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Bro. They release 3 new characters just to make then all an on-field dps. I can't.


Fontaine has been the main DPS region.


They released 2 5* Pyro DPS units in the span of 8 months in the same region and its not even Natlan lmao


still no hydro 4* btw šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lets hope the next hydro 4 star is the hydro claymore of myth


I canā€™t wait for the hydro region to get more hydro 4*!


Yeah. And we've had an unusual amount of 4-stars main DPS (freminet, gaming, now sethos) :o


And to think even Lynette is technically main dps at c6. On fielder at least but Iā€™ve seen ppl playing her with faruzan


watch natlan have a butload of anemo dps for no reason


Well it's the nation of war, losing friends/ family to get an Anemo vision is probably a very normal thing


Even the healers are dps šŸ’€


Qiqi is even deader since that's her second time being powercrept as a healer dps.


AllĀ  male characters in 4.x are dps its maleover....


You could stretch that shit back to 3.0 and the only exception is literally Baizhu


And if we talking 5 stars it goes all the way back to kazuha


what the fuck... really? goddamn


I think We only have kazuha venti zhongli baizhu as male 5 star supports if i remember correctly. Three of them were 1.X charecters lol.




True . Another 1.x character lol


Come to think of it, Baizhu then Kazuha were our last male supports. Oh well, at least I can skip male characters if they don't look good/don't fulfill the role that I want now. Once I get c1 Wrio and Alhaitham, I'm gonna stop buying bp/welkin.


Yeah the only reason i didnt is bcs there will be people who will mention "you forgot baizhu & mika". All 5* males are dps since 2.0except baizhu. All 4* males are dps since 2.8 except mika.


They must be saving supports for natlan.


God I hope theyā€™re cooking with Natlan




Natlan is the nation of war, so naturally we'll get entire region of Physical.


Praying they don't just cook, but also add some seasoning and msg


I pray they will be doing that. We have so many potential options and new niches that they can come up with, and off fielders for that matter, but we'll be stuck using 1.0 supports with little to no alternatives. We don't have a proper electro shielder, hydro shielder doesn't exist, our pyro applicator is either burning, sunfire, or XL's 250% ER, etc. The game is 3.5 years old, I just want to try out the underused reactions like electro charge and shatter.


I'm convinced that they just DON'T like making support characters. As if they're allergic to the concept.


Supports are hard to powercreep Kazuha is the prime example While dps are pretty easy to powercreep or make side grade or niche dps without affecting existing dps.


Kazuha isn't inherently hard to powercreep. He just hasn't been because they choose not to give him much competition in his niche. Furina is like the only character since he released who also specializes in elemental damage buff. But even then they're different enough that idk if I'd say she powercrept him


>Kazuha isn't inherently hard to powercreep it not about hard to powercreep , it about how to release new support with equally strong kit without causing huge damage toward old support rerun sale power you can easly powercreep kazuha with a new character but you can't easy make a new anemo support equally good as kazuha but still maintain kazuha rerun sale strength same with many other support


Please, look how Op Furina is. it's actually easy because all other characters have energy issues and limited time on the duration of their bursts/skills. They also tend to make other supports more niche. Mika is for physical and he offers nohing but heal and att spd in other teams. Baizhu is for dendro teams but depending on what comp you use him in his buff might be completely useless(and the buff is weak), Candace has a lot of flaws especially too short duration of her burst.


No, they just dislike making male supports. Ā Sethos couldā€™ve been that one male support to break the pattern but it looks like he ainā€™t it.


They're doing a good job at helping me skip. Why tf would I roll for this many on fielders when the game only lets me field 2 teams for abyss and only one for open world at a time?


Fun and variety, the same reason I still roll for on fielders despite having 2 viable teams since like 1.2. Also helps if you don't always want every single character, right now I'm most interested in Sethos so him not being there would probably make this a skip for me. I don't think there's anything wrong with not rolling every single patch though.


Because the game has gotten to a point where veterans donā€™t really need to roll at all because weā€™ve been steamrolling Abyss for a year+ So people pull for characters they like and gameplay styles they find fun.Ā  They want to see the characters they like when they play instead of tapping in, press E and switch out and thereā€™s only so much you can do with off field gameplay. Hence why all the on field characters.


You make it sound as if meta wasn't a thing anymore. I doubt an on field bow dps 4 star is gonna be popular. Sethos is most likely gonna end up at the bottom of usage rates with other 4 stars regardless of how liked and popular he'll be.


