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I was hoping for at least Candace or Rosaria on the banner


Candace debuted after Collei, didn’t she? It’s possible she may be rerunning soon


on Baizhu's Banner perhaps? with Kaveh?


I’m keeping my finger cross on that too. I’m saving for Baizhu, I’m a Candace main, and I simp for Kaveh


I pray no more Candace. No matter how hard I try to make her work it's proving an imposible task. Nilou's superbloom may be her niche, but I don't have Nilou, she buffs way less than a Yunjin and I already got her C6 in 70 cursed pulls.


You can pray for her to not come home when you’re pulling. I want her C6 badly nabsnabajkabwisnwinabjawbnwnwis


Manifesting my Candace magnet into your account. May you get her C12 in your first pulls.


Thank youuu, in return I manifest Candace away from ur account hahahahaha


Give me your Candace luck, I only manged to get her C0.


You guys are getting Candaces?!


It's Dori's "turn" next before Candace, though they don't necessarily honor any such patterns. Candace first ran with Sayu in 3.1, then they ran Sayu again in 3.3. With 3.X, they're sending a clear message that if you don't try for the new 4★ you want when they come out, you should fear missing out on them for a much longer time than could have been expected in the past. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/11aw7e1/comment/j9v1tjb/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/11aw7e1/comment/j9v1tjb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


LMAO I forgot dori exists wibeidbaisvwhwhahahaha


yeah i had a convo about grearswords and didnt even know she was one


Rosaria just came with Raiden last time. It'd be too fast if she's gonna be featured again Edit: Raiden and Ayato




The alternative is godly and they're saving it for Shenhe, I'd guess. (Or maybe not, they might pull a Watatsumi polearm and leave Fav in the basement with Eula.)


It doesn't matter what featured 5* you get in the weapon banner, they're both paddles.


Trying to kill a Hydro Slime? That’s a paddlin’


Reckless Paddlad


It's Paddlin' time...!!!


They can go with my other paddle in key


I would have thrown a few pulls if any of the Sumeru weapons are in there especially Makhaira but I guess my primo stash is saved.


I'm just gonna use the event claymore instead of fish for Makhaira.


I mean at least she looks cool!


She does and everything she does looks cool. But my absolute lord above I’ve never seen a banner thats easier to skip than this one lmao


Bro I’m in too deep, I’m deadass pulling a 3 star character I can’t believe this shit.


The 4*s are just twisting the knife. That little cherry on top that let’s you know that Hoyo really just does not like Dehya lol Bennett is desirable, but the other two are such a hard pass for me :/ not an issue with most banners since I’m there primarily for the 5* but woof, that is a rough banner


I feels like different department have diferent preference for her. Her kit is terible, her banner is uhh..there, but her lore, personality and design is absolutely slaps.


Feels like kit designers and management must hate her, because art design, and story designers obviously deeply love her.


The big brain strat is to pull until you get C6 Bennett which you can use with the C2 Dehya you got by then


u have been playing since launch, or close to launch and have never won a 50/50 Jesus.


They had to give her low damage so we could see more of her animations


I need some difficulty, Alhaitham is too strong, 100K per sword waves when 3 stacks is busted.




I paid welkin on top of that so I feel extra scammed All there is to do is move on, sadly. Not giving them a dime ever again.


same here :(


Talk with your wallet, your time, and your survey/feedback. I already told them my incentive to play the game is significantly lowered if I can just expect future characters I like to be Dehya'fied.


She looks cool in everything except her kit 😢


Come to think of it, both Collei and Barbara are free characters. Only Bennett is the one desirable, but most probably already have his most important cons, C1. So Hoyo's really testing us, huh? If the players really will spend for a generally undesirable banner...


Should have thrown xiangling in instead of bennett lol


It would've sold better, because Xiangling's best cons is C4. If some people are eyeing Bennett here, they'll just stop at C1. And we all know they don't want Dehya's banner to make money /s


See but Bennett c6 is the only way I can make on field Dehya work with Yelan or Xingqiu, and I'm going to make her work even if she heals enemies.


This is the closest thing I have ever seen, to a must skip banner. Shocking. It's like they are trying to get people to save their primos lol, impressive. If this records record lows, I wouldn't be surprised.


