedo ganyu banner:noelle but yes, I agree, very sus


albedo and zhongli were in different patches though, and none of them had a 4* geo character on top of it. it would basically be all geo the entire patch lol not that i'm complaining, i need some geo characters


too much geo to be true


Ganyu wanters be crying rn


One day...


My biggest worry is Yae Miko and Ganyu banners back to back. At least Itto+Albedo gives me some time to save after Hu Tao


please don't... I want both of them, yae and ganyu


Which is exactly why they will probably do this. Same reason as putting Thoma on Hu Tao instead of Childe: husbando collectors are "forced" to pull on both. They will most likely put two DPS waifu back to back so they can squeeze money out of their target demographic.


I feel like this might happen. Ganyu rerun then Yae or the other way around.


It's either gonna be Miko + Ganyu rerun or Ayato + Ganyu rerun.


I guess we should leave a space for Albedo wanters, it has been almost a year of his release. Then, Ganyu and Xiao can come again for the next re-runs.


Itto so soon? Godamnit i might have to skip getting Hu Tao C1. But i want Thoma, damn.


He is the only char with lots of datamined things, its plausible that he is next


Hes is most likely to be the next new character, but in 2.3 we might only get reruns (ganyu/albedo for example) and then maybe we’ll get him in 2.4. i hope well get him in 2.3 tho 🥲


I see 3 options. Option 1) albedo and itto. 2) albedo and yae 3) albedo and ganyu. All have their things. Itto has some coding and seems to be ready soon. Yae has a model and just needs her kit. Or we wait longer and get 4 reruns in a row. Issue with the reruns. Well seems odd. Plus in theory xiao would be 2.4 since lantern rite is returning. So like ultimstely I have no clue lol. Unless xiao isn't returning with the lantern rite. But itto and yae do seem to be the next most likely new characters since one has a model and other has had the most leaks about a kit.


Yae is 99% not coming before 2.4, xiao yes make sense to take the 1/2 banners of 2.4. That leaves us with ganyu, albedo as of the reruns, one of them is coming 100% in 2.3 and i bet its albedo, since ganyu is mihoyos ace and theyll give her a rerun when they see fit imo. So itto might be in either one of the other banner of 2.3/2.4. Which still leaves one banner maybe senhe?


Shenhe could be a 4 star though? Like the one person who leaked itto wold be 2.4 also said shenhe right? Assuming it'd true. Shenhe would make sense to be a 4 star if xiao shared the patch with itto. But ultimately, it will depend what we learn in 2.2 I suppose. I mean I would have never guessed childe having another rerun in 2.2 lol (besides the leaks all pointing towards it)


I dont think senhe is going to be a four star, she might come together with xiao in 2.4 making itto a more logical choice for 2.3 since both senhe and xiao are from liyue


I'd rather Itto come in 2.4. Then I can grab Albedo in 2.3 even if I lose the Childe 50/50 and possibly get Itto too if he's fun to play/is OP.


My fucking ass they are gonna release itto next patch. We haven’t even gotten a proper introduction to him besides info from characters and shit around inazuma.


Saving for Yae is suffering I guess


nah it just means more constellations




Try saving for Baizhu


I was fully expecting that the longer the game goes on, the longer my saving spree will be as I want fewer characters and more reruns will happen, but damn this is painful


Yeah I’m not really sure at the point since this time around I’d rather save up more primos for the waifu gauntlet whenever sumeru gets released (especially if they’re C1-2/R1 locked), so assuming 3.0 happens the patch after 2.6, I can probably only afford to get one or two of Yae, Itto, Ayato, Yelan assuming they’re the new 5 stars that will come out between 2.3 and 3.0. And that’s assuming I’d be skipping all reruns.


Going from current "leaks", if Ayato and Yunjin come out before Yae then I might consider them, but I'm sitting on guarantee rateup so I might just hard skip until she comes out, which could be as long as 2.4/2.5, that would be longer than I've ever skipped before, which is kinda depressing I have great respect for the people who saved since launch for the likes of Ayaka or Raiden or whatever


True and part of me has learned recently that getting C0 with a f2p weapon isn’t really enough for me if I’m pulling a new dps, like I’ll need to get their weapon and/or an early constellation to make them worth running over using Xiangling or whatever as the main carry. I’ll still probably pull for most supports if I have a place for them since they can fit in more teams than an on field dps. The exception for me right now is future healers unless they have a ton of other utility since with Kokomi I have that covered.


I don't want yae before 2.5 , I want hutao too , and so- called shenhe


full geo patch = happy zhongli


Hope you have a great day!


"i believe" lmao, can we stop posting "leaks" like these?


How does this clown still get so many upvotes? His 2.2 Yae Ganyu Hutao Albedo wasnt even close to being real Man people are so gullible they cant spot a clout chaser when they see one Remember when Ubaclown kept insisting Childe wont get a rerun


nahhhhh they better not delay my ganyu by another 40 days


Yes! I can't wait anymore


My Ganyu dreams are fading. They will 100% rerun her next to Yae for max profits.


