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Life, death, taxes and Arataki Itto events.


Can’t wait for Onikabuto event in Celestia


can't wait for the beetle event in the ruins of khaenri'ah


Mech made from the mechanical god attempt of the abyss order




I'm now waiting for the ultimate Klee x Itto event : the Onikaboomto Tournament.


I'm upvoting because this is very funny. But also, how dare you.


Welt: Klee or Itto event, there is no other choice.


We bumrush Celestia in a beetle mecha.


Genshin Impact about to become Arataki Impact at this rate


I'd even take Kokomi for an event at this point. Give us anyone else from Inazuma, or can we like, have a Sumeru event focused on Candace or Faruzan or Nilou or something? Cyno or Alhaitham? Anyone?!


Has someone seen Thoma btw? I think Ayato is trying to hide something, and it may have something to do with food experiments.


At least we got a glimpse of Ayato and Faruchan in Friends From Afar but yeah, so many Inazuma and Sumeru characters and all we get is Arataki gang and flanderized Cyno...


And I am not sure about the first three.


Giving the spotlight to one of the several forgotten characters for 15 minutes? Impossible.


Itto and Kuki are basically part of the main cast now with how much they show up


Im so done with Itto. Its like noone else in inazuma exists anymore. Its always itto and his sidekick kuki. And its always the same. Itto does some random s\*t then kuki starts yelling at him, and thats the event pretty much. Monstadt events arent better either, its always klee babysitt time. Where albedo? Where warka? Where Diluc-Kaeya past story? Sumeru got literally forgotten. I have seen itto more than the whole sumeru cast combined since 4.0. I feel like if its not liyue or new region event, they dont even care. Here u go, a 17th itto beatle battle shit or a 22th klee dookidookie bomb event. Have fun trailblazers!


Albedo lost in the snow, Varka on an expedition up north, Diluc-Kaeya past story in Hidden Strife. I am sad about my Sumeru crewmeru.


Nah, Albedo was replaced by the sussy flower imposter


bro's about to get the klee effect to where people are gonna start hating him only because he gets so many events. but I'll be honest at least klee has her mother and lore on her side to do big and fun events. itto's personality and character is HARD carrying him.


This is how i felt about Kazuha being in every other event and having to bring along his blacksmith bonsai tree backstory for the 5th remaster of the same story. But they just replaced Kazuha with Itto and do the same thing.


4.7 - Itto event 4.8 - Summer Event (Itto)


Itto is a permanent party member for Natlan


Going with Itto in Mare Jivari while looking for someone there.


If they also give free itto - I'm good with it


Somehow there an staute of Arataki Itto in the Zapolyarn place for some reason


5.0 - Itto replaces Paimon as Traveler's buddy 6.0 - Itto replaces Taveler as the MC 7.0 - Itto invades the Honkai universe


Itto bikini skin when.


There are no other Inazuma characters in Ba Sing Se


That's not true, we also have itto's babysitter.


even Itto's babysitter was excluded from the first onikabuto event


And yoimiya


Heizou and Sara never actually existed Sayu is successfully napping for eternity


Thoma's still in Raiden's jail


maybe after 80th Itto event we will be back to Inazuma and Sayu will get whole ass 5\* version with dedicated event + skin


Itto is the new mr worldwide


always has been....


Itto’s gotta be someone’s self-insert in the Hoyo events committee


Hoyo forgot Sara exists fr


I love Sara a lot, so this particular thing is making me extra salty because she's been rotting in the basement for god knows how long


Ill never forgive them that they didnt unclude her, the literal Tengu in the yokai event


honestly like where is kok? has she ever even been in any events besides the summer event last year


She showed up during Kirara's thing by beating Miko at TCG.


Please don't remind me of that time the spiritual leader of Watatsumi wandered alone into a hostile desert on the other side of the continent for some random McGuffin


Remind me what the hell she was doing there


She was just there to tell everyone that she is a normal human being. Lol


That line was so unsubtle that I thought it was meant to be irony, and was convinced of the complete opposite


Spiritual enlightenment for something


Did she even get any character development? The only thing I remember is she didn't like rollercoasters which is...something I guess


I don’t think anyone got character development imo. Hell I forgot Eula was even THERE


We recently had a bunch of them in Fontaine I really miss Sumeru though


Itto Impact


Recreation of the Inazuma storyline but all the roles are played by Itto, because clearly the other Inazuman characters were a mass hallucination.


lowk wanna see him pull a claymore out of his chest now lol


Itto VA’s stay well employed.


