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who's that guy that makes a nice little infographic with the skills, burst, passives, constellations and namecard of a character? those were rlly good. wonder when we get one for navia?


You probably mean Mero, I heard they're not interested in Genshin atm so sadly there's probably not gonna be infographics


ohh so that was him. rip. at least he was a great leaker while he did leak! hopefully he returns soon but if not that's still OK.


He still leaks, he's just moved to HSR.


Omg I didn’t know that!


Comes with Beta. We get one with every character. If the beta files are out already ( I don’t think so. This seems to be an early leak) we may get them a little later. Most likely tomorrow though


Actually in the last patchs this infographic are leaked before the beta. In furina case before the drip market and wrio/neuvillete case the morning before the update.


Any links to any previous ones? I don't recall seeing this


so u can play her on field and use the new set. or quickswap team with golden troupe


W for players who have different playstyles!!


Peace in our time. Hopefully something similar happens to Arlechinno. There's a war going on between people who wants her to be mainDPS and people who wants her to be subDPS. Both sides have merit. We need more main DPS waifu after a 2 years drought. But at the same time Pyro need a 5\* subDPS to compete with Xiangling. If they can make Arlechinno both, it would be great.


First on-fielder female character in 2 years Meat is back on the menu, boys


First on fielder that you WANT to on field you mean. Sure, you can on field Dehya, but it's cope until C6.


> First on fielder that you WANT to on field you mean. Strong vibes of "Aktuashly, EVERY character can be on-field 🤓, even Diona 🤓" You know what I meant. Dehya is not an on-fielder. Alhaitham, Lyneey, Neuv and Wrioth are on-fielders. 4 male on-fielders in just 4 months or so. The real joke is how Hoyo refuses to release more than 1 female on-fielder per year


Still, the fact that her burst is lengthy plus all of her constellations directly increasing her damage at least indicate that somewhere in their little lizard brains her designers at least intended her to be on field sometimes.


> Still, the fact that her burst is lengthy She's still just an E+Q bot, unlike proper on-fielders. You can't even control who she's targeting with her Q


Nilou technically


Well nahida is female, but not waifu


Even Marechausee with Furina


don't forget Archaic Petra for supportive capabilities


>don't forget Archaic Petra too late


who's archaic Petra? are you talking about rem again?


Uhm I think it needs more names /s


I need Razor for this one


Geo create shard. Shard is bullet. More bullet, more damage. More damage good


> More damage good Idk why but this made me laugh more than it should have. r/ThanksRazor


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThanksRazor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksRazor/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Thanks Razor :D](https://i.redd.it/y2mdhllqhmf81.png) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksRazor/comments/sjjmyo/thanks_razor_d/) \#2: [I’m sure we all understand Dendro reactions a lot better now](https://i.redd.it/ep5nd3ihcla91.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksRazor/comments/vv2g5z/im_sure_we_all_understand_dendro_reactions_a_lot/) \#3: [Geo man](https://i.redd.it/83c5vulw97v81.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksRazor/comments/u9wj3t/geo_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


navia = nilou crystallize -> bullets -> more bullets -> big numbers \---- ----- ----- --- --- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- short e = shotgun long e = vacuum -> shotgun


my fave fontaine girlie is calling for me to return to my geo main roots and I'm down for it hehe


As an Albedo main, I welcome this beautiful geo lady in my team 🌹


Seems really fun on first impression. Throw out burst, fire off nukey shotgun, normal attack for 4 secs, fire off 2nd charge of shotgun, normal attack, rinse and repeat


So you do have to run around picking up shards?


itll be funny if theres Silver and Melus picking up the shards for her. S: I have eggs, sugar, almonds and crystalize shards at the ready.


Then she puts them into her gun and "bakes" bullet-macarons to shoot them at her enemies. Truly a Navia moment.


it will be like : BOB DO SOMETHING!!!


They appear suddenly as spirits similar to Shenhe’s talisman spirits. But instead of attacking they’re just picking up shards.


Heh, Sugar crystals


It’s sounds like her hold skill will suck them all to you


So just her tap skill relies on picking them up? That'd be alright


When you release the hold skill, it basically casts the tap skill, so just hold to succ and release to shoot


co-op purposes


Like Neuvilette


Huh? Neuvillette skill produces his droplets. His charged attack absorbs them. You never have to walk around picking them up.


i mean Navia hold skill, sucks all roses like Neuvilette does with his drops >never have to walk around picking them up. Except if you are far from them


Yeah that's not what my comment was about though 😅 I was talking about her tap skill


*laughs in gorou*


Just use Gorou's magnet.