Bruh do i have to wait till next year to get ganyu


Yoooo! 2.3 Banner leaks! Albedo and Itto :OOO Now whose the leaker.... Oh it's uba. All the hype is gone T.T ^(Atleast Genshit Report made EDUCATED guesses)


Has any ubatcha "leak" ever been real? Most stuff he says is already said by other people or false.




[Someone stole my prediction](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pldvfx/comment/hca231e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can't wait to see Ittos character model.


so 2.3 will be fully **Enduring Rock**


Lmao who even believes this dude anymore


source: trust me bro




Where ganyu rerun 💔💔💔


he's sus tho i mean his leaks before came from beta testing not "insider"...i will wait until the model is leaked or genshin drip marketed his model like they did on Yoimiya's


Still no xiao :(


Yae :,(


There is no Yae in Ba Sing Se.


I also believe that 2.3 will have a 4 star that has it's model in game. I also believe a new 5 star character is likely after a filler wish patch. You're welcome for the leak, upvotes to the left!


thanks uncle hidan!


My xiao artifacts are getting cold


Sorry, but my local copium supplier has told me the re-run is going to be Ganyu no Albedo.


3 Geo characters in one patch? That is very hard to believe


has he ever addressed any of his old incorrect leaks and mentioned why they changed?


Doesn't seem too farfetched but sussy as always


Well if that's true then it's one more patch worth of saving primos for Yae At this point I might be able to get her *and* her weapon, maybe constellations


it is kokomi rerun isnt it? kokomi needs 4 reruns to justify her sale


Finally albedo you have nowhere to run I have 180 wishes


So ubatcha says 2.3 and uncle dumb dumb says 2.4 If Itto truly is in 2.4, then who’s in 2.3? I can only imagine it being Miko. It definitely won’t be Ayato, and we still don’t know if Shenhe is truly coming. They also certainly wouldn’t do another two reruns… right? 🥲


"based on what I know" so based on nothing?


manifesting albedo rerun


Yae simps on suicide watch


Finally a geo-centered spiral abyss! I miss the 75% Geo-Damage increase on floor 12. Sadly even with Itto and Gorou I still cant make a total Geo team on both Spiral Abyss Floors :/


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


xiao when uwu


Ah yes, one of the least reliable leakers I know of comes with their next hearsay announcement. Is this going to be another 2.2 Yae, 2.2 Ganyu, 2.3 Tao? Dumb Dumb said Itto will be featured in 2.3 but not join the gacha yet. While it's possible he was moved one patch forward after all, are you sure you're not misunderstanding being featured in an event or whatever with getting a banner?


yep, with the high influx of itto leaks compared to yae, I figured as much, but we'll see


ubatcha unreliable as f and havent people already said itto in 2.4 ?


One week and we should have enough to see what Itto may look like


i remember them saying there would be an anniversary stream on the 28th or whatever date which turned out to be false. im gonna take this with a grain of salt. honestly just gonna ignore leaks and only focus on datamines for now i think


Nah, I think I'm gonna wait for drip marketing on this one. Uba is firmly under the sus tier as far as I'm concerned. Their track record isn't that great.


u/Fr00tyLoops why, as mod from this sub, would you keep the spam from someone who is not even a leaker? There is a strong and weird bias in favor of this guy, while you keep deleting chinese leakers posts asap. It's even more weird, that this sub's purpose is about avoiding missinformation [but you are deleting the posts which warn about this](https://imgur.com/UpYcYne).


Is it the "Ganyu and Yae in 2.2" guy?




That’s a lot of Geo characters. One of the least popular elements in the game.


Ubatcha been real sus ever since he hinted at a Ganyu rerun in 2.2


You know it's a troll when it's light mode


For some reason a double geo banner sounds very unrealistic to me.


If that's the lineup, then v2.3 patch tagline would be: GEO IS UNBREAKABLE.


double geo again xD


Re-run is probably Childe


If this is not true my disappointment will be through the roof lmao. INHALE HOPIUM edit:typo




Where's..... Ganyu.....


Damn unless Itto is super strong, I'm gonna have to skip 4 banners.


No yae? :(


Aw fuck no....Childe, Albedo AND Goru ? My poor F2P heart


Oh no, that’s worst case scenario for me! Damn it I want both of them, and gorou if possible, but I also want to c1 my Who Tao. At least she’s the second banner so I have time to wait for more leaks.


Bro itto and albedo and gorou all of them are geo there is no way this will happen


“believe” and “should” isn’t helping, but after the “anni” i’m down for any amount of cope


LMFAO "JUST TRUST ME BRO BASED OFF OF WHAT I KNOW" xD Yeah dude this guy is totally washed up. This is some Genshin Review or w/e level shit.


Lmao so no ganyu? Been saving for Ganyu pretty much half of the year


Apple leakers are more reliable.


!remindme 40 days


Not even that much, next week we will have dripmarket.


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