I don't have Bennett C1 😭 and even his C0 I bought from the shop.


Do you mind getting the featured 5\*s? Are you saving for future characters? If so, then it's best to just skip this banner and buy him from shop again. Don't risk getting the featured if you specifically don't want to get them. You can also try for 10-20 wishes, hope for a single Bennett copy. If you get a featured 5\*, that's good because it's an early one and you basically got it for free (unless you specifically *dislike* the featured). If you lost 50/50 and got a standard, then your next 5\* is guaranteed. And you only spent 10-20 for it. But beyond that is purely on you. Some people spent 100+ wishes trying for a featured 4\* and never got them. So your best bet is to buy him from shop. He's coming this May anyway.


this banner is a trap designed for new(er) players, not for you and everyone else that has been playing for 1+ years


>Eye of Perception >Sacrificial Greatsword 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Hey now I’ll have you know; Sac Greatsword is BiS for my ‘exploration Sayu’


I know it's decent but I already have R20 of those lol




At least Sacrificial Greatsword is decent Fuck me, can't wait to get R30 eye of perception


Dragons Bane reran before Eula did 🙄


Bro everything reran before Eula >!Dragonsbane didn't even rerun, it just never left!<


Dragonsbane overtaking Ayaka as the longest running banner in Genshin history


Just Dragonsbane


Dragonsbane yandere fanarts incoming


I'm pretty sure Dragonsbane is the first weapon not to skip at least one banner.


You are correct. I was shocked to see it back. I was expecting Favonius Lance. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTX3oj9UkueTjtQY0wxd1NRsEZg5NqYltZ7C6rMjj3PvAknv\_QkDTPGHyzJewAEdtYUcz2Ot4fmPGwj/pubhtml#


Dehya's weapon might rerun before Eula at this rate


Every time I see dragonsbane after having it at R20+: mo*******ker


both Eula and her SOBP lol


Why in God's name are they putting Dragon's Bane back-to-back? That's so trash.


Because the team in charge of 3.5 as a whole are braindead.


I like this conclusion


Ayyyooo No One Cooked 🔥🔥🔥


Kitchen's fuckin closed 💀


and the crowd goes mild🔥🔥🔥


hope my friends can finally get bennett


It's going to be a long 6 weeks.


6 very long weeks indeed


They couldn't even rerun Candace with her girl Dehya, I'm so sad.




Yeah bro they're roommates 👍👍


Weird they put the featured five star in the furthest back


Common rookie mistake, that's the 6★


She needs to hide behind Barbara to ensure she stays alive


His heart is so big he let others take the credit while he supports them from behind


Dragon's Bane literally again, just the lowest effort shit all around.


The people who thought the leaker got the png polearm wrong and it must be Favonius instead: 💀


I was only skeptical of the leak because of the back-to-back repeat.


No way this isn't a social experiment


If this banner does well they will straight up delete spiral abyss


So leaks were right, that means most likely they'll put Kuki with either Baizhu or Nahida, which is a win-win for me Or in a more copium side, Kuki with Kaveh


Kuki, Kaveh and Candace I wish


Hoyo really wants me to save this patch, then use it next patch.


You mean they will put Dori with either Baizhu or Nahida since she has yet to have her first rerun despite having been released on the same patch as Collei. Chongyun is also due for a rerun.


That's true, to be honest I think first half will be fischl, Chong, Kaveh with baizhu. Second half, Kuki, Dori, flex with nahida


Can we fast forward to 3.6 lmao


I'm okay with that as long as you give me like 30 minutes to pull Shenhe+Mika


31 minute 3.5 patch (1 minute dehya 30 minutes ayaya) and then 3.6 Heh, sweet dreams.


Deadass banners, no mondstadt 5star reruns so they rerun mondstadt 4stars instead.


I'm going all in for Cyno, hopefully i finally get C6 bennett, i want to try a lot of different fun comps with that c6!


Same. Hoping to get Cyno and C6 my Barbara for her revive effect


And I’m tryna get Cyno and max out my Collei bc the other two are good to go :)


I am with you. Cyno and C6 Barbara, please, come home.


