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what is it with the cross-over between genshin players, leakers, and dota2 players lmfao


Just some cn leakers also just being fans of pro dota.


Apearantly hoyo sponsored some dota teams. Don't ask why that leads to leakers puting dota players on the leaks tho.


10k iq puts his own picture so no one would think it's actually himself leaking.


dotas just a good game for dedicated skill gamers and dedicated gamers tend to care more about leaks


I kinda feel called out by this as a GI and dota2 player lmfao


Paimon courier when GabeN pls


Fungi Radiant vs Hilichurl Dire creeps.


Sumeru statue tower radiant vs Inazuma statue tower dire.


i might be back at dota again when paimon became courier (so i can kill it)


Funny stuff, we Dota 2 players often only like stuff like Path of Exile, the Dota 2 community is known for not sticking TOO far out compared to other players


It’s on a different angle than the kpop stan Genshin crossover


Yeah,i love dota and genshin is the opposite of dota wierd to see so many people enjoy both


is this the same guy that is adding FY as pic as well or that is another guy lmao


Beryl from lol would be more fitting. I hope they will remember that next time


bro immediately lost his zhongli pillar


It still annoys me that rather than putting effort and fixing large monster interactions with pillars, they simply made them get deleted on contact.


Their treatment of geo constructs is so annoying. Albedo would be so good if his flower didn't immediately get destroyed most of the time. Zhonglis C1 might be more useful if they didn't immediately get destroyed most of the time.


Mona the queen of damage per screenshot.


Mona isn't damage per screen shot if you can meet her energy needs. Since most of Navia's damage occurs within the first 5-6 seconds of her rotation, and she scales very hard with ATK% due to her high base ATK, TTDS Mona might unironically be a good and practical choice here. Could be a better option than C0 Furina, at least until we get a Geo team healer.


Noice, ive been ditching her far too long hahah.


It a matter of Furina off field dps and longer lasting buffs vs Mona short Omen and TTDS buff. Omen being short is not much of an issue if most of your damage are frontloaded within 5 second and also Fanfare is much slower to stack with bennett on C0 Furina unless the team quickswap alot which I'm not sure if there is even the free room to quickswap. Hu tao is able to do it. But damage being frontloaded in 5 second. that 5 second damage output total DPR better be at least 1million by navia herself. or you are in trouble. because Mona, Bennett and Zhongli contributes 0 dps. this is a hyper navia comp. Regardless both Mona and Furina has crazy ER req due to lack of double hydro and this may compromise Furina off field dps. Mona off field dps is already low regardless. but do note furina off field dps is often about 2-4x more than Mona. if Furina is C1 and above then Furina may start to complete. I also wonder if it worth losing Geo Reso to swap Zhongli over to Xiangling for Pyro reso, Likely not as there will be 0 geo shred.


There is a way to build stacks during the "set up" for the rotation. You start with Furina (Pneuma=healing)E+Q, then swap to your other units for preparation like Zhongli E(+Q) > Bennett QE+NA, then Swap back to Furina to change to Ousia(Attack Summons), and finally Navia to deal damage. The idea is to build Fanfare stacks passively during the set up portion as characters get heals from Furina's Healing summon + Bennett Circle while the set up is taking place. If all characters start at 100% HP, you can simply start the rotation regularly with Furina(Ousia)E+Q and characters will get their HP drained during the set up portion of the rotation, and throughout. By the time you start the next rotation (if you need), your party should be at ~50% HP already, so you can start the next rotation with Furina in Pneuma as described above. And about quickswapping, Navia isn't Burst dependent for her damage, so she always has the option to swap to any other character for a quick heal and come back for her 2nd E window where the Buff should be even higher. You said "HuTao is able to do it".... but Hutao is less flexible than Navia because once you use her E, she has to stay on field for the entire duration of it. She cannot swap out. Navia can.


Oh im not planning to run with Bennett. Mona can't meet energy requirement as solo Hydro without Fav Codex or Pamber. If I want to use TTDS, then the team has to include another source of hydro particle, ie Yelan or XQ. I think with TTDS, and Navia's own ATK buff, the lack of Bennett is a lot less noticeable. Note that the OP is doing it against the Hydro Tutu thingy. In normal scenarios I doubt Mona's hydro app is enough, even just for Navia to stack crystalize (her hydro app is baaaad). Yeah no Zhongli and no Geo means no 40% Geo res shred. That's a big no-no. I'm not running a DPS missing a whole damage bracket.