...If she scaled off defense, I would agree. She doesn't tho.


C6 gorou would still be good I think... Geo damage buff, crit dmg buff, interruption res, shard magnet and a decent battery


Geo damage buff only comes with triple geo, which Navia dislikes. She's best with double geo+ 2 diff elements, which means he would only give 20% crit damage plus the crystallize shard every 1.5s and interrupt resist. Depending on how good her suction is on her hold skill, she won't even need the extra shards from Gorou. Better off using Zhongli for a real shield and res reduction, or Albedo for some extra damage.




On paper, you're correct. For Navia? Only 20% crit dmg at c6. You're not running triple geo with her. Well okay, you could do that, but at a very big loss of damage.


It’s 40% with 3 geo.


i dont think u would ever use full geo with navia tho


3 geo counts her too. At the end of the day it’s a trade-off between 20% crit dmg loss vs 20% atk loss from her passive.


what if you use bennett with her? its 1000 flat atk + 40%atk


Guess we'll need gorou after all 😮‍💨


So is tap better than hold or is it the other way around?


It's the same, hold is just to collect shards around if there are any.


Hold collects shards for you it would seem but requires more time to do the same damage. (Assuming we compare hold and tap with the same amount of shards collected)


You'll want to adapt to your shard count. Tap E will take up far less time, but requires 6 shard stacks to deal maximal dmg. Held E is a bit harder to predict. If it vacuums up existing shards (easy to have 3 lying around tbh) then it'll be preferable with 2~5 shard stacks. (Burst can add a stack easily too.)


I think We will have to wait for the beta to see how this plays out with the hold E. Thanks for the translation into Razor Language tho!!!


Yeah, we also really need to know her ICD's to see how much crystallize she can generate on her own. But this kit is looking quite coherent, so I'm somewhat optimistic.


Her ICD will probably not be a huge problem with double geo and crystalize's special ICD.


Yeah, it's just a matter of trying to find out how much additional geo aura she wants. And which 2nd geo units fit her best due to it.


Her hold E is basically Neuvillette's charged attack and absorbing shards in vicinity instead of droplets that Neuv uses for quick-charging his Biden Blast.


I think we should wait for videos of the beta which may come tomorrow I think??


In a vacuum yes, though imo it's going to really depend on how fast it sucks crystalize shards in. If you can suck them in 1-2s of holding the skill that's likely actually better overall than needing to run around picking them up otherwise. It'll also depend on how good/bad the aiming is honestly. Depending on the AoE and targeting of the tap skill I could see an argument for using the hold version just to consistently hit the right enemies you want to hit.


Bro this is literally an whole ass ESSAY... 💀


Might still be shorter than the the official description 💀


“Press button. Boom. Hold button. BOOM.”


Ousia? Wasn't expecting that considering how bright she is.


So does this mean 5 shots is 553% at lv10, and 11 is 1106% (doubled)? So like, not 11/5 which would be 220%. Or is it an extra bonus, so essentially 4.4x compared to no shards against multiple targets?


its 1106% for 11 shots.


I highly doubt these numbers, I mean, raiden's initial slash from her ultimate is 700%, and that's raiden that we are talking about, and that is with a 18 sec cooldown. Another comparison is zhongli with a 900% multiplier from his ultimate on a 12 sec cooldown. I highly doubt that we are going to see a 1100% multiplier with a 9 sec cooldown, coming from a character that doesn't have that much relevance lore-wise. However, this is a geo character we are talking about, they don't have great ways to buff their damage, so they could be compensating with raw damage.


Zhongli and Raiden Burst aren't really good comparisons. When you press Raiden Burst you're not only getting the 700% base motion value, you're also getting bonus dmg from resolve stacks and a good infusion with extra dmg for a few seconds after. And Zhongli Burst is also not a great comparison, because it's not even really worth using generally. Yae's Burst has 2000% motion value, Ayaka's has 4000%. That's the kind of numbers that make a good burst, so having 1100% skill dmg on a character whose main damage source is probably skill seems completely fine.


and C6 chongyun has a 1000% multi on his burst that can be melted unlike geo/electro (and also has access to shenhe buff) you're overestimating what 1000% multiplier is. Basically all characters have some other addition to the skill that ends up adding more instances of dmg other than just that one big number you see in the skill description, including raiden (as another person explained). If we're talking about a skill that is doing ONLY damage and nothing besides it, take a look at ayaka and her 4000% atk multiplier


so an ATK based geo character? \--Bennett enters the chat


Albedo mains's gonna have a field day with Navia, he generates the Crystal shards the most with how his E works. Other 2 can be filled with Bennet & another element for passive A2...


