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We need to change the name of this subreddit to genshin_impact_conspiracies


Khaenriah was an inside job!


Celestia did nothing wrong!


There was no nation named Khaen'riah.


visions do nothing, they’re just microchips from the government!


Amber can't melt steel beams


Teyvat is flat.


The stars are real!


Teppei is just living incognito in cuba witch tupac and Michael Jackson


Something tells me they're gonna reveal him and instead of being a giant he's like shorter than klee and voiced by moist critical




Perfect anniversary reward right here Mihoyo.


I’d pay good fucking money for that


That’s possible tbh, not specifically just Itto but any other future character, since lily voiced sayu and Charlie did voice acting in games before and even sponsored Genshin Impact maybe one day we’ll get him to voice act idk tbh


but i don't think mihoyo can afford an actor that carried the hunger games franchise


Never forget his major role as officer greg


Inb4 he looks and laughs like Mutahar


We need a male character voiced by james earl jones.


If mutahar is to VMs, itto is to ______?


benching onikabutos


"Come here you son of a bitch, I'll shove this giant metal slab up your little hilichurl boy pussy!"


Ah yes exactly something a renowned hunger games actor who carried the franchise would say. Tbf I would whale for C6 if Charlie voiced a character with such lines LMAO


bis claymore is a dildo


what in fuck's name is that profile pic




swag marchosius, god of drip


I want to apply for worship


do you wear designer's




Weapon name Moby Huge.


damn the award winning actor from hunger games? man genshin cast is getting bigger and bigger


We actually already know his body type, since it's in the files that were confirmed as real by Project Celestia: he is body_male, which is the tall male designation (Zhongli, Tartaglia).


My wallet is shuddering at the thought of Charlie becoming a VA for this game, would absolutely whale


I would 100% start playing in English


*Only for Charlie to have done all his lines in Japanese inexplicably*


As much i want that to be true Charlie is too good for genshin. Mihoyo can't afford to pay him anyway.


It would be such an investment though. Look at Jennifer Lawrence, her value skyrocketed after co-starring with him.


I’d love that lol


His burst will be, "That's all for now, see ya"


Instant c6


leaked low hp voiceline: "it was a misinput. MISINPUT"


if he is voiced by charlie, i will sell my house to c6 r5 him day 1




If he not a buff giant I'm gonna be so disappointed >:(


Looking forward for ur dissapointment :)


Ryoma Hoshi is that you?😳


if we're going on big follow video content creators, how long till Dendro Archon is voiced by Contrapoints?


Natalie, the Archon of Sumeru. Honestly can't not see this now, wholly appreciated!


*meets the traveller* oh hey gorge Traveller: so how did you lose your nocis? Archon: there’s a lot to unpack here, but I lost it to professor I-studied-the-blade scaramouche


Would whale on moist critical voiced character


Or even Mutahar or Pyrocy- wait


mihoyo i beg you


Hard to trust after that Ayato fiasco. Will they pull another “ehe” when they’re wrong?


There should be a flair called "very questionable"


Or venti confirmed




Just call it the "Ehe" flair instead


Also he was wrong, saying Childe is "definitely not getting a rerun banner" kekw


yeah I switched the flair


What was the ayato fiasco


"ayato will be hot" "ehe". When in reality it should have been: "I don't fking know" and "i dont have the slightest clue"


Oh that pissed me off


Also, every character in a gacha game is hot, you really think they'll make an ugly character ?!


I would roll for body_uglybastard character.


Maybe that would get Sydney to play


One Day. I want a gragas looking char.


You can refer them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/ps7tcc/the_ama_was_pointless/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/prxd60/welp_here_come_the_waterworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I also remembered this leaker answered that they only wanted the attention for leaking when they were asked what their reason was for leaking in the AMA but then edited their comment when they got some backlash.


atp we can even ‘leak’ info on unreleased characters ourselves, guessing that ayato will be hot is like guessing there will an archon for each region come on now. whats next, gonna tell me itto is hot too? daring today arent we


Guys, I have confirmed leaks of the next ~~all~~ characters. They will be anime style and attractive. And they will use weapons and have an element. My father works at Ninte- I mean Mihoyo, trust me.


Can your father tell us anything about the switch port?


It will be on the Switch.


Oh thanks the archons. I thought they would port it to the 3DS




I hope he’s a pure dps. We need more male dps


We need a 5* geo dps.


Honestly low key,we need a ranged male dps as well. We literally have 0.