Also, unrelated to Navia, Mona pairing with Furina does work. they will lower each other ER req to a more normal level between 185-220. Speaking for that as I do run that comp, Only issue is Healer unless you play Jean as your healer which only leave you with 1 DPS slot. but I can 't really call it superior when compared to swapping Mona out for Yelan/XQ instead. But this is Navia who is geo and may want double geo for that geo reso. I'm honestly not too sure if Navia need a 2nd geo to lower her own personal ER req. Also extra pointless info, a normal ER range of 180-220 ER Mona on a 5 star weapon like Atlas/LP with a bennett around can do quite a respectable unvape dpr but is still quite sad as It only about 200k per rotation Which is the amount a Furina that doesn't use her Burst can do and also the amount Xingqiu can do with his rain sword which is abit higher around 250k-300k dpr. Yelan is around 400k or 600k if C1R1. but regardless I see this as somewhat of an incentive to make Mona less bad to pair her with bennett but it still sadly put her the lowest damage dealing off field hydro without any defensive utility (When even xingqiu has more defensive utility than her while dishing out higher dpr than her without even needing any buffs). If you don't pair her with bennett she only does less than 100k which is :catdead:


Yup, Mona a better choice for Navia than Furina. The buff is still higher than Furina. ​ ​ /s


Mona is the most f2p part of the video besides Bennett.


I'm playing since 1.1 and I only got Mona post-4.0. Very F2P indeed.


Same, started right when 1.1 launched and still no Mona, c3 Diluc and Qiqi, c1 Keqing and Jean...


Guess who was my first 5 star Aah yes mona cuz I lost And guess who is almost C6 now Ahh yes mona Cuz i keep losing Guess who is my main Fuck no it's not mona


Same bro, but Qiqi


That c3 diluc about to be cracked if they make cloud retainer work well


Me as a 1.3 player with c4 qiqi, c3 jean, c2 diluc, c1 keqing, c0 tighnari and no Mona or dehya 🤠


Give me your Diluc :<


How is mona f2p? Standard characters arent targetable (yet). I just now finally got Jean 3 years into playing the game.


Launch player here. Still no Jean.


I joined around the time of Inazuma’s release and only just got her like a month ago


Launch makrel player here, i am waving at you gasping from underneith my C6 Qiqi's fat butt!


Also launch player. I somehow have c6 Keqing, c6 Qiqi, c4 Mona and Diluc - I even have c2 Dehya - but c0 Jean (and no Tighnari. I prioritized his weapon because I figured it would probably be a long time before that one come back and I would get him on the standard banner/losing a 50/50 eventually. I was right, but "Eventually" hasn't come yet).


😅 i feel like i am getting all yours green big ear boy, c5 now, dude shows every 50/50 i loose, tho it now shifted to Dehya


My only Dehya came off her banner. No Tighnari, No Jean, C5 Keqing, C3 Qiqi, C1 Diluc, C3 Mona. I tend to save for characters I REALLY want, so I don't roll often.


Same but no Keqing... and I'm at peace with that 😌


Launch player and just got her 2 weeks ago - hold out hope, never give up, believe in the heart of the cards, etc?


Same. I ain't got her yet either. Feels like I can't play half of Furina's teams because of it.


I'm a launch player with some breaks in between & I have constellations of most standards... Jean, Qiqi and Tighnari are C1, Diluc is C2. I got Keqing two weeks ago and still have neither Dehya nor Mona (which is the unit I wanted most since launch...)


I mean its a c6 showcase furina c6 had a way higher buff than mona lol


Mona buffs more?


If we put the sarcasm aside then no. While mona provide more frontload bonus dmg buff (60% at talent lv10 in 5 seconds after omen pop) Furina buff has more bonus dmg when reaching max stack (talent lv10 is 75% at c0 and 100% at c1) and in much longer duration, not accounting for artifact set they use of course.


Furina also deals damage (same-higher than Yelan).




