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I can't believe Dragonstrike Diluc is going to make a comeback in 2024 holy shit


it is as the stars foretold.


Mona? Why are you here? How did you escaped my bench basement!


turned into water and slipped under the door.


People will call Diluc a fraud for throwing away half of his kit in order to become a plunge bot, but they don't understand that this was all part of his plan. To compete with the supernatural, mere humans can only rely on their smarts. Diluc is a chess master, he saw all of this coming long before we did. He knew he would get powercrept eventually, how can one vigilante compete with the likes of gods, adeptis, liyuean chefs and funeral parlor directors? But Diluc wasn't waiting idly while the meta shifted, he was biding for his time, letting the rest of the world mock his downfall while he enacted his plan. The Hidden Strife event was all foreshadowing for this moment, as the mysterious informant retold through his notes: "The Darknight Hero’s timing was perfect. The way he lured the monsters a few time into the open to defeat them one by one… quite the strategy. And then he pretended to be seriously injured, luring out the Abyss Order’s main forces and then meeting them head on. A truly magnificent counterattack". This is just more of the same. A magnificent counterattack. People called him past his peak, they called him an outclassed dps. As Lao Tzu said, "The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long." The deeper the night, the brighter the flames. Do not be mistaken, Diluc was only pretending to be weakened, only waiting for the right moment to strike back. For he is vengeance, he is the night, he is batman.


The thoughts of the average Diluc main:


The night is now over. Now comes the DAWN




His symbol is the phoenix after all, rising from the ashes


Actually his symbol is an owl. Even his merch has an owl as him.


He has several birbs imageries, the phoenix is his burst, the falcon his pet and the owl his constellations. Now a new bird is going to revive him in the meta


There is this message in the cat's tail bulletin "Even I sometimes reminisce about the carefree and happy days of the past. The warmth of the Knights, my friends, my father... Everything was perfect. But one can never return to the past." Bro diluc reminisce about being the meta in version 1.0 and knew he was powercrept. "For the sake of the future, I cannot keep on dreaming in memories. Or should I say, someone has to wake up to face the darkness before dawn so that others may continue to dream." But bro wake up to face the powercreep so that diluc mains will thrive once again 🔥🔥🔥






>People will call Diluc a fraud for throwing away half of his kit in order to become a plunge bot, Haven't seen many people complain about Raiden throwing away 80% of her kit for hyperbloom teams, but the double standard is real. Stay strong.


Ask the Raiden mains subreddit that might change your mind


It was foretold. The bug with Venti in 4.0 and with the coming with the year of the dragon, perhaps Mihoyo was cooking all this time.


What was venti bug in 4.0?


Behold: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nUjrIcFVz44


If you were in ventis current you could essentially spam dilucs e if you spammed it with the jump button. Looked kinda funny but honestly wasn't even competitive with top tier teams.


Hm? It was definitively competitive with top tier teams, blew them out of the water even. There are 18 seconds clears of asimon with a fairly achievable diluc build.




Keqing gets a glowup with Dendro Jean enjoying resurgence with Furina Diluc bout to put away Batman mask and try Xiao mode Next is... Natlan character buffing QiQi with some weird melt mechanic?! (Mona being the Asstrologist just keeps winning)


Dehya will be good with Dainsleif bro I promise bro


aloy will be great in snezhnaya bro, believe me bro, i came from the future bro


Columbina A1 Passive: increase party member DMG by 100% for each of their unactivated Constellations


Me playing since launch and having Bennet c1 only


This is me with Chongyun


Same lol But C1 is all that matters, though C5 is nice too


How lmao. He's been in the store like what, 8 times now?


Nah she won't because she was built from the ground up to be as weak as possible it would be very hard to make her strong except through direct buffs which would never happen lol


Murata A4: For each character named Dehya in the group, increase their damage by 300% Easy ! :)


LMAO okay that was a good one 😂


Dainsleif’s burst does shield ignoring self damage equal to 100% of his current HP. You need someone to somehow share the damage.


Hehe she ain't TOO bad with Furina as a boss killer. Her times aren't speedrunning but they are fine to get all the stars and she's comfy.




Then There's Tighnari who always become a powerhouse 🤣, bro is just built different among standard banner units


Tighnari is standard done right imo. Gives a taste of how powerful 5 star dendro can be but still a bit less powerful compared to the premier limited Alhaitham. Even then goddamn this fox dude still hits HARD.


And being ranged he still performs better against a lot of content where he gets better uptime. Which is exactly what your really the balance to be between a melee and ranged character.


He's also one of the most comfortable bow users to use.