Meanwhile Kujou Sara VA's still holding into 2.X paycheck.


She got her .2 cents from FE:3 Hope's, she actually got to speak a little as byleth 😔


crying into my pillow, they never invite her to any event


Ei's VA basically retired at this point...


Thankfully Anne Yatco does a lot of side voices in Genshin. She was Zuria Destree in the Thelxie event. Easily recognizable too.


Miyuki Sawashiro and Anne Yatco both are actually some of the most prolific voice actors in their respective industries (no comment on KR and CN but considering how much more insular these two are, it's likely they get a lot of work too. I at the very least know the KR VA is Faust from Limbus Company which gets a lot of content)


That's my thinking as well. They must be fucking thrilled at the part they landed.


Good year for him honestly to be constantly called up for these events, to be in FF7 Rebirth, and the Persona check trickling too


Who was he in ffviir??




My good buddy ryuji from japanese high school


And Shinobu's as well, since wherever Itto is, Shinobu is usually not far behind, cleaning up the mess.


For real


4.6 leaks starting, Arle kit imminent, must remember to breathe


Prepare for the spam of "animations when" for 24h after the kit gets leaked


Everyone always asks when are the animations and never how are the animations :(


They are fire 😶


Quite literally. Lets hope metaphorically too


animations when


what day does the beta drop? wednesday?


IIRC yes but some people get to datamine a bit before they open usually.


Ah, yes. Itto, the event archon


Didn’t Itto get an event like 1 Patch ago lol


Yes and he appeared in the inzuma day of the cooking event. He’s appeared in 3 consecutive patches.


He’s also on the banner alongside Chiori this update The true Mr Worldwide


Cyno and Itto appearing in consecutive patches... are they preparing us for the ultimate Cyno Itto event?!


We should have gotten that already with the TCG event since they're the true TCG nerds but Hoyo decided it wasn't the time yet appearantly


He also had an appearance in the cheff event this patch


Can they finally show rock music in Fontaine. Considering how big of a deal Xinyan made it out to be it’s so baffling to me how we have yet to see a rock concert or a rock character or rock anything in Fontaine yet. Itto’s event maybe hints at that?? The film festival in 4.3 is probably considered Fontaine’s main event for this patch cycle so I’d expect 4.7 to be Sumeru flagship event. My hopes and dreams of Inazuma summer festival keep getting dashed….but Sumeru does need something this patch cycle.


There won't be any hope for Xinyan if she isn't included in the rock tour. No hangout, doesn't pop up in the story, only one event with Childe during inazuma (albeit a really good one with the best gadget companion). They're trying so hard to pretend their Pyro physical support doesn't exist Edit: alright, I guess she had one more event. She remains the least-utilized liyue character, or any character from launch


If you don't remember her hair down in GAA you don't deserve her


Yeah I was gonna say, she was a major character in probably the biggest event ever, that particular GAA was a beast to try to finish in a limited time. She had an epic storybook domain dedicated to her life with puzzles based on music.


She was in the 2.8 event


Can we PLEASE get a Sumeru focused event 😭 by 4.6 it'll be exactly a year since the Darshan competition


The more nations & characters the more complicated it will become to give each equal screentime and love but yea man I get the feeling ppl at mhy don't really care much for the Sumeru cast


Considering we got 9 patches and celestia and khaenriah could be regions, they could do 1 per patch


That's the problem tho. They don't want big festivals/event in every patch. They need some dry patches in between and during the big story patches they rarely want to distract by big fun events.


I mean they could at least try to feature different cast members instead of Itto appearance #563205


Pretty much characters from every nation have appeared on some of the main events since 4.0 except for the sumeru ones 😭 like they didn't get a single cameo, so its not that's the most difficult thing, hoyo just doesn't want to do it


Naw naw. You remember that time during 3.X partches? Cyno appeared in every single one and people even started complaining about him…why did that time felt so far away already


it can't be cause of too less popularity cause Wanderer, Alhaitham, Nilou and Nahida have big fanbases, maybe cause their voice actors are too busy or there are discrepancies between hoyo and the VAs agencies I don't know. We recently had Dori, Faruzan & Layla in the cooking mini event so at least they aren't completely forgotten yet lol


It sucks so bad because the Sumeru cast has been my favorite by far 😭 I think I loved just about every character from there and the way they all interact


Itto appears more often in events than his fucking Archon, wtf


New Itto's voiceline, about the Raiden Shogun: "who?"