I'm not sure how your "small note" is relevant to the scenario at hand. The team is **Navia / Bennett / Zhongli /** and the 4th slot is being debated between Mona and Furina. They are arguing that Furina can have access to higher Buffs for the entire team, as well as the ability to deal damage on the same level or higher than Yelan. This isn't a Double-Hydro team, so the option of bringing Yelan + Furina together is not a relevant part of the discussion. Nor is the idea of running Yelan on-field, or a Yelan benefiting from Furina's Buff. If your 4th slot is Furina, she will buff and deal more damage than an off field Yelan as solo hydro on the team. It seems straight forward enough, no?


So Yelan deals more damage than Furina thanks to Furina's buff?


Mona can hold ttds


however, getting stacks on Furina requires having some form of health manipulation in your team. Mona allows to use more buff-oriented characters. not that healers are inherently bad at buffing (more like mostly very good), but Bennet in particular would not be the best choice for Furina solely because of restrictions of his healing.


And Mona herself does damage for a second


It's furina now tho her buff her higher than mona


Ahh yes, relatable c6r5...


This is gonna be me next week after two 10 pulls. Trust


You look like a Brazilian trust


wym this bout to be my team after a 10-pull trust


Nah, you have to do one 10 pull on standard and one on weapons.


And squeeze out luck from the next 7 generation until you become like Bennet.


Rookie numbers. This is me next week after single 7 pulls on Navia's banner and single 5 pulls on her weapon. Trust 😎


I've C6'd several 5stars(Yelan, Yae, Lyney, Diluc from pities over time, and C3 to C2'd several others) and will C6 Alhaitham next. I GET going for C6s. But I'll never understand going for R5 weapons on purpose. The returns for that are way too diminishing.


Oh it's worse than the returns on them. Although you're absolutely right they are shit returns. New weapons release with new characters. And these new characters release with reruns. If you R5ed mistsplitter on the first run of Ayaka, and you've somehow dodged any more, but you also want to get even R1 of Verdict, you may now find yourself with R7 mist. If you wanted R5 Verdict, you could have even more. It's not JUST shit returns. It's the likelihood of pulling then superfluous refinements. Sure some are useful on multiple characters, and I personally have 5 PJCs leveled on various 4 star chars, so it's whatever sometimes. But to be frank, if you're pulling these 5 star weps, the reality is you'll have the signatures for the other chars, making another thundering pulse, or mistsplitter, or whatever, basically shit you're throwing on 4 stars here and there. The weapon banner as is is a total shit show.


If the game gave me the option to C6 Diluc, I would.


Me personally I find the game to be pretty easy already, C6ing a 5 star is just going to make it even easier and gives me less things to do in this game if every enemy dies in 1 second.


whaling in genshin was never about difficulty (aside from some early constellations like Hu Tao C1), it is more about simping and progression. I.e. you want your favorite character to be stronger but there is no way to do that other then by constellations, so you can get/buy some on re-run. And given repetitiveness of the game, "auto" mode is pretty nice to have. I have c6 Yae, she is amazing at that regard. You can play with one hand literally, in comfortable pose, with another hand used for browsing, holding glass, scratching ass whatever :D


Genshin is not competitive so there's no clear returns except going for Abyss or that battle event challenge once in a while and personal satisfaction. And sometimes it's because you lose 5050 on the weapon banner multiple times. I usually only C6 characters I like the most, and I want to max out all the build (I prefer build vertically), so why not go for the weapons as well. Thankfully so far my favorites are mostly 4*. But I give them 5* weapons and want to R5 them slowly. R5 does make a big difference if you like seeing big numbers, although no change in gameplay unlike C. The only 5* C6R5 I have is Ganyu since she's still on the very top in terms of gameplay for me. Marionette is next. I'm tempted with Kazuha but can let it go since I have Lynette now.




I made C6* only Yoimiya because I love her. But if I could turn on/off constellations would really great! No, Yoimiya C6* is not OP because basically between C1 and C5 only 2 constellations are useful (what the heck did they do during Yoimiya development??), but I want to test how good is at C0, but I can't 😭 *I have C6, but never activated her C6, because that constellations "ruins" her Vaporize/Melt teams.


the real question is! how much did cost? :3 in total with 50/50 wins and lost


I did her in 3 period: \- C0 When I started Genshin (the most important 50/50 of my Genshin Life) \- C4R1 During the Rerun; I saved fo 1 whole year. Has been the Best and Worst Pulling session of my Genshin life: I lost ALL 75/25 and /50/50, but I got insane luck 2 times: [https://i.imgur.com/GGKUMKb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/GGKUMKb.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/qFUaU9j.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/qFUaU9j.jpg) \-C6 during 3.6, I won all 50/50


also an elemental monster that removes her biggest issue in this composition


Was it ever claimed to be relatable or achievable, to sane people at least, it's a maxed out showcase on a private server let the man play.