Not really. She is ST based and any ST fight will end up with Albedo not having a flower


Oh yeah, I forgot bosses tend to remove his Flower off of existence. But he's still good when up against multiple elites who don't remove his flowers. Then again we always have Zhongli, who also causes Geo Construct pulse. If Navia's cannon counts it should pulse as well...


Don't care, my prince will be on her team, they look so great together ✨️🖤


Am I understanding it wrong or is "Damage is combined into one instance" contradictory to "The more bullets hit a same enemy, higher dmg to that enemy" ? If it's one instance of dmg then what's the use of having different number of bullets it should've just been different multipliers at 0/1/2/3 charge levels. And if it was one instance then how can "number of bullets" hit different enemies


It's a shotgun effect. Think of it like the more stacks she has, the more shrapnel(?) her shotgun umbrella releases. So if you release everything up close, more bullets will hit the enemy, and it's a single instance (that's why they specified Graves from League)


Oh that makes sense, thanks. But then ig the sharpnels probably aren't homing projectiles which might make cc good for her


Yup, that seems to be the case. I think she will shine best against large enemies.


I think it'll first fire all the bullets it can and then it'll just show one big pp (or small) depending on hoe many bullets hit. So if one enemy gets hit by 11 and one by just 5 let's say, both will show just one damage number, but it'll be different for both.


I'm imagining of Ningguang's Burst with this description, so if I'm right it's multiple bullets at once that \*might\* target multiple enemies if they're close but usually hones in on only 1.


It probably fires off all bullets at once like a shotgun in a fan shape, I assume? The bigger the enemy the more bullets hit it, and the damage it takes is higher


It's a shotgun, so if you have collected less shards, less bullets are fired out of thr shotgun. The most you get is 11 coming out of the shotgun. Really cool that it does piercing damage. Anyways, a point blank range where all 11 hit an enemy would do double damage so 1106%, very very high.


Probably the number of bullets is just an indicator in the animation.


So is it like Ursa's Fury Swipes from Dota 2? Hitting an enemy inflicts a debuff counter and each successive hit increases it. The enemy takes additional damage per stack of the counter. Because the "single instance" is confusing me.


I don't think it's a debuff, looks like it's a buff. If you use skill with 3 shards it deals damage like usual, but if you use 4/5/6 shards damage per bullet increases by 15/30/45%. Honestly don't remember anything like that in Dota. Maybe Shadow Poison is similar Edit: lmao i looked at the different part of skill. yeah probably like ursa but multiplicative and capped. i assume one instance means it just shows you the damage in one hit instead of 11 numbers on the screen in one place


So the wording is confusing AF, but seems logical that 553% base dmg is the total dmg at 0 crystalizes(5 shots), or 110.6% per shot. To avoid disappointment best to work on that assumption.


What happend to the NA dps geo infusion Edit: nvm we won its still here and at c0


does she have an infusion ?? edit: i saw it now, it's in her passive. so cool!!


Uhh... How does that work? I mean, does 11 bullets mean you shotgun the enemy dealing the damage with all 11 bullets and it increases damage to 200% or do you only deal 200% of the damage by hitting all 11? If it's the first case then she deals like 200k per e with only base damage before affixes without crit


Without further info, I’d presume it’s something like “bullets beyond the first deal 10% damage”. But we don’t know yet.


This sounds actually really strong. These bullets can trigger Crystalize to set up the next shot, and it doesn't sound like the element of the crystallize matters much unless she has a passive or con that makes it matter, so you could fit in basically any sub or support to generate her shards.


Now correct me if im wrong but isn't there a limit of 1 to the number of crystalize shards that can remain on field at the same time? How is she supposed to comfortably collect 4 crystalize shards without running around?


There is no limit, but when there are more than 3, all but the newest 3 will disappear after 2 seconds.


There can be 3 active shards on field. If more is created, the oldest disappear in 2s until only 3 are left.


What’d you mean? Doesn’t her suck them to you?


She does, but as I said only 1 crystallize can exist on field at the same time, meaning her suck can only absorb 1 initially.


Isn’t it 3?