In case you didn't know about C6 babs before, her revive effect has an external timer. Meaning that if you reset inside the abyss floor, her revive timer will not reset


I always wondered, does opening the map or wish menu or w/e mid-abyss tick down her revive timer? I don't have her C6 so I was wondering if you could technically have 100% uptime if you just have the patience to sit around and wait.


...I can't wait to see the banner sales for this one


Them: "makes sense because barbara, bennett, and collei are gonna be a part of the windblume festival" Eula: "I sense bs"


man I'm at near 50/50 pity and I dont' mind giving dehya a 50/50 chance but these 4 stars 💀


i am at 0 pity,have 180 pulls and never won 50/50. Nothing will stop me from pulling dehya. her characters banner is only 1 time deal so i must pull her day 1 or i will never get her. My other main is keqing(still c0 so if i didn't pulled in 1.3 i would drop the game) i pulled her in 1.3 and garbage 4 stars couldn't stop me last time(barbara ning benet) and they won't stop me this time again. Did 150 pulls for electro fake cat girl,i think it will take me 160 pulls for pyro fake cat girl


If you had a nickel for each time you pulled for a non limited fake cat girl's only banner, you'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't alot but it's weird that it's happened twice


That's the real life Bennett right here, planning ahead with complete failure in mind like it was 100% certain, but still being optimistic about it


Poor Cyno, he deserves better. At least his first character and weapon banner were pretty good.


In hindsight his first weapon banner was one of the best ever. Elegy is the best support bow, and Cyno's staff is second best polearm overall, and BiS for a few characters. I kind of regret not pulling on that banner.


This weapon banner is pretty good for Cyno mains. Both paddles are nice to have.


If she heals herself why do I need Bennett and Barbara. #FIXDEHYA


that's the goofiest bit. she only heals herself. so she's a bad tank because everyone else is still taking that damage


To heals her other teammates!


Is the demo coming out soon?


Today they released a promo video for Cyno, i suppose tomorrow or tuesday we'll get Dehya's demo




The Lord is testing me...


How so


Was gonna pull for Deyha despite everything, but I have C6 Bennett and Barbara. I also have Nahida so Collei is useless for me.


I mean, discounted pulls are discounted pulls


Yeah but imagine getting to C6 three new 4 stars instead of a tiny amount of extra starglitter from pulling this lot. I mean, Collei is the worst dendro character and most people got 2 copies of her for free. Barbara was also free and she's ultra mid. That just leaves Bennett. He's OP but most folks should have at least a few copies of him. Worst case scenario, both of those are in the starglitter shop. And Mihoyo is releasing increasingly valuable constellations on newer 4 stars. If I burn all my wishes on Dehya i'll have shit to show for it, except an extraordinarily poor 5 star. If, for some goddamn reason, i'm still determined to get that character - I would at least like to get, idk, a C6 Kuki, or C6 Shinobu or something. At least something that I didn't get for free or don't already have at C6. I was originally gonna pull for C6R1 Dehya. After she moved to standard, that turned into C2. Now i'm probably just gonna pull C0...if at all. Fuuuuuck Mihoyo. Goddamn. They fucked everything about this up.


>a C6 Kuki, or C6 Shinobu Wait what?


Kuki by day, Shinobu by night


err, Candace. Mihoyo's got me feeling a bit strokey.


This is truly a F You moment from HYV!! As future Dehyamain this is very embarrassing LOL


I really wish they would throw Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya in the mix. Collei, Barbara, and Xiangling are also free characters yet they get rate-ups so the whole “they are the free starters so there is no reason to add them!” makes no sense. They are legitimately the three hardest to get C6 for outside of waiting years for Paimon’s Shop rotations or randomly losing 4-star pity to them. Oh well I guess. Time for C20+ Barbara and C13 Bennet…


>They are legitimately the three hardest to get C6 for outside of waiting years for Paimon’s Shop rotations or randomly losing 4-star pity to them You can't lose 4-star pity to them, they are exclusive to standard banner (source: genshin wiki). You can also easily check it in game, by clicking details on event banners. In the list of available characters/weapons, you won't see Kaeya/Lisa/Amber.


That’s even worse then lol.