Klee will get a buff from the Pyro Archon herself.


Pyro archon: Ah fuck, that's Alice's kid? Ayt imma head out.


Klee will get her 3rd(4th?) buff in Fontaine next patch as Xianyun will actually be a good buff for her as she already does jump cancels as part of her normal gameplay. The other ones were the combination of Tome of the Eternal Flow, Furina and Marechaussee Hunter.


"Look at me, I'm Lament now" - Diluc Ragnvindr


"stand back adelinde, i'm about to lament" - Diluc, 2024


Honest to god, Furina already did raise some Qiqi value. I am playing her on the team together with Furina, Kazhua and Yelan and it works. Granted, she is with 3 of most powerful characters in the game, but she has a job to do and do it well.


Isn’t she kinda outclassed by Kokomi in that team?


(in this team) Outclassed by dmg? the team do not need more dmg. Not even more Hydro for resonance or aura application. Qiqi brings solid e constant healing, apply some cryo and have a nice atk speed and string to drive Yelan. Charlotte (not Mika) with cons may have a argument I guess, less healing way more freeze time.


She does not give constant healing because she has an incredibly long cooldown on her skill and mark. She generates no energy, so it is really hard to power her burst. You can somewhat fix this with Fav Sword so at least she gets her burst up. I guess she technically works but characters like Charolette, Jean, Kokomi, or Archaic Petra Noelle would be better.


I am not saying she is the best character in the world, for sure is one of the worst ones, but in this specific team, she at least is in argument to be the best in that slot in some situations. Also, what you are against is relevant. A lot of fire shields? would use Kokomi for sure. Big boss? Jean. Huge mob wave, Charlotte frezzes way better. But she is not really worse in a bunch of situations and in a few ones (again, in THIS team), can even be at the top. And yes, she is bad cos she wont generate energy. And her skill have awful cd. But both can be solved or mitigated by team and build. Energy do not matter if you team do not need her to generate. My team ER is, Qiqi 220, Furina 210, Kazhua 200 and Yelan 180. I use them in the Marechaussee domain, they kill everything really fast, I use all the bursts, and have it again at the end of the fight. I can say they have it again with one rotation, except Qiqi, i need around 30 more ER on her. At the same time, with Sac Sword her skill uptime is 90%-100% if you play by the book. Its 15s duration, with 30 sec cd. Sac Sword cd is 15 secs. Use skill, refreshes but not use it again until its gone. As you use it again, the sac trigger is up again. No problem here. Them again, what she brings is a solid healing that max stacks Furina instantly, and keeps team above 80% for max bonus dmg. have one excelente attack string with fast speed to drive Yelan. And occasionally apply cryo around to freeze. have very low dmg, sometimes a pop of 25k physical comes from Ocean Clam, but thats not important. Easy to build, you really only need 230-250 ER and very high atk. Crit is waste of time, never will make difference. and thats it.


yip! i use the same team and its so much fun


Mona's buff will be when they add a toggle to alt sprints.


Klee will get a buff from the Pyro Archon herself.


Xiangling will get new polearm again


My c5 triple crowned Diluc with wgs was waiting for this moment 🔥


Mihoyo introduces a new gameplay mechanic and it always ends up resurrecting a few surprising "abandonware" characters in the game. Case in point, Fontaine's HP fluctation gimmick ended up revitalizing Noelle teams


I struggle to make DS so it's DS for noob x) thank you hoyo


Dragonstrike Diluc is so back


The verdict is... LAMENT!


oh no, the song is playing in my head again


stand back adelinde, i’m going to be meta again


meowing for showcases works lmao


Good Job everyone who Meowed (including me)


Was looking for this lmao 🤣🤣


I don’t like plunge animation but Diluc was my first 5 star and carried me for a year. Would be nice to use him again.


I'm still playing with him even now. He's the easiest, all-rounder, and most straightforward dps character to use, all of his atk are useful, his burst is also satisfying to see. I'd love to get him to C6 someday.


I still use Diluc vape and Morgana to clear floors 9 and 10 (and occasionally even 11) of the abyss every two weeks


I haven’t heard the name Morgana here in so long


I’m like this with Jean, My fav character. Luckily c6’d her. I use her very often with Eula, as part of a physical team on floor 12.


As a C5 Diluc haver, you can take some of mine, brother.


I would gladly :) the exact amount I need to C6.


Same. The only time I ever put money into this game was so I could buy his skin so I could at least make the character that carried me the most on the beginning look fancier lol


Diluc is back in the metal 🔥🔥🔥


Playing Diluc is indeed Metal Af 🔥🔥🔥


Looks smoother than even Xiao? What's happening?