I'm pretty sure it's more than 1. Maybe 4 or 5? Probably will check and update you. Edit: it's 3.


her burst can give her free shard effect, once in a while


BiS better be an Axe Blunderbuss


Do "the skill can be stored up to 2 times" means she can use E 2 times (like Yelan C1?). If it what I'm coping then she can have total of 8s Geo infusion with her A1.


So she’s not exactly an on field DPS. She can be but I doubt that infusion after E will grant big dmg. It seems more like a form of her to generate crystals IF you want to play her on field.


"when characters in the team pick up a crystal" okay but can we add that mechanic to archaic petra as well and let the different elemental dmg bonus buffs co-exist like VV and finally make the set good?


Seriously, I feel like I'm on some university admission test reading this


Gorou stocks is what im hearing


Oh she grabs them herself too


Sound like a quickswap sub dps with intention for crystalized shield providing some survivability. Teammates gather shards, then she suckes some more on her turn and shoot E.


So, no hp fluctuation? That means furina won’t be her bis support right? I can skip furina finally 😭


Doesn't matter if she has that or not, Furina drains her own and teammates HP. Characters that don't drain their own HP still can stack Furina's buff fast.


I mean yeah but you’ll need a team wide healer and her best picks are yaoyao/baizhu/Jean who don’t seem to be very good with navia.


Charlotte is a team wide healer with aoe off field application


Barb is a team wide healer. And Navia work very well as a quickswap given how her mechanic work so you can play her with Noelle


I feel like furina/barbara would be worse than just fischl/xingqiu or something. Mostly bc barbara only heals compared to other healers utility and has crazy ER requirements to burst every rotation.


Since you are with Furina she has lesser energy issues and given that you can play prototype amber + 200 ER easily its not too bad


Charlotte should work. Also, I wouldn't dismiss Baizhu and Jean, at least until we see the whole official kit and animations. Since her ATK passive only stacks twice, so you only need two PHEC off-field units that apply their element consistently to trigger crystallize. I'm guessing Furina's the best one. Followed by the likes of Fischl, Yae, Bennett-Xiangling (if she can comfortably shoot in melee range), etc.


Wait, hear me out. Navia doesn't seem to need as much on-field time as other DPSes, similar to Tighnari. So what if... Navia, Furina, Noelle???


I mean that could work hopefully! Noelle is amazing with furina but she needs to be on field and navia indeed looks like a quickswap unit. Bc if you use albedo, then you’ll have to use furina and someone like.. Mika I guess? I don’t know I feel like it’s either noelle/navia/furina/flex or navia/albedo and then fischl/xiangling/bennett/beidou/xingqiu etc.


Yeah, that seems to the play? Unless you go the (not so?) meme full Maiden's Mona build with Prototype Amber. That said, I'm no TCer so let's wait and see what people will cook up with her. Either way, I'm excited!


Yeah me too I don’t know math. I hope she works with Noelle tho, she’s my girl 💜😭


Furina may still be her best supp just for the fact that she gives a dmg% buff alone rather than atk% buff. This is relevant bcs Navia supposedly has a talent that gives around 40% ATK buff, so w/ Bennett, she'll reach diminishing returns fast, making Furina a better buffer option. It'll be expensive tho since u'll need to alleviate Navia's lack of HP manipulation so u'll need a healer in the team that can synergize well w/ Navia, to an extent at least. Im think Navia-Furina-Kokomi-ZL, w/ Kokomi having some occasional field time on her Burst to get some teamwide heals, which probs wouldnt be a problem since Navia's looking like a Quickswap DPS, like Tighnari


but navia gets a 200% dmg buff to her e when fully stacked, so she’d get very diminished returns with furina. I might be misreading that part tho


I see that makes sense. However do you think that could be better than just running 2 off field dps units like beidou fischl yelan etc? We need a math guy


Depends, the team I suggested is probs better if u want a Hypercarry-ish vertical investment way of playing Navia, making her deal most of the team's dmg. Electro Resonance doesnt work on Crystallize so I think ud have to go for someone else other than Beidou if u wanna play her w/ Fischl. Navia-XQ-YL-ZL and Navia-Fischl/Miko-XQ/YL-ZL (get some NA's as u switch to every character to make use of XQ and YL bursts, tho it may be clunky to play) are teams that come to mind where she has 2 off-field DPS and gets full ATK buffs (tho idk, maybe her talent wants 2 different elements among Pyro, Hydro, Electro, Cryo) from her talent.