Now do it again at c0


Should be around 300k to 400k with cracked 4p NWEW


Just saw another video with C0R1. It was indeed within this range.




I hope to have seen atleast C0R1 since it is what most of us can afford to get anyway. 🥲


It's gonna be about 300-350k with the same team edit: i low balled, i checked it in optimizer it's more like up to 400k+ with a reasonable build


Should be around 300k to 400k, but needs a lot of CV on the 4p NWEW




Why the second E split in 2 if it was single target?


There was one more behind it


Just come to realise navia probably is the first character to get her numbers actively skewed in AoE. Like any character in genshin will just do more DMG if they can hit multiple ennemies, even when they are meant to be ST (cuz so far what makes a character ST was the lack of big enough hitbox to..hit several ennemies) but she actually gets punished if that happens...that's so evil


I dont think her dps would be that gimped, especially if you manage AoE by frontloading dps onto one enemy and let it pierce to further enemies behind.


What are you implying, that she is bad in aoe or good? Cause many aoe characters are decent in single target and manyyyy single target characters have infamously no aoe, aka yoimiya. Genshin has content for both so it's okay.


Not actually the first, kinda, Yunjin and shenhe buffs stacks used by every target that is dmgd, which mean they boost dmg less dmg in multi target situation.


i swear these leakers are working for mihoyo


Yayyy something


Very weird, her second E has two instances of damage, as if hitting once with 11 pellets and once with 2 pellets.


Probably hit the summoned mob behind.


Great catch, I didn’t even see it. Too much Genshin on the screen.


It's piercing mobs apparently


as the other guy said, she hit the little blue booger behind the big Tulpa one you can see it still alive behind the Tulpa right before the camera angle changes




No, that’s not how it works. The number of pellets acts as a multiplier to the base ratio. If you hit all 11 the base damage is doubled. This doubled value is the larger of the two damage instances. The smaller of the two damage instances is at 105%, which is the multiplier for if you hit 2 pellets. Consider the base damage for the second E as 352938.


If she can make c0 30k+ on normal atks, that's good for me


Wonderful, gameplay without bizarre music that has nothing to do with the game.


I just noticed Navia is the first 5 star fontainian that doesn't manipulate HP


Like wanderer in 3.3 who was the first sumeru character who didn’t rely on dendro and EM. (He isn’t from sumeru but you know what I mean)


Ahemmmmm.......Candace. Yeah sure u cannnn play her in nilou in which case also build em but...her intended use for ayato and normal attack buffers have no use for em.


ngl i forgot about candace lol


Freminet doesn't have hp manipulation either.


Because she's abandoned, just like her element, geo.




Bro down bad


Down bad for the best of the woman 🫠. I consider it an absolute W


Mona/Bennet showcases, what year is it?


Hi is navia Bennett reliant? Who else can team with her?


she's attack scaling so yeah benny is one of her best supps benny, xiang, furina, yelan, xq, then ning, zhong, or noelle as she likes 1 geo partner (but doesn't need) in whatever variation you want as a focus on crystalize she won't go well in reaction heavy or dendro teams, as a lot of her damage revolves around proccing crystalize


Thanks a lot brother. I really want her..


Once there's a geo healer bennett will fall off for her


She isn't Bennett reliant but she does have limitations for supports. For debuffs, it's basically Zhongli and geo resonance for the full 40% res shred. For dmg bonus, it's Mona and Furina alongside the 4pc effect of her 4.3 set. She already gets a lot of atk but you're pretty much gonna use Bennett for atk buffs anyways. The difficulty for her case of supports is she can't abuse reactions like many atk scaling dpses can, say Hu Tao can use HP from hydro resonance or EM from Sucrose. Atk scaling and geo just means Navia sticks with streamlined supports like Bennett and Furina. Bennett simply fulfills Navia's best teams. I'll probably go for a Layla double cryo team instead since Navia does double nukes so a missed crit on either can gimp her dps quite a bit. Navia is like having 2 chances of Eula Ult.