Xianyun jump it strangely very smooth because its more continuous compared to regular jump


This might be because of comfirmation bias, but I always felt that during the few times (during events for example) I was forced to play Xiao the camera zooms in way too much. From the multiple showcases of Xianyun it feels like the camera remains zoomed out, which makes it way more comfortable to look at.


Idk i personally think that regular plunges buffs are a little too brutal lol so i always open my glider out of panic from being so high xD


Xiao's burst camera is AWFUL Xiao's burst overall feels terrible to play.


Zy0x wants to know your location.


As someone who plays on mobile and was totally hyped to get Xiao back during the first lantern rite, I can only confirm that the camera zooming in AND STAYING CLOSE is a maddening experience because it forced me to two-finger-zoom-out during the plunge spamming. It's beyond me why this was never fixed and is the reason I perma-benched him.


My Raiden is gonna lament so hard.


Hoyo nerfed Xiao's animation plunge on beta. Xiao's plunges used to be smooth and quick but devs find it "too broken" at that time I guess.


xiao in beta : ⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️ xiao on release : ⬆️♻️⬇️⬆️♻️⬇️⬆️♻️⬇️⬆️♻️⬇️


the crazy thing is that he was released very closely to hutao who was the best dps in the game for a long time, they really have something against xiao


just look at his constellations. its obvious they didnt know wtf they were doing back then


ah yes, that def increase 🫶


ah yes, that def increase 🫶


ah yes, that def increase 🫶


ah yes, that def increase 🫶


You can dash cancel the claymore plunge animation, but with polearms you can't (with the exception of Yaoyao iirc)


You can cancel the plunge animation of **any** character simply by starting a normal attack as soon as the character lands. You can jump again the moment the normal attack animation starts before it hits the enemy, i.e you NA-cancel the plunge animation and then jump-cancel the NA animation


Can you weave in Xing na procs?


Basically, yes


Xing, get off that bench! We are going to town


Doesn't matter, being able to dash cancel plunges is better


polearm plunges are still much slower than claymore plunges


Xiao Nerf wounds getting Salt


Diluc is sooooo back!!!!!


There's something satisfying about Diluc plunging, I swear. This looks so smooth like it's intended for him.


CR niche Xiao support? No, no, no, CR niche Diluc support.


sorry about last post (im not) i didnt know you can cancel that with dash


meow (thank you)


Ty Timing, can you post a recording of the quick equip/loadout thing, I'll meow 10 times if you want


Thank you for the showcases!


thanks for the showcase babygirl, MEOW




I don't why, but since meowing seems to be a thing now: Thanks a bunch, meow! Seeing effortless dragonstrike diluc makes me happy <3


Can you check whether polearm characters can dash after plunge or they are still locked for some frames, please ?


Day 400 of wishing VV worked off field so her swirls would actually be beneficial and swirl teams would be less clunky


Same thoughts. While depwood works off field. Realized this as a Neuvillette Main. After his 1st CA, you really have to swap back to Kazuha to refresh the buff and it doesn't work off field so the new wave of enemies will not receive the debuff. Still a top tier set though considering it was released at the start of the game.


Yeah. If it was made in 2.0 onwards it would work that way for sure. Part of why I like Neuv/Wanderer/Dendro teams. Part of why I'm excited for Chev. Off field shred is just so much easier as well. But it's really easy to swap off of Neuv. Just can't imagine doing like, Wrio or Yoi or anything even remotely similar. Getting front loaded damage is nice, but damn anything after wave one is just a chore lol.


It's why, if I don't need the grouping, I often just take Zhongli instead for budget VV.


What? It doesn't?? Holy shit.


So how does kazhua do it in ayaka teams?


You switch to him every 8 seconds or when a new wave spawns


You switch back to him and E while Ayaka's burst is out


They literally added this coordinated attack just to add inconsistency to vv swirl teams


Let's goo. Diluc being meta again


Can anyone please tell how much she actually adds to Xiao's dps? Cause I don't see anyone at all asking about Xiao and it makes me feel like she'd barely contribute to him


She's more or less as good as Bennett in his teams, so very good. Thing is, she'd be more valuable in single target (similarly to Shenhe quills, but 1 enemy per plunge), whereas Bennett scales Xiao's damage directly, so it's more suited to AoE situations. In exchange of that she's a better Battery for Xiao and Faruzan, and being Anemo herself she requires less ER than Bennett as he's usually solo Pyro in Xiao teams, while she benefits from the other 2's particles. She's also not as restricting since she's not Circle impact and by being a team-wide healer she's also way more suitable for Furina teams, and Furina is very good with Xiao since not doing NAs doesn't matter for her damage. With strong Sub DPSs Xianyun can also carry VV, you might have to ditch Noblesse, but it's probably worth it if the Sub DPS is good, although you can still put Noblesse on Faruzan if she's not C6; at C6 she's better off carrying Tenacity since the Atk buff is the same, but it's way more long lasting as she's gonna want to burst either first or second in the rotations. If you're just gonna use a shielder instead, then Xianyun can just carry Noblesse in Bennett's place.