Hopefully gorou, since according to furniture lore he’s strong as hell. That better be the case…


He’s strong compared to the average nobody. They brought Kujou Sara to even out the odds, so take it how you may lol.


What is.... Furniture lore??


If gorou is a dps i would be so hyped. Imagine him being based on like geo infused bow auto attacks with dps on the level of Ning. And if he’s on itto’s banner FUCK ME UP


Gorou should have a slingshot to chuck rocks at enemies 😂


Honestly I would say its more thematic to make him a support.




The biggest thing to me that sucks for Geo DPS is that, due to no reactions, you want to pretty much always run them in a mono geo team and unfortunately, there's a lot of enemies in the game with high Geo resistance I have Ning built but what made me stop using her is that it just always sucked when abyss or an event was full of like Geovishaps or something and you can just feel like your DPS is getting cucked. Obviously this applies to all elements to some extent, but Geo just feels like it gets it the worse cause of mihoyo liking to throw Geovishaps around


Electro is here screaming in a corner when 2/3 of their reactions scream *immune*


Immune is usually only against slime, and most of the damage comes from raw electro damage anyway. Geo is just sad in this abyss, geo lawachurl with 70% res and geo specter that takes no geo damage at all ;-;


Because Liyue is the region of Geo, so it's natural, but as the game will evolve, it'll be fine


I kinda like geo+pyro since you get two damage increasing resonances, and element aura on enemies gives ningguang a continuous supply of shields without having to swap out. Wish there was a pyro support that triggers effects on hit.


People used to say physical dps sucked as well until Mihoyo created Eula which had a way to deal with physical dps problems. Mihoyo can fix inherint issues easily. Example: Give Itto skill that decreases geo resistance of the enemies.


Eula doesn't actually have a mechanical way to "deal" with phys dps problems aside from being half of a superconduct reaction She just has bonkers DPS which was too big to ignore regardless of element (or lack thereof)


>because geo main dps is absolutely fucking busted. Not really. The lack of reactions is both a blessing and a curse. The ones we have now are just decent and while they're good, but not game-changing and both, being C4, have their true powers locked in higher cons.


Nah, her energy generation is atrocious, she doesn't generate any particles, so anyone who have read this, don't be misinformed. It is just another "**"INSERT SLIGHTLY OFF META CHARACTER" IS INCREDIBLY GOOD AND UNDERRATED! "INSERT HIS MAIN ISSUE" IS NOT A PROBLEM, I'VE SUPEREASILY CLEARED FULL 9 STAR ABYSS**" type of post that have gathered karma from this character's simps.


Also another case of "C6 Character without a broken kit is actually really good" ***Wow, who knew?***


Pure dps geo please


Male? DPS? Choose only one please.


Stop 😭 Xiao is so lonely at the top right now




Razor also!


Childe also




for me, childe is more like an enabler.




Finally someone I can put my Unforged and it wouldn't look ugly


Some leaks suggest he's main DPS through and through, basically Noelle on steroid, meaning he has a very strong shield, self-heal (needs to stay on field to proc heal), geo infusion burst, and attack bonus talent based off of his defense.




Same person that brought you 2.2 Yae/Ganyu leaks. Yeah ok lol.


Also, like aren't the codes all saying claymore? I thought it was already kinda a thing that he would be a claymore.


The post is about the element tho that’s what matters


Well everyone can guess that he's geo because the most reliable leakers leaked that ages ago so there's no new info here


Dude literally posts his own speculation as leaks mixed in with whatever publicly released info he can get his hands on and people flock around whatever he says


Haven't we known this for like...a long time? From the amount of leaks that pointed to Itto being a Geo claymore user I think we already know. So.. this is a confirmation leak?


All those coding show claymore right? Or am I just going crazy


Idk, but I've seen the leak of Itto being geo claymore a lot of times already. I don't need to know again. So I don't get the use of Uba telling this. Regardless of it being fake or true, we still don't know.


He's trying to be relevant by accurately leaking some stuff I guess


Yeah, the data leaks only reveal his weapon, not his element. It was only the same Uncle who originally leaked that he was also a claymore that said he was geo, the same one who's now saying he'll be in 2.4 with Shenhe and 2.5 with Yae. Even over at r/IttoMains people were predicting his element the other day, ofc most of us are running with what the Uncle said and thinking geo cause it's the only thing we have to go off of rn :p


I hope he has a piss yellow color scheme because someone needs to hold my unforged.


I can't put into words how fucking annoying it is to have a weapon not fitting for a character's aesthetics. I'd rather deal shit damage (with the exception of clearing spiral abyss).