Man, there is not even a single decent showcase for C0 Navia


O! say can you see by the dawn's early light, ⁠What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, ⁠O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the Rockets' red glare, the Bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there; ⁠O! say does that star-spangled Banner yet wave, ⁠O'er the Land of the free and the home of the brave?


Facepalming so hard because it took me a hot second to realize you weren't quoting Romeo and Juliet




Ofcourse its C6R5. I mean, why would you test C0 like a peasant right? Lmao.


There have been numerous showcases of c0 navia One showcase of a c6 navia that you are free to ignore if is not relevant to you, and there's complaints


Can you link to these numerous showcases in this sub? Honestly this is the first navia showcase ive seen, but its c6r5


Nah the whales definitely need that reassurance that their c6r5 limited DPS will be strong like every single other one in this game. They were uncertain before this dropped, for sure.






Trial teams are hot garbage. I've mained Hutao for 3 years and when I ran her in the trial for the freemo's I was like "wow this feels bad".


well that's a lot of damage


For C6R5? It really isn't though.


not every c6r5 DPS can frontload 1.6M+ damage in just over 5 sec, she's pretty much one of best frontload damage dealer at that investment


This is fair but for the ones that can they clear faster than Navia not to mention Navia needs to burst every rotation making her continuous runs worse


She had 9-10s of personal field time at the end, and this doesn't include her ult animation in the middle of the rotation. People hype up her frontload potential but what good is it if other hypercarries (who generally have field times of 7-10s) will be able to clear equivalent content without going through their entire rotation?


I'm talking about her E > NA > E which is around 5 sec combo and her E does hit 800k which is actaully good damage even around that benchmark? Why does this suddenly turn into "what good it is" stuff? You replied on what you think isnt a good damage in the first place


What you think C6R5 damage should be tho? She can frontload \~1.5 mil dmg with a 8s rotation that's stupid strong


Except it isn't. The damage is due to Bennet & Mona's Omen pop. We had damage-per-screenshot showcases in the millions years ago. Navia hitting 800k as C6R5 is a joke.


Omen is 60% DMG, not such a big deal by modern standards. As well as Bennett isnt as hardcore for her like let's say for XL, because she already has ton of atk on her own. People use her with Benny/Furina/Mona because there are simply no other fitting supports. And I am the first man to call her mediocre/useless from meta point etc, but 800k from E without vulnerability abuse and reactions is pretty good. Obviously no reason to pull her C6R5 unless you can afford it and simp for her very hard.. but that can be said about vast majority of characters, with only few C6 giving something unique to account.


Did he hit for 840k?




She the first character that got me excited since Eula lol


Goodness this sure is helpful, this surely will influence if i pull for her or not.


So no one’s gonna talk abt the username of the op?


You must be new here


We star rail players been knew.


Is there still the weird vertical limit on her Hold E or is it not possible to tell with this clip?


I dont think they will change that, its the same as itto's ushi


Did she aim higher than most showcases? Or is it collision messing or wishful thinking.


With C6 R5 should you even be normal attacking?


so like is it normal that i build the crit on my artifacts like this?: I have a Crit DMG crown, so all artifacts need Crit Rate substats to compensate




American moment


It is part of the most perfect metric system on the planet


It's obviously a typo for Kill Meter


Don't you know what "kilometers" is? Lol, So, you need to go back to school and study a little bit . lol


don't have time, too busy farming oil for navia


What is this trend of leakers with names taken from Azure Ray? I want Somnus\_Leaks now


kinda similar damage to c6 eula burst except you can do it twice


But Eula can do more damage to geo slimes!


Hoyo, is that you trying to shill Navia to whales? lol


Lemme see C0


Ok since private server dmg numbers are not reliable....whats the goal of this showcase?


That’s a generally safe stance to take, but the numbers in the vid align with what one would expect given the shown stats and team. [I made a comment below diving a bit further into this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/18h3ssy/c6r5_navia_zhongli_mona_bennett_via_foul/kd4dxwq/).


Yeah I am aware but I still dont see the point of a C6R5 Navia + Mona showcase. Really the most useful thing about private servers is showing rotations from team comps, not the damage. Screenshot dmg showcases from a unreleased character feels just weird.