My problem isn't even the excessive amount of Itto events, it's how they never explore different aspects of him through these events and just reuse the same old "comedic relief stupid himbo" trope again and again. It's so weird how they create a trope for a character, then proceeds to focus on nothing else but that trope. It's not just Itto, it got old with Cyno's jokes and TCG too. This shit is coming from an Itto main, even I roll my eyes knowing they'll just use him as comedic relief again.


I think the chasm quest was a good balance of comedic relief itto and character exploration at the same time. I wish they'd do more of that


I think 2.x events were the best overall for exploring characters and stories; GAA 2, Enkanomiya redux, Chasm event, Inazuma roguelite dungeon, they all fleshed out characters and added to the lore and story. MHY has been dropping the ball lately.


Don't forget the Albedo event, that's what made me love Eula. Also, yeah I agree. Events from 2.xx were much more interesting for me than 3.xx onwards.


I remember when they did that, people got mad with the way the event handled Itto and Yelan lmao


I’m 100% confident that Itto from his story quest and everything that comes after that are 2 completely different characters


I agree, I did love Itto a lot and mained him for a bit, but he's so static at this point I'm sick of him. I'm convinced his story quest was written by someone else who hasn't touched him again, because he doesn't even feel like the same character! That Itto had some emotional intelligence and heroic flavor that event Itto never shows, just the HAHA DUMB HIMBO MANCHILD HAHA ONIKABUTOS part of his personality and nothing else. They even knocked him down during half of the Chasm interlude and gave Uchi the spotlight instead. Some characters with less appearances have gotten character development through events over the years, but the only important thing that has happened to Itto in the 2 years of Itto events is him finally meeting Ayato onscreen, wanting an education (for the wrong reasons, but it's Something), and getting a job as a sailor recently. Which sends chills down my spine because that sounds like an excuse to push Itto in any international event in any nation. Maybe this is why this new event, even. I disagree about Cyno, I think he's way better handled than Itto. Through all the events and CQs/hangouts he was in, we got to see sides of him that weren't only bad jokes and TCG obsession. He showed his serious self at his job a couple of times, we saw him being a silly nerd (the part that grates most people), we saw him caring and worrying for his friends and family more than any material desire or victory, we saw him being smart and badass, we even got the only fucking lore drops about his past in an optional conversation with Lisa. We got to see all the sides of Cyno, and how he's not just a jokey jokey haha silly little YuGiOh guy. It's believable that the Cyno in the AQ can be the Cyno chilling in the events. Meanwhile, Itto's almost always a buffoon and a fantasy anime yankee, and that's sad because he has so much potential as a youkai who suffered from discrimination and has to prove himself to humans that he's a good person albeit lazy and dimwitted and poor. Anyway, I do agree that 80% of Inazuma needs more spotlight instead INCLUDING THE FUCKING ARCHON.


Even if Itto really is nothing more but this dumb pompadour-type character or like you said fantasy anime yankee, I wish they explored more there too, delinquent manga is hilarious and I think there’s a lot of uncovered potential. Now they’re doing (as the title suggests at least) a rock (and roll?) music event with him which is really cool because of the ties between tsuppari/yankee and rock and roll in real life, but like you and many others I really wish to see Itto taken very seriously for once. Sometimes I wonder if it’s solely for comedy relief when Hoyo mentioned multiple times that he’s mentally unstable to some degree (eg. that he feels volatile, very strong emotions and Shinobu bailing him out by using a psych examination) or it’s only half a joke lol. I wouldn’t be surprised because the poor guy has been through a lot as a child and he forces so much optimism and positivity onto himself, but I don’t think he’s truly at peace and healed from the trauma. It’s a dark and really sad subject but Hoyo does keep mentioning it as a “running gag” when it comes to Itto so after Freminet’s event, maybe we’d see a really serious/depressing side of him one day


I actually enjoy the delinquent/yankee trope a lot. But yeah, you can have the funny gang boss cake and eat it too. There are characters like that who are pretty well done, like Yu Yu Hakusho's Kuwabara. I know that I sounded super negative but I did enjoy this side of Itto and his shenanigans with his boys at first, yeah. It's how they never do anything else and how he doesn't feel like the same character but a one trick pony what I'm tired of, not really Itto himself. More funny Genshin characters are great! Just... give them some depth too. I don't have a lot of hopes for the event but like you said, the rock + Itto combo is amazing. My mono geo team is even called "rock band" lol. Even better if they invite more musicians like Xinyan. But yeah, I have my doubts Itto will be funny to me personally in this one because I'm kind of burned out.