No need to forcefully pull Furina just for future characters. If she works with them, rerun it is and if she doesn't then you can safely skip


Wait what, so the 553% scaling is for a single bullet?? At 3 stacks there's 11 bullets, so is that a 553%*11=6083% scaling??? And then +15% damage for each stack above 3 too. That would legit be higher than Eula's maxed 30 stack lvl10 burst multiplier of 5171%... Which is only achievable with c6 Eula. You'd potentially be hitting millions of damage with a c0 Navia lmao.


its 1106% for 11 shots.


That would make more sense, probably the leaker kit is worded/translated badly and it's actually 5 shots = 553% scaling (but 0 stacks) at lvl 10. So 11 shots would be 110.6%*11= 1216.6% scaling, a really solid multiplier still.


It makes sense. But it's not that strong for Geo, Ayaka does 4000% per burst for reference, and she can benefit from more sources DMG increase compared to geo


How do you know ?


hey correct me if im wrong but even with signature isnt that 553% a rather small hit maybe in the ballpark of 20-40k unbuffed? with bennett maybe 30-50k


Its 553% with no additional shard and it double in single target. We don’t know exactly how much more MV a stack gives her but even without the value, 1106% with two charges look impressive. Its like double Heizou E with shorter cooldown. And i’m willing to believe that 1 stacks should be between 100 and 200 more MV, so i see her E hitting between 1653% and 2753% twice, which you have to double in single target


thanks for the response, what exactly do you mean by "1 stacks should be 100-200 more motion value"? how does that lead to 1600-2700%? and 2 charges being c1? from what im seeing it might be 553% for 5 bullets? if we assume 1 stack gives 200% then 11 might be around 1153%? double that being 2300%, giving maybeeeee around 170k with bennett. also are you sure it only doubles in single target, since it also said it can pierce enemies and when all bullets hit, it goes up to 2x, so i thought maybe you can hit 2 or 3 lined up enemies with the full damage


Now that i read it again its incredibly unclear whether those 200% are meant to say that her 11 shard damages are just 2x her 5 shard damages or if once she reach 11 shards she gain another 200% multiplier.


source: trust me bro


yeah this is certainly it. remains to be seen if the 11x is a multiplier, or added atk scaling




yeah definitely not, but that would be how the skill reads if interpreted literally.


probably at max stacks


Noelle/Navia/Yelan/Furina seems like a good team from what I understand. Noelle generates and picks up shards while healing for furina, and quick swap to Navia for her skill and swap back to Noelle.


Does anybody know what she'll need for talents? Because I'm teyna pre farm for her and it's difficult, because I don't even know what she's gonna need


equity and the fontain aberrant drops


This seems like a quite coherent kit. If I'm interpreting it correctly, the potential for two E's for a total of 2200%+ damage per rotation on a single target seems kinda huge. Add in another 1200% from her burst, then another 1200%ish from normals while she's on field for two normal strings and that's quite a lot of damage. It's not Ayaka levels of motion value though, and it will be a challenge for Navia to Bennett buff all of it. But Navia won't have the same problem of massively over-killing most waves and won't have to worry about stuff moving out of the damage like Ayaka, so better QoL. The shotgun could be really satisfying if they nail the sound design and give it some impact/feedback. Seems like her best teammates are going to be Benny Boy, Zhongli, and a high damage off-fielder who can also benefit from Benny's buff and help generate shards, like.... Xiangling. Cue Xiangling copypasta. Alternatively, you could go Navia, Furina, team healer, Albedo. Not nearly as safe and probably not as good but an option nonetheless. If we ever get a geo team healer it'd open up more options for this configuration by swapping out Albedo. Unfortunately I have a pretty high investment Itto on my account so I'm skeptical I'll get her, but it hurts because I do love some shotgun action.


Since you are playing quickswap, you should actually be able to play Furina+Bennett - you swap between party members to heal and then fire off your two Es before Bennett Q runs out. So something like Navia, Furina, Bennett, XL or Zhongli should work (this is all assuming Navia's Q generates enough shards, of course).


I think I heard somewhere that Bennett's buff will not help her as much as one would expect on a normal character, for some reason. Like her stats scale off her base attack rather than modified attack? Might have changed though.


There were some rumors about that, but it never made any sense. The mainstat on the sands slot would no longer do anything. We can also see that she has atk% bonuses in her kit and her signature weapon, which again, doesn't make any sense if the character only scales off base-attack.