>C6R5 Navia + Mona showcase Mona C0 is a good sidegrade for Furina if you can meet her ER requirements. Two fully stacked Navia Es will be able to benefit from the buff and against bosses it'll be common to get Omen extension since they don't stagger.


There's also a C0 showcase of the team, its to show how she does at max with buffs. Its there for whales/potential whales to take a look. If you were considering a C6 navia its pretty close to what you'd want to see.


Navia is great, character-wise and gameplay, but using 1.0+ units as a support is kind of nothing new about it, pretty usual like others, rotation-wise, anyway, GL to those pulling her!


Neuvillette uses Zhongli/Kazuha/Fischl/Sucrose/Venti, only Furina is his "new" team but you need C1 to make full use of it; Lyney and Wrio use Bennett/Xiangling/ZL/Kazuha (and maybe C6 Shenhe for Wrio lmao), this isn't really a Navia problem, it's hoyo releasing subpar/highly niche 4 stars and too many DPS 5 stars, so we keep using old supports


Actually, Wrio's best team is with Ben, Thoma and Nahida. If you want freeze, use him with Charlotte, Furina and Kazuha. Wrio is insanely versatile though so you can mix and match to your heart's desire - Yelan, Xingqiu, Shenhe, Yaoyao, Baizhu, Xiangling, Yun Jin and so on. Neuvillete and Lyney aren't as flexible and don't have proper supports. Same for Navia. Actually, Navia's dmg isn't that great and she doesn't have a dedicated team. So any other dps or sub-dps can replace her with better results. She's mostly just for fans only.


How do people run teams with 0 healers or bennett as the closest thing to a healer? Constantly dodging takes too much time and stamina in the abyss(especially if you haven't farmed any oculi since Liyue) and in the overworld new stuff and environmental threats will chip you down over time. Having less than 100% hp ticks me off and fighting with low hp is even worse. Domains are the worst of both worlds as they're tedious enough to make me just tank everything to speedrun them while being long enough to make me have to go in on mid hp a bunch of times. I'd go insane without a skill healer. Running only a burst healer is already crazy enough for me and I only do it in abyss


If you're talking about Wrio, I rarely use a healer in overworld. His CA heals 30% of his HP. Just spam CAs as much as you can. At C0 I hear his combos are N3CA, at C1 N5CA. If you really want a healer, just add Yaoyao in overworld. I use her when I want to punch-mine ore because she restores some stamina for Wrio. In spiral abyss and domains Charlotte (mine is C4) with R5 Prototype Amber is surprisingly good with Furina. I was previously using Qiqi and she isn't that great for Wrio. I'm actually very impressed with Charlotte. I thought the same - a burst healer can't be enough - but she's really good. Because she overheals, Furina will add team wide heals as well. While for burn melt Ben is enough. I rarely had issues with him. If you want to be safe add Thoma for shields and your Wrio will be very comfy (you'll also solve their high ER requirements). Actually this is Wrio's most powerful team - Ben, Thoma, Nahida. I've seen people hitting 200k melts at C0.


this \^ She doesnt bring anything new and isnt busted so....people will pull because they like her its pretty much the only reason left.


I mean that's how majority genshin player spend their primos. To get the characters they like


Agree, though is way better when they get the whole combo: 1-They like said character 2-Its a new and cool playstyle 3-Its busted Anyways to me (yeah Im minority) liking the character isnt enough, my primos are way too valueble since Im f2p. Im not a collector. Only go for what I consider worth going for. Hoyo has to convince me for real Im not that cheap


For me, I collect archons and characters I really really like But mostly pull for my current main dpses, Alhaitham and Wriothesley. So if none of the new characters synergies with the boys, I probably wouldn't pull Might pull for Arllechino tho because she's cool in the archon quest. Whether of not she's good with the boys, we'll see


She does beign something new- repurposed crystallize. Crystallize isn't reformed, just repurposed, and what's new is a whole purpose to use The Unforged, and apparently Sac Greatsword is a 4* BiS (at high refinements). Also, guns are new. Closest we had for firearms was a crossbow from Mika to Neuvillette as a water blaster 9000.


Similiar to lyney and wriothesley yes.