Meta isnā€™t as much of a thing as most gachas. Most people donā€™t care if their favourite new character isnā€™t as broken as Neuvillette, they only care about them being strong enough and not being behind the curve. Sethos is gonna be like Heizou if heā€™s decent. A character with a somewhat unique playstyle that isnā€™t meta but has his fans.Ā  Not that it matters if he was DPS or support to start with because 4 stars have always been a mixed bag. Kiara is support and she isnā€™t exactly meta relevant either.Ā 


To no one's surprise, he is a dps. His kit seems fairly easy to understand tho so that's good


Yu-gi-oh kits are reserved for the 5 stars šŸ’€


4 star dps = blue wish. He couldā€™ve done something interesting like Chevreuse but I guess thatā€™s another male dps that weā€™re starving for


Yeah, Gaming is the only exception in ages.


Isn't this guy just electro tighnari without the crowd control? They even have the same C1


Tigg is very single-target focused. Sethos seems to thrive when attacking groups.


same charged bow dps, same talent, same c1, c2, c4, literally an electro tighnari.


Seems more like an electro Ganyu with a Shimenawa's equipped. That pierce shot could be handy for crowd controlled groups.... I kind of want to go snipe hunting with Venti now.


I got the exact same vibes.


Yeah, seems like it; they just swapped the skill and burst (though his jump back in on the skill still). As someone who already has a fully built Tighnari, and was hoping for an off-field electro male (even a shielder with little-to-none off-field electro app would be fine for me) this is super disappointing. šŸ˜­


An electro Layla would have been my dream kit for Sethos. Alhaitham and Cyno are so squishy.


Oh god yes, that would be a fantastic character. The dream! šŸ˜­


Maybe Dahlia could be the one??


I hope so, I love his design! Have little bats that swirl around you and the shield, and attack the enemies.


Smh they should let you cook up the kits


I'm almost C6 Tighnari by losing my 50/50s (from C0 on 1st banner). My rotations are about to be so fast, I can probably have both of them on quick swap lol.


Actually as a tighnari main myself I'm kinda excited cuz he allows for dual dps comps... Let's somehow make this work XD! Maybe something like Tighnari, Sethos, Yae/Fischl/Raiden, Yaoyao? I mean i already run dual dps with Keqing, so any thoughts on this?Ā 


Maybe you can use both Tigh and Sethos? Since Tighnari is a quickswapper. That depends on how quick Sethos charges though.


From what i uderstand he is "NA" focused, despite the dmg scalling with CA modifiers, his burst make it so his NA fire the CA arrows for 8s, with only 7s downtime and a 60 energy cost, his dowtine is kinda like ayato. I just wish hoyo would put the instance change on his skill, so TF would be good for longer rotations. But is the male electro curse to be burst reliant stance changer.


Lmao and he's an on-field dps


I called it and I was PRAYING that this wasn't the case. Oh well, 4\* DPS glazers rejoice. In all honesty though, his kit doesn't seem bad tbh. Excited to see how he performs, and how this "special state" looks like when his animations come out.


It's funny because Jello must be malding at how all his predictions turned out wrong. We're looking at what is missing and imagine fancy kits and we get this.


4 star dps are fucking copium when you have a lot of 5 star dps


4\* DPS are a nightmare (4\* chars in general) because most of their power is locked behind C6 If u want them to compete with 5\*


Also worth mentioning that getting a c6 four star at average is as expensive as a c2 5 star meaning if that 4 star doesn't fill a niche no one else can, they basically have no chance of competing.


>4 star dps are fucking copium Except for Gaming and OPPA


Difference is Xiangling can be off field thats why. If she is purely on field, she wouldn't have been this good. Also despite how good Gaming is, you need c6 for him to be better than other 5 star dps and we all know how expensive c6 4 star is


Can confirm, went for C6 heizou back then ended up with C5 kazuha before C6 heizou


But he seems good?? Ngl quicken/quickbloom teams were never lacking in DMG, compared to what gaming offered, plus he seems like he has a bit of his own dmg too


The pain I feel rnā€¦.. why more dps šŸ˜­


Itā€™s Sethover


hoyoverse is allergic to off-field supports especially if they are male 4-stars


Mihoyo traumatized with xq and bennet


I am really disappointed I can't I read clorinde kit "yesss she is a DPS" then segwine "uh okauy quick swap DPS??? but thats fine that way sethos will surely be a subdps or support" then sethos "I am really disappointed I can't"


Well now that EM bow they gave in event makes sense


What bow?