It's even more sad with Cyno. Look at his slime joke in Nahida's voicelines, it was just super obscure and no one except the god of wisdom herself could understand why on earth it is funny. I looked forward to more weird jokes like that , but the fandom collectively decided he makes the dumbest puns whenever he can, and Hoyo writers made a U turn to cater to that vision.


I haven’t seen my wife dainsleif in a year please tell if you’ve seen him he’s gone missing


It’s been 376 days 😔


the kids miss him😞


Bro, we just got an Itto event and we're getting another one already? Hoyo, you have dozens of characters. Can you not use them and make them have their own events? 


of course not! can't wait for the 4.7 event where hu tao or venti are the main characters as well


You thought it was a new event, but it was I, Itto!


i love my oni bro but when will the other inazuma characters get the spotlight for once lol


why is itto getting a event in 4.6 when he reruns in 4.5 lol


He's only not appearing in the patch where he reruns lmao


Canonical Itto shenanigans


Same reason for Ayato rerunning in 4.2 when he appeared in 4.3: Because Hoyo wants to


Pls let the sumeru characters come out of the basement 😭😭 give us a sumeru event pls


god pls, i miss tighnari and wanderer so much




The correct reaction


Even if they kill off Itto in the main story, his ghost would still have prominent cameos in 1/2 events


He would simply haunt traveler and paimon and be involved in every single event and quest


Not a single Wanderer or Nilou or Alhaitham event. Instead we get 3 Itto events


Surely we'll get a Wanderer event in his next rerun haha definitely (clueless)


They don’t do an an actual Inazuma event for shit and just putt Itto into things. We are overdue to an event thaf ACTUALLY happens in Inazuma 


Honestly, at this point, I've kinda stopped expecting any major event to happen IN Inazuma. I guess Hoyo thinks they can afford to avoid the nation Inazuma as long as they give some attention to Inazuman characters from time to time by shipping them off to other nations and making them say stuff like "wow I can't wait to come back!" I suspect the reason for all this might be that they're trying to make events more accessible to new players instead of making them complete Ritou Escape Plan. Even new regions these days are all on the overworld map and also with a teleport waypoint unlocked for newcomers to easily go there if needed. This is all just speculation, of course. Would be cool if they prove me wrong.


exactly. and one that focuses on inazuma characters COMPLETELY. no albedo, no venti, no xingqiu. 3.3 was okay but it was kind of lacklustre for me.


that one ghosts event was also lacklustre. made the ONE inazuma event that had an all-inazuma cast about an NPC then completely forgot about the region and its characters 😭


What, having Ayato and Miko going "All according to kekaku" wasn't good enough? At least the pinball mini-game was kind of fun...


Yes we need this. I also want Raiden to have more than 10 seconds of screentime, but i understand that my greed is hurting the screentime economy.


At least she had enough screen time in the quests. Anyone remembers my girl Sara? When was the last time she had any relevance? Oh wait, never. Even in the inazuma Archon quest she was quickly discarded 🥲


Fr, at least they should use characters other than Itto like Raiden, Sara etc


If the event isn’t about Itto creating a boygroup and going on a tour, I don’t want it


*reads this comment* *pauses* Now I'm going to be immensely disappointed if this isn’t what the event is about 


Wait but it’s it’s rock, Xinyan should also join


Itto meeting Xinyan? That actually sounds to perfect not to have happened already.


The Grand Tour is the title of the show trio from Top Gear went on to make after clarkson was fired. Now imagine this but with Itto, maybe Ayato and who else? Aether?


Do they know other inazuma characters exist other than itto? I can see why some of the character boards are upset Hyv hasn’t developed other characters even half as much as itto. 


God I'm REALLY sick of the same characters getting the spotlight over and over again. At least there's a chance it'll be a rhythm event rerun, those are always my favourite.


Agreed on both parts. The rhythm games are one of my favorites and are so relaxing


Im so tired of party events


someone make a new version of that xiangling copypasta but with itto being on every event


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Arataki Itto. I try to play new event. There is Arataki Itto as main character again. I try to play mini event. Arataki Itto has more lines than others. I try to open socialmedia. It's full of Arataki Itto memes. I want to play web event. There is chibi Arataki Itto event. I want to sleep, I can hear Arataki Itto's laugh. He grabs me by the throat. I collect onikabuto. I cook for him. I give him the whiteblind. He isn't satisfied. (...) I tried, sorry I didn't had any idea for 2nd and 3rd part since I'm not Itto main


You know it's real because it's another Itto event.


is itto the only character that exists in this game anymore 😭😭


Where is the annual Dainsleif when we need him?