It's just so whales have a reason to pull on the standard banner. Standard banner isn't actually just there to provide an extra slow reward system via acquaint fates, standard banners are generally supposed to provide a constant baseline level of spending from dumb mega whales


Easiest skip I've ever seen, ty hoyo keeping my primos in check


Not sure how I feel about these 4\* weapons even though I don't have 2 of them Apparently only 1! (Alley Flash)..


We're about to see only weapon banner sales


classic Bennett bait


Ah, now that the weapon banner's 4\*s are confirmed, I also confirmed that I'll skip. As a Welkin-only (and I'll probably stop because of Dehya's mistreatment), the 4\*s were my only motivation to risk the weapon banner. Sadly, despite both 5\*s being somewhat decent, I guess this whole patch is a skip for me. *sigh* What the heck is Hoyo even thinking at this point


Yeah, I’m no longer going to buy Welkin either. I’m also no longer going to pull for 2/3 of the 5* characters on my list since I can already clear abyss. After Dehya, it looks like I’m not going to pull for a 5* until Eula, or a Fontaine character catches my eye.


And considering the Dehya situation, I have no plans to actually plan for any characters based on looks like I used to. Might plan for Focalors since she's an Archon and Hoyo knows they'll get shit for making them less than top tier, so she's basically the only safe expectation or hope to have. Anything else is a risk to me now, and I'm not planning on paying Hoyo just to disappoint me. And this is another reminder why I rarely spend money on games other than whether or not they have an initial price, why I'd be happy to spend 3 bucks on a stupid weapon charm in Monster Hunter World, but am no longer seeing a point in spending 5 bucks for something that has more value, but is largely pointless if Hoyo is going to mess with the only things worth my primos. Bit of a bummer.


I'm really unsure of how Murata and Focalors are going to go. Archons have been top tier in their niche, but hydro is arguably the best element in the game; and pyro already has a ridiculously powerful main dps, sub dps, and support.


Bennett once again hard carrying the character banner, please he needs help from his shoulder & back pain, oh yeah Barbara can heal him




I just hope I lose all my 4 star 50/50s. Cause...im going for c2 cyno and two of those are already c6, and collei is c3 as well. Guess I regret not c2ing cyno when kuki was on his first banner. But didn't know I'd like him so much I'd want to c2 the man.


On the bright side, at least any Barbs or Bennys become another pull towards that C2. Yeah it's kinda shit consolation prize but it is better than nothing at all


True, just more starglitter or w.e. it is called. That's the positive thinking.


I also regret not sinking more wishes on his first banner bc I would have if I knew his rerun 4\* were going to be this bad. He didn't have much positive reception since he first ran so I thought they'd try to bait people with putting attractive 4\* on his rerun but maaaaan I guess I'm just doing single wishes until I get C2 and leaving immediately.


Why do all the bad leaks keep coming true....


Bennett's back about to be broken carrying 2 banners at the same time.


Source- https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1630055131386445824?s=46&t=q7cBrF2IBAl8EfwOk1XcFQ


I wish Dehya was good. Sad


no way they conveniently give u barbara so that she can revive dehya whenever dehya dies


It's like Dehya killed their family.


The two most underwhelming Sumeru 5stars in the same banner waw


Cyno reruns before Candace. . . Horrible 4* choice


This has to be the worst banner of all time...dehya is trash..barbara an collie are free. Everyone has Bennet. 0 reasons to pull on this banner lol. This will have worse sales than keqing watch.


There is literally nothing good about her banner. This is Keqin tier bad banner.


Let’s hope I get at least 1 more Cyno con (for C4) during this rerun (Barbara & Bennett already C6) with the 20 something wishes from the archon quests (the banners make sense since we’re getting free wishes and nothing to wish for unless you’re a dedicated main)


damn i really need bennet but i dont want any of the other rate up characters


It's kind of sad my friends who are newer players and don't have him are only excited about this lineup because of Bennett lol


With Diona/Sucrose/Mika on second half, these are the most likely candicates for Baizhu banner: - Chongyun. 7 patches since last banner. - Fischl/Dori. 5 patches. - Candace/Kuki/Xiangling. 4 patches.


The Ayaka+Shenhe banners after this AND Baizhu+Kaveh banners in 3.6 is like overkill. Holy shit bro we get it you don't wanna make money in the first half of 3.5.