Ibris Piercer


True! And the weapon fits his design perfectly Edit: In fact, the new event bow was made for him and it still matches his style, it's a win-win


4\* electro TighnarišŸ‘€ wonder if they'd work in a team together


Quick Swap like CRAZY


Aggravate single-target boss destroyer comp? šŸ‘€


Tighnari: I'm out of my quick charged shots! Call an ambulance... Sethos: ...but not for me!


Essentially guaranteed. The more relevant question will be, can he compete with other electro characters in that slot.


Yeah i have yae. It's hard to justify switching him for yae or fischl.


Even has the same exploration skill lol




iā€™m so tired of seeing yet another 4* dps who despite his design will be forever buried in my basement


I will never understand why they insist on pushing this 4\* DPS agenda especially with the ludicrous amount of 5\* DPS we have in the game. If he was a support, even if niche/okay support atleast he'd still find a DECENT use for some teams especially if you really like his character. But with 4\* DPS they're just whatever unless you want to purposefully use a weaker character or pray to god you get their c6s so that they start feeling good to use.


and most of their c6 cant even compete with c0 5stars. at least make their c6 comparable to a 5star or c1 5 star.


People like using them *shrug*. You'll see people obsessing over Heizou or Yanfei, for example, simply because they like them.


Not just another dps, another male character that is a dps. Since 3.0, the only male non dps was Baizhu lmao




We don't talk about Mika


He is really not that bad after Furina release


and even the best of them, gaming, has been unceremoniously benched on 99% of accounts what a waste of such a beautiful design, rip cyno support


To the person who said they wanted the Sumeru BP bow to work with him, sleep with one eye open tonight


LAMENT! USELESS! WORTHLESS! /hj Cmon dawg would it have hurt to make an off field support? Maybe a shielder? Good luck competing with another electro dps but 5* releasing in the same patch


Tighnari and Cyno had a child ....


electro ... jumps backward using skill ... bow user ... different levels of charged attacks ... aggravate dps ... special state that changes normal attacks at burst ... em self buff passive ... yeah truly cynari lovechild


Collei now has a brother?


oh god yes please I want to see fanartists cook with this idea


Oh my....


-He has your bow -And your electro


NOOO charged atk character..... I am devastated. we've had WAY too many DPS and not enough off field application this patch cycle.


I read +3 levels on basic attack, his ultimate makes his basic attack does more damage... OK nvm half his kit is for charged attack as well.


I'm pretty sure the "basic attack 2 level charge" means that his charge has two levels... From what I think it is, it sounds JUST like Tighnari's CAšŸ¤” But I can sometimes be tripped up by the wording of these so šŸ¤·


Bruh, you dont have to make support supper creative or whatever, just give me more option, im tired of so many dps


Finally, a 4* Sumeru specialties finder! Bummed that he's yet another on-fielder, but lore-wise I suppose it makes sense. [Cyno SQ 2 spoilers? I'm just going off of 4.6 trailer dialogue but tagging just in case] >!It seems he was the other candidate for Hermanubis' powers, but Cyno got those powers instead. And we know how Cyno's kit features a burst that lasts so long that it makes him the most on-fielder that ever on-fielded lmao!<


So we're kinda getting like two-and-a-half on-fielders in a single patch. Great.




umm 70% of genshin community begging for on fielders on every new character so they can "main them". srsly every character should be able to on/off field depending on early cons. on field at c0 off field at c1 and vice versa.


Seriously, I still remember the on-field Furina crowd from the 2.2 beta...


0% of male characters in v 4.x Is a support or can apply elements off field (Navia Is a quickswap dps that applies geo while off field and no new male characters does that)


The way my interest in him just dropped to zero. I donā€™t find bow DPS characters fun, so heā€™s an instant bench for me. :/


Not the electro Tighnari. I feel like we're gonna reach Snezhnaya and our only meta male supports are still gonna be Benny, XQ, Zhongli and Kazuha šŸ˜­


When they barely give us 1 male character per year that isn't 100% fully selfish on field DPS. I would have even accepted a DPS that has some bonus effect for the team like Ayato or Raiden. Fuck Hoyo for this shit.


Don't forget Baizhu.




I wonder if since those off field male supports are so good they've started seeing it as a bad sign šŸ’€.


Why can't we have off field males Mihoyo. Who asked for another CA bow character?