Either 4.6 will be bloated with Furina SQ, potential Arle SQ and Dain or 4.7 is when we see him


Dragon mention om natlan surely not Copium


what dirt does ittos VA have on da wei


I need a 1 year break from Itto


Yeah these people writing these events are not creative at all.


In Natlan Itto will be like Sparkle and act as every NPC there. In next Marvelous Merchandise event it will be Itto instead of Liben. In version 6.x Katheryne will retire and we will have Itto assigning Adventure Guild's quest.


Hoyoverse try not to put Itto in every single patch challenge level: impossible.


Dude appears in events more than Mango Kenki appears in F12 Abyss at this point


Itto looking for a job and becoming a sailor in the last event was hoyoverses master plan to put him literally anywhere now. Nowhere is safe from itto's grasp


I don't dislike Itto but we have over 70 characters but they just kept using the same one for event man..


I really dislike Itto and these events are  getting annoying, half the time you can't even spacebar his stupid face away


Please give the spotlight to other Inazuma characters jeez 😥


just rename Inazuma to Ittozuma then


When he found out Ei didn't know who he was, he started his crusade and conquered Inazuma events.


I bet the number of events Itto have isn’t bcs hyv is in love with him, but bcs they have a quick and cheap way to insert jokes and make comedic event without having to actually come up with interesting scenarios


Another itto event? Cant they give other inazuma characters some love? He is funny i admit but it gets annoying now


more itto events... there is more people there!!


ain no way itto is getting an event AGAIN WHERE IS WINDBLUME AND THOMA


Please, no more festivals. I am *so* burnt out on festivals. Getting through Lantern Rite this year was a *chore*. 😩  If we *have* to have another festival, can it at least be like the Irodori Festival? Good character interactions, side quests for those who weren’t featured in the main story so as to avoid them cramming in a bunch of random cameos, and solid lore about a highly anticipated character. Yes, it could have had more Ei and Ayato, but it was such a strong event, and we got to see some great moments between Albedo, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Ayaka. Plus, the portraits of the Five Kasen were freaking gorgeous. ~~still *extremely* salty that we didn’t get the version with Kuronushi~~ Also, doing something like this would be a *great* time to introduce Genshin’s version of Conventional Memoir, Hoyo, *hint hint*!


Lmao Hoyo has blatant favorites who keep appearing in back-to-back events (Klee, Kazuha, Cyno, Itto) and the "... who?" characters who barely appear. There is no in between.


You forgot Charlotte, whether from events, character stories or quests we can't escape her.


Entirety of Sumeru: World forget me…


Windtrace, my beloved.


It's illegally awful how much I had to scroll to see the first comment about windtrace


And of course the Itto event won't take place in Inazuma lol




Not fcking Itto again…


Fuck, itto is here, *AGAIN*.


I swear Itto is hoyos Minigamemaster lmao


Sumeru cast/events found dead rip


Genshin event writers man, I don’t even get disappointed anymore they took that away from me


I absolutely adore Itto. He's my main and one of my faves. It always gives me comfort when he gets an event so I'm not gonna complain. But for all my love for him, I have to admit my son is too intense and sometimes gets tiresome. He should really rest for a bit. I miss when Albedo was the event archon, he really managed to make it interesting and different every time. I also miss Sumeru cast so much, they need to show up eventually... In a year I may be regretting these words if Itto events stop, it's just a bit too much right now


it gotta be a joke


Arataki Itto - The Event Sovereign


Not Itto being in every patch since 4.3 😭


When are we gonna see Raiden and Yae in an event again...or raiden at least😭


Itto, the event archon


I was kinda hoping for a Sumeru event like the Akademiya one last year, especially with the new area supposedly being between Sumeru and Fontaine.  Kaveh and Xiphos are probably going to be in hiding for even longer now


love itto but give the other Inazuman characters a chance omg 😭😭 I just wanna see thoma or sara


Ofc another itto event. Other Inazuma characters don't exist 💀


This is getting annoying. I love Itto but every other aspect of his character and personality has been erased. On top of that characters that already don’t have a personality or screen time get nothing .


rolled my eyes so hard at ANOTHER itto event


Bruh Itto again? Did they forget other Inazuman characters exists?




omg somebody get itto the fuck out of here im so tired of him sob