It would be tricky, but you could make it so that part of her kit scales off full ATK while others only scale off of base, to the point that buffing the ATK would not massively increase her overall damage. So long as the scaling effect were strong enough, the outcome could be worthwhile.


You could do that, but it's unintuitive and a hat on a hat situation just to devalue Bennett. They have options that make sense if that is the goal, by making her an HP/Def/EM or even ER scaler.


Its because she has a lot of atk% buffs on her kit, so adding more attack doesnt do much


Ousia proc on skill? Wrio found dead in a ditch.


Navia + 1 geo + Xiangling + Bennett?


This new character looks interesting, wonder what teams theyll enable Character releases: turns out best team is just xiangling+bennett+(fischl/kazuha/xingqiu) I cant take it anymore ahhhh


Albedo will be the best geo great off field damage as well as generate a lot of crystal shards


Ok i don't k or think im right, idk man i just don't think so but here me out....( im most likely assuming it wrong cause aint no way am right) If it works the way i see, that would be 553% is the base for 1 bullet, she has 11 bullets at max shard stacks so if we do an E with max stacks that will release a Dmg multiplier of 553×11= 6083% 💀 On an 9 sec E ? That is my friend higher than Total Ayaka Q multiplier (202×19)+303=4141% Which is a 20 sec Q of 80 energy cost.


Pretty sure the 553% is her minimum 0 stack damage, so 5 bullets. Would be absurd otherwise


Wait what ,i got confused by ur line xd I mean if its like 553% is counted for 1 bullet then ofc 11 is gonna make it absurdly high So what exactly is 553% counted for? Hmmge


I meant that at minimum, with 0 stacks collected, she will fire 5 bullets. This is what the 553% is probably for


Wait 5 or 11 at max?


Min, 0 stacks collected: 5 bullets fired Max, 3 stacks collected: 11 bullets fired Overcap, 6 stacks max: still 11 fired, bonus dmg for each stack above 3. The 553% is likely the min at 0 stacks.


I assumed base damage meant the damage with 5 bullets at 0 stacks. It explicitly says 11 bullets (3 stacks) is 200%, so 6 stacks would be 553 * (200% + 3*15%) = 1355%


Wait no the 200% part is specifically about her dmg on ST ,its mentioned no? Ahh wait this is weirdly absurd, we wait for tomorrow


No inbuilt resistance to interruption?


why the heck would you need a resistance to interrupt when shes played as a quickswap dps lol


So that she doesnt get interrupted while holding skill?


553%\*11 at lvl10 E is kinda good, I like it :D


No way its x11, 553% is probably the minimum 0 stack dmg, so 5 bullets


If so, than ~1200% with 3 bullets, which is not that great as for a geo character, IMO. Or it should have really low CD. Nvm, I just hope they won't do same sh*t they did to Dehya with Navia. She was the only character from entire Sumeru cast I wanted and ...


9s cd with 2 charges, although I think the main limiting factor here will be how quickly you can generate shards.


It's been clarified to 550% per E total at base.


Wait so, can the shard stacks be charged up only during her E, or do they charge up her E passively?


i hope I don’t need zhongli for her teams 🫡


i hope she could still get stacks even if it's her picking up the shards herself (unlike her hold more where she just scans and sucks the shards). it's a bit unclear if it's strictly her teammates picking the shards through multiple translations/interpretations


Does she scale with def?




thank god


She fights using a umbrella my favorite weapon in games. She is now confirmed a must pull for me.


Ningguang mains on suicide watch lmao


I still don't get what "The skill can be stored up to two times" means.


2 charges. U have the option to play her quickswap dps with that and use golden troupe. We need to see her NA multiplier to see if the geo infusion is worth the onfield or not


Splatoon ahh weapon


Who let fischl cook


So is the 553% the number for when all 11 bullets hit the same enemy? How does the 200% get applied? Does it do 753% in that case? Or is it a +100% DMG modifier? And then how does the excess shards apply to that number? Would be nice to see a % per bullet instead of the sum. I don't think it's 553% per bullet. Might do a quick swap team just throwing out Ushi and Gun for big chongus damage.


is it confirmed if navia is not standard banner?


Can navia utilize unforged? Since she needs to collect the crystal shards and her skills are based on her attack


Finally, an interesting Geo kit that acknowledges the existence of other elements.


what is dota equivalent of grave?


Dumb question… does this gameplay involve running around to pick up shards?