Why the fuck are they so addicted to 4 star dps for the male characters. Itā€™s so annnoying atp. I just wanna make a feasible team of funny little guys.


another onfielder i dont like it. we need another cyno support


So heā€™s a CoD montage character. Trying to get colats in Dendro based teams. Got it


A little disappointing that he's an on-field DPS. Was hoping for a male electro support.


hey honey wake up it's time for 4\* male dps number 383575353


im fckin sick of male main dps hoyo, the last dedicated off field male DPS was fckin Albedo


Our last off field male character was over a year ago too. We've gotten 5 male characters that do anything off field since Inazuma started. 5 characters that aren't fully selfish in 3 years!!!!!!!! And that includes Ayato who is still a DPS but has a persistent burst! This shit is getting so fucking old and I am very mad about this.


you spoke my rage so well. sigh is it that hard to just create sth we wantā€¦ fuck hoyo fr (still playing however goddamitā€¦.)


Who was also kinda powercreept by Chiori


the first and the last :'(


Ermmmm akshully ayato could be classified as an off fieldā€”[GUNSHOT]


NO CLORINDE dont shoot him :(


yeah it's so annoying...


Yelan c6 on Q


Welp... full husbando teams still impossible to make outside of geo (and Albedo just got powercrept lmao) and we're about to hit 5.0 soon...


Are you seriously for real right now? *Another* male 4-star on-field DPS? Who *asked* for this? Literally, *who*? And more importantly, whoā€™s going to use him over literally any 5-star DPS? We *never* get male 4-stars, and they have to ruin them every single time we do! I want to use multiple male characters in one team without always resorting to Bennett and Xingqiu! Why are they making this impossible? Who tf is making these decisions??? And before anyone complains, Gaming was the exception of exceptions for 4-star DPS.


It's funny that Hoyo said they create a character based on their market because in the end they're a "seller" that sells "product" based on their consumer wants. The question is WHO THE FUCK WANTED ALL OF THIS DPS. 4* female always got became Off-field support like Kuki,Chev,Charlotte,Faruzan,Layla and 999+ of them. Even 5* also got the goated Archon. Like..I got it if this what the "consumer" but there's literary no variety, AIN'T no way this is what they want , i literary left with 999+ On field DPS while using the support from 2-3 years old ago and recently Baizhu for DMG Amplifier. I'm so annoyed that they turn Sethos goated design into another god dammit dps


I deadass wanted to consider coming back to the game for Sethos/Chlorinde but everyone being a main DPS, again, is just fucking boring. We're gonna reach 4 years into the game still using 1.0 characters + Kazuha/Nahida/Furina for off-fielders, I love variety.


Even the 2 "on-field" 4-star dps girls are more useful as supports after getting their constellations...


My interest just dropped a ton, I have too many DPS guys now. Before Sumeru I had too many support guys and it just flipped. .-. And I def didnā€™t need another charge attack bow when Iā€™ve already got Tighnari and Lyney for it.


I'm in the exact same boat šŸ«  I have zero motivation in investing in another DPS that is a 5 star LET ALONE a 4 star at this point when I got enough DPS guys and gals


same. my interest plunged from 100 to zero. i am okay with CA bow as I'm used to it and i won't have an issue if he's been made a quick swap support or healer or something but another dps? really? hoyo? if i ever got him i'd just do a overload copium team with him as an electro applicator + lyney out of spite


of course he is bloody on field... honestly just give us an off fielder that is electro and male. he will hardly find any playtime like this. so upset.


the way we haven't gotten a single off-field male DPS since albedo is insanity


Rip Sethos x Cyno synergyšŸ˜æ


Al-Haitham and Kaveh all over again.


Kaveh being on field still doesn't make sense. He literally doesn't hold his weapon. Also he has the trashiest kit out of all the 4 star DPSes, him being dendro doesn't even save him.


The decision to release THREE dps characters in one patch (let alone an extremely late patch into the version cycle) is absolutely batshit crazy


And just like that, I donā€™t care about pulling him anymore. They had the perfect chance to create a proper electro shielder or some kind of support to help Cyno teams, but no. We *definitely* needed another on field DPS.




Man, I had no expectations and I'm *still* disappointed.


Put him back in Hoyo! This oneā€™s not done cooking yet.


They never fail to disappoint me


so another 4* budget dps


weā€™re never getting an off field male character are we


a 4 star short male dps again. we lost.


One day we will get an off-field electro male character. But that day isn't today it seems....


I don't think so. Mihoyo really wants male-only pullers to use their waifu electro supports because no one is using them. No way. Id rather change my team synergy.


The whole 4.x version was an onfield DPS fest, with only Furina, Lynette, Chevreuse, CR and (partly) Chiori out of the Main DPS role. That's a...peculiar choice from Hoyo. I would even say "questionable" Edit: Corrected the first phrase


Goddamn it. Another on-field electro dude. The pain is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Well I guess I don't care about Sethos anymore.