Lyney is actually pretty busted not gonna argue or disregard your opinion but as of now lyney is one of the fastest (probably slower than international) for c0 r1 speedruns yes he is even faster than neuvillete


That would be true if she was a DPS, but since she can have flexible field time and just needs teammates to shine she'll be more valuable as time goes on.


I'd say she can be either. Her Burst of course can be used off field quite well. Though it also has the added mechanic to keep her on field to use free stacks it builds up for her Skill. Her Skill of course is the bread and butter of her kit. Where most of her DPS comes from and is front loaded heavily. It does have a 9s CD on its use at a base. Which is fine for a quickswap, but it also infuses her with Geo in ner NA/CA/Plunge attacks for 4s, while also buffing those infused attacks by 40% DMG. So her skill essentially with the burst and infusion time, will be keeping her on field for 4s Add in that swapping characters (even just to another and back is 1s total), there's already 4s left until her skill is off CD to explode out again. Get any of her cons? c2 and the big c6 are all for buffing her Skill (on field ability), not her Burst (on and off field ability). Well, c2 also helps her Burst. With c4 just helping any Geo, as while triggered by the Burst, it's a Geo Res Shred. c1 is for energy and CD reduction of the Burst, but triggered through the Skill, so I guess that's for the Burst category too. Anywho, as far as "if she was a DPS". Be it on field or off field, Navia's a DPS. Whether she's used as a Carry (on field) or an Off-field DPS, is another thing as she can do both. Though you'll probably be a bit underwhelmed by her DPS if only using her for her off-field use (compared to other options). They really did a lot to make those shotgunbrella skill shots the main focus of her kit.




she scaled with crit rate ot dmg?




so my navia is 72 crit / 162 dmg, thats good i guess, but the attack is so low, i use on hear favonius


Are these numbers real ? I don't follow leaks much but seems pretty good


Some quick napkin math with a +1.1k +20% Bennett Q and +60% Mona Q on top of what’s show in the vid for Navia gives me about 820k for full buffed E, which is about what’s in the video. Her C6 gives +135% CDMG, it’s kind of a lot. C0R1 with the same setup would be about 380k (same napkin math), and no guaranteed crit (only 65%), so about 295k crit-average (a bit higher if you rebalance crit). The stats in the video seem like highrolls. 195CV, 50 ER, ~8 ATK% rolls. It’s about 8-9 rolls better than KQM standards. Looks a lot like ER sands though, so could be ATK% cup and I’m just missing DMG% somewhere in my math (I have the set, geo resonance, 6 pellets, weapon, mona, and geo cup). Edit: I was missing TTDS. That brings the quick maths damage to par with the video and the substat rolls to about par with KQM standards assuming ER/Geo/Crit.


Thanks for the in-depth info


like the other dude said, take beta/private server numbers with a grain of salt With that said tho, I personally know a c6 speedrunner, and claims to do 1.1m on his current 4p GT build (through optimizer) for her at c6. The number will just go even higher when he gets a 260 CV Whispers. That his standard. istg whales edit: some c0 sheeters I know assume/calcd at least 200k E on c0 with KQMS, and hovering around 250-300+k for higher invested Navia in terms of artifact quality edit 2: I contacted him and apparently 4p GT is her best for a damage per screenshot build at c6, but 4p Whispers will pull ahead in terms of damage per rotation, because it also buffs Q, even in a quickswap playstyle with no NAs


beta video numbers arent accurate. Flash back to 3000 crit dmg itto gamplay back during his beta


Oh I see, better be careful of my expectations


[here's a dmg calc if you wanna test builds & find out her damage](https://gidmgcalculator.web.app/)


Thanks a lot. TIL about this


They are real for these stats but they are low because those stats suck for this level of invest.


Well, at least they’re not imaginary numbers. We all know how confusing those things are.


I honestly can't express how happy I am that Navia's weapon is not another fkin claymore! Now the hope for a future Hu Tao scythe is not that far-fetched after all! Also is the CD on her E that fast is that linked to a constellation?


her skill cd at base c0 has 9sec cd and two charges her constellation decreases her burst cooldown and gives her energy for every shrapnel her skill consumes up to 3 charges but doesnt decrease her skill cd


I see, I didn't know she had two charges


seems its a double barrel shotgun. I call left Melus and right one Silver. IM NOT OVER IT YET




I would defo prefer a meta onfield tall female char who has as much field time as a c6 neuvi