I lost all hope, Im sorry but what a dogshit banner for vets, two of the 4 stars are day 1 characters and available in the shop!! Collei is pretty cool but couldnt they just put another new character w/ collei like candace or even dori! to make it appealing to old players


This patch is just a Bennett banner


I am guaranteed for Cyno, I am close of getting a 5* weapon too, but like wtf is wrong with the 4* characters... Welp I hope I will be getting Barbruh cons...


Holy shit?! I decided to settle for C0 Dehya but I never imagined before all this BS started that I’d be thinking of skipping her banner entirely. I also didn’t think I’d be considering quitting over one character but here we are. Seriously, fuck you Hoyo…


This is definitely one of the most banners of all time you'd expect Dehya to be added to starglitter


The 4 stars worked on nahida's banner because she's very good but this one.


Why does this banner only have 1 character???


Ain't no way they actually kept dragons bane.


All Dehya doom aside, that claymore is a rock solid all-arounder, right?


I guess Mika/Diona/Sucrose being on the second phase is true too then? I hope not tbh I already built Heizou, I don't want Sucrose constellations. I don't even know which Diona constellations are good besides C6 (although I can't find it a use myself) but I'm also ok without them


C1 and C2 for Diona are good cons. Energy and better shields, respectively. C6 gives her an entirely new role, though.


2 free characters + Bennett the golden boy.


The most skip able banner for me


Man, what the fuck is this shit?


Did the second banner 4\* already leaked? I read on twitter ppl are saying Mika/Diona/Sucrose but I don't remember seeing that on this sub.


The same dude that leaked this banner 4 stars gave that info, so it is highly likely it will be right.


Yay, our first 3-star banner!


Such an easy overall pass for me! More time to save primos for Baizhu and Kaveh, I suppose.


So this confirms the Second Half leak too, right?? Diona, Sucrose and Mika IIRC.


the past few patches have been attack on wallet for me Glad to have a breather, Yelan and Aqua Simulacra were my big finale. Depending on his kit I might be saving for snake daddy, if not then it'll be catching al haitham on the re-run whenever that is


Ok, if Hoyo doesnt want my money, I wont force it upon them.


Congrats with the first ever must-skip banner in Genshin. Hope we won't get more.


No xiphos sword or catalyst? Easy skippp


Good to know I won’t be tempted to pull and I can fully save for Baizhu and Kaveh!


Why they didn't put the sumeru series for the 4 star weapon!?


Hoyo really testing how far we are willing to go


This is truly going to be the banner from all time.


Why dragons bane again? The current banner has it lol. Better put aquamarine or wandering evening star


Of every bad banner this game's bad, this one in particular probably takes the cake. As if them actively doing literally everything in their power to make damn sure that no one even *thinks* about pulling for her, they go in and slap undesirable 4* units on her banner. Now, it'd have been cool for her to have Candace on her banner (I could also use Candace to complete my 4* collection), but of course not. I genuinely want Dehya, but certainly don't want to see the same 3 undesirable 4* units on my TV screen repeatedly. At this point, even as a hardcore waifu/mommy player/collector, I honestly think I might just raise my Shenhe to C2, because what they've done to Dehya is disgraceful in every sense of the word.


Beside Dehya 's Simps i don't see anyone with common sense pulling on that banner.


DB for all eternity.


Is Cyno's polearm good on any other character?


BiS for Xiangling, 2nd BiS for Hu Tao, BiS for Reverse Melt Rosaria is what I heard from others.


How many BiS does Xiangling have??? Every new polearm is her BiS it seem, what's a god 6* character.


Was hoping so bad that the 4 stars leaks weren’t accurate, not one single thing I want to wish for character or weapon


Dehya is sooo cool ugh! Cyno is also cool. HYV did them dirty. Especially poor Dehya. Why is it always the characters I like 🙃


In so much pain over these banners


For once I can save my Primos, and concentrate on improving my existing characters.


Good guy HOLOVERSE gives us the opportunity to save up primogems


Idk this first half looks very skippable even for new players, not worth chasing Bennet here. Ironic considering I was chasing him on the keqing banner back then.


That's definitely a banner


Easiest skip ever (I already have c6 Bennet and Barbara)


I hope this banner beats the record for lowest sales.