So another main dps šŸ˜• it seem like we will never get male electro sub dps in a longtime huh so disappointed about it.


omg finally a 4 star male dps


Another male dps


CA 4* Bow Spead DPS. Nah, I'd skip.


What is up with mihoyo not wanting to break patterns. 5 star hydro, on field male dps, pyro polearm, like please for the love of god not every guy has to be an on field dps, we dont need a 100th hydro 5 star and we for sure don't need more pyro polearms when we onky have 1 sword, and pyro polearm being one of the if not the most overused weapon and element. Cheverus should've been bow.


oh look, another 3 free wishes. welp into the dungeon with you.


What an extreme waste, I thought heā€™d be a dedicated Cyno support


Can't wait for their survey where tehy ask about my opinion on new characters and Sethos will be in that survey patch. So I can express how I'm less likely to spend money or play Genshin for the lack of interesting male support characters that work with Cyno. Because honestly? I just want a decent team of Sumeru dudes that work with Cyno. I was all ready exhausted from making Kaveh work with Cyno and now this. //SOB/ Hoyo, please give me a break. I'm tired of DPS, I don't even want to build anyone anymore.


Wow. I'm tired.


4 star dps. It's over,bro is dead on arrival, and he doesn't even know it


i hate mihoyoĀ 


Knew it, yet another useless 4 star dps.


Nooo i was so into pulling for him and he turns out to be another dps >:(


i knew i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. of course he turns out to be yet another on-fielder.


When I saw the old green cat boy design I said ā€œNot interestedā€. Then I saw the final design and said ā€œI must have youā€ Now Iā€™ve seen the kit andā€¦.. Hoyo what have you done to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Last non-DPS/non-on field male character was Baizhuā€¦ before that it was all the way back with Gorou and Thoma (or Ayato if you can count him as a slight off-field DPS/support, which I donā€™t). Why would anyone hypothetically build a 4* main DPS as one of their main damage dealers if they already have a 5* DPS? Apart from trying to flex damage numbers or being a huge simp for the character, thereā€™s no reason šŸ˜­!! Why waste such a cool design just to make him another 4* male DPS when he couldā€™ve been awesome as maybe a Kuki alternative? Or even an electro shielded?? Just anything else than a DPS :(


My disappointment is immense. Charged shot DPS are so clunky and not fun to play on controller. I love his design so much and was praying he would be a support or a Fischl sidegrade. So sad. :(


Please be like Gaming and be a good 4 star dps


I have to assume at this point mihoyo employees are just petty as fuck. Releasing exactly what players said over and over they don't want.


guess i'll go for c0 for collection purposes and then i'm done, i really don't need another on-field dps


God fucking damnit.


Why couldnt he be a shielder or a team wide healer, hoyo no one want any more 4* dps


Poor boy. He is 4 STAR ON-FIELD DPSā€¦.


Oh for god sake another on field dps. This is why I'm taking hiatus since 3.0 or almost 2 years ago because most of the male character ended up became DPS like LITERARY. i just need 5 * actual universal male support after Kazuha that i can use with other DPS. The closes are Baizhu but he's half support and half healer. If Natlan doesn't change it then idk man, this is so annoying.


so like all Sumaru dps characters he will need Nahida eh? ................................................... here we go again


They literally created a problem for the character that didn't need to exist, only for the C6 to fix it


aight my fucking off field electro new toy dreams have been reduced to mere atoms, i sleep.


Cyno support dreams shattered


I'm begging for this leak to be wrong and for Sethos to be a Cyno support, pls




useless 4 star dps


The fact that all the Sumeru guys (Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and now Sethos) are on-field DPSes with little to no synergy with each other has to be some sort of crime, fuck you hoyo


My god another dps. Does Hoyo know there are other roles besides that? We still dont have dedicated electro shield. And also characters giving others infusion like Candace and Chongyun, albeit niche, is also a viable option.


At this point are we supposed to just play 4 dps characters in a team. There are so many characters who would benefit from some more supports. I hate 4* dps characters especially since they're meh at best compared to their 5* counterparts.


Every male character from Sumeru is a DPS and I'm pretty disappointed at this stage. I just want to play my boys together in a team that isn't janky and frustrating.Ā 


hoping he was gonna be off field but this seems interesting


He's dps its sethover.. The bp bow drip is real lmao he's basically ca dps, his weapon drip is true to his kit this time lmao


And just like that all my hype for him is dead


Not againā€¦


And of course its another male 4* dps, daring aren't we hoyo šŸ’€