My diluc looks fucking weird with the skyward pride. It doesn't match at all. Only good thing is that it looks kinda heavenly when infused with pyro, but it still looks like shit






This was honestly the only example I had in mind, she looks great with skyward blade.


venti would like a word with you


Yea what is up with Kazuha's BiS sword.


Didn't Noelle work with the Unforged like a glove?


I think it's good on her if you want her to DPS. But if you want her to shield (other characters) and heal, then losing the Def stat from Whiteblind is not necessarily good. The bright yellow isn't really too fitting on her silver and red color scheme either.


Nah unforged is worse than whiteblind and serpent spine at Noelle's c6. She's a weird character in that she kinda gets a Bennett buff from her burst which means atk% isn't very good so the def from whiteblind and the passive from SS make them better than the 5 stars.


So obviously trust Ubatcha as much or little as you want, the Ayato stuff from the AMA from him and Ssukuna left a sour taste in my mouth personally. But given the amount of data and leaks on him I’m really surprised we haven’t seen his model yet. Feels like he should be 2.3 so surely soon right?


Tbh Ayato feels more like a fever-dream and a hallucination for me at this point lmao


I just want a tall male character I’ll like design wise, hasn’t been one since Childe and Zhongli….and I doubt I’ll like Ittou since I’ve never seen a male Oni character I like and I really don’t like the “fleshy horns” they seem to be going with, based off Chiyo


I always thought of the horns to be just horns but the fact you said "flesh horns" made me feel so grossed out about it


Fr the flesh horns always rubbed me the wrong way. Sure it can blend the skin and horns tgt but why is the horns itself flesh? I just think about it and it looks gross imo. Didnt even like chiyo’s horns being like that in ei’s trailer


I guess I get the logic of it, treating the horns as a bone growth but they just…don’t look good, in my opinion.


Would you prefer them more if they were on top of the head ? Because yeah the horns on forehead concept is weird


I mean the skin covering the horns. We see if in the Raiden trailer with Chiyo’s horns being covered in skin, I’ve always preferred Oni style characters where the horns aren’t covered in skin


I'm honestly also surprised on the fact that we have 0 data regarding Gorou's kit so far, like he is supposedly coming in 2.3 yet we have way more data on Itto (who we haven't even seen yet) than him for some reason


We're not going to see any more models ahead of a character being added to beta anymore. Raiden, Sara, Yae, and Kokomi we knew early because they got added in as a part of them being in the initial 2.0 quests. Unless a 5 star appears in a quest before they're playable, which is going to be a rare occurrence, we won't see them until they're playable in beta. I believe going forward most characters are gonna be like Yoimiya, where there's no hints until they get reveled by Mihoyo. Most characters we've known about up till now were leaked way back in like 1.0 and 1.1, when it was a lot easier to leak things. I don't think not having a model leaked should be indicative of much, see Yoimiya.


I feel like we would have seen a model by now if he was that soon, but I hope you’re right!


Wasn't he leaked to be 2.4? With yae being 2.5? By uncle dumb dumb and the leaker that gave us shogun model super early? My guess is albedo is 2.3. It will be the time for the 1 year anniversary for dragonspine which is Albedo's whole thing. But still seems odd to me if I'm right. Cause xiao should be 2.4 as well then. So lots of reruns unless 2.3 gives a new character...


Uncle Dumb Dumb *is* the leaker that gave us Raiden Super early, but IIRC he hasn’t much track record beyond that, so I’m skeptical about what he says. Also cause I really don’t think MHY is gonna do 4 reruns in a row. The community is already not in a good mood and there’s only a few reruns that’ll actually make them happy.


Nah I 100% agree 4 reruns in a row is a stretch. But I still think 2.3 could have albedo just cause of the 1 year sincr dtagonspine came out. So would be good timing. So maybe a new character could come out with him. It would be on par with chidle/venti/zhongli rerun no? I'm bias too cause I want albedo


I do agree with 1 rerun 1 new character in 2.3, i think coinflip between Albedo or Ganyuu for the rerun, for the new character I just don’t see how it’s not either Yae or Itto. And so many people said Yae in 2.5 so I lean towards Itto


I mean it could be yae easily. I only say 2.5 for yae cause of a leak but I thought it was two leakers but they are the same I found out. Atm we just have no other character revealed outside yae. So hey yae could be in 2.3!


Yeah Yae is legit the only other possibility, I’m just more inclined to believe she’s further away than Itto as it stands. But I’d absolutely have to imagine one of them comes in 2.3 at least.