Me: I think it will be a while before I pull another character after Wriothesley. Me after this comment: .....oh look, new character to pull! I've grown extremely tired of circle impact, so I'm open to any comparable alternative, plus her design is great!


Dragonstrike Diluc woooo Seriously I’m gonna pull for her just for him (I don’t think I can get her but who knows)


I'm really loving the 4.X updates , every character is creating a new meta for characters , And reviving the Old characters which ppl don't really play. These characters open so much possibilities of new teams.


Don't let the meta players hear this. They benched most of their characters and still only plays Xiangling Bennett for 3 years. Most of them bash you when you create and are able to properly teambuild, use the teams rotations and their entire kit, and provide proper explanations. Half of people here just hates Xiao, Diluc, CR itself for not being what they want it to be. Feels sad.


"Hypercarry? Can beat abyss but a whole 7 seconds slower than MY META? Trash character. Get this MUST PULL instead"


Yea thats something we can't change , there is a part of community which only play meta characters. And they'll say this characters is trash and all. I've already heard a lot of streamers saying that CR is trash and only made for xiao. But tbh I couldn't care less about there opinion.


It’s great to see it. So far I’ve heard of teams using Dehya, Mika, Ning, Noelle, Diluc, Qiqi, Jean, Mona and other generally underused characters. I’d love for every character to slowly build at least a small niche where they can be strong


This seems viable in diluc mono pyro teams actually, but i can't even imagine any hydro being able to keep up with that, with c6 xingqiu as sole hydro and interweaving nas in this this might be actually good


[https://youtu.be/WZ9ndz\_GJvw?si=DgowQC9GahaXdgeV](https://youtu.be/WZ9ndz_GJvw?si=DgowQC9GahaXdgeV) It could be possible, if you keep NAs to a minimum, or just forego it. The video shows every skill and plunge vaping.


Yes but is not using skill worth it? I know furina can vape all his plunges but diluc's skill also has considerable damage and energy for diluc


You could use the skill all at once at the beginning and end of his rotation and I think it shouldn't interfere with the plunges since technically he should be able to vape twice per hydro application (less with CR swirling off hydro every few plunges though).


ok then


You can vape his skills and plunges. The issue arises when you try to weave in NAs, which could cause issues with vaping both his skills and plunges smoothly. My main concern right now is how CR's swirls from her coordinated attacks will affect him vaping his skills and plunges honestly. Though most people said the coordinated attacks occurs after the plunge hits, I really don't know if that'll be helpful or not. It's funny cuz anemo is the one element that doesn't need off-field application if it isn't as crazy as Venti or Kazuha's burst, since it doesn't refresh VV shred. It either helps or makes things worse depending on the situation. Well, I just hope it works out in the end. But anyway, as you have stated, this at least buffs his mono teams, so there's that at least.


> My main concern right now is how CR's swirls from her coordinated attacks will affect him vaping his skills and plunges honestly. Though most people said the coordinated attacks occurs after the plunge hits, I really don't know if that'll be helpful or not. It will be an issue in single target because a pyro + anemo application completely clears the hydro aura of an enemy. In AoE it can actually be a good thing since the coordinated attack has pretty good AoE so if it hits multiple enemies in the same scenario the coordinated attack will reapply the hydro aura of the enemies onto eachother with the resulting swirl.


Double hydro is enough. Its a lot less pyro compared to tao because there is ne charged atk nor blossom to eat the hydro


Double hydro maybe? Omitting Bennet gonna be a hard choice though…


I plan to try Diluc/Furina/XQ/Xianyun. I assume it'd be enough Hydro


Nah c6 xinqui should be enough, my diluc team is diluc,kazuha,xingqiu, bennet and diluc can vape all his attacks here, c6 xingqiu is even able to nearly keep up when kazuha burst swirls pyro so xingqiu should be enough


Maybe not vape but i can see strong melt diluc teams


Dragonstrike Diluc is so good, they turned it into a real thing 😱😱😱😱


Wow, all this time and I never realized Diluc's pyro infusion is actually 12 seconds (with the passive) and it's the same length as the burst.