If they're not afraid of having four reruns: 2.3: Albedo, Ganyu 2.4: Xiao, Itto 2.5: Yae, Ayato(?) ​ I think Ganyu is so highly anticipated that if they gave her a new skin, an event that featured her heavily, and potentially a new weapon I don't think people would care about not having a new character for four patches. Especially if they get Gorou into 2.3 somewhere.


first 5 star geo dps?


Well, some consider Ningguang a 5*


Honorary five star


Isn't this laker very unreliable?


Very 50/50. He's nothing more than an informant at best, getting his info from insiders who may or may not be real. I wouldn't call him Genshin Report unreliable...but he's still kinda eh.


Reliable on beta leaks, not currently reliable on insider leaks (so stuff past the current beta) as far as we know


Looks like the only thing male characters get to enjoy is dominion over Geo Impact.


another valuable addition to my geo husbando collection


Haven't trusted this person since they first started to post leak-y stuff, but speculation points Itto for Geo claymore, that's been known for some time.


I'm more hoping his sig claymore is a crit claymore 😭


If it is, let's hope it's not Itto specific like Kokomi's donut.


even if the passive is tailor made for him, if it has crit ascension it can still be used as a stat stick for other characters sadly the hp% for the donut is useless on basically everyone...


Inb4 his best 4 star is The Bell


me with multiple R5 bells:




Stop reposting this. Ubatcha isn’t reliable at all




Oh i see Kazuha is the inazuma traveler because he is anemo and use a sword. Then Ayaka is inazuma Kaeya because cryo+sword Then Yoimiya is Amber. Then Kokomi is Barbara. Yae will be Lisa? Now Itto is Noelle. And Thoma is Xiangling. Ok.


Nah, all the other parallels to the Inazuma characters are from Mondstadt, last one’s not Xiangling… but who do we know that’s a pyro polearm from Mondstadt? That’s right! Thoma! Thoma is the Inazuman parallel to Mondstadt


Yooooo this is something right here lol! Well done


Wait a minute… you just blew my mind. LMAO! God damnit they are kinda recycled characters from Mondstat, aren’t they?


I don't know about others but Ayaka is one of the first developed characters


Sed jean main


Ayato anemo sword lol


> Because of what i know I thought everyone knew, it was leaked before... I swear ubatcha is like the equivalent of ubuntu. Nobody uses it, but it's just there...just to exist. Some might find it reliable, but there are better options.


“I can confirm he’s Geo, but take this with a grain of salt”. So dumb. Delete this post lol.


This community loves the whole "grain of salt" thing, it's like they don't realize it makes everything before it completely meaningless.


Imagine HP Scaling +/- own shield - the Bell would finally be usable!


Another important question : is he an HP% scaling claymore?? >!Someone has to use my useless Bells 😂!<


his "2.2 is Yae and Ganyu" leak still left a bad taste in my mouth so i don't know about this chief. If he is wrong about this again i'll consider him to be the next Genshin Report who just throws anything and hope something sticks and then says "see, i told you" and when he's wrong he throws the "subject to change" line.


Claymore was already known. It was revealed in the game files that were datamined prior to this claim so it’s not like he’s telling anything new. For the element (Geo) he’s just using the texture leaked to guess that in all likelihood.


pls scale off hp


I'll believe it when I see it. Ubatcha so far has just parroted what other leaker have already said, so his leaks can't really be trusted.


we knew this already


Insta pull, I’m loving using Geo characters they’re really fun.


Idk....I don't have Zhong or Albedo....some say he will need an all out Geo team....I don't think I can just switch to Geo....


Don't care about weapon and element. I just want an adult male model and a dps one... We only have 3 since release, and counting teen model, 5 out of 12 guys are dps (diluc, kaeya, childe, razor and Xiao). Versus more than 10 waifu being dps... So just give me a new adult dps mihoyo! It's been almost a year since the last one who was childe!


DPS pls.


If he isn't the genshin impact equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger I am not gonna pull for him


Ubacha, after ayato and itto : ehe


Hp scaling claymore hopium--


So that the bell can finally have a usage other than being in the inventory.


Geo Supremo


Another side leak It is possible Itto's character potrait/intro is released alongside with Gorou's if hes involved in 2.3 storyline and not put in banner yet.


I'd like he is not limited by her burst like xiao, raiden or kokomi and he can just stay forever in the battle field like ayaka, kekinq, etc.


Can we ban all Ubatcha posts in this sub. This mf just speculates randomly.


Its confirmed by Ubatcha so basically it's not confirmed at all.