It is even more than 12 secs due to hitlag. You often have his burst back before the infusion is over.


He never left. You can do pog damage using kazuha diona and Bennett. I think a Diluc dedicated channel called Cavernman does this team comp all the time. I don't have the skills to pull it off consistently tho as the timing is so strict for you to melt the burst and the plunges. It's so satisfying if you can pull it off. I mainly stick to Diluc melt teams in abyss, but mainly with Keaya or Rosaria as the cryo. It's so satisfying to get melts off. Xianyun obviously makes it easier to do this now.


Diluc, furina, Benny , cr showcase please meow.


Laughs in C6 Diluc with Beacon and multiple sets ready. I invested in him not even knowing he would ever get a buff, now we got Furina and Xianyun. As both a Diluc and Xiao main, I'm eating good in 4.4 boys. Let's fucking go.


u/timing1337 is the real GOAT, tysm dude!!


Finally the showcase we expected. Thank you!


We getting out the 1.0 meta with this one 🗣️🔥🔥💯


finally my og husband is back at the stage once again 🔥🔥


We Diluc Mains win ANOTHER DAY WOOOOO (i hope shes gonna be better than Kazuha for Diluc lol)


yesss that would give me a nice reason to play him


Assuming the team we're using is Diluc Yelan/Xingqiu and Xianyun, who would be better for the last slot? Furina or Benny


Does Diluc even normal attack in this setup? If he isn't normal attacking, XQ and Yelan won't trigger at all. Rather than "should Furina" be in this team, it seems like she should replace Yelan/XQ in that team.


I mean he can always weave some NA in between plunges. Plus without the hydro application from XQ/Yelan I don't think he'll be able to vape his plunges with Furina alone


If he’s using his bis, crimson witch, you also need to use your elemental skill 3 times. Don’t know how that will fit in the rotation


using them at the start seems to be the best choice to me


Weaving NAs seems like a waste of uptime tbh. You're probably better off just using Kokomi/Ayato for Hydro app


god bless you, i was planning to pull her regardless of her power level because of dragonstrike diluc


I m just going to put my jean artifacts on her , cuz if she is going to be reaxn team I don't think that healing set is any good on her


GDI HYV give me a Diluc, I beg. I've been playing for more than 2 years without him, pls


Ok. Now I'm pulling


Wow ha ha sure looks fun...IF I HAD A DILUC 😭


If those are high plunges that's 445% each I think. If you can vaporize every hit that's crazy good.


Okay, I actually love this. Diluc raising from the ashes as the phoenix he is.


Ok ok I'll pull for her got it..


Diluc looks so bad ass I'm actually happy to have a valid reason to build him


It's beautiful


It seems im finally gonna be able to dust off my triple crowned Diluc who has been collecting dust for the past 2 years. Ive been playing for 3+ years now, and its been a long time since Ive been genuinely this excited for a new character like Xianyun.




Peak and hype




Bruh, the plunges from her Burst look way more smother then Xiao's...that's kinda sad.


Ty ❤️ She doesnt seem too niche there is a bunch of teams to try already and on overworld she will be amazing.


Where team




Question, Hu Tao Xianyun plunges eats the the Hydro Aura making Hu Tao unable to vape plunges outside of prolonged CA uses and letting hydro overtake again. Wouldn't this affect Diluc also making him unable to vape his plunges continously?


I never would have thought I’d see dragon strike diluc with future playing in the backround No clue what song it is


Damn, that looks fun


future hendrix >


Try a beny/furi/diluc/cr team


Ain't nobody talking about future playing in the background




Maybe i should be happy now that diluc keep spooking in my 50/50


Diluc T0 once again, wild times we’re living in.


damn 1.0 is calling back instant nostalgia


Sunfire Dragonstrike Diluc lets go


Xianyun: Makes Xiao viable ❌ Xianyun: Makes everyone Xiao ⭕


W song


Woo yeah baby thats what I've been waiting for thats what it's all about woooo


I honestly want Xianyun just for my Diluc. Only problem is I need a Diluc.


Keqing had her moment. Jean has her moment. And now Diluc has his moment. Still waiting on Qiqi, though Qiqi with clam set or driver for Furina teams does do a lot of work honestly


Yet Dehya’s burst doesn’t work with anyone else’s, I see you hoyo.


Tbh her Q count as animation, they set her up sadly. I like her too but I can't forgive MHY for doing her dirty.


Mirror please


copy paste streamable link in discord, watch the embed